SAMPLE EXAM PROBLEM 1: WATER TREATMENT For the overflow basin below, determine the hydraulic retention time (in hours), the average vertical velocity (in m/d), and the flow of water over the weirs. D = 15 m H=3m v = 0.28 m/s Feeder pipe diameter 30 cm PROBLEM 2: AIR POLLUTION Two acres of soil are contaminated with toluene, and the estimated release (flux) from the soil to the atmosphere is 5.7 x 10-6 g/cm2-s. Prevailing wind velocity is 5.5 m/sec and the area is characterized by slight incoming solar radiation during the day. Determine the exposure to a person 2 km downwind, and 1 km to the right of the centerline (i.e. x = 2 km and y = 1 km). Report your answer as g/m3. 8 2 Note: 2 acres = 8.09 x 10 cm . PROBLEM 3: WASTEWATER TREATMENT DESIGN Use the typical design values in the table below to estimate the size (both diameter and depth) for two circular clarifiers used to treat wastewater at a design flow of 30 MGD. Each clarifier is to treat half the flow. Note: 7.48 3 gal = ft Check the weir loading at peak flow. Parameter Design Range At Average Flow Surface overflow rate (gal/ft2-day) Average detention time (hr) Weir loading (gal/ft-day) 800-1200 1.5-2.5 10,000 - 40,000 Typical Values 1000 2.0 20,000 Design PROBLEM 4: WATER TREATMENT What is the total hardness, carbonate hardness and noncarbonate hardness in mg/L as CaCO 3 of the water analyzed below? CONSTITUENT Bicarbonate Calcium Carbon dioxide Carbonate Fluoride Iron Magnesium Manganese Copper Sodium mg/L as CaCO3 98.2 69.3 23.7 102.8 8.9 7.2 132.8 12.8 3.7 3.2 PROBLEM 5: MASS BALANCE The purpose of a sedimentation basin is to remove solids from a water or wastewater flow through concentration at the bottom of the tank. In our operation, we are given several key parameters, such as the influent flow and concentration. As engineers, we need to design a system to maintain effluent concentration below a legal limit acceptable in our receiving water. Determine the returns solids pumping rate (Qr) given the following: 3 influent flow Qi = 0.25 m /s influent concentration Ci = 250 mg/L effluent concentration Ce = 6.2 mg/L return flow concentration Cr = 2500 mg/L PROBLEM 6: TYPE II SETTLING Given the following isoconcentration chart, determine the theoretical removal efficiency of a settling basin with a 3 depth of 3.5 m, a volume of 1300 m3 and an inflow of 14,000 m /d. R ro rZ i Zo PROBLEM 7: WASTEWATER TREATMENT DESIGN The town of Stockton, Ohio has been directed to upgrade its primary WWTP to a secondary plant that can meet an effluent standard of 35 mg/L BOD5 and 30 mg/L SS. Assuming that the BOD5 of the SS may be estimated as equal to 69% of the SS concentration, estimate the required volume of the aeration tank. The following data are available from the existing primary plant. Existing plant effluent characteristics: 3 Flow = 0.2m /s BOD5 = 240 mg/L Assume a value of 1800 mg/L for the MLVSS. S Ks 1 k d c c m kd 1 X c Y So S 1 k d c Typical values of growth constants for domestic wastewater Parameter Ks m kd Y Value 100 mg BOD5/L -1 2.5 d -1 0.05 d 0.05 mg/mg BOD5
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