RECONCILIATION TOWARDS RIGHT RELATIONS “The truth of our common experiences will help set our spirits free and pave the way to reconciliation.” – Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. BACKGROUND The United Church of Canada was involved in the operation of 13 Indian Residential Schools, including one in the bounds of what is now Hamilton Conference. From the mid1800’s until 1996, more than 150,000 First Nations, Metis, and Inuit children were students in residential schools. The United Church has extended apologies to First Nations peoples (1986) and to former students of residential schools and their families (1998). In 2008, A National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada was given a five-year mandate to hold national and community events and individual statement-taking/truth sharing. Three appointed Commissioners heard from former students of Indian Residential Schools and those impacted by the schools and its legacy. Over 6,000 statements were received. Statements of abuse, hardship, loss, and healing. Hundreds of statements of reconciliation were also collected from churches, organizations, and individuals, including The United Church of Canada ( The TRC Commissioners will give their final report with recommendations on June 2, 2015 in Ottawa. The United Church of Canada will be there. AN INVITATION TO BE A WITNESS Witnesses are keepers of history, validating and legitimizing significant events, called to store, care for, and share the stories. Hamilton Conference is part of The United Church of Canada right relations journey of reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples and thus called to be witness in the hard places. Two participants from each presbytery of Hamilton Conference will be selected to go to Ottawa to be witnesses to the end of the five-year Truth and Reconciliation Commission mandate, and begin to take next steps toward reconciliation in Hamilton Conference contexts. In keeping with our right relations commitments at the beginning of the TRC in 2008, one person from each presbytery will be Aboriginal, one person will be non-Aboriginal. Hamilton Conference and its six presbyteries have committed to subsidizing a significant portion of the travel expenses. Participants will agree to be responsible for some expenses (see financial breakdown chart attached). We invite you to prayerfully consider being part of this journey as The United Church of Canada, Hamilton Conference presence in Ottawa. If you feel called to be a witness to the TRC final events and right relations journey beyond, please consider the information in the attached material. Complete the Expression of Interest and send it in by April 20. (Living Into Right Relations logo by Susie Henderson, South West Presbytery, Toronto Conference. Used with permission.) TENTATIVE AGENDA Friday, May 29 Saturday, May 30 Sunday, May 31 Monday, June 1 Tuesday, June 2 Wednesday, June 3 Date later in June TBD Commissioning of selected presbytery participants will take place at the Hamilton Conference Annual Meeting, Redeemer College, Ancaster Travel day to Ottawa by carpool (1 car per presbytery) Early arrivers may want to participate in the KAIROS Intergenerational Gathering at Carlton University Tentative dinner and evening event at City View United Church with other UCC Conference participants ($25.00 extra) Check in at hotel The Walk for Reconciliation organized by KAIROS Canada (time and location TBD) Ecumenical worship service either before or after the Walk (time and location TBD) Gathering together as Hamilton Conference participants (time and location TBD) Educational events hosted by KAIROS and the TRC (at Carlton University) Gathering together as Hamilton Conference participants (time and location TBD) TRC Final Report (at Ottawa Downtown Delta Hotel) Tentative: gathering together as Hamilton Conference participants (time and location TBD) Check out of hotel Ceremonial closing of the TRC by invitation (invitations TBD); community feast Travel day home Post-TRC reflections and next steps toward reconciliation (possibly by Momentum video conference call) HAMILTON CONFERENCE TRC PARTICIPANT INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY Presbyteries have agreed to cover transportation mileage costs for only one car per presbytery, up to a maximum of $500.00 per car. No additional mileage costs can be covered. Daily hotel parking will be covered by Hamilton Conference with your basic room costs. The TRC event venues are in different parts of Ottawa. Transportation between event venues and your hotel will be at your own expense. Public transportation in Ottawa is generally excellent. The Walk for Reconciliation route is not yet known but comfortable walking shoes, hat, sunscreen, etc. are recommended. MEALS Meals will NOT be provided. All meals will be on your own and at your own expense. See financial breakdown chart attached. Aboriginal participants can arrange to receive a per diem meal allowance when they arrive in Ottawa. There are several restaurant options near the event venues in various price ranges. ACCOMMODATION Single rooms have been booked at the Lord Elgin Hotel, 100 Elgin St., Ottawa, Tel: (613) 235-3333 Toll Free: 1-800-267-4298. Basic hotel costs May 30 (check in)-June 3 (check out) and daily hotel parking will be covered by a grant from the Hamilton Conference Investment in Mission and Ministry Fund. Extra amenities, guaranteed arrival, and room tips will be at your own expense. If you wish to stay longer you will need to make your own arrangements. COVENANTAL EXPECTATIONS It is expected that all participants will: Familiarize themselves with the right relations and TRC journey to date with recommended readings, websites, and/or videos (a suggested resource list will be provided); Participate fully in the TRC events and commit to attending a few gatherings with other Hamilton Conference participants at set times throughout the event; Be committed to long-term right relations work individually and collectively in their communities and Conference when they return; Share their experiences with their respective presbyteries; Participate in a post-TRC reflection together to work on next steps toward reconciliation; More importantly, it is expected that participants attend to their own spiritual and emotional care before, during, and after the TRC. Being a witness to residential school survivor stories and stories of their families and communities is a responsibility and an honour. It is also deep spiritual and emotional work. FINANCIAL BREAKDOWN May 30-June 3, 2015 (based on equity values for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants) WHO WHAT $$ WHO PAYS ALL Hamilton Conference TRC participants 4 night basic hotel costs for May 30 arrival -June 3 departure Parking at the hotel Room tips, guaranteed late arrival, incidentals Mileage for 1 car per presbytery $.41 per kilometre Covered by Hamilton Conference At your own expense Covered by your presbytery, up to a maximum of $500.00 one car per presbytery. Submit mileage to your presbytery secretary Note to Aboriginal participants: Note to Non-Aboriginal participants: Travel and parking costs between event venues, e.g. City View United Church, TRC venue, Carlton University Breakfasts Lunches and dinners (Meals are NOT provided at the event) At your own expense All meals (Meals are NOT provided at the event) At your own expense At your own expense Covered by Hamilton Conference (based on $40 per diem for lunches and dinners) A total 4 day per diem of $160.00 can be issued upon arrival. No restaurant receipts are required in return. I Want to Be a Right Relations Witness May 30-June 3, 2015, Ottawa, Ontario Expression of Interest Name: Mailing address: Phone: (work) (home) (mobile) Email: Pastoral charge/congregation name: Presbytery: Identity: ☐ Aboriginal ☐ Non-Aboriginal ☐ I will NOT need hotel accommodation and will make my own accommodation arrangements at my own expense. 1. My previous Right Relations Experiences: 2. Why I would like to be part of this event of the TRC: 3. What I hope to contribute to right relations in Hamilton Conference when I return to my church/presbytery: In case of emergency, please contact (name and phone numbers for work, home, mobile): Deadline to receive applications of interest is April 20, 2015. Note that subsidies can only be provided to two participants per presbytery (one Aboriginal and one non-Aboriginal person per presbytery). See attached for details. Email applications to Kim Uyede-Kai, Hamilton Conference Minister for Congregational Support ([email protected]) or mail to Hamilton Conference, P.O. Box 100, Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0, attn: Kim Uyede-Kai.
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