Volume 25 No. 05 May 2015 I’d like to sow the barren spots with all the flowers of earth, To leave a path where those who come should find but gentle mirth; And when at last I’m called upon to join the heavenly throng I’d like to feel along my way I’d left no sign of wrong. —Edgar A. Guest Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Continued from the April 2015 issue of Good News. Thirdly, and at least as important, we must have vision. Vision is closely connected with focus. In fact the two are so entwined that it is impossible to have one without the other. Vision, as I mean it, has two dimensions. In popular usage vision indicates a larger view of life and human purpose than any one activity. This kind of vision involves a deep trust that our individual and collective activities have a larger purpose which is so large that in the end we cannot pin it down. Like the star which guided the wise men, vision continually calls us beyond ourselves into a future which we cannot see but which we believe to be the true direction for us and our community and even the greater world. Vision is that which lifts our eyes off of the pressure and stresses of the moment to the big picture. Thus we do not obsess about what is going on at a particular time, but see it as part as part of a much larger and marvelous destiny. Of course, such vision requires faith, defined by the author of Hebrews as “the assurance of what we hope for; the conviction of (the reliability of) what we cannot see.” (11:1) It takes faith to believe that there is a bigger and marvelous destiny which is beyond our ability completely to grasp. It is this vision which gives individuals and communities of faith a sense of meaning and purpose which inspires and guides their life together. It is this vision which gives us individually and together a depth of commitment which allows us to persevere though challenging and difficult times. It is this vision which allows us not to be discouraged when stewardship campaigns fall short or controversial issues cause division. Indeed it is this vision which allows us to recognize that however deeply we hold to certain convictions they are part of the bigger destiny which includes the convictions of brothers and sisters with whom we may—even strongly—disagree, and to whom we must listen. Continued on page 6 Page 2 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Lay Readers, Greeters, and Ushers May 24 May 3 Lay Reader Diane Irwin Lay Reader Cindy Schultz Greeter/Usher Bettye Goodnow Greeter/Usher Mickey Nieman Ushers Wayne Goodnow Ushers Terry Nieman June Edick Ann McKinney Peter McKinney Communion Servers Ron Messersmith * Counters Nancy messersmith Peter McKinney Margaret Gardam Betsy Bunday Nancy Snyder Hannah Hunter-Harris Counters May 31 Wayne Goodnow Laura Smith Lay Reader Marian Nitsky Greeter Carolyn Sarbello Ushers Bill Sarbello Nancy Snyder May 10 Lay Reader Trudy Hutchinson Wayne Goodnow Greeter/Usher Melinda Rielly Bettye Goodnow Ushers Henry Montgomery Counters Margaret Gardam Laura Smith Don Montgomery Dorothy Favitta Counters Bill Hasselbarth Hannah Hunter-Harris May 17 Lay Reader Carl Hasselbarth Greeter/Usher Laura Smith Ushers Steve Smith If anyone would like to volunteer to be added to the greeter and ushers list, please contact Bev Montgomery at 355-4494 Nelda Polansky Wayne Gannett Counters Carl Hasselbarth Carolyn Sarbello Page 3 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Lay Readers, Greeters, and Ushers June 7 June 21 Lay Reader Hiram Eberlein Lay Reader Dianna Newman Greeter/Usher Joanne Wagner Greeter/Usher Joan Niecey Ushers Hannah Hunter-Harris Ushers Dorothy Rice George Hannett Peter McKinney Carl Hasselbarth Communion Servers Ann McKinney Margaret Peck * Counters Ann McKinney Carl Hasselbarth Carolyn Sarbello Mike Poelma Laurie Poelma Betty Koban Counters Wayne Goodnow Laura Smith June 28 June 14 Lay Reader Bill Hasselbarth Lay Reader Steve Smith Greeter/Usher Charlotte Hasselbarth Greeter/Usher Laura Smith Ushers Margaret Gardam Ushers Darcy Shufelt Counters Betty Koban Ron Messersmith Chuck Koban Nancy Messersmith Bill Hasselbarth Counters Hannah Hunter-Harris Peter McKinney Laura Smith WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU! If you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, please FIND A SUBSTITUTE and NOTIFY THE CHURCH SECRETARY. Page 4 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Page 5 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Yet most importantly, this vision frees us from anxiety about the stresses of the moment. This freedom from worry about the moment gives us the gift of the other sense of vision: the ability to see clearly. Anxiety clouds vision. When we lose sight of the larger and marvelous destiny we become a community of chicken littles who believe the sky is falling. We begin reacting by looking for short term solutions for long term challenges. We begin reacting to those who don’t see things our way. More churches fall apart for want of vision than for any other cause. Thus it is that King Solomon writes in Proverbs, “Without vision (literally “without clear sight”) the people perish ;”( 29:18) or, as Eugene Peterson so insightfully renders the verse in The Message, “If people cannot see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves. But when they attend to what he reveals they are most blessed.” My beloved congregation, as we move into this new year there are challenging issues before us. Let us pray that God will give us—individually and together and in abundance—the gifts of faith, focus and vision, and with those gifts the trust and optimism that this time next year we will, in the words of David have seen “the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Ps. 27:13) May we grow in our understanding of and commitment to what God has brought us together to do. Stewart Community Caregivers, Inc. will make a presentation on May 17 during the 10 am service at Hamilton Union. The speakers will be Judy Rothstein and Arnold Rothstein. They will talk about the agency’s mission to can help us stay independent and in our community and how they do this. There will be time during the coffee hour to ask them individual questions. This should be very interesting as was a similar presentation made to the Deacons in February. Page 6 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Pictorial Directory - New Coordinator Needed We have been coordinating the Pictorial Directory for several years and feel it's time to turn the project over to someone else with some new ideas. The company we have worked with is offering some different options that would give our directory a fresh look. Below is a brief outline of the project. A new coordinator would have the freedom to innovate. - Summer: meet with the company representative, choose dates for portraits to be taken - Early fall: publicize information - Fall: hold portrait sessions over a 2 day period - Jan. '16: choose photos of congregational life for the directory - Feb. '16: distribute the new directories Ron has covered the details up to an including the portraits and Charlotte has covered the details from that point to distribution of the directories. If you are interested in taking on this project, please contact one of us and we will meet with you. Ron Messersmith: [email protected] or 356-2394 Charlotte Hasselbarth: [email protected] or 356-037 Lost and Found Items Will Go Into Garage Sale The items on the Lost and Found shelf in the Christian Education Building will be donated to the Garage Sale. Please check to see if anything is yours. Page 7 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Happy Birthday to… Lori Lochner (May 2) Maryanne Masley-Hannett (May 4) Stewart Pattison (May 12) Matt Shafer at (May 14) Terry Nieman (May 25) Happy Anniversary to… John Nitsky (May 26) Lori & Ron Lochner (May 22) Brian Nitsky (May 28) If you would like your special occasion celebrated in the Good News newsletter, please contact Hannah Hunter-Harris at 518-339-1987 or [email protected] Great News! Keni Banda reports that the third container is on its way to Malawi. Have a look at https://www.facebook.com/bandabolasports Page 8 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News NEWS OF PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN The Hamilton Union Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, May 5 at church with Fran Kamp as Moderator, Pro-Tem. Also, on May 5 through May 7, the Horizons Bible Study at Stony Point Conference Center will be held with the author, Judy Record Fletcher as leader. May 8 is the date for the final Church Women United (not May 1 as it is the day before the Albany CROP Walk) for a Potluck lunch at Third Reformed Church for May Friendship Day. Bring your Least Coin Offering. After that, CWU will disband for lack of leadership. The Vanguard House tour, led by Rae Rau, followed by lunch, will be held Thursday, May 14. Gade Farm Days will be held May 15, 16 and 17, and May 29, 30 and 31 where 5% of sales by Presbyterian Women go to PW treasury. On May 26, circle will meet at 10:30 a.m. Bring a bag lunch. Birthday Offering envelopes will be collected. We will study Lesson 4 of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Looking ahead, the tentative date for the Mission Minded Meal at Avila is June 9. Also, June 18-21, will see the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You are welcome to attend any of these HUPC Presbyterian Women meetings. Grand Garage Sale Jewelry, Collectables and Figurines Booth Helpers and Items Needed Helpers are needed both during the week before the Grand Garage Sale and on the day of sale, Sat. May 16. For those interested in sorting and pricing, there will be an orientation meeting early in the week before the sale, at a mutually agreed upon time. Helpers can come in at their own convenience to sort and price items. On the day of the sale, people can sign up for 2 hour shifts. If you would like to work on this Booth, please contact Charlotte Hasselbarth at [email protected] or 356-0637. Nice pieces of costume jewelry, pretty ladies handkerchiefs, a hand mirror, racks for necklaces and bracelets, jewelry boxes with small compartments, small gift bags and ice cube trays are needed. Page 9 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News April 6 Session Highlights • Approved motion for baptism of Maylin Hall, daughter of Kyle and Lindsay, at the May 10 early worship service. • Approved motion for a congregational discussion after church on May 3 about the Presbytery action on same-gender marriage, as input for the session, which will vote at the June 1 session meeting on whether to concur with the change proposed for the Book of Order. Opinions/concerns may be shared with elders prior to the June 1 vote. • Transitional Ministry: Session is looking to develop a discernment process to address how HUPC views its identity and mission, and where we are going in the future. Rev. Pattison is reading a book on Transitional Ministry and is purchasing some copies for session members. • The Stewardship Team has drafted a letter for the Second Mile Campaign, with receipt of contributions to be on April 26 and May 3. • Approved motion that the session accept the recommendation of the Curran Investment Management firm that the spending rate for the 2016 budget from investments be 5% of equities, plus income from Fixed Income holdings. That would represent a draw of $15,625, or an increase of $10,625 from the current draw of $5,000. This can be used as an additional revenue source in future budgets. • Approved motion that the session support Kate Ferris, Sue Ferris’ daughter and Gordon College student, with $500 from the Mission Trip Fund as she attends a summer short-term mission program in Poland. She needs to raise $2,700 to cover her costs of travel, food, and housing. • Rev. Pattison has been accepted as a Guthrie Scholar at Columbia Theological Seminary for September 21 – 25. GADE FARM DAYS 2015 Friday, Saturday and Sunday: May 15, May 16, May 17 Amount: $_______________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________ Page 10 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News All Women Invited Vanguard Designer Showhouse Tour by Rae Rau Thurs. May 7 at 10:30 am The Vanguard Designer Showhouse tour by Rae Rau will be Thurs. May 7 at 10:30 am. This is a fundraiser for the Albany Symphony Orchestra. The Showhouse is at 158 Van Wies Point Road in Glenmont. A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 9:30 am. The tour is $12 and lunch is $13. This event is sponsored by Presbyterian Women. Lunch choices are: Walnut chicken salad wrap & pasta salad, wrap contains gluten, can be special ordered without nuts Pork tenderloin with cranberry aioli wrap & pasta salad, wrap contains gluten Field green salad with veggie/black/bean/corn salsa and cilantro vinaigrette • • • There will a variety of sweets for dessert. A sign up sheet is in the multi-purpose room and in the back of the sanctuary. Meal choices and payment are needed by Tues. Apr. 28. Joanne Wagner is collecting the money. Make checks payable to her. For questions, contact Joanne at 355-1408 or [email protected]. Dear Friends of Family Promise, We are happily setting up the Day Center at 738 New Scotland Avenue in anticipation of our first families entering the program the week of April 6th. Many of you are already volunteering at Host Sites but if you are interested in volunteering at the Day Center, let me know. We are in particular need of weekend volunteers. Family Promise National often refers to weekend volunteers as Office Angels. The volunteer tasks can vary from simply answering the phones to reading to a child or perhaps visiting with the families. Our guest families may be present or running errands. We like to schedule weekend volunteers to be there in pairs for a morning or afternoon on a Saturday or a Sunday, once a month. More often if you wish! Let me know if you think you might be interested. You can send me an email or give me a call if you would like more information. Thank you, Mary Mary Giordano Executive Director 518-248-5565 www.familypromiseofthecapitalregion.org Page 11 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Page 12 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News 18th Annual Grand Garage Sale Saturday, May 16, 2015 8:30 am – 2:00 pm 5 Five weeks to go before the Grand Garage Sale week! Booth donations: Donations such as – baked goods, clothing, household items, jewelry, plants, books, small appliances in working condition, toys, games, and sporting goods, phones, and cell phones. Please no tires, NO TVs or large furniture. -------------------------------------------------------Booth helpers needed. Chair recommends 4 to a booth minimum....to enable breaks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chairpersons...SO FAR. STAFF..4 Chairpersons NEEDED...RSVP -------------------------------------------------------Custodian: Steve Smith Banker and Runners: Dorothy Rice, Ron Set Up: Wayne Goodnow, Ron Messersmith, George Hannett, Joe Peck Baked Goods/Cakes: Laura & Steve Smith, Ann & Peter McKinney Clothing and Linens: Linda Crowley & Cindy Shafer Housewares: Shirley Irwin, Vi McKaig, Cindy Schultz Plants:open Promo: Sue Ferris, Edith Books: Pastor, Bruce, Karen Baumis Crafts:open Outdoor Tent – Wayne Goodnow, chair Seasonal/Christmas: open __ Toys and Games: open __ Small Appliances and Media: Wayne Gannett Booth Signs: Laura Smith Jewelry/Collectibles/Figurines: Charlotte Hasselbarth, Darlene Bauer, Betty Koban FULLY STAFFED Bargain tent: Wayne Clean Up: MJ Pattison SATURDAY TRUCK FROM SALVATION ARMY... MJ AND HER GANG 2-3 PM MONDAY TRUCK FROM CITY MISSION. Wayne and Edith Music Debbie Fish (same as last year outside): John piano inside SO FAR -------------------------------------------------------- Drop off: Starts Saturday, May 9 @ 9 am through Thursday, May 14 During the day MON-THURS, - 9 am to 12 am--- or by appt.6 – 8 pm evenings. -------------------------------------------------------Sign Up: IT IS TIME to sign up for a booth. You may call Shirley Irwin (456-0377, Vi McKaig (7654064), or Edith Sankowski (393-2764) to volunteer. Or check the sign-up sheet in the church. Or write [email protected]. -------------------------------------------------------SAVE THE DATE TELL YOUR FRIENDS DONATE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Page 13 Volume 25 No. 05 Good News Page 14 j~ó=OMNR= Hamilton Union Happenings Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 9:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal (S) 3 Communion 4 5 6 7 8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 7pm Session M eeting (L) 9:30am PW Coordinating Team (L) 3:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M ) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M ) 7pm Chess Club (L) 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal (C) 10 Mother’s Day 11 12 13 14 8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 6:15pm Deacons M eeting (L) 3:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M ) 7pm SCA Chorus (M ) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M ) 7pm Chess Club (L) 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal (C) 17 18 19 20 21 3:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M ) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M ) 7pm Chess Club (L) 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal (C) 26 27 28 10:30am PW Circle M eeting (L) 3:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M ) 7pm SCA Chorus (M ) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M ) 7pm Chess Club (L) 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal (C) 8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 24 Pentecost 25 Memorial Day 8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 8 Newsletter Deadline 9:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal (S) 15 22 S = Sanctuary M = Multipurpose Room 23 9:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal (S) 29 8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) L = Lounge 16 9:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal (S) 31 D = Downstairs 9 C = Choir Corner 30 9:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal (S) HAMILTON UNION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2291 Western Avenue Guilderland, New York 12084-9747 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID GUILDERLAND, NY 12084 PERMIT #1 Change Service Requested Dated Material – Please Deliver Promptly. Church: (518) 456-5410 FAX: (518) 456-0002 Rev. Pattison (H) 456-1373 E-mail: [email protected] Website: HamiltonUnionPresbyterianChurch.org Ministers: The People of Hamilton Union Our Staff: Rev. Stewart Pattison, Pastor Rev. Douglas Gray, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mary Jo Pattison, Parish Associate Charlotte Palmeri, Director of Music Cheryl Cootware, Church Secretary GOOD NEWS Published monthly by the Session, and mailed to each church family household, students away from home, and others. Mark Hutchinson, Editor Email Address: [email protected] Newsletter deadline for the June issue is Thursday, May 14
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