Hanford Youth Soccer League *COACH/ASSISTANT COACH ____Yes, I am interested in coaching/assistant coaching a team. If so, do you have a team sponsor? _______ Sponsor Name: _____________________________________ Age Group: Under - _________ Name: Address: Phone: Boys ___ Girls ___ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________ Birthdate: _____________ Are you planning to assist with another coach? _________ If so, name: ______________________________ Age Group: Under - _____ Prior experience, (if any): ____________________________________ Coaching License: _____________ Are you interested in a coaching course? _________ *NOTE: You will be required to complete the Team Official Form – available at Signups or on our website: www.hanfordyouthsoccer.org AGE GROUP COORDINATOR ____Yes, I am interested in volunteering as an Age Group Coordinator. (Assist HYSL with coordinating information to coaches & parents throughout season) Age Group: Under _____ Boys ___ Girls ___ Name: Phone: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Child’s Name: __________________________________ ~ Please bring this form to signups or return to: HANFORD YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE P.O. BOX 182 HANFORD, CA 93232
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