HAO DONG Division of Social Science The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: (+852) 53451506 Email: [email protected] Website: ihome.ust.hk/~sohdong EDUCATION Ph.D. Social Science, HKUST, Hong Kong Expected in 2016 Dissertation project: Kin Altruism in Context: Individual Consequences and Group Implications in East Asia, 1700-1950 (Advisor: Prof. James Z. Lee) M.Phil. Social Science, HKUST, Hong Kong LL.B. Sociology (major), Zhejiang University, China 2010 Public Administration (minor), Undergraduate Program for Public Administration (UPA), Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University Visiting Stud. Sociology (Host: Prof. Ineke Maas), Utrecht University, The Netherlands Exchange Stud. Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong 2012 Feb. – June 2014 Sept. – Dec. 2008 RESEARCH INTERESTS Family and Kinship, Population and Health, Effect of Early Life on Later Life, Stratification and Inequality, Historical Sociology and Demography, East Asian (and East-West) Comparisons SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS Peer-reviewed journal publications English Hao Dong, Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, Wenshan Yang, and James Z. Lee. Forthcoming. New Sources for Comparative Social Science: Historical Population Panel Data from East Asia. Demography Hao Dong and James Z. Lee. 2014. Kinship Matters: Long-Term Mortality Consequences of Childhood Migration, Historical Evidence from Northeast China, 1792-1909. Social Science & Medicine, 119: 274-283 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.10.024). Population Association of America Travel Award HKUST School of Humanities and Social Science Best Postgraduate Research Award Chinese Chen Liang, Hao Dong, and James Z. Lee. Forthcoming. Big Micro-level Database and Historical Research. Historical Research (量化数据库与历史研究,《历史研究》) Chen Liang and Hao Dong. 2015. Construction and Analysis of Big Historical Micro-level Data: A Brief Discussion with Examples of Data Gathered from University Student Registration Cards. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 35(2): 94-108. (必要与如何:基于历史资料的量化数据库构建和分析——以大学生学籍卡片资料为中 心的讨论,《社会》) Web-based publications Hao Dong, Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee. 2015. Longitudinal Links to Construct the Korean MultiGenerational Panel Dataset – Tansung (KMGPD-TS) from the Tansung Household Registers. Data Documentation. Hong Kong SAR, China: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Institutional Repository. Cameron Campbell, Hao Dong, and James Z. Lee. 2014. China Multigenerational Panel Dataset (CMGPD) Training Guide. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research April 17, 2015 Hao Dong CV page 1 of 4 Hongbo Wang, Shuang Chen, Hao Dong, Matthew Noellert, Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee. 2013. China Multi-Generational Panel Dataset, Shuangcheng (CMGPD-SC) 1866-1914. User Guide. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research WORKING PAPERS Finished Hao Dong, Satomi Kurosu, Wenshan Yang and James Z. Lee. Effects of Kin and Birth Order on Male Child Mortality: An East Asian Comparison of Three Historical Populations. Invited to resubmit, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science. Hao Dong, Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, and James Z. Lee. Household Context and Individual Departure: The Case of Escape in Three ‘Unfree’ Populations in East Asia, 1700-1900. In preparation for submission. In progress Demographic Processes and Status Attainment: A Study of 17,000 Men during Demographic Transition in the Netherlands, 1850-1950 (with Ineke Maas) International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 Aage. B. Sørensen Memorial Student Travel Award Determinants of Interethnic Marriage in 19th Century China (with Bijia Chen, Cameron Campbell and James Z. Lee) Kin Altruism in Context: Individual Consequences and Group Implications in East Asia, 1700-1950 Kin Networks and Social Mobility: New Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Imperial China (with Cameron Campbell and James Z. Lee) Power, Wealth, and Opportunity: Changes in the Social Origins of China's Educated Elite, 1865-2014 (with James Z. Lee, Chen Liang, Hongbo Wang, Mathew Noellert, Limin Liu, Cameron Campbell) EXTERNALLY FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS Collaborator (PI: Satomi Kurosu; other Collaborators: Cameron Campbell, Sangkuk Lee, Wenshan Yang). “Comparative Study of Population and Family Using Historical Demographic Data in East Asia” Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JP¥7,100,000. 2015-2019 Collaborator (PI: Satomi Kurosu). “Construction of Database for Population and Economic History, Reitaku Archives” Grant for archive construction, Reitaku Institute of Political Economics and Social Studies. JP¥755,000. 2014-2015 Co-Investigator (PI: James Z. Lee; other Co-Is: Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, Wenshan Yang). “Human Agency and Population Behavior in Historical and Comparative Perspective: New Discoveries from East Asian Panel Data.” Hong Kong Research Grants Council Project Number 16400714, HK$637,992. 2014-2016. PRESENTATIONS Conference paper presentations American Sociological Association Annual Meeting Section on Evolution, Biology and Society Paper Session: Integrating Evolutionary and Biological Thinking into Sociological Inquiry. San Francisco, USA 2014 European Population Conference Session 241 Mortality – Associations, Pathways and Familial Background. Budapest, Hungary 2014 International Congress of Historical Sciences Specialized Theme 22 Gender and Genetics in Historical Mortality Studies; Session 13: The Development of Historical Demography in China and the world. Jinan, China 2015 (scheduled) International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility Meeting Session TBA, Tilburg. The Netherlands 2015 (scheduled) Session 28 Health – Focus on the child. Budapest, Hungary 2014 April 17, 2015 Hao Dong CV page 2 of 4 IUSSP International Population Conference Session 186 Historical Demography of East Asia from Household Registers; Session 264 Early life stress and later health. Busan, South Korea 2013 Population Association of America Annual Meeting Session 196 Marriage Markets and Assortative Mating. San Diego, USA 2015 Session 31 Migration, Residential Mobility, and Population Health. San Francisco, USA 2012. Social Science History Association Annual Meeting Session 09 Individual and Contextual Determinants of Social Mobility over Time and Space. Toronto, Canada 2014 Session B10 Runaway Slaves, Serfs, and Peons: A Global Perspective; Session M8: Altruistic Effects of Kin. Chicago, USA 2013 Session L7 Migration in East Asia. Vancouver, Canada 2012 World Economic History Congress Session TBA: Demographic Differentials by Wealth and Status. Kyoto, Japan 2015 (scheduled) Invited seminar presentations Center for Economic Institutions Seminar / Economic Development Workshop, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan 2015 Colloquium, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands 2014 Sociology of Consumption and Households Research Seminar, School of Social Sciences, Wageningen University, the Netherlands 2014 Economic, Social and Historical Demography Seminar, Department of History, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands 2014 Seminar, School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China 2013 Seminar, Department of History, Shanxi University, China 2013 Historical Demography Seminar, Population and Family History Project, Reitaku University, Japan 2013 Seminar, Program for Historical Demography, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2012 Workshop paper presentations The Issues of Historical Demography of East Asia: Inequality Origins and Matters from Comparative Perspectives, Sungkyunkwan Univerity, South Korea, 2015 (scheduled) Rewriting the Past: Historical Big Data and a Scholarship of Discovery, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2014 7th Annual PhD Conference in Economic Demography, Lund University, Sweden 2014 Family Survival Strategy, Seoul National University, South Korea 2012 Historical Rural Migration in East Asia, California Center for Population Research, UCLA, USA 2011 HONORS AND AWARDS Fellow, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Research Grants Council of HK (HK$1,000,000) 2012-16 My 2012 HKPFS cohort: 135 fellows out of 4000+ applicants (for PhD position in all academic disciplines in Hong Kong) from 40+ countries and regions Aage. B. Sørensen Memorial Student Travel Award, Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association (US$750) 2015 Best Postgraduate Research Award, School of Humanities and Social Science, HKUST (HK$5,000) 2014 Overseas Research Award, HKUST (HK$38,343) 2014 Travel Award, Population Association of America (US$5,000) 2012 Research Postgraduate Studentship, HKUST (HK$326,400) Research Travel Grant, HKUST (HK$16,282) April 17, 2015 2010-12 2011&12 Hao Dong CV page 3 of 4 Excellent Leadership / Triple A Student / Excellence in Arts & Sports, Zhejiang University (Multiple times) 2006-10 Chu Kochen Honors Certificate, Zhejiang University 2010 Overseas Exchange Scholarship, Zhejiang University (CN¥6,000) 2008 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Visiting researcher Population and Family History Project, Reitaku University, Japan, April 2013 and March 2015 Program for Historical Demography, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, July 2012 Conference session organizer and service Co-organizer, “Demographic Differentials by Wealth and Status”, XVII World Economic History Congress, Kyoto, Japan 2015 Chair and Discussant, “Social Homogamy”, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria 2014 Organizer, “Altruistic Effects of Kin”, Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA 2013 Teaching assistance A New History for a New China, 1700-2000 (for postgraduate, Prof. James Z. Lee, HKUST) Blended course / flipped classroom design, with intensive instruction on English academic writing and presentation skills. Data Management and Analysis of the China Multi-Generational Panel Data Series (CMGPD) (training workshop for postgraduate and junior faculty, Prof. Cameron Campbell, funded by NICHD) Intensive instruction on techniques of large-scale longitudinal data management Population and Society (for undergraduate, Prof. Edward Jow-Ching Tu, HKUST) Population and Economic Development in China (for undergraduate, Prof. John Zhongdong Ma, HKUST) Social Science Research Design and Methods (for postgraduate, Prof. Cameron Campbell, HKUST) Journal referee Social Science & Medicine Administrative service HKUST Senate Committee on Postgraduate Studies (CPS), 2013-15 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Sociological Association (ASA), European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (ISA-RC28), International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Population Association of America (PAA), Social Science History Association (SSHA) OTHER INFORMATION Year of birth: 1988 Nationality: Chinese Language: Mandarin Chinese (native), English (proficient) Software: Stata, Mplus Classical violinist: Many semi-professional solo, chamber, and symphony performances in Hong Kong and Mainland China April 17, 2015 Hao Dong CV page 4 of 4
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