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Tuesday 15th April 2015
2015 Events and Festivals
You may recall that the Council undertook a residents and business consultation survey
regarding the impact of the annual events staged in and around the Hope Square and Harbour
side area during December and January. The consultation results provided many positive
general observations about the festivals together with a number of suggestions to improve on
the management and practicalities of activities being held. These have been discussed with
those residents, businesses and/or organisations that raised comment as well as the event
organisers to inform future arrangements. They have also been incorporated into the road
closure detail to minimise the impact of the 2015 highway closures and restrictions as set out
Furthermore, you may be interested to hear that a high percentage of survey responses
agreed that holding events on the harbour side is of benefit to the Borough and that the
number of events that take place around the Harbour side was about right.
We hope that you will enjoy this year’s events and festivals and that the additional
arrangements will minimise any inconvenience or concern.
2015 Temporary Road Closures & Parking Restrictions
The temporary road closures and parking restrictions to be implemented during 2015 to ensure
the success and safe delivery of activities is as follows:1. The Fayre in the Square – Sunday 24 May and Monday 25 May 2015
Trinity Road, Cove Row, Cove Street and Hope Square will be closed to traffic between
8.00am and 6.30pm on both days.
As a result of these closures the following measures will take effect:(a)
In order that access is maintained to and from Nothe Parade, the No Entry Order at
Spring Road/Horsford Street will be revoked between these hours. The alternative
route for vehicular traffic will be via North Quay, Rodwell Road, Rodwell Avenue,
Spring Road and Hope Street.
Residents parking spaces will not be available in Cove Row, Trinity Road and St
Leonards Road during the above hours of closure.
The Trinity Road Sand Jetty will be closed from 8.00am on Saturday 23 May until
10.00am Tuesday 26 May.
2. The Wessex Folk Festival – Saturday 30 May and Sunday 31 May 2015
Trinity Road, Cove Street and Hope Square will be closed to traffic between 7.00am and
10.00pm on both days.
As a result of these closures the following measures will take effect:(a)
In order that access is maintained to and from Nothe Parade, the No Entry Order at
Spring Road/Horsford Street will be revoked between these hours. The alternative
route for vehicular traffic will be via North Quay, Rodwell Road, Rodwell Avenue,
Spring Road and Hope Street.
Residents parking spaces will not be available in Trinity Road and St Leonards Road
during the above hours of closure. The two westernmost residents parking spaces in
Cove Row will also be unavailable.
The Trinity Road Sand Jetty will be closed from 12 noon on Friday 29 May until 12
noon Monday 1 June.
3. Dorset Sea Food Festival – Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July 2015
A. Custom House Quay (from South Parade to Town Bridge) and Trinity Road, Cove Row,
Cove Street and Hope Square will be closed to traffic on:
Saturday 11 July from 6.00am until 8.00pm
Sunday 12 July from 8.00am until 8.00pm
The alternative routes for through traffic will be from the east via The Esplanade, King
Street, Commercial Road, Lower St Alban Street and St Thomas Street to St Edmund
Street and from the west via Commercial Road, Lower St Alban Street and St Thomas
Street to St Edmund Street.
B. Custom House Quay, between The Esplanade and South Parade will be closed to traffic
from 6.00am on Saturday 11 July until 8.00pm on Sunday 12 July.
As a result of these closures, the following measures will take effect:(a)
In order that access is maintained to and from Nothe Parade, the No Entry order at
Spring Road/Horsford Street will be revoked between those hours. The alternative
route for vehicular traffic will be via North Quay, Rodwell Road, Rodwell Avenue,
Spring Road and Hope Street.
The diversion routes through Lower St Alban Street and St Thomas Street will mean
that the Prohibition of Driving Order in Lower St Alban Street which starts at its
junction with St Nicholas Street will be revoked temporarily between these hours.
Between the hours of 8.00pm on Saturday 11 July and 8.00am on Sunday 12 July
the one-way traffic flow in South Parade will be reversed to enable traffic to flow from
The Esplanade to Custom House Quay.
Residents’ parking spaces will not be available in Custom House Quay (South
Parade to Town Bridge), South Parade, Trinity Road (including the Sand Jetty) and
Cove Row between 3.00pm on Friday 10 July 2015 and 8.00pm Sunday 12 July
4. The Weymouth Barrel Challenge – Saturday 22 August 2015
Trinity Road will be closed to traffic between 8am and 8.30pm.
As a result of this closure the following measures will take effect:(a)
In order that access is maintained to and from Nothe Parade, the No Entry Order at
Spring Road/Horsford Street will be revoked between these hours. The alternative
route for vehicular traffic will be via North Quay, Rodwell Road, Rodwell Avenue,
Spring Road and Hope Street.
Residents parking spaces will not be available in Trinity Road during the above hours
of closure.
5. Waterfest – Saturday 5 September and Sunday 6 September 2015
Custom House Quay (from The Esplanade to St Mary Street), Trinity Road, Cove Row, Cove
Street and Hope Square will be closed to traffic on:
Saturday 5 September from 6.00am until 8.00pm
Sunday 6 September from 8.00am until 8.00pm
As a result of the Custom House Quay closure, the alternative route for through traffic will be
via The Esplanade, King Street and Commercial Road.
As a result of these closures, the following measures will take effect:(a)
In order that access is maintained to and from Nothe Parade, the No Entry Order at
Spring Road/Horsford Street will be revoked between those hours. The alternative
route for vehicular traffic will be via North Quay, Rodwell Road, Rodwell Avenue,
Spring Road and Hope Street.
Residents’ parking spaces will not be available in Custom House Quay (The Esplanade to
Town Bridge), in Trinity Road (including the Sand Jetty) and Cove Row between 3.00pm on
Friday 4 September 2015 and 8.00pm Sunday 6 September 2015
Residents Parking Schemes
For the duration of The Fayre in The Square Permit Holders for Zone L will be permitted to
park in the Council Offices Car Park from 4.00pm on Saturday 23 May 2015 until 8.00am on
Tuesday 26 May 2015 or alternatively in the Nothe Car Park from 4.00pm on Friday 22 May
2015 until 10.30am on Tuesday 26 May 2015.
For the duration of the Wessex Folk Festival Permit Holders for Zone L will be permitted to
park in the Council Offices Car Park from 4.00pm on Friday 29 May 2015 until 8.00am on
Monday 1 June 2015 or alternatively in the Nothe Car Park from 9.30am on Friday 29 May
2015 until 9.30am on Monday 1 June 2015.
For the duration of the Dorset Sea Food Festival and, subject to availability, Permit Holders
for Zone L will be permitted to park free of charge in any available pay and display space in
the Council Offices Car Park from 4.00pm Friday 10 July 2015 until 8.00am Monday 13 July
2015 or alternatively in the Nothe Car Park from 4.00pm Thursday 9 July 2015 until 9.30am
Monday 13 July 2015. Permit Holders for Zone F will be permitted to park in any available pay
and display space in Melcombe Regis, Park Street and Pavilion car parks free of charge from
9.30am on Friday 10 July 2015 until 9.30am on Monday 13 July 2015.
For the duration of the Weymouth Barrel Challenge Permit Holders for Zone L will be
permitted to park in the Council Offices Car Park from 4.00pm on Friday 21 August 2015 until
11.00am on Sunday 23 August 2015 or alternatively in the Nothe Car Park from 9.30am on
Friday 21 August 2015 until 11.00am on Sunday 23 August 2015.
For the duration of Waterfest and, subject to availability, Permit Holders for Zone L will be
permitted to park free of charge in any available pay and display space in the Council Offices
Car Park from 4.00pm Friday 4 September 2015 until 8.00am Monday 7 September 2015 or
alternatively in the Nothe Car Park from 4.00pm Thursday 3 September 2015 until 9.30am
Monday 7 September 2015. Permit Holders for Zone F will be permitted to park in any
available pay and display space in Melcombe Regis, Park Street and Pavilion car parks free of
charge from 4.00pm on Thursday 3 September 2015 until 9.30am on Monday 7 September
Thank you for your continued support and acceptance of theses annual Festivals, for further
details on events taking place in the Borough please visit
Yours sincerely
Charlotte Sheppard
Events Manager.
Tel: 01305 838512
Email: [email protected]