J'S 93 ICY .-•& 1 014 tr OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ORDER NO. 5/35-2015 HRM-I (1) DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 17.04.2015 As per provisions contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department notification No. 1/83/2008/l PR (FD) dated 07-01-2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 30.12.2008 l'or implementation of Haryana Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008, Smt. Kajal, S.S. Mistress, GHS Bataur (Panchkula) is hereby granted l st ACP in the grade of 9300-34800+G.P 4800 w.e.f. 04.03.2014 on completion of 8 years regular satisfactory service. VIRENDER KUMAR DAHIYA, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/o DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED, PANCHKULA, Regd. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary Education Officer, Panchkula w.r.t. his Memo no. I . E-3115/362 dated 03.03.2015. The service book & personal file are returned herewith. 8 years continuous service may be checked up at the time of pay'fixation of the Official Concerned. I lead of Institution concerned. Official Concerned. I'l 1• • Cell NT HRM-I SUPERINTENDENT FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULK6er_____ bz' a e0( i-rrcekt /du l If OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA TO BE SUBSTITUTED BEARING THE SAME NO. & DATE ORDER NO. 5/239-2013 HRM-I (2) DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 20.02.2015 As per provisions contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department notification No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD) dated 07-01-2009 forwarding therewith notification-dated 30.12.2008 and modify dated 04.03.2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(2) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008, Sh. Rajesh Bhardwaj, Science Master, GSSS Dukheri (Ambala) is hereby granted 2" ACP in the grade of 9300-34800+G.P 5400 w.e.f. 01.04.2013 on completion of 20 years regular satisfactory service. NARESH NARWAL (HCS) ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA EN DST. NO. EVEN DATED, PANCHKULA, 45 Regd. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary EducatiOn Officer, Ambala w.r.t. his Memo no. E-I/15/4876 dated 06.04.2015. The original Service Book & Personal file are hereby attached. Principal, GSSS Dukheri (Ambala) 3. Sh. Rajesh Bhardwaj, Science Master, GSSS Dukheri (Ambala) t-4 1 7.T. Cell SUPERINTENDENT HRM-I FOR DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA f . W f i c o N,Directo te ionharyan*, ORDER NO.r4l4_201s ET_rr(2) The orders of following Sr. Transfer Id Name JBT EmpID:Pt DATED,PANCHKULA:24t04f2015 /HT teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred with immediate PresentPlaceof u282sl Transfer/. Remarks [r2760J '| The officialwill be relieved and in any casewith in 3 daysfailing whichhe/shewill be liablefor disciplinary aciton. 2. NoTI/DA andjoiningtime be admissibre to the offi.' if he/shehasbeenshifted on his/herrequestafter exercising opuon. 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe l of 50 years be allowedto join in the girlsschools. 4. If there is no vacancy sanctioned post/workroad in the-drestin"uon schoor for any reason Ure Incumbent bansferred I re-join his/her previous p1""" oi po"iig-"-ialrso inform to concerned branch at He. If any discrepancy is ;edin this order or there is a viorationof hansferporicy, the concemed shouldbringit to the notice Concerned branchwithinthreedaysandthe orOeiOJnotimplemented. DEE. 5 . In caseof urbanarea whileimplementing the transferorders,il!maybe ensuredthat the transferee hascompletedthe rural 3 as per transferpolicy. if noworkload, transfer may be implemented. if DDOmakes the Join inspite of without workroad & sanctioned post he wiil be responsirrre for the paymentof satary be given to the transferee. Sukriti Likhi IAS DirectorGeneralElementary Education Haryana,Panchkula DArED PANCHKULA, 7-8-V ENDST.NO. EVEN A copyis forurardedto the t l. District Elementary Ed 2. Headof the institution 3. Secv.OSD/CM 4. Sr. PS/E.M. 5. Sr. PS/ACSSE 5. PA/DEE 7. Technologyofficer (He) I ^ '|) C- rfor information and necessaryaction :Officer Hissar. t t ,"oMi[*1,# for DirectorGeneralElemerr(arv Education Haryan*pr(kda' Off.r PlotNo,'tB,Shiksha Oiql€4 ffla;O t*, . Tel:el(011?)-2s6018e Hlfy?na, q4!€ {tndia) fax: 91(0i7?).256018s :rl,l."t!"I., ir4q. r4s{5q-{gfli-t34109 wnrsr {ol?z) 2550181} xeorao {qiid) Trirs:91i01p) Page I of I Directo te Elementary Edurcation r Rreilfr*raq ucationha ORDERNO. 14126_2015 ET_rr(2) DATDD,PANCHKULA:24t04D0t5 /HT teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred with immediate The orders of following TransferId Name PresentPlaceof JBT Transfer/. (Kamal) [14083] ll4l00l EmpID: Pl ]- The officialwill be relieved Remarks Pal[P1032e04] and in any casewith in 3 daysfailingwhich he/shewill be liablefor disciplinary aciton. 2. NoTA/DAandjoiningtime exercising option. be admissible to the offidd if he/shehasbeenshiftedon his/herrequestafter 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe 4. If there is no vacancy incumbenttransferred branchat HQ. of 50 yearsbe allowedto join in the girlsschools. sanctioned post/workload in the dlestination school for any reason ther I re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform tb concernedl If any discrepancy is :ed in this order or there is a violationof transferpolicy,the concernedDEEO, shouldbringit to the notice Concerned branchwithinthreedaysarulthe orderbe nolimplemented. 5. o 7 In caseof urbanarea hascompleted therural if noworkload, transfer if DDOmakes the for the payment of whileimplementing thetransfer orders,it maybeensured thatthetransferee policy. aspertransfer beimplemented. 're Join inspite of without workload tl. sanctioned post he will be responsible to be given to the transferee. Sukriti Likhi IAS Director General Elementary Education Haryana, Panchkula T'ATED PANCHKULA: ENDST.NO. EVEN A copyis forwardedto the f 1. District ElementaryEd 2. Headof the institution 3. Secv.OSD/CM 4. Sr. PS/E.M. 5. Sr. PS/ACSSE 6. PA/DEE 7. Technologyofficer (HQ ?S-V*lf for information and necessanfaction :- Officerf(f,(6fgt r Sup}tifendantETJI for DirectorGeneralElgmentaryEducation " Hawa?Frchkula Off.: Plol ilo. lB,Shiksha q',I{ibq:fuE qo (lndial. Tel:9l{0172).2560189 Sector 5,Panchkula, llaryana 134109 Fax:9l(0172).2560188 ItHrirfi,.{r€r 5 q4girF1341fi sflf sl {01?2} rSO.rnos 25601s rrq Emq: Sr{Orn) Page I of I
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