DATIiI)' PAN(ltlKtlt'A:04/06/2015 o R r ) r r t \ o . l 1 / 1 82 0 1 5U l - l l ( l ) The otdets of folloq'ing JBT/HT I r n n s f e rl d \ a m c -l lload cdcher lrrnpll)P : l0l3'196 teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred I ' r € s e D tP l a c eo f P o s l i with immediate l ransfcr/ (l IiassarRoad)(Rohiak) ShastriNagarRohtak ( R o h t a k|)l 7 l 4 2 l u 70e8l for case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable 1. The official will be relieved immediatelyand in any acrton disciplinary after to the officialif he/shehasbeenshiftedon his/herrequest 2. No TA/DAand joiningtime will be admissible oPtion exercisjng ] ' N o m a l e t e a c h e r b e | o w t h e a g e o f 5 0 y e a r s b e a | | o w e d t o , ] destination o i n i n t h e g ischool r | s s c hfor o o |any s . reason the po"tiworktoaa in the t"l|i'in"a 4. If there is no vacancy to concerned inform also posting and pr"". of incumbent transferr"a "to ..-j'o-iniirTi"i'pr*iou" "n"tr o."i]*i,oTrrQ;"0u"., DEEO -n'-tnor there is a violation.oftransferpoticy,the concerned is no|ced in this order implemented not order be the and days three *itnin brlngit to the noticeof cont"t"O shoulci the transferorders'it maYbe ensuredthat the transferee q ln caseof urbanareastatlonswhlleimplementing polrcy' aspertransfer the ru'alservrcP 5d. comp'eled notbe implemented rTlay transfer 6 rf no workload, workload& sanctionedpost' he will be responsible 7 if DDOmakesthe transferreJoin inspiteof without transferee' given the to foi the payment of salary to be ll.S Kharb. Education Dircctor(;cncrslElemcotary llaryana,Panchkul, D'\]'ED P'\N(llIKtIl'A: 09 06 2015 u\t)sr. No.DVUN action:is forwardedto the followingfor informationandnecessary A copy -oljtiici Rohtak cer Educatior;offi rrernentary r.' 2. Headof the institutionconcerned' 3 . s e c v .O s D / C M 4. Sr.PS/E.M. 5. Sr, PS/ACSSE 6. PA/DEE 7.---TechnologYofficer (HQ) l.'- ,_)l I Vrt-'lts-l4 ET-ll SuPcHdndant l'lducation for DircctorGencralElementary llaryana,Panchkula 1- P l-o t N o l B ' s h i k s h a s a d a n s e c l o l 5 P a n c h k u l a , H:nl a r y a n a l 3 4 l 0 g ( | n d i a ) idl . T e |91 : 910li?l 1 { 0 12i611133 12),560119Fa(.91]0172)"2560168 iiifll 91brlll :,5!lll't rr ,',t.: i[ iri ii.i i ."l:It: 1]{it9 i.lrPtg€ I of I Distort, EkallentarY Education / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / i ftzTivrr /ffcry ° Directorate Elementary Education ftifft NMY1e4 'MC Adtutt4 TING *104 nvt fitgEre Education. Colton and Drartopmc nvr* Load me alma Darkness to Light 53 www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I eduprimaryhryagmail.com DATED, PANCHKULA: 05/06/215 ORDER NO. 6/27-2015-HRM-I(1) The following Elem. Head Master is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transferld Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 70677 Smt. Usha Rani Elementary School Head Mistress Employee ID: 048789 1 Transfer/Adjusted to GMS Nava Nagar, (Panchkula) [3767] GHS Ambala Cantt. (Sabzi Mandl), (Ambala) [66] Remarks Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary adton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. R.S. KHARB DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 6t27-2015-HRM-I(1) DATED PANCHKULA, 06 c 2.0 15 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- 1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. 05D/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) c>1314.4 SUPERINTEND RM-I for DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha &Klan, UO10 AkPaft61 ,11000. Haryana 34109 pidla) - Tat: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 mi uivitt tart no it Ron 11ra *9 ermtgar--134x. nr) Vffia : gi (oln) 2560246 tic 81 (oirz) 2560253 Cd4 Directorate of School &location / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ' gkziPirr tixqw AMPS RIM 14k1SIMI • ...f".11!Te .71.ref. Directorate School Education ft-r fan(vii Education, 'Cultuni And ASTI* rit rithitMtmt Load me from 13Arimers to Light (0* www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryegmail.com ORDER NO. 6/79-2014 HRM-I (1) DATED:- 08/06/2015 The following surplus and vacant post(s) of Master(s) is/are hereby converted / shifted as per details given below:Sr. No. 1 Post Name of the ID School where the post is surplus 45,65' GGSSS Panchkula (Sector 15) (PKL) [3705] Name of the Surplus post Name of School where post is shifted Master Social Studies GMS Kundi (PKL) [5792] Subject in which converted / shifted Master Social Studies No. of Post Remarks 1 (one) R.S. KHARB DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED : - 09/06/2015 EVEN NO. 6/79-2014 HRM-I (1) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necesary action:Accountant General A&E Haryana , Chandigarh. Treasury Officer concerned. District Education Officer Concerned ',DEE 0 tom earned . Head of the institution concerned. PS/DGSE Superintendent Concerned Branch 7. Technology Officer (HQ) SUPERINTE4ENT 1114M-I for DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA °fr.:. Plot No. /B. Shlkaha Sadao, Sector 5. airs tier tfaTe 'q0: litaff *Ask 134/Olf a 1 09 (India) ,,Tot. 01(0172)425602447,0*: 91(0172)-2560253 .50041gib..(0y 2Y29:10240 01112 2,2060253
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