3 C-C No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) From Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. ^ \ <q\ To .......... ' ^ 1 4 1. 2. 3. 4. A ll Heads o f Departments in Haryana. ' - v ., Commissioners, Ambala, Hisar, Rohtak & Gurgaon D i v i s i o n s / A ll Deputy Commissioners, Haryana. \ ■■■■■,. Registrar, F^unjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh. Dated Chandigarh, the 29 April, 2015. b \~( Subject:^ Quoting o f telephone numbers by Govt. Em ployee at the time o f submission o f pension papers. Sir/ Madam, I am directed to invite your attention to the instructions issued by this Department vide letters No. 63/2/2001/FD/Pension/ SAP dated 10.10.2006, 19.12.2007, 14.10.2011 & No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) dated 18.06.2012, 29.08.2012, 03.07.2014 and 11.12.2014 on the subject cited above. It has been observed that though instructions have been is sued by State Government from time to time, some departments are not Si iding the pension cases o f government employee on time to FYincipal Accoi-ytant General, which result in unnecessary delay in finalization o f pensior-. To avoid su ch delay in fin a lizin g the pension, now it. has been decided that all Pension Sanctioning A uthorities are directed to quote the telephone num ber o f governm ent em ployee at the tim e o f subm itting p en sion p a p ers and also telephone num ber o f D D O concerned on it. You are, therefore, requested that the above instructions be conveyed to all officers/officials dealing with pension cases fo r strict compliance. A copy o f these instructions is also available on Finance Department website and can be downloaded from the site www. fihhru.aov.in. The receipt o f these instructions may be acknowledged. Yours faithfully, Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. 1 of 3 I Subject:- Quoting o f telephone numbers by Govt. Employee at the time o f submission o f pension papers._______ A copy alongwith 50 spare copies is forw arded to the Director Treasuries and Accounts Department Haryana fo r circulating amongst TOs/ATOs. Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal S ' ‘ ” ' Haryana, Endst No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) Dated, Chandigarh the 29.04.2015. A copy is forw arded to the In-charge, Computer Cell, Finance Department fo r placing it on the official website o f Finance Department. Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal Secretary to Government, •n yn i Haryana, Finance Department. Oflicc of Director State Transport, Haryana, Chandigarh. 1st. No. $ § ^ - (jS.H) A4/H4 Dated: ( £ _ S'"-.Ho IS - ' A copy is forwarded to the fo llo w in g for information and necessary action 1. A ll O fficers at llqr/SH-I, II, III & at Ilqr. 2. A ll General M anager, Haryana [loadways. 3. I'SO , IS B T , Delhi. I SMI-!, ( i ( 'W . I laryana. Chandigarh. 5. G M . IIR H C , Gurgaon. (>■ D I'C (T ech .), ( ’ W. Karnal. I lisar & Rohtak. 7. DKO/Computcr C ell at 1Iqs. (F or Internet). for Director Stale Transport, laryana. (,’handigarh. 3 of 3 A copy is forw arded to follow ing fo r information and necessary action:1. 2. 3. The C hief Secretary to Government Haryana. All the Additional C hief Secretaries to Government Haryana. A ll the Principal/Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana. Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal Secretary to Govemmerit, Haryana, Finance Department, To 1. 2. 3. The C hief Secretary to Government Haryana. A ll the Additional C hief Secretaries to Government Haryana. A ll the Principal/Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana. U.O. No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) Dated, Chandigarh the 29.04.2015 Endst No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) Dated, Chandigarh the 29.04.2015 A copy each is forw arded to the Principal Secretary/Additional Principal Secretary I & 11/Officers on Special Duty I & 11/Special Senior Secretaries/ Secretaries/Private Secretaries to C hief Minister/ Ministers/ M inister o f State, Haryana fo r information and necessary action:- Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal Secretary to Govemmerd, Haryana, Finance Department. V v V To The Principal Secretary/Additional Principal Secretary I & II/ Officers on Special Duty I & II/Special Senior Secretaries/ Secretaries/Private Secretaries to C h ief Minister/Ministers/Minister o f State, Haryana fo r information and necessary action:Endst No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) Dated, Chandigarh the 29.04.2015 A copy alongwith 10 spare copies is forw arded to Principal Accountant General (A&E)/Audit, Haryana, Chandigarh fo r information and necessary action. Cja/doQ 1 Under Secretary Finance (Pension) fo r Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department, Endst No. 68/2/2001-3Pension (FD) Dated, Chandigarh the 29.04.2015 2 of 3
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