April News 2015 - Harwich Raleigh

Wildcat Roar!
Harwich Raleigh Public School
231 Chatham Street South
P.O. Box 1060
Blenheim, Ontario
N0P 1A0
Phone: 519-676-5481
Fax: 519-676-5482
Link to Harwich Raleigh's
Principal: Mr. B. Vermeersch
Vice Principal: Mrs. L. Rota
Secretary: Mrs. E. Osborne
Receptionist: Ms. K. Molengraaf
Head Custodian: Mr. R. Benn
April, 2015 - All the Good News from HRPS
Reporting to the Office
Replenish School Supplies
Just a reminder to check your child(ren)’s
school supplies to see if they need any of their
pencils or pens replenished. Please also make
sure your children’s indoor shoes still fit and for
the younger students a change of clothes for
the upcoming rainy and muddy days would be
Friendly Reminder! - All students are required to
report to the office when leaving the school and
check in upon returning. This allows us to
ensure the safety of all our students!
Wildcats are also asked to use the school
phone when contacting parents. Thanks for
your support in this matter!
Grad News
ROARS Character Trait Ribbon
Recipients for “Inclusiveness”
There will be a very important graduation
meeting on Wednesday, April 22nd. It runs
from 6:30—7:30 p.m. and will be held in the
library. Please join us! Parent volunteers are
vital during this special occasion! More
information to follow. We are looking forward
to seeing you at this meeting!
A Friendly Reminder
* Check the school website for important
upcoming dates!
Our school is now on Twitter! If you have a
Twitter account, type “Harwich Raleigh” in the
search function and click on the “follow” button
to receive tweets from our school.
Welcome Mr. Ray
Ms. Vander Pol has accepted a Vice Principal
position at Naahii Ridge. Mr. Ray has taken
Ms. Vander Pol’s place, here at Harwich
Raleigh, in the Grade 7 English classroom till
the end of this school year.
Warm Weather Reminder
Just a reminder that whenever the warmer
weather gets here that Wildcats are asked to
adhere to appropriate choices in dress. This
includes gym clothing — gym shorts should also
be an appropriate length.
Gracie Doddy, Ian Thompson, Jayden Fryer,
Ashton Scott, Mercedes Leitch, Melissa
Guenther, Mitchell Stoner, Melanie Wellington,
Isabella Thomas, Linda Summerfield, Nevaeh
Keating, Holley Gale , Jason Wiebe, Owen
Ramboer, Sam Boismier, Ethan Ashby, Claire
Haddock, Jack Swallowell, Grisel Summerfield,
Aiden Rigby, Jayme Stokes, Ariel La Prise,
Samantha Starks-Marchand, Michael
Thompson, Morgan Scott, Madison Lavely,
Aislynn Robert, Keira French, Blaine Pickering,
Devonte Hurst, Aidan Harris, Ally Postma, Cody
Stanford, Gabby Warwick, Jesondra Osborne,
Cole Massender, Emma Ramboer, Drue Van
Eerd, Gabe Willimot, Martha Fehr, Briana
Vaughan, Kerrigan Knights.
March ROARS Draw Winners
Primary-Owen Ramboer Joseph Stoner, Lyla
Rolfe, Sam Stanford
Junior-Daniel Rodger, Griffin Butler, Brynn
McNear, Cam Wellington
Intermediate-Grace Hansen, Sidney Stoner,
Bryce Ulch, Bryson Russell
Classroom Roars- Mme Ryall, Mrs. Gillett, Mr.
Note: The March ROARS Assembly and the
April ROARS Assembly will be combined and
will be held on April 24th. The Primary
Assembly will be held at 9:30 a.m. and the Jr/Int
will begin at 10 a.m.
Harwich Raleigh will be having a Quarter
Auction on April 7, 2015 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
in the gym. Tickets are $5.00 and are available
from the school office. All funds raised from this
event will go towards providing the students at
Harwich Raleigh with quality excursions, guest
speakers, classroom supplies, and
extracurricular activities.
The flower orders are due back to the school by
April 17, 2015. Thank you for supporting these
fundraising projects!
School Council
There will be a School Council meeting on April
21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Everyone is
Harwich Raleigh Public School is a depot for all
your empty laser and inkjet cartridges. So,
please continue to drop off your unwanted ink
cartridges and we will turn them into cash!
Chatham-Kent Public Health is doing their
annual review of elementary student
immunization records.
You may have received a notice in the mail or a
phone call from public health requesting missing
vaccine information be reported to them. If
public health has not received information by
May 28th, 2015 your child will be suspended
from school. It is your responsibility, as a
parent, to report these shots to public health.
Immunizations provided by your health care
provider are not automatically reported.
If you have any questions about the recent
changes about meningitis, pertussis (whooping
cough) and varicella (chicken pox) protection,
please call the immunization intake line at 519355-1071 ext. 5900.
To report any shots to Chatham Kent Public
Phone: 519-355-1071 ext. 5900
Fax: 519-355-0848 Attention: VPD Team
website for Chatham-Kent vaccinations
A vaccination clinic for Grade 7 and 8 students
will be held at Harwich Raleigh Public School on
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 to protect the students
against Hepatitis B, Meningococcal and Human
Papillomavirus (HPV).
Future Engineers
In February the Grade 5’s in Mrs. Gillett’s class
worked with professional engineers to design
bridges made solely out of popsicle sticks and
hot glue. The bridges were tested for strength
and stability, and the winners went on to
compete against other schools from our school
board. Faith, Blake, Rylee, and Jake ended up
winning the junior division with the strongest
bridge made. Congratulations on your building
Safe Arrival Policy
Parents and Guardians are reminded to call the
school office at 519-676-5481, if their
children are absent. This phone number has an
answering machine as well, to serve you
outside of school hours. Your phone calls are
important, as we need to know that our students
are safe and accounted for. By phoning the
school, it also saves valuable time for our office
staff. When leaving a message, include the
name and homeroom class of your child and the
reason for their absence.
It is important to remember that safety is our
utmost concern and by working together we can
make sure everyone is safe. Please do not
enter the circular drive before or after school
because the space is reserved for loading and
unloading of buses. There is a parking lot on
the south side of the circular drive that is for
parent/visitor use before and after school.
Remember to enter and exit this lot slowly and
back in when parking in this area.
Since there is no supervision outside until 9:00
a.m. please do not drop your child off at the
school before then unless you are prepared to
stay in your vehicle with them. Also, at
dismissal time, all parents are asked to meet
their children outside their end corridor or at a
pre-arranged spot for pick up.
When entering the school at ANY time, we ask
that all visitors sign in at the office. If you are
staying in the school, you will be given a visitor
badge to wear. Please remember to put it in
your child’s planner if your child needs to be
picked up early. Thank you for your attention to
this matter.
Family Technology Night
On May 4th, our school we will be having a
Family Technology Night. Pizza, pop and chips
will be available for purchase starting at 5:30
p.m. The first technology stations will run from
6:00 till 6:30 p.m. then there will be a short
break before the second technology stations
begin at 6:45 p.m. and end at 7:15 p.m. More
details about this event as well as the sign-up
sheets for each of the technology stations will
be sent home later in April. Make sure you
come out and try out some of our new
technology and see for yourself all the amazing
learning that is taking place at Harwich Raleigh.