LIST OF DMPANELLED PRIVATE HOSPITALS FOR THI STATE OF HARYANA TIPDATED ON O5-OI-20I5 (Thr consolidAted list has becn preparcd from the Original Instructions ofthe St,rte Government, however the beneficiaries is requestcd to consult thc original instructions, \rhich can be downloaded for the ryebsite before taking decisi0n for the trertment) Narnc Sr. & Addrcss Date olapprcval No. Max Super Spociality Hospital, Near Civil Hospital Phase-Vl, Mohali, Puniab 160 055. granted by the state Govt. 2lt | 59 2012-l HBdr. r6-04-2013 lI Period ofYalidity (;l Years) Rate 23-07-2013 Rakesh PGI Chd,/ Dumir AIIMS , ND Rates reimbursc ment To From l6-04-20r 3 t5-04-2015 of Consent on 2l packages +7sYo of the Balance 2. Fortis Hospital, A-block, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi-l 10088 2t23/2013-tHB-!ll dl.03-05-2013 03-05-2013 Max Super Spociality Hospital, FC 50, C & D Block, ShalilnarBagh, New Delhi 110 088. -do- 03-05-20r3 02-05-2015 05-01-2013 Competent PGI Chd/ Authority AIIMS, ND 4. -Vll Mohalj, Punjab 06-06-2012 Competent -do- Authority Fortis Health Care Limiled , Sector62Phase 02-05-2015 212612013-rHB-\I 02"05-2011 01-05-20i 23-04-2013 Col. H.S. Chehal dr.26-06-2013 30-06-2012 5 & PGI Rates +7504 of the Balance Dr. Ashish Chaddha 5 Metro Heart Institute With Mu ltispec ialty , Faridabad Sector- I 6 -do- 02-05-20t3 -do- 02 0r-0s-20r 5 25-05-2012 Dr. SS Bansal -do- 3l-05-20i2 'do- A, Faridabad - 121002 6. '7. 8. Mahamia Aggarsain Hospital & Charitablc Trust, Punjabi Bagh. Delhi Anemis l_lealth Instilule, Secors I, Gursaon-120001 Asian Institute oiMedical Sciences, Badkhal Flyover Road , Sector-21-A, -05-2013 0l-05-2015 Df. Poonam lttan -do- 02-05-2013 01-05-2015 -do- 02-05-2013 0t-05-t015 25-07-2012 Dr. D. Chakrabortv 26-05-2012 Dr P.S. 'do-do- Ah{a Faridabad-l2l00l 9. Jaipur Colden Hospital,2, lnstitutional Area, Sector -do- 02.-05-20t3 0t-05-2015 30-04-2013 Mr. Ashish Chawla -do- -do' 02-05-2013 01-05,2015 28-05-2012 Dr. L.N. -do- III, Rohini, Nodh West Delhi. Delhi 10. MM IDstitute ofMedical Sciences and Research, MMU, Mullana- ll 12. AmbalaParas Hospitals, C-1, Sushanl Lok, Phase-1, Sector-43, Curgaon, Haryana Pushpanjali Medicare P\4. Ltd, John Hall Road, Civil Lines, Gurgaon t 13. t4. t5 Garg. -do- 02,05-2013 0l,05"2015 -do- 02-05-2013 0l-05-20r 5 0l-04-2013 Mr. Vikas Chhabra -do- l7-05-2012 Dr. K.C. 'do- Sharma 22001 Delhi t{eart Lung Instilute.3-mm I l.Panchkuian Road. Central Delhi, Delhi Alchemist Hospital Lirrited, Sector21. Paichkula-134 L I2 NC.liDdal Institute of Medioal Care & Research, Model Town, Hissar- -do- 02-05-2013 0l,05-20t -do- 02-05-2013 22-05-2012 Dr. S.R Khurana 'do- 0l-05,2015 2l-05-2012, Dr. -do' Prabhjot sineh l9-05-2012 Dr. Shekhar Sinha -do- 5 -do- 02-05-2013 0l-05-20t5 -do- 02-05-2013 0l-05-20t5 -do- 02-05-20r3 0l -05-20r 125005 t6. t7. MiIpur lnstitute olMedical Sciences, Mirpur. Re\yari.HarvaDa. Harvana Sri BalaJi Action Medical lnstitute, A - 4, Paschim l 10063 18. 19. 20. 2r. 5 Vihar. New Delhi- 30-06-2012 Dr. SS Yadav 30-04-2013 Mr. D.P. -do-do- Saraswat Raian Hospital Near ITl"Yamuna NasaF I35001 -do- Kalyani Hospilal Pvt. Ltd.. Mehrauli Gurgaon Road. Gufsaon-122001 National Heart lnslitute, 49-50, Comrnunity Centre, Easl of Kailash, Central Delhi, Mukat Hospital And Heart lnstitute S C O 47-19 Sector 34-A. Chandiearh. -do- 02-05-2013 0l-05-2015 -do- 02-05-2013 0t -05-2015 02-05-2013 0t -05-2015 l7-05-2012 PGI,Chd/ Dr. Raian Sharma 07-06-2012 Dr. Manish Kapoor 28-05-2012 Wg.Cdr. B. AIIMS. ND -do- do' Jena -do- 02-05-2013 0l -05-2015 l2-06-12 Dr. Ravi inder S. -do- Remark Name Sr. & Address No. 22. Navedac Prosthetic Centre, Daulatsinghwala, Bhabal, Zirakpur, Near Airport Chowk, Chandigarh, Date ofapproval Period ofvalidity granted by th€ state Govt. (2 Years) Consent on 21 packages Rate of Remarks reimbulsemen t -do- From To 02-05-2011 0l-0s-2015 Not applicable Empanelled for artifiqial appliances PGI Rates +75% ofthe Balance so does INDIA not cover under package rates 23. Superb Mri& Cl Scan Centre, Sco 24125,Sector 8-C,opp Covt Press,Near Gopal Sweet Shop, Chandigadh- l 60009 -do- 02-05-2013 0l -05-2015 Not applicable PGI,Chd rates Diagnostic cenlre so does not package rates, 24. Sun Flag Hospital and Research Centre, Sector-16-A, Faridabad 02-05-20t3 0t-05-2015 l6-07-2013 Competent 2t26/2013-lHB-lII dr.24-10-2013 Authority PGI Rates +75% ofthe Balance Amount 25. 26. Fortis Escort Heart institute and Research Centre LId. Okhla Road New Delhi Fortis Escort Hospital, Neelam Bata Road 27 02-05-2013 0l-05-2015 04-07-2013 Mr. Gulshan Arora -do- 02-05:2013 01-05-2015 27 -06-2013 -do- 0l -05-20r Director Not applicable -do- NlT. Faridabad Rajiv Candhi Cancer lnstitute & -do- 02-05-2013 5 This RGCI Research Centre, lnstitutional A-rea, &RC Rohini, New Delhi, DL exclusively cancel c:re provrder. 2l major is an procedures will not be aDDlicable. 28. Drishti Eye Hospital, SCO-26, Sector-l 29. 30. l, Panchkula. l{aryana Saraswati Mission Hospital, Ambala Road Pehowa (Kurukshetra)-136 128 2t26/ t3-tHB-Itl 24-06- 04-03-2014 by amending by instructions dated 2l-06-2013 2/1032/l l -tHB- 23-06-2015 t9-05-20t2, Dr. Ashok Gupta 2013 PGI Rates +75% ofthe Balance Amount I dt. 04-03-2014 by amending by instructions dated 3 l -01-2014 Park Hospital Q Block, South City-2, Sohna road Main Sector-47, Gurgaon 2/66t20t3-tHB-t\ QRG Central Hospital And Research Center, 69, Sector-20 A, Near Neelam Flyover, Delhi-Mathura Road Faridabad -l2l00l 2/1032/t t-tHB-tII dt. 3l -01-2014 06- l220t3 05-t2-2015 23-05-2012 Dr. Sudarshan Chug PGI Rates +75% ofthe Balance Amount 24-10-2013 2.1-t0-20r 06-t2:2013 05-12-2015 5 dt. 24-10-2013 09-07-2012 MR. Ajit Gupta PGI Rates +75% ofthe Balance Anount 31. t'7 ,0'7 -20t2 Medical Supdt. PGI Chd,/ AIIMS , ND Rates +75% the Balance of Amount 32 33. 34. LHDM & Dr. Prem Hospital ,Bishar Saroop Colony, opposite bus stand Panipat 2t10324 | -tHB"Ill Park Hospital, 12, Chowkhandi, N€ar Keshopuf Bus Depot, west Delhi. Delhi Mann Multi Speciality Hosp(al, Opp 2/r032/l t-tHB- t AIR Subhash Road, Rohtak- 124001 Haryana lndia (North) dt. dt. 3 06-t2-2013 0s-12-2015 17"05-2012 Pankaj Mutnagar -do- 06-12-20r3 05-12-2015 I9-05'2012 Dr. A. Kohli -do- 06-12-2013 05- 12-20 t 5 04-07-20t7 PGI Chd/ Dr- P.S. Mann AIIMS , ND t-01-2014 dt. 3l -01-20t4 2/ 1032/1 3t I -IHB-Il -01-2014 Recommen ded lbr diseases of Neph.ology except Kidney transplantat ion 35 Cold Field Hospital and Research centre Vill Chhainsa Ballabhgarh Faridabad 2/64t2013 -rHB-1Il dr. t3-01-2014 l3-01-2014 12,0r -2016 15-07-2013 PGI,Chd/ Authorized AIIMS, ND Sisnatorv Sr Namc Date ofapprovAl & Address granted by the state Govt. 36. Rockland HospitalPlot no. 2, SectoF 5 lMT, Manesar, Gurgaon Period of validity (2 Years) RAte of Remarks reimburseme nt From l3-01-2014 -do- Consent on 2l packages To l2-01-2016 07.0t-2013 PGt,Chd/ compeienr AIIMS, ND Authoritv 37. Liver & Biliary Sciences ,D-1, Vasant KuDi. New Delhi-l10070 2/7 38. Gangaputra Hospital & Research Centre, Kaithal Road Kandela, Jind 2/8/2014-l HB dr.28-02-2014 39. Heali,rg Touch Superspeciality Hospital, vill. Sultanpur Chowk, 2/105/20t 4-tHB-t A r E/2010-lHB- I DT.25/02/20t4 -Il ll 25-02-2014 )4-02-20t6 28-02-20t4 21-0).-2016 05-03-2014 04-03-2016 DT.05-03-20r4 -doDated Nil competent Authoritv Dated Nil Neena -do -do- Rajpal Citv 40. PrinLrs Super Specialiry Hospital, Chandragupia Marg, Chankyapuri New Delhi-l 10021 2/3'/ /20t4-tHB-rrr dated 25-06-20t4 25-06:20t4 24-06-2016 Dr. D.K. Baluja PGI Chd/ Executive AIIMS , ND Director Rates +75% of the Balance 9818000176 dt. 03-08-2012 Amount OP lirrdal lnslitute ofCancer & Cardiac, Model Town, 2/2312013-t].tB-lrl dated l9-08-20t4 r9-08-20r4 l8-08-2016 Dr. Sudhir Singla, Medical Director 0l-04-2013 -do- 2lnDa13-IHB-111 l9-08-2014 t8-08-2016 Dr. P.K. Bhardwaj, MS 18-0',7 -2012 -do- l9-08-2014 l8-08-2016 Dr. Mridul -do- Delhi Road l-lissaFl25005 (HRY) 43. Saroj Hospital & Heart Irstitute, Plot No. 2, Instilutional Area, sector-14, Exlension, Near Madhuban Chowk, Rohini. New Delhi-l 10085 Dr. B.L. Kapoor Memorial Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi-l 10005 dated I9-08-2014 2/23t20t3 -tHB-trr dated l9-08-2014 Kaushik, head Medical Services dated 05-l l -2012 44. Park Hospital, I-Block, Sector-10, Near Court Faridabad Sapra Multispecialty Hospital, Rajgarh Road, Hissar, Haryana 2153D014-IHB-I1l dared 05-09-20t4 2t53/2014-IHB-Itl dated 05-09-2014 05-09-2014 04-09-2016 05-09-2014 04-09-2016 Dr. Barsal, 0l -07-2014 Dr. Trun Sapr4 Director, dated 2t-07 Supdr.(PM) {ry{,; 'l'l -do-do- -r4 '5,6,€
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