CFP: Haskins Society at Kalamazoo 2016

CFP: Haskins Society at Kalamazoo 2016
The Haskins Society invites panel and paper proposals for its sponsored sessions
for the International Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo held 12–15 May 2016.
The Haskins Society is an international scholarly organization dedicated to the
study of the history of the early and central Middle Ages, with special emphases on
Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, Viking and Angevin history as well as the many
other fields encompassed by the scholarly interests of the American medievalist,
Charles Homer Haskins (1870–1937). These traditional fields of interest have
expanded over the years via the scholarship of our members, and the Society
welcomes contributions from medievalists in other fields with historical interests.
We welcome proposals both for complete sessions (consisting of three papers on a
shared theme or problem and session chair) and for individual papers. We
encourage advanced graduate students and early career professionals to submit
How to submit: For individual papers, please send a 250 word abstract, c.v.,
Participant Information Form (on the Congress website). For panel proposals,
please send abstracts, c.v.’s, and PIF’s for all panelists and a brief description of
the panel’s theme. Proposals should be sent to Prof. Robert Berkhofer at
[email protected]. Proposals may be sent immediately and will be
accepted until Tuesday, September 9, 2015; the 2016 sessions will be finalized in
mid-September. Prof. Berkhofer welcomes expressions of interest and inquiries
during the 2015 Congress, especially for whole panels; please email him.
If you are unfamiliar with the Haskins Society and would like to learn about our
own conference, the Haskins Society Journal, and our other activities, please take a
look at our website at