Property of the Watertown Historical Society A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTEO TO THE INTERESTS OF A LIVE AND GROWING TOWN VOL. IX. WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT NO. 35. TABBING AND FILLING WOODRUFF AVENUE mvnio D. ATWOOD FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1924. LOCAL NEWS NOTES B GET THEIR FIRST 8ET-BAGK Single Copy 5 Grate i PAINFULLY INJURED T BY FALL ON BOTTLE Former Woodbory Reddent x Passes Away at Bis Home Bethlehem Hajr-tcwsen Said tobe Sylvester Farrell was a week- j Austin Allen of Culler street. Lightning Strikes Barn Stunning Eipbt Cows Just as He end visitor in Meriden. : while doing chores about his in Watertown Axudoni to take the Water home Tuesday morning fell on Changes His Position Out of Watertown Thornton MeClcary ban pur- a broken bottle and suffered a (From Woodbury Ueporter) Watertown was visited hy a deep gasli in his hand, which Many Woodbury people atAbe Debunker's" Independ- chased a Kord roadster. necessitated eleven st it Hies to severe eleitrical storm Saturday tended the funeral of Irving D. ents received their first set-back Atwood at Watertown, last Sun- of the season at the hands of the Postmaster John V . Abbott if* close the wound. Mr. Allen was morning, and the heavy rain day afternoon. Mr. Atwood was American Legion team in Thom- enjoying a ten days vacation, j taken to the Wiiicrhury hospital caused a great ninny washouts on as the felasx severed a chord and the different, ronds of the town. born in Woodbury August 17, aston last Sunday by^ an 8-5 1865, and was the second son of score. Deland, who was on the E. H. Lamphier of Main street it was necessary to place him IIII- The liiirn belonging to Daniel he late Albert D. and Eliza. At- firing line for Watertown, pitch- is in Detroit on a business trip. der ether before anything could |Shami<ii, i>n Cherry avenue, bad wood, the first son, Eugene P. ed good ball and a number of be done with the injured hand. ilie ••iiriier ripped away by one Atwood, having died some years errors lost the game for Water- George A. Harper has purchas- The doctor in charge states Mr. holt nf the lightning. When the ago. Mr. • "Atwood had suffered town. In order to emerge a vic- ed a new Reo speed wagon. Allen is improving as well as can II.IIII was struck eight enws licnuch from asthma for several tor Thomaston found it necessary he cspcctcd,and a ipiiek I ov- •oujriii';- to .Mr. Shannon w«-re l years, and for a number of win- to import a battery from out of Miss Anna Dunn of Stamford ;rv is looked for. •kei| over hy the lij.'htninsr ters sought relief in the South. town in order to be able to com- was a Sunday visitor in town. •iii'i wi'i-e in a stunned condition Last winter his condition - was pete with the locals. By winPlayground to Open Monday °nr ahout ten minutes. Mr Shausuch that he deemed it unwise to ning this game Thomaston has Dr. Wilbur J. Moore of Chesh- The playground, conducted • •-ii just finished milking on 'eave his Watertown home. evened the series of one game ire was a recent visitor in town. each yeac by the, Watcrtown Civ- h-il etui of the hiirn and had left ic. Union will open for the season !:h<- spot iinly a few seconds, to For many years deceased was apiece, and the third and decidMiss Minnie Fitzpatrick -is. ill on Monday. A .'large e(|ni|.iti:'iit ook hack iind sec eight of his engaged in the hotel business in ing game decided by a . at her home on Woodruff ave- has been added to the playground rows sprawling on the ground. Woodbury. Retiring from that coin-toss. this year, and a successful season lUfliness some years ago he en- Next Sunday, it is probable nue. ; is looked for. T i m e to•••'» s w i i i m i i n " gaged in the livery business and that Paul Johnson of Bethlehem the buying and selling of homes. willrgt't his hay-tbsitera together Dudley Hubbard and family When the automobile livery be- and engage 'the Indies in a base-, of Hartford are ^pending the Will came ail established fact he dis- ball game. I'auf has been on the Kunimer mouths in town. • • used of his horses and carried trail of the locals for some time ni an automobile livery, and his an he figures his team has enough Mrs. Walter McGowan is con- I services were much in. demand by class now to take the water out fined to her home on Cherry ave- i i orivate families who recognized of Watertown. The Bethlehem nue'by illness. in Mr. Atwood a careful and in* hoys have tried oh numerous oci 'ellige.nt operator of the horse- casions to turn this trick, but all Hary Ashenden of Milwaukee, i less vehicle. A few years ago they got in return was "ice Wise, is visiting at his home on I i ie moved to Watertown where water". This game, if arranged, Main street. I i his surviving sons, Harry and will draw a large crowd as the i Clifford, were engaged in busi- entire community of Bethlehem Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerwin i I ness, and continued to reside, so confident of their team's abil- •if Porter street are visiting relaI there at the time of his death. ity, are planning to hike to the tives in ('aiupobello, N. B.. Can- i i In addition to his sons he is sur- ball game. The game is sched- ada. i vived by his wife and one broth- uled to start at 3 p. in. i i er, K.-(.'. Atwood,".of Woodbury. Ms. II. B. McCrone of North I A number of Watertown peo- street is visiting at her hon.o in i Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Whiteonie ple journey to Thomaston on Fri- Andover, Mass. i i of Deforest street are visiting day evenings to attend the week§ i ly band concerts which are given ,Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Luffman Mends in California. i every Friday evening by the I of Deland, Florida, are spending i i i the summer months in town. Our local reading matter is Thomaston band. i i very much crowded this week on | account of the demand for adver- Don't overlook the interesting Jean Marie, daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. Francis Plyiin, has been reading on the inside pages. tising space. seriously ill at, her home on i Highland avenue. i • Selectman Brahen Said to Be Doing a Job That Will Make a a Regular Boulevard Woodruff avenue, which has been in a deplorable condition for some time is being repaired, which will be very pood news to the many travelers who use this highway. Woodruff avenue is oj-.e of the heaviest traveled roads in town and of late large holes have been worn'in the roadway by the heavy trucks which travel ove,r it. Selectman Brahen has taken charge of the repairing of 1h is road and when completed peo pie can rest assured that Woodruff avenue will be a • regular boulcviird. Mr. Brahen has considerable, experience in road making, as is evidenced by the excellent new roads the town lias built during the last few years. SURPRISED BY FRIENDS ON 2STH ANNIVERSARY There' was a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gee last Thursday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Monroe, it being their twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Thirty of their friends and relatives were present to congratulate them. They were the recipients of many useful presents in silver, pyrex and linen. The rooms were nicely decorated, the cn.lpr scheme being pink and white. After a very enjoyable social time refreshments were served. Dr. K. 0. Keade, who was called to his home in South Carolina by the serious illness of hissister. has "returned to Watertown- and reports his sister very mueh improved. During his absence Dr. Garcia of Waterbury had charge of his practice here. i - • i • 2MNT SUITS Mrs. Ellen II. Scovill, who tints been spending the winter in California, has reopened her summer residence on the Woodbury road. A barn dance wttt he given at Thompson's barn on Fr'ulay evening. THE UNIVERSAL'CAR Lester W. Atwood and his mother, Mrs. B. C. Atwood. expect t<> «»"'• "» July ">th for Europe. SUMMER'S HERE! Miss Lillian Pegrum of Montelair, N.J., is visiting at the home of Mrs. N. P.. Miller on N>rth street. What's Summer but Out-doors ? What's Out-doors Without a Car ? Mrs. liouis Brandineyer and son George, who have been visiting in Washington, I). ('., have returned to their home on. Woodruff avenue. CERTIFIED USED FORDS $25.00 POSTMASTER ABBOTT TO WED MISS PEGRUM Announcement has been made of the engagement of John V. Abbott of this place to Miss Lillian Pegrum, of Montelair. N.. J! _ Both Mr. Abbott and Miss P e g ! ! rum are well known iu town. Mr. Abbott being appointed Watertown 1'ostmiistcr about a year ago. while Miss Pegrum has been For engaged as a school teacher iu the public schools of Montclairr. up GET YOUR FORD N O W ! 439 WEST MAIN ST., WATERBURY. CONN V i SUM l U k I ifi s injOMiiciit it would double ( unlit out unl} Uiritiw iniiiiL) With the case one borrows trouble i i i i i i | i i i i I i i i llnsnrjMtsscd.l I istinK T ON T-S upplicd (.HOICK[VARIETY OF Fresh Cured Meats Vegetables & Fruits in Season . UriKht the world would IK and sunn I i e Mffll very The Girls club held their weekly meeting in their rooms in the • Community building Tuesday I evening and the delegates who! attended the Girls club e.onven-i (ion which was held in Northhampton read their reports . of the'affair. The club has decided to discontinue 7their , :weekly si'mncr durinir tin* 'summer, but will Imlil thin ueekh nucttngs OUTEE WILCOX FLINT, INC. i WATKRBHtY, CONN. Girls' Club Weekly Meeting Make This the Best Summer You Have Ever Had! e Early June selling just wiped out our stock of Boys' Suits—this enabled us to buy when the manufacturer was very anxious to sell— they are here now, bought below value, giving you better quality than usual at $10, $12.50, $15, $19, including extra knickers Harold H. Madden of tti" Woodbnry road is in Ke.mwhn. Wisconsin, on a business trip for the Amcicaii Kniss Co. of Water bury. from DANIEL SHANNON HAS NARROW ESCAPE Hill Straet, WTERTOWK. Itolt Strut, 0AI\ Property of the Watertown Historical Society CONNECTICUT MOSTLY TRUE nave sad bent bis ayaa the dead face, slowly "Course. I dont tow projeets al Ibis Ufa realisms. SUCCEEDS STATE BRIEFS "but It's the best I have many raler The-woodsman stooped; rake* th« island, got «n the boose-boat without mass of hair down; brought the red ON lettln' Tesie know I was there and lock into view; spread his band over . By bearing with an ancient tojurj By DAVID ANDERSON found out she was safe. the lower part of the fact to aWe tiw wnton accepts Middlebrook gift at yea iBTita a a* Then, without lettta* 'er know it beard. tract for new achoouotue. was me. 1 moved the house-boat and "By the lord—Ken Colin." Stamford Knights of Columbus seat Victor aid vanquished never unit* hid it in a new place; left her locked Jack took his hand away from ewer CHAPTER XVIII—Continue*. m a hearty agreement wreath to new Masonic home. in—b'cause I thought It would be the the beard; scraped the hair carefully The shad are running heavy in the By LAURA MILLER With a cry, Jack Warhope caught up safest place she could be Jlst then— back into place. If yon sail with a bad wind, yon vicinity of Haddam, Bast Haddam and "They say that red lock cornea down the unconscious girl in his arms, to dis- and hurried here t' watch the house, need to understand tacking. Hadlyme. cover that she must have been In the fully b'lievtn' they Intended tf rob the from ol' Red Colin, a sea pirate hun.New N. Y* N. E R R. Co. time W. m « . by t*ur» Millar dreds of years ago, that It shows up river, for her garments were complete- safe t'night If you gase too long at the moon table boosts Bridgeport Industrial and "About midnight they come. J^- every three V four generations, ally saturated and her hair hung about yon may fall Into the gutter. BARLEYCORN AND residential advantages. ' kllled Black Bogus and hurt Hopkins, w'ys bringln' along with it a drop 'r her shoulders, sodden and dripping. Bridgeport Council to be asked to BUSINESS He was wrapping his hunting blouse but he—got away. Texle must 'a; two of bad blood. It shore played the Words will never be wanting If yra reject over eighty petitions for abatedevil with Ken." deal with a well-considered subject. about her when, with a startled ex- broke out o' the house-boat somehow ment of taxes. "Didn't It!" was Uncle Nick's A great .honor descended on Ypslclamation, he Jerked away his hand and swum ashore. I didn't know it, Alumni and faculty of the Yale and held it up between his face and Ihe but she was Jlst comln" into the yard thoughtful comment—"robbed and lantt, Mich, not long ago. President School of Law celebrated at New Happy a subject when the prince Is murdered 'is ol' . man, an' then sky—It was'smudged with blood. He when 1 Jumped out o' the winder after Harding was choosing ten delegates Haven the 100th anniversary of the guided by Justice, not his passionate bent over the girl—blood was stream-. Hopkins, and that last shot be fired preached 'Is funeral—Lord 1" . to represent the United States gov- founding of the school with centen- will. A short silence fell. . Ing from her right shoulder and run- at me hit her." ernment at the International Congress nial exercises. . It was a tremendous recital, brief; -I could V killed 'lm there at the Beware of the man whose promises nlug down her side. Thut last bullet Nancy, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. Against Alcoholism held in Denmark from the edge of the yard—It had terse; not quite true; yet anything but safe," the woodsman mused, half to In August One of the ten was Mrs. and Mrs. James CaprlgUone, of Bran- are lighter than the breath that utters false; by far the longest speech he himself, "but I—didn't I only shot found the core of a tragic target. ford, was Instantly killed when she them. 1'lcking her up In his arms, he ran had ever made In his life, even with away 'U gun and fought 'Im fair. B. L. Calkins of "the town with the WAS run over by an automobila near so much left out. He saw questions When he was down, with Ms hair all queer name." He who knows not the way to the around to the kitchen, dnshed the door Mojitowese street sea should.make the river his comAnd thereby hangs a tale. Once open and laid her on the sofa In the still In the eyes fixed upon him. A mussed up and the red lock worked Lieutenant Governor Hiram Bingmoan came from the parlor bedroom— out In sight, that was the first time I upon a time—to begin In the approved sitting room. htm, J. Henry" Roraback and Repre- panion. He had wrapped her In blankets and every other consideration gave knowed 'im. After that I tried f— fashion—a mutual acquaintance told sentative Schuyler Merrltt will be way to the sufferer. save 'im and let M m git .away, not me of Mrs. Calkins. "Left, a widow It Is foolish pride which causes a snatched from the purlor bedroom, Alone with Uncle Nick, the woods- knowln' he had another pistol hid on without Income or apparent means of among the principal speakers at ,a man to get wet rather than ride in the tore up a sheet for bandages and was Republican dinner to be held on June doing his best to stop the blood, when man securely fastened the window 'lm. When he thought 'e had me off making one," the story commenced, as 26 at Roton Joint carriage of an Inferior. there cume the sound of a mun run- that hud been pried open, closed the guard, he turned around quick and I recall It "Nothing to go on except shot;missed me—and hit—her." Now that the summer vacation for door on the gruesome scene and went that strenuous determination to meet It Is always the adventurers who ning across the yard, and the nest.moHe stood a long time silent, his head *ate, that Roosevelt standardized the school children is close at band accomplish great things and not the nient Unele Xlck, doubtless alarmed by to the kitchen. Curious faces were berailroad officials at Derby are making monarchs of ereat empires. that last shot—coming us It did upon ginning to gather in the yard. He half bent aside, bis thoughts doubtlesa among American characteristics.'' preparations for keeping the school back where a hapless sufferer lay the heels of the housekeeper's story— turned to the old mnn. The Immediate way out that aba children off railroad property and pre"Uncle Nick."—his voice showed the moaning; turned at last; gazed at the took, escapes my memory., But sfia was calling and pounding at the sitting .' '. • strain he was under—"send them knife, burled to a gruesome depth In didn't run off to Detroit or Chicago or venting accidents. room door. Jack threw It open. Mrs. Frank I. Cobb and guest, Miss Take Colac Qat Pleasant, Quick Relief. away. Tell 'era as little as possible, the blood-mussed shirt-front of the ••Texie's hurt!" he cried. "QuickNew York on tbe. plea that all the Doctor Arnold—and Aunt Liza and hut for—her sake, keep 'em away— fallen man; glanced up at his old money to be made was piled up In the Davis, of Darien, spent a morning at I Coated with a substance Impervious to Jerry Brown above all, If he happens friend and found the deep-set eyea money centers. She stuck to the peo- Norfield School, Weston. Miss Davis gastric Juices Colac Pile Pills pass Into Mrs. Curry." f wake up and tnke It Into 'Is head t' studying him In thoughtful retrospec- ple she knew. Somehow she got Into is greatly, interested in country lower bowel where they stimulate stagWithout a question the old man hur- come up here. And I 'low y'u better tion. schools, being supervisor of the rural nant circulation and drive Piles away. real, estate. ried away. ••'.• git somebody t' ride In after the coroschools of Duluth, Minn. Easy to take. 60 cents at druggists. "Uncle-Nicky what sort of a lockThe strenuous determination grew. The woodsman had brought the can- ner." . Stephen Manszewskl. four-year-old have y'u got on y'ur Jaw?" So did the money. At the time I dle out of the room ..where-the •deadBon of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony MansThe old man nodded and turned tp "Tight as a clam shell, If you say Plane Flie* Over Andea heard, the story the unencumbered sewskl, of Ansonla, discovered a small robber lay, .closed the door and was the door. The other caught his sleeve. so," "Was the ready answer.';..* A Danish aviator in an American capital was, as I recall It, $20,000 or doing his best to stop the blood and bar of sweet chocolate that had been "And when it's light, I wish y'u'd plane flew over the Andes with a pas"I'm askln' y'u t' lock if—his words restore the girl to consciousness, when sneak up Eugle holler a little and were serious and slow. "It ain't no use |30,(fo0. saturated with carbolic acid for the senger, the first time the feat wus ever ihe doctor ran In. •, Here comes in the sequel of the tale. purpose of killing rate and without accomplished. f worry—her"—he jerked his head A hurried word or two and he'was at down the gulch—"by lettin' 'er Hod I wrote Mrs. Calkins for the story of realising the danger the youngster ate the hurt shoulder. The bullet—It was her real estate venture. the chocolate and died shortly after. Cutlcura for Pimply Faces. out It was—him—" his first care. With quick skill he huntSettlement In the $350,000 aliena- To remove pimples and blackhead* "I was much amused when I read He guzed down at the sprawled body. ed It; fortunately located it almost Im'.Tin askln' you t' 'tend f layln' 'lm your letter," she answered. "Bless tion suit brought by Mrs. Thomas C. smear them with Cutlcura Ointment. mediately. It had just missed the lung, out and buryln' 'lm; and be p'Inted you, all Tve done In real estate Is Jnst Beach against her father-in-law, Wash off in five minutes with .Cutl.ranged upward and lodged barely bep'tlc'Iar t' keep 'Is hair combed BO'S the a sideline. My real Job has been fight- Charles Edward Beach, and her hus- cura Soap and hot water. Once dear neath the skin at the top of the shoulred lock don't show. Nobody would ing John Barleycorn. But I'll ses band's aunts, Edith and Mary Beach, keep your skin clear by using them for der. He made a smull incision and know 'lm only by that The way he what I can make of It as soon as I all of West Hartford, has been made, 'dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to Inprobed It out. had 'lmself cobbled up—them clothes find time—If you're sure you want a according to Hugh M. Alcorn, lawyer clude Cutlcura Talcum. Advertisement. He had washed the wound and had for Mrs. Beach. '•", and spec's and whiskers, and the way story on a 'Main Street' scale." it nearly dressed when Aunt Eliza Louis Chain, 80, a Becond-hand •e.talked, and 'Is face puckered up the Not unnaturally, she never found Her Fortune came running In, followed an Instant way 'e kep* It—he didn't look a bit time for the story when passports and clothing' dealer, who conducts a store "What would you say her fortune later by Mrs. Curry, flurried and pantmore like Ken Colin than you do.Stay such more important "affairs claimed at 68 Oak street, New Haven, was ar- Is?" Ing. Changing Texie's sodden garhere, and I'll, send Al up with Doctor her time. So here It Is with the "side- rested on a charge of being the "A small but attractive figure exments for dry ones, while the woodsArnold's stretcher f he'p y* carry 'lm line" overshadowed by the President's "fence," who has been disposing of all presses It, I'd say." man built a fire In the kitchen stove, in." • recognition of her value on the main the clothing and other valuables they laid her. between warm blankets stolen by Harry Patterson, alias the He stooped to straighten the dead Job. Ton nevar can know how raparlor li Dr. in the parlor bedroom. Pecry'a "Dead Shot" for Worma until yo» "dinner burglar." , . man and—a subconscious act of comShe did not get the appointment K v 7 triad It. m Paarl St.. N. T. Adr. Picking up the candle, the woodsman Whether Bridgeport Is to have a passion, perhaps—to get the cramped through any "pull." She got It becrossed the floor, threw open the door arm out from under him. As he moved cause the folks near home, the same personal tax collector or not depends Ship Frozen Food of the room where the dead robber lay the arm, the frock coat fell open and a folks that she bad years before de- on the report to be made to the counCold storage shipments by water and motioned for the two men. cil by City Attorney A. L. DeLaney. piece of soiled white paper stuck in a cided were good enough to live with have BO Increased that nearly l.TO.OOOEven the doctor started, aghast, at 'pocket of the vest caught his eye. and. work with, wanted her recognized. Administration leaders are understood tons of frozen food was shipped the gruesome, huddled form sprawled to be a wee bit skeptical about the He drew it forth, glanced over the More distant neighbors took up the through the Suess cannl last yenr. there among the littered, blood-spatdozen or so scrawled words and passed Idea. The state grange, the state manner in which the public will re; tered money. Uncle Nick's muttered the paper to Uncle Nick. -The old man, women's organisations, the governor celve the creation of another office. cry brought the two women running This year's catch of shad ia reported muttering something about not having and each of his staff, all requested the from the sick room, to gaze with the at 60 per cent better than last year. his glasses along, passed it back and President to appoint Mrs. Calkins. She others—awed to silence by the tragedy Weather and people are sometimes the woodsman read aloud: had, one might say, the backing of Fishermen below Middletown. are rethat had again visited the quiet cotbalmy. porting heavy catches during the first "This man alnt no preacher. Hes Main Street on the Main Street scale. tage. four days of the week when fishing The woodsman well knew thnt ques- "It Means Caleb Hopkins," Was the Slim Finger Doolin. Hes the sllcknst And It won I ' There must be a twelve-mile limit. Is allowed. The veteran fishermen forger and counterfitter that ever lived tions would be flashing through each Hard, Incisive Answer. on coal. are of the opinion that the shad is and devilish light fingered with a six mind—had been since the discovery of each year dropping off, especially so GIRTH-CONTROL LADY gun. He ruined my sister. That's why klnda throw an eye out f r Loge BelTexie's hurt—knew that each looked to The Artist's Quarter Is frequently above Middletown. Little run of shad lies dead. He alnt no human. Hes got him for the answer. A low moun came den." has been reported above Middletown. bis last the guts of a snake and the devils Long Beach, Cal., despite its mil* The brows of the old hunter lifted. from the parlor bedroom. That lust The special committee of. the board "I wondered why y'u left him out In blood. Thats why I knifed lm stid uv lions made In oil, has always been of trustees of Wesleyan University, treacherous shot—he knew thnt' the The home of a politician is In shootln lm White. It wont be no use rather proud of being a "Main Street" mun with the red lock could never —there." He jerked his head toward quandary. appointed for the purpose ot choosing follertn me cause yu wont ketch me. community. .Thousands upon thou- a new president to fill the vacancy come'back. It had been a mistake to the room they had just left. "LOGE BELDEN." sands of Its citizens are retired farmThe next moment, with a step that An open mouth Is not the sign of ant shield him; a blunder to trust him— A long silence followed the reading ers and merchants from the Missis- caused by the resignation ot W. A. open mind. a blunder that was being paid for at a the years seemed powerless to totter Shanklln, about a year ago, reported or stiffen, he had glided through the of the note. The 'Woodsman was the sippi valley. They still keep the neigh- at the annual meeting of the board fearful cost. . borly point of view and the neighborly of trustees, held at Middletown, In the The aviator often wishes he were The doctor was the first to break the kitchen door and out among the curi- first to break It. "I ain't aimln' t' follow Urn," he sold, Interests that they developed through president's room of the university, down and put ous faces In the yard. silence. while a spark of flint narrowed his years of hard work "back home." But that no selection has been made. "What does this menn?"—the queseyes—"a roan that'll back his sister they have . leisure, and whenever a CHAPTER XIX The tax collector reminds us of Charged with operating an automotion wus half a demand.' woman has time, we're told, she bile while under the influence of Uncle—and other relations. like—that." "It menus—Caleb Hopkins," wus the "I 'low he's about as black as the thinks about her looks. The Sprawled Figure on the Broken liquor and with resisting an officer, hard, Incisive answer. devil makes 'em," was the old hunter's The easiest way to get people toThis background was the Incentive Dr. Elbert W. Blakeslee, of Sylvan Floor. The doctor started; the two women The sleepless night wore itself out; thoughtful comment, as he slowly in starting a business In Xong Beach road, Westport, was taken to police write you Is to fall to pay your bills. caughtthefr breath; Uncle Nick swore, morning came to the cottage; and reached for his pipe, "but we'll n a f f conducted by two well-bred, much- headquarters and forced to spend the felt ashamed of It. looked foolish. consult 'lm one white feather." Some people never think of workingtraveled women. The business is noth- night there. He posted a bond of $600 "This dead man"—the woodsman Texie still lived. He kicked Black,Bogus' box to the overtime. The boss' does that ing more nor less than a beauty shop. for his appearance In town court On the heels of the dawn Uncle dropped a hand toward the huddled Sarah Frances Bennett, 86, who atform—"is Bluck Bogus." The two wom- Nick poked his head In at the kitchen open door, stood it on end, sat down But It Is owned and managed by a When mother gets a new gown she en looked at each other; shrunk back. door und motioned with his finger. and scraped his. match on the door- B. S. and an A. M., who substitute for tended her sister's birthday party at the often shoddy, atmosphere of 8uch> Norwalk, was the family baby of the gets a perfect fit So does dad. The doctor's eyes lifted; he drew a The woodsman lifted his face from his Jamb. With a final word of caution to keep a shop .common sense and culture. affair. Jane was celebrating her 90th ptep nearer and gazed hard at the hands, rose and went out. k.%%* Without a word the old mnn turned secret the Identity of the dead maa, The Master of Arts Is Mrs. Robert birthday. Mrs. Edward S. Staurt and body. "Him and Hopkins and"—Loge Lee Hatcher, wife of a big lumber Mrs. JameB E. Hayt, her two slaters, ' Belden, the man wus about to say, but and, with another very positive motion the woodsman hurried away. At the Inquest an hour or so later dealer of Alaska, who found the win- were there, the former 97 and the latthought of the mountain girl, and he— of his hand, led the way across the didn't; besides, Belden had not shown comer of the yard, into the little park, Jack merely repeated the statement he ters In the Far North too trying and ter 93. The father of the four was himself at the robbery—"they're both out through the fallow pasture lot and had made the night before. Of Loge wanted something to keep her busy. Ell Bennett, elected Town Treasurer Belden and his sister—knowing at lust Yean of newspaper and publicity ot Norwalk at flfty-one successive outlaws and counterfeiters. Hopkins to the Eagle Hollow roud. her. pitiful secret, he let fall no word. training—she was once president of elections. He died at 91 and his wife would take good money out of the snfe Well within the dim gray jaws of The house-boat, when he went to Its the Illinois Women's Press associa- at 81. and put counterf it bills In place of it. the hollo'w he paused. hiding-place days later, had disap- tion—and of work with big women's Charles Osnick, 6, fishing with an*' "It wus him that killed Pap Simon "When I p'Inted m' nose up the crick —that is, Pup Simon run out on 'im this mornin', ns you said,' I noticed the peared. They had probably gone with organizations preceded this latest other boy on the bank of the power business. The women of Alaska sent canal, two miles from his home in Hint night while he was changin' the door o'_ that ol' cabin_ whar.Hen Spen- It They were never followed. Writotodv. Oat ttaaafianmtra—dlaa her two years ago on a personal mis- Derby, fell in and was drowned. Mrs. (TO BE CONTINUED.) •tiUaTKOOQ Of us storas counterfeit l*r good money, and in the cer raised the devil that night wus William Berdis driving by on the road sion to Washington to ask the Presiscuffle died of heart disease. That part way open. I knowed It hadn't As to the True Black Fox. dent to appoint the man whom they overlooking the canal, saw a hand shet oh* their same, of course, so they be'n open f'r years, so I snuck up und The true b!uck fox Is black all over could trust as prohibition enforcement above, the water and called to Pasplanned t' make a clean sweep t;night peeked in. Come on." wltli the exception of the tip of. the, director. Her shop Is a service sta- quale Jacvlno, also ot Waterbury, who und go. ' With the long, lanky, .inlf running tall which is white, but I will say that tion for the national women's founds* was passing in another machine. Ef"There's a "Hopkins—went t' town and writ stride that he had probably copied these animals are very rare Indeed, says tlon for health, which through wom- forts were made to save the child, but Munyon Pill back a letter t' Texle, mnkin' out It from the Indians, the old ranger and a writer in, the .Sportsman's Digest en's organizations campaigns for such the canal had to be drawn off. Two For Every 111" was from—Ken. ,The letter said he scout, closely followed by the young The silver, or silver gray. Is practical- common-sense things as an annual boys walked to the. canal bed and ' Doctor** wus sic-k in town and wanted 'er t' man. trotted away up the gulch, ly the same color save that the back health examination and properly fit- found the body. While a pulmotor Adiic* FREE \ ••oine to -im So she went, leavin* a climbed the fence in-front of the cabin and shoulders are shot' with more or ting shoes. • was being used another boy, who had note with Mis' Curry fr me. The min- of the dead. woodchopper, ran up less gray lialrs; the less light hairs been watching, asked permission to Mrs. Hatcher's pet beauty cure Is— see the body and he recognized it- as ute I got the note I knowed it was— through .the dew-wet weeds to -the there are the more valuable the-pelt Hopkins. I'd be'n suspicious of 'im half-opened door, pushed It wider and Foxes that have a very small amount exercise! ..To prove the value of a that of bis brother. und hud be'n watchin' Mm. so I rode entered. of these gray hairs are classed as simple before-breakfast setting-up, she A reception and tea was given at feaff ufter 'er as quick as I could—clean t' There on the dusty floor boards, black. . The cross fox Is a mixture of acknowledges her sixty years, lets an the city, t' the plnce where the letter partly twisted on his side, his face the dark fox and the ordinary red one, occasional woman pull her curly white the new Cedar Cliff Beach Club, said Ken was sick; found I was off staring up, .one arm "crumpled under rusty-colored - patches being visible at hair to be sure it isn't a wig, and Greenwich, by the Board of Governors the trail; rode back ns fast as Gray- him, with a dirk knife, buried to the different points, especially on the shoul- demonstrates - to selected audiences to mark the informal opening of the TOILET ^ Z S i ^ ^ . ^ lock.could bring me f try and pick it hilt in his breast,-sprawled the man ders and rump.-- As in tlie case of the the-value of what-has'recently been club which will hold a formal opening on July 4. Over 600 members were named "girth control." "The old masDA I n —ttwfajj iaaa*tJ.tjaJa> up. " , . . / " _ • . _•"'•" that,..called himself Caleb Hopkins— silver,- the more black on the-crosi ters knew all the secrets of, color,? present. • -- , "I found where .Hopkins had headed fox the greater his value. '..' • , .. she quotes her guide in an European • The" new fire -chemical' was-delivTexie off up the-road "a wnys and got d e a i v art gallery,:"but they did not seem to ered i t Long. Hill and was'demon'er on that'house-boat Uncle Nick and; ' The woodsman-stooped over, the know-much about Anna Tommy. Now- strated In frontof the fire housed The at ;hls nged the," rest; of; us Tsaw-hld; there" at'-the' body;' looked ?.up'curiously Remember to preserve an even mind adays^ to/Judge . by- the~rwomen" on" oui chemical was driven,down-as far?as > ! companion:;;" ' " • --'•----i •-.-: hend. oV Mud haul theTMay ^we-.went _"Do-y'n Intadyeraerclrcumstanres,' and .equal- streets^vwe'ye learned something, about .'tho>Long,HlU; garage-and laibtonnre ly fin: good fortune a= mind ."free from aiiafoiny/botwWMdiy lack both'ludK' llghtedr.whlchiwaSpextlnguiBlied^wlthv ^•SliirT found "where'he'd hid It atAl- i^It's-Ho Look close" " insolent joy—Horace;"" " ^ ^"" ment and art in application of color. In 3% minutes, the" chemical starting pine islniul. und watched 'im sneak The old man glanced at hi* com ——— We daub It on from the outside In- from the garage as the fire waa lightback to the woods—t' wait f'r dark, as ed. I lowed. - A« soon-us he was our 0 imnlon, caught the odd expression In I Industry Is the fire that must be stead of from within 1" alght. I took IB skiff, crossed to the his eyes, stooped over the sprawled | kept under the boilers of aabltlon. MAIN STREET PILES ^CHESTER'S CHUCKLES e Soap ^-52-GlennV lei «r - -. >' Property of the Watertown Historical Society ALONG LIFE'S •UM to the Onion to decide whether It would admit or bar It Is of present Interest In view of Ku Klux Klan activities, to note that the DemBy THOMAS A. CLARK ocratic platform denounced Know-Nothingism In these (By BBV P. B. riTZWATSB, D.D Deal words: of Ike •venla* School. Moody BiUe l » t«. 1M4, Weuen Newepaper Oalea.) atliata of Caleaso.) A political crusade In the (O. »•»«. WeMera Newtpaper Unloa.) Nineteenth century and In the HIS JOB United State* of America, ag-alnst Catholic and forelamborn I* neither juattned by th* Lesson for June 29 »T»HE little cab driver who used ta> paat hiito'rr nor the future broapecta of the country nor REVIEW—REHOBOAM TO NEHE- A come for me when, on rainy days* I took a taxi to save myself from the In unlaon with the spirit of MIAH toleration and enlarged freeInclement weather was a cheerful souL dom which peculiarly dUtlnHe was always careful, always COOT- g-ulshea the American ayatem GOLDEN TEXT—"Rlg-bteouineM exof popular government. alteth a nation: but ain la a reproach teous, always on time, always con| slderate of my comfort. He met me to any people."—Prov 14:34. PRIMARY TOPIC—Selected Storlei . late one especially stormy'night when Buchanan • won the election and during his adminis- of the Quarter. | the thermometer was down and the TOPIC—Main Event* of the wind was cutting like a razor through tration history was made rapIdly along the line of the slavINTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- the heaviest garments. ery Issue. The United States IC—Chief Persona of the Quarter. "Don't you get sick and tired of YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TQPIC tills dog's lifer 1 I asked as he tucked Supreme court rendered the —From Rehoboam to Nebemlah. me snugly into the back wat. Dred Scott decision that no "Oh, no," he replied smiling, "you Three methods of review are sugnegro, free or slave, was a cltlsee. It's my Job." -. xen, thus Implying that the gested : The memory of his cheerful face anjd Missouri Compromise had al1. Modern Application of the Outways been unconstitutional in standing Teachings of the Quarter's his suggestive words has helped me often since. When the days have been its discrimination against Lessons. slavery. There wus a farciFor udult classes qualified members long, and the cullers Irritating and tlie cal vote In Kansas In favor may be asked a week ahead to present problems difficult to solve, when I of the Lecompton pro-slavery the teachings of the quarter along the might have grown discouraged over the "honest effort which resulted only ' state constitution, and prac- following lines: ticully a state of civil war In L Patriotism. It should be pointed In failure. I have tried to take It. cheerthat territory. The famous out how the nation suffered and was fully because It was my Job. I don't know what your Job Is, for "Freeport Debates" In Illinois Utterly ruined because of the luck of the problem of no two men In this • In 1858 between Lincoln and patriotism. . Douglas attracted the atten2. The need of real education. Be- world Is quite the same. It may be tion of the nation; Lincoln cause the people were not tuuh'ht getting to class regularly every day. forced Douglas to uphold the about God they went Into idolatry. or keeping up your college work while doctrine of "popular sov- The real need of tlys nations of the you earn a precarious living. It may ereignty," thus bringing world today Is to*he taught about God. be pursuing a difficult study or teachabout the defeut of the "Lit8. Evils which afflict society, such as ing a stupid class that you An not entle Giant" In the next.Presi- luxurious indulgence, tampering with Joy, or leading a clean life when a" thousand passions are urging you on to dential campaign and his own • the occult, necromancy, etc the rocks. It may he flf:htlng< homeelection. And Anally there II. Biographical. was the John Brown raid In This method Is always Interesting sickness or discouragement or de1850 on Harpers Ferry In Vlr-. and can be adapted to all grades. The spondency • or moral temptations or ginla, which Inflamed, the most outstanding men In the history mental lethargy. I don't knpw what of Israel and Judah appeared In this it Is. but yon do. South. Very likely yours Is not on easy The result of Lincoln's po- quarter's lessons, namely, Hehoboam, lltlcul strategy of 1858 was Jeroboam, Ahab, Elijah, EU.sha, Amos, Job. or at all times a pleasant one, and seen when the Democratic Hosea, Athallah, Uezekiah, Isaiah, Jer- there will he all sorts of temptations Convention of 1800 met In emiah, Nehemiuh. etc. These can he to slight It, to evade Its responsibiliCharleston, S.-.C., April 2.% assigned to different members of the ties, to put off Its unpleasant, disagreeAfter taking 57 ballots with class the previous week to present the able features, to complain because It Douglas always In the lead outstanding lessons associated with Is more galling and exacting than other men's Jobs. Usually, If we could • wl(h 145 to 151 votes out of each character. only know we should discover that III. The Summary Method. 303, the convention adjourned Tills means pointing out the central every Job has Its difficulties. to Baltimore, June 18-23. - No matter how difficult your Job Is, After Chairman Caleb Cush- teaching of each lesson. The follow- you will find It hnlf done If. when tt ing of Massachusetts and ing suggestions to that end- are offered: presents itself, you no at It cheerfully, tnuny of the southern dele- ' Lesson 1. The kingdom so gloriously energetically. The work that Is taken gates had left, this adjourned administered In David's time reached up with, determination nnd enthusiasm convention nominated Doug' Its climax under Solomon, but because loses half its difficulty. And the best glus with 181 votes against 7 for Vice President his heart was turned from God through part of It all Is that., having done one the Influence of his heathen wives God John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky. .: Job well, you are getting yourself ready The rump (Hreckenrldge) Democratic Conven- determined that the kingdom would be for another. It Is an old. tried proverb rent from him. Rehoboam's wicked tion met In Baltimore June 18-23, after adjournthat nothing so succeeds as success; ments from Charleston and Richmond, and nom- stupidity In refusing the counsel of ex- nothing so strengthens /us as doing perienced men caused the work of two inated. Breckenridge. Both the regular and rump generations to be undone Ina .mojnent some difficult task well. Democratic Conventions reaffirmed the Democratic I met the little cab driver yesterLesson 2. Elijah's struggle with Boat platform of 1850. . proves that the Lord Is the true God day; he had a new Job and a better In the meantime the Republican Convention hod and that because He does respond one, probably a more exacting one. met at Chicago and nominated Lincoln, with a when called upon'in sincerity He alone but he was meeting his new problem platform denouncing the Kansas Lecompton pro- Is entitled to be worshiped. In Just as happy and-cheerful a way slavery state constitution, denying the right of as ever. He gave me courage. Laason 3. The proof that Ellsha was congress to legalize slavery and calling for the chosen by God to succeed Elljnh was admission of Kansas. WHO PAYS? With the Democrats divided, Lincoln won by that his anointing of the Spirit was the following votes In the electoral college: Lin- discernible by the sons of the prophets and that he did similar and even (*T 'VE Just been up at their country coln and Hamlln, 180; Breckenridge and Lane, greater works than Elijah. * place visiting the Slmpklases," 72; Bell and Everett (Constitutional. Union nomLesson 4. Those who give themselves George remarked to me this fall. inees), 80; Douglas and Johnson, 12. The slavery Issue came to s head with the elec- up to the practice of sin will ulti- "Cadillac, motorboat, house party, fine tion and Inauguration of Lincoln. The Civil war mately come to ruin. The wages of board, no laundry bill, nothing to pay; sin Is death. pretty soft" began April 13,1860, with the fall of Fort Sumter. Lesson 5. Israel went into exile beI had met Slmpklns at the end of The Democratic Convention of 1864 was held ' at Chicago and nominated Gen. George B. McCiel- cause of her sins, according to God's August, and he had told me what a lan of New Jersey; only twenty-three states were announcement through Amos. God's grind the summer bad been to him.. 'Tve had to work early and late," he represented by delegates. The platform upheld word cannot fall. Lesson 6. In spite of Athalhfh's said. "That family of mlae bad a tearthe-Union but characterized the Civil war as a failure and called for a cessation of hostilities. wicked purpose to destroy the seed Ing good time up north with their The Republican Convention, meeting In Baltimore, royal. Joash of Messiah's line was pre- friends, but the bills were tremenrenomlnated Lincoln on a •platform urging the served and elevated to the throne. No dously heavy, and yon know somebody always has to pay." fighting of the Civil war to a finish. The seced- purpose of God can eventually fall. The Beta Tan Sigma party, the paLesson 7. Hezeklah. when threatened ing states did not vote. In the electoral college McClellan got 21 votes from Delaware, Kentucky by the Assyrians, resorted to God's pers said, had set a new standard for and New Jersey. President Lincoln was shot house and sought the prophet of God. social events In this community. April 14, 1885, live days after the surrender of Lee God's house Is the sure resort of Hts Nothing was lacking to make It a success—cabs, evening clothes (mostly at Appomattox, and was succeeded by Vice Pres- people whep In distress and his minis- rented), favors, theater party, seventers are best qualified to give help. ident Andrew Johnson, who was Impeached In 186S L«sson S. Because Jeremiah faith- course luncheon—It cost a pretty sum. and escaped conviction by the house by one fully declared God's word. God deliv- I*wondered who was paying; father at vote. home getting up early and going to The campaign of 1876.brought about the famous ered him from his enemies. bed late? - Sister teaching, or clerking Lesson-9. Judah,-like Israel, went contest between Hayes and Tllden, nominated reor nurshog? Mother going without tbe Into captivity because of her sins. God spectively by the Republicans at Cincinnati and new gown or the vacation trip of which never forgets the faithful ones nor the Democrats at St. Louts. The decision In the she was very much In need? These falls to punish the wicked. electoral college depended upon the twenty-two disthings more often than otherwise mean Laason 10. Though Israel's leaders puted votes In four states—South Carolina. Florsacrifice; for some one mis to pay. failed, and their failure Involved the ida, Louisiana and Oregon. The house was DemoParker cut a pretty wide swath last nation In ruin, the Good Shepherd will cratic; the senate Republican.. Congress appointed year In college. He had the latest cut. I eventually come and deliver them and an electoral commission to seat the disputed elecup-to-date clothes; he never misses a tors, it was composed of five senators, five repre- exalt them to their proper place among good show—or a bad one; If anything • + ...... sentatives and four Supreme court Justices. The the nations. Lesson 11. When the period of the was going on he could be found sitting Justices chose Justice Joseph P. Bradley as the captivity was fulfilled God caused__a_ In'the front row, and there were un» fifteenth member. The commission thus bad eight remnant to return. God never forgets. pleasant rumors about his associates. Republicans and seven Democrats.. By a strict He can even move the heart of a hea- I knew hts being In college was plnchparty vote the Republicans were seated, wheretag at home a good deal, but his folk* -, then king to fulfill His purpose. upon congress in Joint session March 2. 1877, dewere quite willing to make the sacriLesson 12. Through the reading of clared Hayes and Wheeler elected by an electoral fice In order that be might have the God's Word the people were revived vote of 185 to 184. During tlie four months feeladvantages that they bad been denied. Ing ran high und the strain upon the nation was and they put away their sins. The It wouldn't have been so bad If he had only way to bring a revival In right'dangerous. paid his part by plugging hard on bis There was another dangerous strain In 1884. eous,living Is to bring the people to college work. Mother could perhaps know'God. » The Democratic Convention at Chicago nominated have afforded to deny herself a spring Cleveland. The Republican Convention at Chicago bonnet If son had needed the moaey to Rejecting the Truth nominated Blalne. It became apparent that Blain*. buy a Pbl Beta Kappa pin; but,as It Has God predestinated some to be had 182 votes and Cleveland 18» In the electoral was, he finished the year In debt to lost? Certainly not. There-Is no such every one and with a scholastic avercollege, with the returns from New York (36 etec—toral—votes)—not-complete-and_tlie-popular—vote- thonght-lnScrlpture.__Thft reason why iga-ofT97~Those who were paying got very close. Tammany was accused of withholding some perish Is their own- deliberate little for their money. returns until reports from upstate New York rejection of the truth. "Because they For every good time yon have, for showed how many votes were required to carry the received not the love of the truth, that every luxury yon enjoy, for every disthey might be saved.", electoral vote of the state and elect Cleveland. sipation In which you Indulge or graft After two days of waiting. New York was reported which you take advantage of, someWill ^ot Accept Democratic by 1.149. This gave Cleveland the body Is having to pay. You may charge; "God will not accept the oily words election. , • ' the account at times, but ultimately ,.It wus at the 181)6 Democratic Convention at of new thought.for the sacrifice, and the-bills come In with interest._ ( ; atonement"-, 'ofl"_Chrtat_..-^rhe LI vine — ft-Is better -on the^whole for eaeh ~the, delegates with his- famous' "Cross of _ — Word. - - . , . • . •••-.- man to pay his share of the buVrNo speech anil got the,nomination. Tlie platform deone respects a boy who Is always eager mnndetl free nnd unlimited coinage of silver.and ; ...The.Controversy. = - : , 'to sit ln.'but.who never; reaches; for .the, v gold at 10'to. \r .XIcKinley's^ote in the. electoral A'controversy .with'onewliopr^aches check-. If the home folks, areiwlimig. the.worirofiGndVls>w|h ,\G"d—not,, to make thelsacriflceB ind,furateh|rt» * : the preacher^TThe;Llylng !_Word: ; z,H. ' money i; Lesson AGIance Backward at Political History moval of public officers for political reasons. This By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN last plunk was aimed at the Democrats. Inasmuch NITED STATES SENATOR PAT as the slogan, "To the victors belong the spoils," HARRISON from Mississippi (who was first raised In the Jackson campaign of 1828. was christened Byron Patton), offiThe Democratic Convention of the campaign of cial keynoter of the 1924 National 1836 was held: In Baltimore, May 80,1835. Though Democratic Convention In Madison over 600 delegates attended from twenty-two states Square larden, New York, will preand the territories of Arkansas' and Michigan, the sumably keynote as sweetly to the vote was limited In each state delegation to the various factions among the deleganumber of representatives In congress. There was tions as If the Fathers of the Repubno platform, though the New York state Demolic had mude the keynoter the keycrats Issued a declaration of party principles In Atone of the polltlcul structure. To be sure, they January of 1886. Van Buren was nominated by neglected to mention him In arranging the politiacclamation and defeated Gen. William Henry Harcal machinery for the election of the President of rison, the National Republican candidate. the natlrn. But neither did they mention nominatIn the campaign of 1840 the Democratic Convening conventions "or platforms or national committion met at Baltimore and unanjmously renrmlnattees. In fact, tlie Democratic party, which had Its ed Van Buren. No one was named for vice presilie»;lnnlnK away back In 1800 In the administration dent. The platform reaffirmed states* rights and •of Thomas Jefferson, never held a convention undenied the power of the general government to til 1832 and Was guiltless of a platform until 1840. .The Democratic Convention of 1868, which nomcarry on Internal Improvement and the power of inated Horatio Seymour of New York against Gencongress to charter a United States bank or to Ineral Grunt, was notable only for one fact—that for terfere with questions of slavery. Van Buren was the first time'the Democrats met in New York city. beaten by Harrison, who died a month after his Why the Democrats have never gone back there in Inauguration and was succeeded by John Tyler of .flfty-six yeurs nobody seems to know. The humorVirginia, the National Whig vice president. ists have It that "Jefferaonlan simplicity" has been Probably the most significant feature of this arured to death of "Wicked Wall Street" and the - campaign was the first convention of the National Tammany tiger. It was In 1870, It will be rememAbolition party at Albany, N. Y. It nominated bered, thut the Tweed exposures startled the counJames G. Blrney, a native of Kentucky, who had try; and Wall Street had already demonstrated Its emancipated his slaves In 1834. A resolution was financial power. Anyway, they do say now that adopted calling for the support of Christian free -Gotham, before, during and after the 1924 convenmen of all parties In a campaign against slavery. tion, is going to do its darnedest to prove to InnoThe Abolitionists were called political cranks, but cent and timid country Democrats, both.delegates they laid the foundations of the new Republican sud visitors, that these "sinister Influences" are party. nothing but bugaboos. Doubtless New York will The Democratic Convention of 1844 met In Baltiiiiake a glorious success of this laudable undertakmore and nominated James K. Polk of Tennessee, ing. Anyway, the convention will probably be "as who won over Henry Clay, nominated by the Na«haste as Diana"—whose 18-foot statue tops Madtional Whigs. The -platform reaffirmed that of ison Square Garden. 1840. There were no less than seven conventions In It would be Interesting If some of the delegates 1848. The winning candidate was Gen. Zachary to the 1868 convention could attend the 1924 conTaylor, a hero of the Mexican war, who was nomvention. They would find the New York of today inated by the Native American Convention and the much like another world. National Whig Convention, both held In PhiladelThe first national nominating convention ever phia. The Democratic Convention In Baltimore field dates back to 1812. The Federalists that year nomlnuted Lieut. Gov. De Witt Clinton of ' nominated United States Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan. United States Senator Jefferson Davis New York for President and Attorney General of Mississippi was a candidate In this convention ..Tared Ingersoll of Pennsylvania for vice president for the vice presidency. President Taylor died In These nominations were first made by a caucus of office and was succeeded July 9,1850, by Vice Pres-, •tate legislators at Albany, N. Y. For some reason, ldent Mlllard Flllmore of New York.' more formality wus desired and the nominations In 1352 tlie Democratic Convention, meeting In were made over again by a convention nssembled Baltimore, nominated Franklin Pierce of New In New York. Madison, nominated by the RepubHampshire over Cass and United States Senator licans in congressional caucus, beat Clinton easily. So tlie convention Idea got a bad send off. Perhaps Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. Pierce won the that Is the reason why the next twenty years were election over Gen. Wlnfield Scott, the National without conventions. The campaign of 18S2 saw Whig candidate. the real start of national conventions. There were The conventions of 1856 were of great Interest three parties—Antl-Masonlc, National Republican and Importance as preliminary to the election of •or Whig and Democratlc-^and all three conventions Abraham Lincoln In 1860 and the coming of the were held In Baltimore. The Democratic Conven: Civil war. tion wns held May 21. There were then twentyThere was the American (Know-Nothing) Con' states and.all except Missouri sent delegates. vention hi February In Philadelphia, with 227 dele^ was Issued. Andrew Jackson was unanimously miominuted for President, The nominee for vice president was' former Secretary of State Martin Van Buren of New York. The election was held November 6 and the people veted In every state except South Carolina, where, the legislature chose tlie electore. Jackson and Van Buren were elected. "TlKTcampalgn of 1832 also saw'the'first party platform. .After the National Republican Convention had nominated Henry Clay for President and .John Sergeant of Pennsylvania for vice president - the adoption of.a platform was left to.the. National AHsPinhl \ of Young Men,*? which met, at Wjishjng American Industry," favored a system of Internal Improvements by the general1 government, upheld the respective powers of the Supreme court and the vrnate and condemned the Indiscriminate re-' . _ « ^ r MM M, . -— _ ^^B _ _ for Americans." It nominated Flllmore.. 'A rump convention nominated Gen. John C. Fremont, the explorer. A Whig Convention In Baltimore ratified the Know-Nothing nominations. There was the Republican Convention, the first of the new party, at Philadelphia, which nominated Fremont and Dayton of New Jersey. Lincoln got votes for vice-president-. -The platform, op1820 In regard to slavery; favored the of Kansas as a free state;.denied the right of congress "to:legnllze^slnvery. land "upheld ."liberty of conscience and equality of'rights', among citizens." country thut'continued r Interference by congress with slavery i»nd^ armed 1 resistance to law as to fugitive slaves would endVj ?Baltimore," Wilson and Marshall;' In civil war and disunion and declared It die ' "" " 'Marshall; 18fiU, Son Francisco, Cox:'and Boosevelt.. i - -*i . . • • - -1 • • ' • / . ! ". f <p ( ( • I H | U O I Property of the Watertown Historical Society m 2Sr country town news' item*, are not UHtially iwnsational, which simply indicates that the country folk* l f € k d d areTrer^grtl«rlawsf man.. Useful lives may not make O & Freeman Publisher ft Proprietor Franai_P. Flyna - Awociate exciting news reports,- but they Member National EdliorUl \a»'n constitute a good community to live iu. Cnlered u aeeond-olaaa matter ai Uw Post OSee at Wjrtortown. Conn.. oader t b a u t o t March *. 1B79. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1924. Small Town News Items Smart humorists in city newspapers often make fun of the people who write local and vil lage items for country town pa pers. The items thus collected look small and trifling to these folks who are accustomed to dealing in crimes and sensation every day. These little items, however, re cord the progress and industry the occurrence of social and com nninity events,, and the move ments'of people.'They-show thu the county folks are very iu:tiv< in .unostontatiouH and uscfu ways, and are wide awake to th movements of the times. Th =s^ ^|h3> ' . • •>.• It- HIM y few EPITAPHS FOR MOTORISTS Here lies J. Aloysius Black Who saw a train come-down the tracK Anil thought that if he showed a burst Of speed, he'd reach the crossing first Here lie* Elijah Everett Buck Who, when he met a motor truck. Took half the road. "I know," said he "No truck will dare run into me I Here lies John Heminway McMeelc Who in his gas tank *melt a eek. And thinking that the same he d patch. Went hunting for it—with a match. ;f"^e»i Here lies Horatio Horace Byrne Who. when he sped around a turn. Cast on his wife a rougish glance And said: "Well one must take, a chance!" Here lies R. Vanilrvantcr Bode Who-parked his car upon a road And said, as he turned out the light, •They'll turn out for my car, all right I Philadelphia, t agrees with Is Your Money Safe ? WATfcRTOWN A man died at the Hospital iu Torrington and about his j was a belt containing nearly $4,000 in money. Had he died before reaching the hospital the money mi^ht have l»ee" missinsr. -.'. ',, •:.-. ' si' n.. lify.nn'l this brings us to tin- point of saying that This Bnnk is here to servo you. Large niul small accounts, t-ither commercial or savings, me solicited. Ron ember, a cheek is the very best kind^ of a receipt for money raid. ALTHOUGH Philadelphia"^? agree that this loaf doea come X\.known as the birthplace of nearest to the best home-made American Liberty, it is also bread of any they have ever tasted. famous for its good cooking. Nearly seven years ago, the In preferring Bond Bread, local housewives of Philadelphia folks agree with the Philadelsubmitted their best home-made phians. For in Philadelphia, loaves to show us what kind of over a million loaves of Bond bread they wanted us to bake for Bread are eaten every week. them. These Philadelphia The Bond on every, wrapper is housewives were part of the our pledge, to you that we shall 43,040 throughout the country use forever only the pure ingrewho jointly showed us how to dients that those 43,040 housemake Bond Bread. _._» wives specified when they Local housewives who now buy showed us how to bake Bond Bond Bread daily at their grocers', Bread. The Watertown Trust Co. Member Americin Bankers' Association Howland - Hughes i Waterbury's Largest Department Store WONDERFUL VALUES THIS BOND, printed on each wrapper. «u*rant«i each ingredient andidentifies4he loaf ai the product of the General Bakins Company. From this Bond, and ifilthrt it impUe*, Bond Bread gcti l u name. Summer Dresses In the Economy Section Think of it! " Dresses of Real Linen! Dresses of Dotted Voile! Dresses of Plain Voile! Values such as these are truly extraordinary, for last year said dressi's sold from $5.00 to *7.!lf». All size-*, too/ from 10 to 44. (Economy Section—Second Floor) ~ Friday And Saturday Only!! Special Regrouping and Sale of Aluminum Ware Including a number of cxtni large j>ieces such as Percolators, RoWcis, Double Boilers, Dish Pans, Pudding Pans, Sits of 3 Pans,. etc., all in our regular quality-brand ware. SPECIAL-79C EACH as *Watertown Churches CHRIST CHURCH ^ F. B. Whitcome, rector 8.00 Celebration of the Holy comma nioa. . o.oo Sunday School n.00 Morning worship and" terrhon. FIRST CONG'L CHURCH t Rev. C. E. Wells, pastor. 10.45 Morning service. ia.00 Sunday School. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. George .E. Farrar, pastor 10.00 Sunday School. II.OO Morning service and sermon." . ST. JOHN'S CHURCH .. WANTS PATB0NBE THE BAT OABRBEY GABAGE Oakville, Oonn. Snppliea, Serrice Oar, Aoeesiories AUTOMOBILES Open 7 Dayi a Week Day-Phone 254^ OVBBHAULM) AND ERBUILT ', Ni^it Phone 267 HARRY A. SKILTON'S GARAGE W A N T E D — Picnics, Outings, DIIIUM'S anel the like, to Bmik •for the c<»hing Season at Luna Park, Waterbury. WonderftU Dance, Pavilion, picnic grounds, boating,' swimming, -all rides and many games and amuse- Oonld Badio and Auto Batter'eJ ment stands make up the park. Ideal -plan; For an outing. Battery Charging and Battery Storage Write Irving- Ooheii, Pres., P. 0. Box 144, Waterhury, Conn., Telephone 144 or call-Watering 47!»0 or-J4:M). Special rates., l'Jjuult TO ALL r.' WHO WEAB SHOBSWANTED—Men or women • to ; Vake~: orders for" genuine guar- "V noBt throw awey your won Rev.' Fr. Judge, r'-: *out shoat; Brinf them to me a i i t he 6 di ( yf f b / V i Masses will be at 8 anjjip o'clock on - -iWIUi" my modern equipment J .-''a'iidacBildren;^^Elimiriatc darn-: Sunday morning..; ^^--'' v \=> : % ",;V' ^^iiig^Sal nryZffiM'. aYjwee^: full ^?'(*This department js'tnaiiitaijfe ^iun«fr*V:ar-aiiyio*urr,Hpareajiiip; .ed^by^h^VMhl"lSnVr--'^^*"P*i5l:' M i l f l ^ " o«ccti£)f <l ^ ir ° a \ ""Stw!! Fa™''"^JSw^W" ," / ] -1. • ™ ^ ^ Bronson & Olson -GARAGE Marii at,-Op*. Depot S t . Watertown < HUDSdN 4 B88BX AOEN0T Ooold Batteriat — Bepairteff —HBBB — TUBES, - ' CADILLAC CLOSED CAB FOB TAXI Ckaoline ft (ML W^y^'h:" Quick Servioe •> y ; Property of the Watertown Historical Society THE UNIVERSAL CAR SPECIAL OFFERS FROM N O W UNTIL JULY 3rd /5 Pay $ 75 Down, ****** "»"** and Drive Away Your Touring Car thebabmcein/5mo fo; Pay $ 75 Down, "' and Drive Away Your Runabout the babnce miSmonths Pay $100 Down, ' ' and Drive Away Your Coupr the batance u montf>s Pay $100 Down, " ' and Drive Away Your Tudor or Fordor Sedan W E W A N T YOUR USED FORD • Provided We Get It Before July 3rd SUMMER'S HERE IN ALL ITS GLORY. GET YOUR FORD NOW AND MAKE THIS YOUR HAPPIEST SUMMER! OUTEE WILCOX FLINT, 479 — 483 MEADOW STREET, nc. WATEEBUBY <P. 5. The lowest first cost,, the loifiest upkeep, the smallest depreciation of any car in the world. Mrs. Cbwles of Woodburywas The Bethlehem town team dea recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. feated the Sacred Heart A. ('. of Miss Esther Pox is visiting in John JIallowuy. Torrington,. 16-14, in a game Miss Pearl Sanford has accept- played on the local diamond SunOakville. Louis Well* of Watcrbury is ed a position in the office of the day. Oakville Pin eoonipany. • V spending some time in town. BETHLEHEM iilly well-matched pairs in all colors; weight 38 t<k 4'-' hundred Ins. pnir. You inav «omc here with the expectation Vf I nvinjr consider- HORSES 40 Head GAS RANGES 1 alilp. AT LOWER PRICES UNITED STATES TIR-'ES A R.£ GOOD TIIV.ES. The Western Horse Market OnOUMBTTI BBO8. Mawn'Oontraeton Cknerajt Job Work and TrtcMnf Riverside Stmt Tel. 1064 Oakville. Oonneetfent LEO EADOM N LOUIS TEMKIN ^oprietora TeL 1781-2 Torriiigton, Conn. WILL ARRIVE FABRIC TIRES June 28 30x3 and 30x3% Inch , m^ny years the USCO 'Fabric has been the stand* ard of value, in a fabric tire. It's a better tire today for the light-car owner than a cheap cord of unknown make. Good in Appearance. Moderate in Price. ,\ NEW DESIGNS 'Costs less and gives more* The USCO Fabric will give you a lot of tire service for Look Them Over. Gall at the Office. rnoney» from A.T.MIN0B, Bethlehem, Conn. Suitable For All Requirements MAIN BTBBET aARAOB ' Wttertovsm, Oonn. , Now's the ri(?ht time* to buy M.;tlu> western fiirmers have! i'ti'il -their work, niul Mr. JTi'iiikiii wiird that he purI'-iiii-ii" liiirsi's ul lower"".price" i v i n g U h e . people - hi. this jsvclitm iln; AiilxjintHf,^'^in.,Tower >j)Vi«r«. ; -|)iyi;l"TJiyr}ri'"t-' -l>!yi f?ryr}fi't- thai. thai.- Ilicse.-liorfcis l l j nHITj>irki?d./o'ut.^dirWj ITjikd I Ii ;ani«mfp.tlir fnrniitrai'^aiid-riiotj'-Iroin^Vilciili'i1* )' Awqug\jtiiis lot; are exception- *" THE Corner: Center and leavwwarthBtreeU \ \ aterliiirj, Conn. 1'IHHII-: •0O-1i»l. Property of the Watertown Historical Society own HEWS HALF4OLU0N GET ILLINOIS HIGHWAY MOTORCYCLE AMBULANCE POOLTRY Hew York** a w e than a half-million soldiers, sailors and marines a n l a line for payment of the state boons, payment of which, according to announcemenu made to Legion officials, will soon besu. MUCH TURKEY LOSS As the American Legion is to h a w OUR TOWN DUE TO BLACKHEAD a primary part In disbursement of the We waat oar tow* to STOW t* be » big fond, potts have been supplied The city that oar fathers cream*** A large part of the turkey losses with full Information, here passed on A dty known from sat to •sent to be due to blackhead, Various to those* native New Yorkers, who, — The better " known IthTi i more esteemed. medicines have been recommended for We want to balld a city exeat, though entitled to the bonus, are now T«t greater thaa our cltr «ow; this disease and recently the ipecac residing In other sections of the counPRIZE-WINNER AS Throus-h ev«rr hour of ehaogini' treatment has received a great deal of try. We want our town to arow—But publicity in hopes that it might be the YOUNGEST MEMBER 1. Briefly, the provisions of this leghow? longrsought-for cure. The American Legion Auxiliary, islation are a s follows: Forty-live We want our town to'srow—*nt not Up to the prrsent time X can locate millions of dollars have been approDepartment of Delaware, offered a In numbers only—only slse; BO cases in our section where the Our population Is not what • . birthday cuke to the youngest member priated to provide payment of Shall make ua mlshty. make us wise* Ipecac treatment has given results of the organization. The cake was bonuses to honorably discharged solHow naught our Nineveh and Tyre. sufficiently good enough to prove that won hands down by the young lady dlers, sailors and marines of the Where huddled thousands used to It Is definitely beneficial, says a writer whose photograph Is reproduced. She World war. A commission, composed d w e l l . • • • • • • in the Indiana Farmer's Guide. This Humanity will sot Inquire la Elizabeth Louise Neely, and arrived of the adjutant general as chairman, How many live here-but how well. being the case, I feel that turkey the attorney general, state comptroller only six months ago for a permanent breeders must still rely on the old visit to her parents. She Is a mem- and the state treasurer will be the disWe want our town to STOW In wealth, methods of preventing disease and not But STOW In wealth that counts the ber of Delaware Post No. 1. While tributing agents of the state of New depend upon medicines. Inbreeding Elizabeth did not eat iiny of the huge York. Our children'* happlnets and health, must be avoided as It often results in 2. Honorably discharged soldiers, cake that wus ornamented with only A better wealth, a, better boastj weak poults which are subject to a Cook County (Illinois) .highway police have adopters, new method of paone-half of a candle, she was the guest sailors and marines of the World war In soul. In sympathy. disease like blackhead. Breeding from tethi» roTds wHh a nurtorcyde which serves the'blghway policeman as InIneonr. love of «ood. In bate of sin. of honor at the card party also given include every person, male or female, mature stock seems to produce more « d IsInstantaneously converted Into an ambulance In case of ne- In loyalty. In unity, In her honor by the auxiliary unit to who was enlisted. Inducted, warranted _ resultant poults than those from t T The side w h 7 equipped with an adjustable end which" may belowor commissioned and who served In the-unit of the Laurence Roberts post We want our town to STOW—«na win. young breeding stock. of the American Legion, and did not active duty In the army, navy or ma- S 3 a n d peanut- t £ side «u- tolerve a. a stretcher on wheels. It Is expected And then we want to STOW without. To tear away the ancient walls. Turkeys that range with farm poultrump anybody's ace which made her rine corps of the United States at any to prove a great boon in country accidents. Bis* brother to the world about. time between the 6th day of April, try of all kinds seem more have as popular as the prince of Wales. ' Whatever cornea, whoever calls. 1917, and the 11th day of November, blackhead as they are often scratchA city not of brick or etone. The auxiliary'has many claimants 1018. and who was honorably separatIng In the dirt of the other birds. We do not want to etana apart. for "youngest members," While It Is ed or discharged from such service, Method to End Body Plenty of sour milk In the turkey raThe more eeteemed. the better knows, he more certain that In Delaware little Miss or who Is still In active service, or w rt w n tion seems to help the poults to resist W« want our town to « T ° ii k?S ?S t —Charles t «T° Squeaks on Machine Neely Is the "champ." her record Is bus been retired, or has been furX Orblck. blackhead. The sour milk is not a surpassed in several Instances. Here Is a simple' trick . that loughed to a reserve. Also every percure but It does stimulate a rapid, la Granvllle, N. M.. as soon as a son who was enlisted In the army Vglints* an Expensive any motorist can use, which Will vigorous growth and this in turn helps name was given to the Infant daughter nurse corps or the navy nurse corps, help very materially In elimikeep down digestive disorders which Luxury for Any Town to of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills, she be- and who nerved In active duty therein nating body squeaks. Before might weaken the poults and make came a member of the Granvllle unit at any time between the 6th day of There Is a common belief that cer- them subject to blackhead. washing the car apply a mixture . of the auxiliary. Incidentally this ar- April, 191T, and the 11th day of No- Beware of Salesman Who tain forms of ugliness have & commerof kerosene and .fabricating oil It Is difficult to raise poults on land cial value. The existence ^of cheap vember, 1918, and who was honorably around the body -crevices. After Is Willing to Make Big buildings, gaudy signs and shoddlness where blackhead has been prevalent discharged or separated from such this is done rock the car in orIn general about a city Is due as and some breeders have cleaned up Allowance on Old Car. service or la still In active service. der to allow the lubricant to much to the Idea of economy or profit their premises by ceasing to raise turpenetrate. It Is also advisable key* for a year or two. Then they ob3. Every honorably discharged sol- (By BRWTN OREER. President Greer as to bad taste. to let up on the body bolts and tain clean breeding stock and have dier, sailor or. marine, as above deCollege of Automotive Engineering-.) But ugliness is a drag on any city, better success. At present there are back them up with grease. The nned, who, at the time of enlistment Every dealer promises satisfactory on the Individual as well as the com- many farmers who might have good or Induction to the military or naval service—free service for thefirstfew grease will work over the surmunity. It thrusts itself Into the success with turkeys because none of face of the bolt upon tightening service of the United States, was an months or the first year with certain daUy life of the Inhabitants; It In- .the' birds have ranged on their farm and thereby prevent the squeak actual resident of the state of New restrictions, but fully satisfactory servtrudes upon the visitor and leaves for five or ten years or more and the at its source. York, is entitled to receive $10 for ev- ice always. He will tell you that his no opportunity for pleasant Impres- soil is probably entirely free from the ery entire month that such person was particular brand of service Is at least sions. One ugly spot or unsightly obIn active service In the military or na- equal, and usually he will sny It. is ject may. block the effectiveness of disease. val forces of the United States during superior, to that of his competitors. It beuuty In a dozen places nearby. the World war; the maximum to any ts as much of his selling talk as statLeakage at Pump Boxes Many cities are realizing that ugli- Profit Made in Guinea person being $150. ing that he has the best car for the ness Is expensive and wasteful, acand Hose Connections 4. The widow or widower, child or money. So beware 1 Do not accept Broilers and Roasters Leakage at pump stuffing boxes and cording to Andrew Wright Crawford, children, mother, father, brother and these statements but Investigate by a member of the art Jury of PhiladelThe guinea hen Is n good layer, but sister, in the order named, and none talking to present owners. A glance hose connections, which will open up Mr. Crawford declares that on account of the wild gamey flavor, other, of such soldiers, sailors, or ma- through the shop will often prove when the car Is operating on the road, phia. rines who. without having received whether what he says Is likely to be often are not In evidence when the Philadelphia and several other cities the eggs have never had an extensive payment of this bonus, dies after the. true or not. and additional informa- machine Is stationary, and it Is diffi- of the country are planning to replace sale for table use. However, to turn act takes effect, shall be paid the sum tion along this line may be obtained cult to determine where the leaks are public buildings, the principal reason these eggs Into young broilers or that such deceased would have been from owners. This precaution will unless pressure Is applied to the mo- being that the structures are ugly. He roasters, a considerable profit will be entitled to under the provisions of the often prevent a rude awakening. tor. If that can be done, the leaks declares that an art Jury or commis- derived. The flesh Is the nearest subsion, composed of Individuals compet- stitute we have for the wild game. law if such veteran had lived. will show up plainly. Indications of Stability. ent to pass Judgment on the artistic The guinea Is of a roving disposiTo apply the necessary pressure, It The shop Is not the only angle, how5. All payments made nnder the profeatures of any public structure, may tion, and one of the best known deis necessary merely to modify a radivisions of this, law are exempt from ever, from which to Judge the denier. save cities good sums of money anall taxation and1 from levy and sale on The condition of his showroom, wheth- ator cap by the addition of a tire nually. In one year the Philadelphia stroyers of Insects. The laying season starts In early er It Is neat and clean, whether his execution. Jury, • 'for example, recommended April/and continues until October, the 6. All applications for benefits under cars are shining or not, the personnel changes in designs of about a dozen hen laying as many as 120 eggs In a this law must be filed with the commU- of his employees and the general atstructures with a saving of more than season. In the early part of tne mosphere are important Indications. slon before the first day of July, $40,000. season It Is not advisable to let the Elizabeth Louise Nesly. Perfection in these little details Shows 1925. guinea hen hatch a brood, as she Is business ability; shows that he Is up7. No agent, attorney or any other rival was made strictly an all-Legion Plan for Motorcar of too restless a nature, and will not to-date, and consequently will give you affair. Mr. Mills was commander of person shall demand, be entitled to or Cities of the future must be planned give her young the proper attention. the local post of the Legion, and his receive any compensation for his serv- the sort of treatment you expect. for the motorcar or there will be bed- But after the first of July, on account The financial status of the business wife, an overseas nurse, was a mem- ices In prosecuting any claim for any lam and confusion that will make near- of the warm weather, she will be more ber both of the Legion and the aux- bonus under this law. Penalties are Is also Important. If It Is a thriving, ly every metropolis in the country a quiet, and she can be safely entrusted flourishing going copcern It Is safe to . lllary at the time. Doctors and nurses provided for false statements. babel of traffic congestion, according with a brood. who attended little Miss Holloway 8. The bonus is not transferable, assume that parts and repairs mny be to the warning of a traffic' expert reIt requires four weeks to hatch out Anne, for that is her name, were Le- except assignments to any corporation obtained for years to come. A.healthy How Pressure cently, who declared that although au- guineas. Xhe hen always hides her business usually has a good shop; the gtonalres. Visible. t o , In some obscureformed prior to the passage of the legtomobiles are Increasing In number nest, and that, too, But, according to all records, Miss islation and organized solely for aiding shop Is the heart of the business. If place. As they come off the nest they at the rate of 26 per cent every year, Cynthia Ann Beyer of Dulutft, Minn-, disabled or Incapacitated veterans, money Is lacking the shop Is the first valve, as shown. With this In place, little or nothing Is being done to meet give a shrill cry. and In this way their Is unbeaten In her record. The father, shall be. valid. As an example, as- to feel the pinch, because it rarely ounip about five pounds of air pres- the situation. City fathers were urged hiding place can be detected. All the W. H. Beyer, Is a member. of David signments may be made to the Vet- makes a profit anyhow. It Is merely a sure Into the circulation system. It hi to look.ahead and prepare for con- hens of a flock are apt to lay In one obvious that a rubber gasket should WIsted post of the Legion, and the erans' Mountain camp^ of the Ameri- means to further sales. -. nest, and In taking away these eggs be placed under the cap and a cork to ditions as they must be five or Allowance on Old Car. ' ili unit they should not be touched with the mother of the post's auxiliary can Legion. Department of New York; years from now. In larger cities Beware of the dealer who Is willing the overflow pipe. hands, for If the hen discovers that the Two weeks before Miss Cynthia's ar- and provision has been made on the arterial traffic system, under which The. same device Is useful when several of the prominent streets lead- nest has been touched she will desert rival, she was made a member of the application blanks for such assign- to make a big allowance on your old car. If he gives you more than the car flushing the radiator or using a scale David WIsted unit of the auxiliary. ments. Ing from the business area are made It and hunt another place. But If the Is worth he Is really selling the new remover, because the pressure aids maeggs are removed with a stick she 9. Payments of this bonus will be car at a discount. It has been proved terially In forcing the scale and muck Into through thoroughfares, was advo- will not leave the nest, even If tne cated, together with parking spaces made In one lump sum. Favor Schooling for time and time again that It Is Impos- out through the drain.' When the loeggs are taken out nearly every day. 10. Veterans who were actual. res- sible for a car to be sold at less than cation of a leak hi known; It can usu- under buildings and In subways. An American* in China idents of the state of New York at list price and for the dealer still to ally be repaired easily.—By G. A.entirely new grouping of business buildings, spreading them out Into Overcrowding Is One of Interest In schooling for Americans the time of enlistment, but who are make any money. If he sells the car Luers in Popular Science Monthly. wider areas, was also recommended In China has grown to such an extent now residing In other states, are en- at a discount there Is a false value Most Common Mistakes as a.posslble aid to the solution of the that Legionnaires In Kings county, titled to the benefits of this law. They somewhere. A car sold for less than traffic-problem In thejarger cities of - Overcrowding- ls-one_of _the__ most New ^ork7 recently went on record "sliouldmake application to the adju- list price Is rarely a bargain; Invar! Some BigMysteries-of—— New ^ork7 y f h i t i country.-rPopular Mechanics Mag- common mistakes made In growing Automobiles Explained the favoring establishment of such insti- that of the American Legion of the ably that car would be cheaper and azine. chickens. Overcrowding of the babr tutions and offered their services In state In which they now reside, as ap- more satisfactory If purchased at full It's funny how people ride around In chicks usually corrects ltiwlf by the plication blanks will be distributed to price. A discount means a reduction this direction. cars and' never know what makes ism simple method of the chicks dying . Consult Good Architect the state headquarters of all states for In value. Under County Commander Edward go. And Just because they dont know, from day to day until the number that The man of affairs does not questhe convenience of veterans residing The most Important function of the hey get Into a lot of trouble they A. Simons, a resolution was passed tion the advisability of having an can be accommodated with air Is left. In such states. Any American Legion dealer after, the car has been delivby the posts represented in the Kings would have avoided If they did know. architect plan his home, for experi- Any condition that depletes the vitalCounty Council of the American Le- post will advise the name and address ered Is to give service—free service for The clutch Is a mechanical hand ence has taught him that successful ity of the chick Is apt to bring on a of the department adjutant. minor adjustments, perhaps, but gion, urging that the national legislawhich holds the engine abaft and the 11. Veterans of the World war re- prompt and satisfactory service wheth- drive shaft together when the ear la things must first be conceived In a ooseness of the bowels. tive committee of the organization be mind fitted to create them. Brains and All cases of diarrhea are not the Iner the work be gratis or not. When a siding In the state of New York should instructed to seek passage of legislagoing and lets go and separates them study make practical plans, not ac- fectious white diarrhea; many of them car breaks down, the seriousness of communicate with the American Letion establishing such Institutions In when the car Is not going and-the en- cident or fancy. There are still a few could have been prevented by providgion post In the community In which the breakage Is not truly measured by gine is. the Orient. people who have the notion that ing more room for the chicks; the Its -size or Importance, but by the they live, for arrangements have been The function of the geared Is t » architecture can be practiced by any- diarrhea Is merely an evidence of overmoney It costs and the time It takes made for distribution of applications Merchant* Interested one, and we often hear them remark through these posts, and assistance to place the car In running order provide a different ratio mi engine rev- that they planned their own home crowding. olution to rear wheel revolution;, not, When the young stock have reached again. With this fact In mind It Is in Legion Indoor Fair will be rendered In the filing of the apas some people fondly suppose, to a> without any .professional help. the sex-conscious age, the sexes should Haw far the generosity of local plications. A certified copy of the dis- easy to see how essential It Is to be low the driver to drive at different Thanks to the growth of good taste, be separated. Separation of the sexes careful In selecting a dealer. merchants went toward the American charge must accompany application, speeds, but to provide him with though, we are learning that such de- promotes the growth of each. Legion In Geneva, N. Y.. may. be seen and this copy may be- certified -by a power when It Is needed. sirable Intellectual qualities In the by the fact that donations for the notary public, commissioner of deeds, home as charm,. beauty, simplicity, The differential is an . Wet Feeds for Chicks annual Indoor fair were Insured for Justice of the peace, etc. personality, can be put there only by of gears which Is an elastic transmitAUTOMOBILE FACTS ter of power to the rear wheels—It 12. A bill has been Introduced, nt $20,000. Every one of these donaA few breeders say they have good men having well-trained natural talent tions was given to the Legion for the request of the American Legion In for architects oral expression. Not any results with wet feeds for baby chicks. «IHtllMMMII)HH » mm MM M »»*»«»» deliver more power to one wheel riistrlbutlon-<lurlng-the-elght-days-of- -the-leRlslature-to-provlde-for-payment-Smltbr-Jones,L^5>r_Oood Citizen, how- Since many breeders fall with this) ll The plunger Inside the tire valve la theothersnrtor the event, and to be on the safe side, to the next of kin of those who made ever much he-may know of building system, we do. not recommend It. wheel to revolve faster or slower man responsible for the life of the tire, post officials Insured them against loss the supreme sacrifice, and those who or plumbing, can design a successful Clean dry grains after the. rolled oats) by fire for the big amount. The fair have died since the signing of the arm- and should never be removed unless ,the other. home for architecture Is more than becomes offensive to the chicks Is the wus held in interest of a building fund istice, for the amount due for each' absolutely necessary. building, and good planning Is more safest feed. Sour milk Is very Impor* ** of the Legion, the original goal of full month of active service and It Is Organized Motortruck than convenient plumbing.—Country tant In the feeding rations of baby Eighteen million pounds of sodajtol, which was $15,000. hut which was expected this bill will pass. It prochicks. Life. ' Lines Being Discussed raised because of the excellent" re- .vldes for $1,500,000 to be handled by a surplus war explosive made by mixOrganised motortruck lines, routes Ing TNT and sodium nitrate, .Is to be the bonus commission. ceipts of the event. , • , Community Meetings Origin of Pekin Duck 13. Provision is made In the appli- used In state and. federal road con- through designated streets, will be School buildings and equipment In The Pekln duck hi of Asiatic origin, one of the solutions of the rail term!-, Jackson, Mich., «re open to_use by _ ' cation form for. filing of claim' by a struction. * \Favorfi New Gymnasium. guardian or committee of veterans nal problem in large cities, In tba the public -for community purposes and,was Imported t o this country • Gov. C. C 'Moore nf Idaho, has In- who have been declared to be Insane Scale In the radiator can be ,over- opinion of a transportation,discussion and the auditoriums and gymnasiums, ifrom China, about; thirty years ago. dorsed the project, of the American ;or/of unsound mind. . / •• ••-come by mixing a little glycerin with at the recent annual meeting of tne are In., constant-use .In* the evenings. 'A-traveler ..who" saw them about the Legion to; construct n new gymnasium '-, ,14. The -American., Legion; posts the /.cooling water. ..'• The glycerin American "Economic association n Two of the Intermediate schools are streets of ^Peking -mistook them, for building at- the. University of, Idaho^ -Uirbughout-^ the state, have.;made' ar- should be used In proportions of half Washington. - Prof. Emory B. Johnson regularly used by six basketball teams small white geese at: first but upon In'^a -recent letter, to P^uhDnylst; state"; "rantseinents'tb:asslst;veterans in;filing" a pint-to (Ba"ch:: five .gallons, of ;.water. of. the"University, of, Pennsylvania tad for practice and match games. Twenty- finding them ducks, was so Impressed com: the conference on this subject.- . - , two/other organizations, .Including with'their snow white' plumage, and tlve ^ I ^ w a s t t h e ; s^eial/oiuteloa ttat erghV; boy' scout"troops, Thold. their,.' noble'carriage that he secured some f IsUeribugh ture freight cars must be taken out of r«n- meetings- In-sthe, gymnasiums^ the : 0 f -their :eggs.:*jrhey .were .brought ,t» 2 ^ H K o n g Tarn) hatchedr and In dun the" ^ ^ ^ " l " l ] l m ] t e d e d m wltt6utTin1po8lng»;| lnexpenslve land outside the;citiesjln elementa-ry^sch-^^^^^ who 'sunI'd overseeing all the old Junk on wheels. p be handled at Albany, ernor Moore pledged his hearty sup- mission will i h common esxriwj ri J t when a car should be be —*•«-*• chloro- conjunction with Just frequently New York. port to the movement toTcollectlon and delivery servtei' formed" Is a problem. AMCSKM BE DELIBERATE IN CHOOSING DEALER • , • > • • i. r. f "V*"'.nr~ie. Property of the Watertown Historical Society Between Women's •" * - j^i^rK,^•*•- .« " . *• ?•• n i m * you WJKB TOO TOOboy boy MONARCH C MON COFFEE. Fine, A * Incompai* able flavor dwt comes from blending the choicest coffees the world* produces. Second, die low price which makes it an economy to serve MONARCH regularly. ^Make All The Difference> Yon will never with «nv other « * • afar you have given Monarch a maL "Mus^sssMk SSUB S#is#S** "1 ham BwUadMaoaKh Col; LUES' emeuLATino QUALITY DVSPEPSIA ears Typical Baaqua Farm House. {Trepared by the National Oeoirmphlo So- as Is true of the peasants In other claty, Waahlnston. D. C.) parts of Europe, give up'the ground INDEItCORNftj HEMSTITCHING AMD F1COT1MO Attaebmant flta any maoblna; for bom* i n ; U.S« a*nt collect, i i n t i wanted. 11th floor, f N. MlehUan. Chicaco. Satisfaction or money bac them from your druggist JAQUB8 CAPSULE. GO. 1PB8 CAPSTOB m U'iSJtUUQ, I . T. ACTS UKE ON TIRED.TENOER.SMARTIN& SWOLLEN, SWEATY FEET „_ EYEWATER _1 EYE WASH lli» Hirer. Troy. H.T. Book!* W. N. U., NEW YORK, NO. 26-1924. No Need to Bother With the Middleman Doing Away With < Tedium of Travel The phrase "the tedium of travel" will speedily become meaningless, so A fanner of German descent entered far as long-distance railway, Journeys the drug store of a small Ohio town, are concerned, If other companies folas the story was told at the Salesman- low the lead of the London A Northship luncheon recently by Martin L. eastern and run "cinema coaches,'' Pierce of Canton, Ohio, expert In In- says London Tit-Bits. Experiments recently carried out on dustrial relations. • nounced to the druggist, who, as It long-distance trains proved conclusivehappened, was president of the local ly that even on trains traveling at express speed films can be shown with Salesmanship dub. "Why, who's dead!" the druggist In- results as good as In a first-class picture theater. True, a few difficulties quired sympathetically. . "Nobody's dead, but my wife's sick, from oscillation and so on had to be so I want an undertaker," the farmer overcome, but these have now been dealt with successfully. repeated. . The coach used as railway film: "Ton don't'mean an undertaker, you want a doctor;, I'll get you one," the theater by the London & Northeastdruggist replied reaching for the ern was not specially constructed for phone. that purpose. A coach In storage was "Oh, no, I don't; I want an under- taken out, dismantled, refitted, shuttaker," the man Insisted. "Ain't we tered and equipped with operator's been hearing at every meeting of the room and screen. Power was supplied Salesmanship club how we should by the train's electric-lighting system eliminate the middleman?"—Houston and the auditorium was seated for 30 people. Port. All cinema-theater regulations have been strictly observed In the construc• Identifying Him tion of this railway picture house. Blinks—What kind of a man Is Loudly? Experience Jinks—The kind of a bird who has Experience cannot be criticized by made u failure of his own business, but knows how he could make a howl- our idea of what experience ought to be like; it can be criticised only by Ing success of everybody else's. more experience.—Sir Walter Raleigh. When a man Is beaten at'any game It Is a good divine that follows his be always says that be Is out of own Instructions. practice. Life gives you just 13 years of real health—and happiness Average Health Span extends only from age 18 to age 31, according to United States Hfe Tables, 1920 Asramtag that yon a n the average drink with the rich, mellow, fun-bodied flavor of this wholesome grain. Every member of the family can drink it every meal of the day, enjoy its delidousness. crave it, knowing there isn't a sleepless hour, a headache, or a taut nerve in it. For the sake of year yean following age 81, we want you to try Postum for thirty days. Ton cant expect to overcome the effects of a i B Is » habit of years in two or three days, or TUB sounds seasatioiuil. sational. Bat it is true-end i t Is even a week. To make this a sporting something to which the wise man or proposition, we will give yon a week's supply ef Postum free. Enough forwoman mil give serious thought. a eup with every meal for a week. But OfcouTscftisnotnatuMLorright we want yoa to carry on for tin full It is the direct result of an artificial thirty days. node of life—of careless eating, sleepOasrie Blanehard, who has person* lessness. and stimulated nerves. Nature provides a danger signal—fatigue»-to ally served Postum to over 800,000 warn when the body needa rest The people, will send you her own dine* person who regularly deadens the Sons for preparing i t Indicate fatigue signal by the use of a. drag is whether you want Instant Postum, the in the world to prepare, overriding the warning of nature, «eraon, yoa will enjoy health—physical freedom and full vigor—only from age 18 to 81. This astounding fact is shown by the United States Life Tables, 1920. . Torn? earning power win decrease japidly after 40. That period commonly called "the prime of life" will actually be an ago of decay. i That is whateoffeFaoeiirT or^Postum-Oereal,_the.kiiid-you_boil._ Either form easts less than most other average cup of coffee contains 1% to hot drinks. HO out the coupon, and 8 grams o f the drag eaffdn—classified year flist week/a free supply of aa a poison. This & a, dose of caffdn of the slxe often administered by physleiana in cases of heart failure. It TEAIl THIS OUT—MAIL IT NOW I to fatigue signal. Aetualt/, ths strength is tabled from the, body's Ooffe« «mtaiw 110 nourishment Its only virtues,'asabeverage, are its warmth and flavor. * A. good, hot, Aw9 Um drink is a benefit with every meal postum. w altttto made of whole ntsted, with tmore. A . . . D CTuI ••»'•» WOT Wew York 10 ItLaklhavalbacaBatbaHMM 8AMMELSON.Olafa.Ia. Reid, Murdoch^. Co. EtUblukrdlBSi Chicago N e w York . Those who may look upon Spain as' floor of their, dwellings to chickens, Boston Pittsburgh a land of the siesta where life flows In pigs and steers; but their own quara leisurely sort of way, hove over- ters upstairs in these houses of many looked the Basque provinces ul the ex- animals, are spotlessly dean. treme north of the peninsula. This reMany Minea and Foundries. gion centering around the Important One derives a false picture <if tlie part of Bilbao has been aptly dubbed center of'Basquedom around Bilbao, "Spain's New England," for there IS unless he takes the little eight-mile an unmistakable Yankee-like spirit In side trip from the city down to the the air, " . pea. Paralleling each jslde of the The traveler notes the'change as, river Is an electric tramway, and parsoon as be crosses the Basque border alleling each of * these in turn Is a by rail. Even the train picks up steam railway. We Understand Corrected spirit and arrives at each succeeding Town after town Is to be seen on the A zealous but untrained reformer It was a dear old Brookllne f little station punctually—a thing un- way. Along the left bank of the who made the Malaproplun remark ^ had obtained permission to speak at known In the country to the south. Nervlon shipbuilding yards are suc"Say whut you will, I've tried all my The "Vascongados," as the Spaniards ceeded by Immense Iron foundries and the county Jail. "Brothers," he pleaded with them, life to live up to my ordeals."—Boscall them, or the "Euskaldunac," as smelters, and dozens of steamers are they call themselves, are decidedly tied up alongside these Industrial "lose no time In turning to the path- ton Transcript. different. Even the Basque tongue plants, all combining to fill the air way of. righteousness. Remember we are here today and gone tomorrow." (Euskara) is totally unintelligible to with the smoke of man's activities. Gloomy voice from the rear: "I've the Spaniard, and It Is spoken almost The pretty green hillsides far be- got eighteen years here yet." exclusively by the peasants of the yond the river are marred here and little provinces of Gulpuzcoa, Vlucaya there by patches of reddish-brown and Alava. though Spnnlsh Is used In color, where, in the distance, can be the larger towns and cities. A Basque seen the puff of the little locomotives newspaper, and there are several of of the ore trains, and occasionally the them, resembles Polish quite as much nimble of a dynamite explosion Is as It. does SpanlRh. heard. These ore the mines, and from Hot water The history of these "Yankees" of many of them, stretching for miles .SureRelief Spain, who proudly claim - trt be the through the air, to the loading berths oldest unmixed race In Europe, is a on the river, are aerial cables, to which Applicants Ior Insurance Should repetition of determined efforts to de- are fastened buckets full of red ore Use Swamp-Root fend and retain the natural rights and moving continually from mine to liberties which they have enjoyed river, with parallel cables carrying Judging from reports from druggists 2 5 * AND 75*RftCKAGES EVERYWHERE since time Immemorial. They had bock the empties to the far-away who are conatantly in direct touch with certain fueros, or special privileges, to brown patches on the hillside. the public, there is one preparation that which they held through thick and The river winds Its way between has been, very succeatful in overcoming th|n. and way back In 1202 they stub- these rich hills, and finally, rounding a these conditions. 'The mild and healing bornly refused to become Incorporated corner, comes suddenly to the sea. influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ia with the provinces of Leon, Navarre The strong, sea breezes of the Biscay •oon realized. I t stands the highest for and Castile until the privileges had blow away the smudgy fog of Indus- its remarkable record of success; been duly recognized. An examining pbyiician for one of the try, and one emerges again Into sunny prominent Life Imunnce Companies, in These privileges gave the Bnsques, Spain. among other things, a republican conAt each side of the river mouth Is an interview of the subject, made the aastitution In their three little prov- a. town—Portugalete on the left and toniihing statement reason why inces, Immunity from taxation and Las Arenas on the right. A beautiful so many applicant* for iniuranee are rejected ie because kidney trouble is to freedom from military service, though and unusual bridge, connecting the common to the American people, and the they maintained certain forces of their two forms a fitting mdnument to Urge majority of. thoae whose applications P. D. Q., a chemical (not an powder) that will acown. mark the union of the Nervlon with are declined do not even •aspect that Insect tually rid a house of Bed After Basques helped In the unsuc- the waters of the Atlantic. they, have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Anta its proper use-Impossicessful Carllst uprising In 1876, how- There are few harbors more beau- Swamp-Root is on sale at all drug stores with ble for them to exist as it kills ever, these fueros were taken from tiful In setting than this, with one in bottles of two sires, medium and Urge. their eras as well and thereby them. Thus the much-hated salt mo- breakwater of stone stretching far out However,, if you wish first t o .test this •tops Future generations. A 35c package makes a quart nopoly of the'Spanish •government was Into the sea from the Portugalete side great preparation, send ten cent* to Dr. Free—a patent spot In every Introduced Into the three provinces and another, of equal length, from Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, K. Y., for a package, to get them in the hard-to-get-at places. Special •ample bottle. When writing, be sure along with the more-hated tobacco mo- the Las' Arenas side. Within the Hospital Blxe, 12.60, makes 5 nopoly and with the most-hated breakwaters are vessels riding at an- and mention this paper.—Advertisement. gallons. Your druggist hay It or can get It for you. Mailed "qufnta." or military conscription. •hor on the deep, blue water, a few prepaid upon receipt of price . Who Plant* a Tree by th.e Owl Chemical Works, Bllboa, 8econd Spanish Port. steamers and many small fishing Terra Haute. Ind.. . The really Important bit of news Picture a small, round valley nes- schooners, for the fresh fl»h of the tling among wondrous green hills, some Basque sea are marked h|gh In the that there were as many as 70,000 en rolled tree planters In the United of which are almost worthy of the record of fish excellence. Stutes lnst year reminds us afresh o name of mountains, with a river careBasque Sardine Women. the good work of the American Tree fully making a letter S or two In WHY NOT BE A NURSE? One of the unique little pictures of order to enter this beautiful strong- the Basque town's on the sea Is that association. The only duty for mem- The Methodist Episcopal Hospital, hold. That Is the site of Bllnon, with of the barefooted sardine women, bership In that far-ranging fraternity 6th St. and 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, Is that one shall set out a tree—a N. Y., ranks among the boat In the Its hundred thousand souls, the largest Basque city and the .second sea- walking with infinite and unaffected service to which every citizen an country. Write Superintendent for Bruce through narrow streets of stone particularly every homemaker slioul copy of Traialng School Proapactua. port of Spain. flagging, with great square wooden The river Is the Nervlon, which has trays balanced on their heads. On the turn; with delight, Choosing a Vacation been canalized from the city to the trays are hundreds of silvery fresh Oscar had finally completed bis Oood baaltta depanda npon «ooA dtsaatton. Bay of Biscay! eight miles distant, so sardines laid out In neat rows. And Safecnard your dlfeitlon with Wrlfht'a In- education and now • wished to be an Vaa-eUbla Pllli and yon aafecuard your architect. His. father did not like I t that sea-golngwnerchnnt vessels come the women cry, s'Sardlnns, sardinas dian taaaltb. »T1 Paarl St.. N> T. AdT. to town, passing the Aynntamlento, vivas!" Indicating that their wares are -Nonsense!" said he. "There'll be the beautiful municipal building, on practically no building for years— Wasn't Sure still alive. their way, and dropping anchor within Among other qualities of excellence, . Majrlstrate—"Did you say child or you'll have nothing to do." a stone's throw of the Tentro Arriga, "Tbnt's exactly the reason," said OS* the Basques are the leading athletes children?" Applicant—"Well, It is one of the finest theaters In Spain. car.—Meggendorfer Blatter (Munich). twin, sir."—London Tlt-Blts. In Spain. They supply a goodly numThe hills encircle the city so closely that the ribbons of railways seeking ber of torreros for the bull ring, but A single spade In the hand Is worth The average man prides hlmsel entry from north, east, south and west th« really noteworthy excellence of the more than a trey of diamonds In Uw upon the possessions his neighbor can' Basque sportsman lies In no more nor attain their end only by plunging Into pack. afford. less than playing ball. smoky tunnels. It Is not baseball, however, but the After likening the Basque provinces to New England, one must mix his great Basque ball game, jnego de pesimiles a bit and admit that Bllboa Is lota, democratic and popular as Is the. the "Pittsburgh" of Spain. Along the national game- In America. One sees Nervlon, between the city and the the boys In the villages hard at It, sea, are some of the world's most and In the cities the fond Basque famous Iron deposits. They were parent, like.the American, is someknown In the Middle ages—so much times-caused a violent shock by the so, In fact, that Elizabethan writers smaahlng of a pane of glass In the -illnlng-roomrcaused-by-the-unwelcomeBsed~the term "Bllfio" for rapier, l r entry of a pelota. a little smaller and Is largely during the last three de- a little harder than a baseball. cades, however, that vast exploitation The game Is, perhaps, a more violent .has taken place; and now the river la lined with freighters loading ore form of sport than baseball, and In for Newcastle or .for Rotterdam, many respects- closely resembles 'where It Is transshipped Into Rhine squash rackets. In a description of the "New England barges and carried to Krupps and ether German Iron and steel makers. of SpanV'some mention must be made of . But not all of this Vlzcayan- wealth San Sebastian, the second city In the Is exported in Its natural state.' Basque Bnsque provinces, but the least Basque energy-has caused the erection of In characteristics. It la a modern MOTHER:-Fletcher's O j t o m W p ^ ^ smelting'plants along the river, where town on the Buy of Biscay only a few miles from the French frontier, the tute for Castor 03, Paregoric TeetMnf Drops and Sootff steel-rails -and ship "plates" are ..proeduced. The :ralla explaln^whyVthese summer residence of the royal family Syrups, prepared foe Infanta fe anna and Ouldtca aflgj»ge». provlnceai lead :in;ttie"matter of. Span- and the must popular of Spanish reish railways and the steel plates wiry ports It has s line casino and an unBilbao has become Spain's shlpbulld- rivaled bathing beach. Indeed. In many ways, San Sebastian Is a serious lig center The peasant farmers In Basqne land, rival of Monte Carlo. Sure Relief Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It FOR INDIGESTION ELLANS Baby loves, A Bath With Cuticura My Picture on Every Package P . D . Q . A NURSE? 'J£b-&L* Property of the Watertown Historical Society SPRAY MATK5RJALS J, .-ft FAGEt i i I i i 1 | i - _ . •*• • Jtftfll if. INVESTMENT One of the largest Manufacturing and Supply houses in Connecticut, located in Waterbury; organized and incorporated in 1887, offers to the public $30,000.00 of 7 per cent. Preferred Stock, same to be sold in small parcels not over $3,000.00 to a person, price $100.00 per share. If interested, representative will be pleased •to call by addressing INFORMATION; P. O. Box 482, Waterbury, Conn. i make prompt •delivery from stock of any of the following items: Paris Green Arsenate of Calcium Pyrox Arsenate of Lead Paste Sulfoeide Arsenate of Lead Rfi Powdered Com Sulphur Black Leaf Forty (99 1|2 p. c. pure) Bordeaux Mixture „ , *• Besnblimed Flowers of Bordo Lead Sulphur Copper Sulphate Tobacco Dust (Blue Vitrol) Whale Oil Soap Helleboce Spray Pumps Kayso Lime (for L . * S . Solution) Lime Sulphur Dry Niagara Dusting Materials Lime, and Sulphur Solution Niagara Dusting Machinery Nicotine Sulphate 40 pr.ct. Mall us in your order Para-Dichlorobenxene i I N the long ran there is no concealment for low grade product*. Eventually the defects of poor workmanship or of improper materials must eome to light, resulting in a rapid depreciation, which is in itself an item of expense that must be considered. QUALITY- SERVICE- PBICE. l The Waterlown Lumber Co £ Apothecaries Hall Company Factory-East Windsor, Conn. . wATERTOWN; CONN. Main Opce—Waurbnry, Conn. says there" will be a big crop of Cornwall, who will remain their guest for a short time. (•the following officers were electDELPHIAN SOCIETY blackberries this year. ed for the<cnining year: President ELECTS OFPICEES Mrs. Walter S. Berry, vice presi- Henry Treat has been confined The Sunshine Circle is meeting Mrs. Peter Palen of Newport dent Mrs. John L. .Beach, secre- to his home with illness several this afternoon at the homo of •News, Vav died at the home of Mrs. W. G. Reynolds Monday. . •' * Mrs. P. H. Leavenworth. The annual meeting of the tay and treasurer Mrs. H. B. Me- days. / Siedu chapter of the Delphian Crme. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Abrams arid Mrs. A. E. Knox were Quite a number from here, atsociety was hold at the home' of have arrived at their summer in Mr. You are known by the comLitchf ield Tuesday and re- tended the funeral of Irving D. Mrs. H. H. Ashenden on Main turned to town bringing with Atwood in Watertown Sunday street Tuesday afternoon. Reports pany you keep; therefore avoid ome in West Side. It has them Mrs. Emma Clark Baker, of afternoon. of the secretary and treasurer Mayonnaise dressing. The WcBt Side weather prophet for the past year were read and been mixed with oil. WWOODBURY. Rev. J. L. R. Wyckoff, George R. Sturges and Harmon S. Boyd were in attendance at the meeting of the Litchf ield county University club held in Norfolk Friday evening, and heard Maj.Gen. Henry P. Allen speak on "Occupation of the Ruhr." A cuspidor is what men take shots at and miss. OFFER EXPIRES JULY 1, 1924 NEW PRfCES AND TERMS TOURING CAR ROADSTER COUPE SEDAN - $510 $495 $640 $795 F. O. B. Detroit. $195 $195 $195 $195 DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN $33.00 $32.00 $43.50 $55.00 Month Month Month Month New Chevrolets 1 W. M. BASSFORDCO MAI] If* ;1 CONN. .r I
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