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5/13/15 IT Service Management
Process Vs. Tools
A Best Practices Approach
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Introduction
Setting the Table
Process Vs. Tool
Achieving Desired State
Best Practices
Critical Success Factors
Open Discussion
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 1 5/13/15 Introducing
Our Speakers
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Speaker Introduc-on Mike Battistella
•  President, Solutions3
•  ITSM/ESM Architect
•  Course Developer – Instructor
•  Founder: Operation Transformation Corp.
Ron Reichenbach
•  Enterprise Accounts
•  Business Requirements
•  Partner Management
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 2 5/13/15 Setting
the Table
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 3 5/13/15 The Help Desk •  The Early 1980’s
•  Primarily DOS
Based PCs
•  Focus on Common
•  Minimal Business
•  Call Handling
•  Not Efficient
•  Lack of Resolution
•  Lack of Defined
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary The Problem •  Lack of process
causes lots of $$’s
lost due to
duplication of effort
•  No consistency
•  Lack of a single
POC from
Department to
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 4 5/13/15 The Service Desk •  Defined Processes
•  Business Alignment
•  Focus on Customer
•  Consistency Across
IT Areas
•  Integrated Processes
•  Process Owners
•  Continuous Service
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Help Desk Vs. Service Desk Help Desk
•  Reactive Incident
•  Only Address IT
Technical Issues
•  Focus is on Resolving
Issues, not finding
Root Cause
•  Key Performance
Indicators are:
–  Call Times
–  First Call Resolution
–  Time Spent on Issues
Service Desk
•  Proactive Incident &
Problem Management
•  Single Point of Contact
–  HR Service Requests
–  Facilities Requests
–  IT Procurement
•  Focus on Providing
Service Management
•  Customer Service is
Key Metric in addition
to standard Service
Desk Metrics
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 5 5/13/15 Help Desk è Service Desk Help Desk Perspec,ve è Service Desk Perspec,ve Inward Focus è Outward Focus Technology Focus è Service Focus Ad Hoc Process è Structured Process Best Effort Provided è Measured and Accountable Reac-ve è Proac-ve Fragmented è Integrated Segmented Ownership è End-­‐to-­‐End Ownership © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary IT Service
Process Vs. Tool
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 6 5/13/15 IT Service Management (ITSM) “The principles and practices of designing,
delivering and maintaining IT Services, to
an agreed level of quality in support of a
customer activity.”
From “A Dictionary of IT Service Management Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations”
What is an IT Service? “A set of related components provided in support of one or more business processes. The service will comprise of a range of configura-on item types, but will be perceived by the customer and users as a self-­‐contained, single, coherent en,ty.” From “A Dic-onary of IT Service Management Terms, Acronyms and Abbrevia-ons” © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 16 IT Service Management The entirety of activities directed by
policies, organized and structured
in processes and supporting
procedures that are performed by
an organization or part of an
organization to plan, deliver,
operate and control IT services
offered to customers.
It is thus concerned with the
implementation of quality IT
services that meet the needs of
customers, and is performed by the
IT service provider through an
appropriate mix of people, process
and information technology.
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 7 5/13/15 The Service Desk © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary The Consolidated Service Desk © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 8 5/13/15 IT Governance
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary ITIL © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 9 5/13/15 Tool Only Approach •  Acquisition based
on bells-whistlesfeatures-functions
•  Without Process;
Nothing more than
a complicated,
advanced, and
expensive Trouble
Ticket System
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary ITSM Project Without Process
With Process
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 10 5/13/15 A Fool with a Tool… • 
HP White Paper
Author: Lindsay Parker
Still Applicable
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Achieving
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 11 5/13/15 Where to Start Iden-fy Current State Build a Plan to Desired State © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Vision Statement Provide an efficient and
effective, customer-focused
Service Desk that focuses on
the correct alignment of the
six major building blocks.
SD Foundation
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 12 5/13/15 1. Service Desk Founda-on Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Define SD Organization
Service Desk Structure
w/Roles &
•  Map out Functional Flow
•  Identify Service Offerings
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 2. People •  Service Desk Structure
–  Included Staffing Levels
•  Service Desk Staff
Service Managers
Process Owners
Level Based Operations
Clearly Defined Skill Req’s
Position Descriptions
•  Performance Metrics
•  Training
–  Process
–  Technology
–  Soft Skills
•  Ongoing Development
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 13 5/13/15 3. ITSM Process • 
Well Defined
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary More Than a Flow Diagram •  Change Mgt. Example
Process Definition
Process Owner
Roles & Responsibilities
Scope Definition
Change Board
Change Advisory
Emergency Change
Executive Reporting
Forward Schedule of Change
Approval Process
Authorizations to Approve
CAB Meeting Agenda
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 14 5/13/15 4. Products Rarely a Single Tool
Instruments Process
Automates Workflow
Primary & Secondary
•  End Users must be
•  Prefer a Consolidated
•  Focusing on SAAS
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 5. Partners • 
Business Partners
Service Providers
Professional Services
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 15 5/13/15 6. Customers •  Agreed Upon Service
Level Agreements
•  Improved Customer
•  Effective Customer
•  Customer Satisfaction
•  Focus/Metric on
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Best
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 16 5/13/15 ITSM Value Proposi-on ITSM is not simply an issue of People, Process, & Technology. It is using Integrated Technology which is designed around, embeds and Integrates Processes to support, enable and help Integrate People to be`er perform their jobs, as well as Innova-ve and skilled Partners to assist and complement your team. © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Where To Start? •  Overall IT Strategy and
RoadMap to get to
Desired State
•  Architecture &
•  Process Design &
•  Resource Requirements
•  Project Management
•  Training Needs
•  Skills Management
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 17 5/13/15 RoadMap to Desired State • 
Current State - Confirmation
Maturity Level - Indication
Requirements - Identification
Desired State - Definition
Implementation - Plan
•  Milestones in Achieving
Desired State
tool selection
project phases
time line
capability definition
production releases
system & product requirements
work packages (i.e. LOE)
costs & benefits
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Requirements Gathering •  Business Requirements
–  Focused on business drivers
and business improvements
•  Technical Requirements
–  Capabilities that support the
business requirements
•  Usage Requirements
–  Understand what the users
need and how they will be
using the solution
•  Product Requirements
–  What does the tool/application
need to be able to support the
above requirements
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 18 5/13/15 Solu-on Selec-on • 
Service Management
Enterprise Management
Service Desk Platforms
Service Catalog
Asset Manager
Network/System Managers
Application/Database Managers
Critical Notification System
Executive Reporting/Dashboard
Project & Portfolio Management
Resource/Skills Management
Asset Management
–  Program Approach
–  Role-Based Definition
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Process-­‐Procedures-­‐Work Flows © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 19 5/13/15 Training
ü  Administration/Tool Training
•  Early in Each Phase as needed
•  Primary & Secondary tool specialist
•  Train-the-Trainer approach
ü  End User Training
•  Timing coincides with Production
•  Multiple 2 or 4 hour sessions as
•  Class size: 16-20 students
•  Materials customized specific to
Service Desk configuration
ü  Each student receives a customized
work book – Slide, Student Notes,
ü  ITIL Practitioner Training is ongoing
throughout the project
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Critical
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 20 5/13/15 Cri-cal Success Factors Internally
•  Management
Commitment &
•  Service Desk
appropriately staffed
•  Dedication to Training
•  Resistance to Change
•  Awareness Campaign
•  Appropriate Financing
•  Accountability
•  Realistic Expectations
•  Communication
•  Resource Commitment
•  Project/Program Mgt.
•  Vendor/Tool Selection
•  Implementation &
Training Partners
•  Implementation Plan
•  Partner Eco-System
•  Resistance to Change
•  Communication
•  Project Management
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Execu-ve Commitment •  Without it, PLEASE do not
take on an initiative of
this importance!!!
•  Appropriate funding
•  Resource dedication
•  Visible involvement
•  Participation
•  Performance appraisal
•  Hard discussions
•  Labor negotiations
•  Executive sponsorship
•  Fight the fights
•  Show the passion
•  Twist arms when needed
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 21 5/13/15 Open
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Industry Recogni-on C12 Group
Nehemiah Award
Crystal Globe Award
Best Implementation
Global Service Desk
Spirit Award
Rising Star
Selected into the SBA of NJ Emerging Leaders Program
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 22 5/13/15 How to Contact Us h`p:// •  Mike Battistella
[email protected]
(201) 891-0477
•  Domenic Battistella
[email protected]
(804) 752-4648
•  Ron Reichenbach
Sr. Account Manager
[email protected]
(908) 391-6355
[email protected]
[email protected]
201-­‐891-­‐5316 © 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary Thank You!!!
© 2015 Solu-ons3 LLC Company Proprietary 23