Breuss Spinal Massage Therapy
Breuss Spinal Massage Therapy
Spine Healing
The Breuss Spinal Massage Therapy an addition to the Dorn Spinal Therapy
The Breuss Spinal Massage Therapy is a sensitive energetic manual massage along the spine
that dissolves physical, energetic and emotional blockages. The Breuss Spinal Massage
Therapy is a very gentle intervertebral disc Massage that safely decompresses the vertebrae
and stretches, nourishes, aligns, energizes and heals the back! It can stimulate the
regeneration process of undernourished intervertebral discs. It is a perfect combination with
the Dorn Spinal Therapy.
Through the use of the special St. Johns Wort Oil the Breuss Spinal Massage Therapy helps the
regeneration process of undernourished intervertebral discs. As the Australian Healer Rudolf
Breuss knew a worn disc is just degeneration and regeneration is possible.
This massage can be repeated as often as desirable, with no side effects.
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