h4l newletter_may15

May 2015
Vol. 2 Issue 5
that, when exposed to THC, tumoral
cells not only ceased to multiply and
proliferate but also destroyed themselves, both in lab tests and animal
trials. Sanchez first reported on this
back in 1998, publishing a paper on
the anti-cancer effects of THC in the
European biochemistry journal FEBS
cannabinoids, known as the endocannabinoid system, and various cannabinoid
receptors throughout the body that utilize
them. Together, these two natural systems
allow the body to benefit from the cannabinoids found in cannabis, some of which
aren't found anywhere else in nature.
"The endocannabinoids, together with the
receptors and the enzymes that synthesize,
"In the early 1960s, Raphael Mechthat produce, the endocannabinoids and
oulam from the Hebrew University in
that degrade the endocannabinoids, are
(Photo Credit Natural News)
Israel categorized the main compound what we call the endocannabinoid system,"
(NaturalNews) The therapeutic potential of
in marijuana producing the psychoadded Sanchez. "And we now know that
cannabis appears limitless, extending far
active effects that we all know," explain- the endocannabinoid system regulates a
beyond just relieving nausea or pain in the
ed Sanchez during an interview with
lot of biological functions: appetite, food
terminally ill. Christina Sanchez, a molecular
Cannabis Planet. "After the discovery
intake, motor behavior, reproduction, and
biologist from Compultense University in
of this compound that is called THC, it many, many other functions. And that's
Madrid, Spain, has been studying the molewas pretty obvious that this compound why the plant has such a wide therapeutic
cular activity of cannabinoids for more than
had to be acting on the cells, on our
poten and other tial."
10 years, and during this time she and her
organism, through a molecular
colleagues have learned that tetrahydromechanism."
By Jonathan Benson, Staff Writer cannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive
component of cannabis, induces tumor cell
Human body designed to utilize
“Biologist Explains How Marijuana
"suicide" while leaving healthy cells alone.
canna-bis compounds, research
Causes Tumor Cells to Commit Suicide,”
Published. March 08, 2015
This amazing discovery was somewhat unFor complete article please visitexpected, as Sanchez and her team had
Later research in the 1980s revealed
initially been studying brain cancer cells for
that the human body contains two
the purpose of better understanding how they specific targets for THC: an endogenmedicine.html
function. But in the process, they observedous framework that processes THC-
1/3 cup vegetable oil (not olive oil)
1 tablespoon minced garlic
10 grams commercial-grade cannabis
2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
(or 5 grams high-grade), finely ground
½ tablespoon chili powder
3 tablespoons chopped green onion
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
Juice of 1 small lime 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
½ cup apricot nectar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
(you can substitute pineapple or mango juice)
¾ cup tomato paste
¼ cup water
In a Crock-Pot, combine oil, cannabis, green onion, lime juice, and water and cook at no
more than 200°F for at least 90 minutes -- the "keep warm" setting will probably do the
trick. Add apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, tomato paste, garlic,
dark brown sugar, chili powder, cayenne pepper, honey, ground ginger, apricot nectar,
and water. Mix well, and simmer very gently on the medum setting for an additional 35
to 45 minutes while stirring occasionally.
Ashley Boudreaux Recipe
Getting a good, solid stone takes no more than 3 to 4 tablespoons per person. Use it for
basting, dipping, or as a condiment on burgers and sandwiches. Refrigerate after use and it will keep for up to a week. Enjoy!
May 2015 Vol. 2 Issue 5
Our May Employee of the Month is Jessica aka Dab Queen who enjoys
H4L Co2 concentrates! She is an Arizona native from Mesa, and the oldest
of two sisters. She became involved in the cannabis movement as a patient.
She saw the positive impact that cannabis had on herself, Arizona and the
rest of the country and knew she needed to be apart of the cannabis
Jessica enjoys traveling and being outdoors, whether it's going to Schnepf
farm to pick vegetables, going for a nice hike, camping with friends or going
for a cruse in her sand rail, she loves to be in nature. She has been a huge
asset to the HFL Team! Way to go, Jessica!!!
Scientists have discovered a molecule in the brain that
may limit the effects of too much cannabis.
Marijuana has never been linked to an overdose death, and
new findings may explain why.
(Photo Credit Wiki Commons)
But the study, originally meant for developing a treatment for
Published in the journal Science, French researchers have
identified a natural hormone that reverses marijuana intoxication cannabis addiction, has been met with different interpretations.
in rats.
While the authors say that an addiction treatment based on
pregnenolone could soon be tested in humans, others believe the
In an interview with WebMD, study author Dr. Pier Vincenzo
Piazza explained that rats exposed to THC showed a dramatic study explains how the brain protects itself from a marijuana overdose.
rise in a brain hormone called pregnenolone. The hormone
also seemed to prevent marijuana’s intoxicating effects.
By binding to cannabinoid receptors, THC triggers the release of
pregnenolone, which in turn weakens THC’s action on the receptors
– a negative feedback loop that could prevent marijuana users from
getting too high.
“When the brain is
stimulated by high doses
of THC, it produces
pregnenolone – a 3,000
percent increase – that
inhibits the effects of THC.”
Considering the low rates of cannabis addiction, Mitch Earleywine,
a professor of psychology at the University at Albany, SUNY, adds
that a drug for cannabis abuse may not even be necessary.
By Leaf Science - www.leafscience.com
“Scientists Explain Why Marijuana Users Never Overdose”.
Published. January 8, 2014.
For complete article please visithttp://www.leafscience.com/2014/01/08/scientists-explainmarijuana-users-never-overdose/