SCIG Home Infusion Adverse Reaction Form

SCIG Home Infusion Adverse Reaction
Report Form
Provincial Blood
Coordinating Program
After Administration of SCIG
You received a blood product today and although rare, some people may exper ience a
reaction. This may occur within hour s, or af ter a f ew days. These react ions are usually mild;
however, it is import ant to w atch f or and report any of the symptoms list ed below.
First 24 hours
Greater than 24 hours following
Following administration :
rash, hives, itching
feeling sick or queasy, vomiting
difficulty in breathing
increased coughing
headache or lightheadedness
sensitive to bright light
feeling very hot or feverish
back pain
red/brown urine
sensitive to bright light
feeling very hot or feverish
back pain
red/brown urine
yellow skin or yellow eyes
feeling unusually or extremely tired
Contact your doctor or go to the nearest emergenc y department immediatel y.
Tell the staf f that you have recent ly received a blood product.
If you have questions or concerns:
You can talk to your nurse case manager (from 8 am to 8 pm EST)
NL Health line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dial 8-1-1 or 1-888-709-2929
Transfusion reactions must be reported.
If you have any of the symptoms shown above please fill out the form
on the reverse of this page .
Return your Outpatient Transfusion Reaction Report Form:
 Mail form to <insert facility specific instructions >
 Fax form to <insert facility specific instructions >
 Return form in person to < insert facility specific instructions >
Form: NL-SCIG011
Effective Date: 2015-06-01
SCIG Home Infusion Adverse Reaction
Report Form
Provincial Blood
Coordinating Program
Pa tie nt Deta il s (ca n be a dd re s so g ra ph ed)
SCIG Adverse
Reaction Report Form
Pa tie nt’ s Na me : __________________________
Da te o f B irt h: ____________________________
Fa ci lity Na me: ______________________________
M CP Nu mb er: ____________________________
Da t e o f
a d mi n i stra t io n : ______________________________
Phy si cia n Na me : _________________________
Please complete the following:
Symptoms - first 24 hours post-administration
a rash
Symptoms - greater than 24 hours post- administration
a constant headache
sensitive to bright light
difficulty breathing
very hot or feverish
increased coughing
back pain
sensitive to bright light
red / brown urine
very hot or feverish
yellow skin or yellow eyes
unusually or extremely tired
back pain
red / brown urine
Did you take any medication for your symptoms?
Yes If yes, list the medications:
Did you take your temperature?
Yes if yes, what was the reading? ____________________degrees
Date and time you took your temperature: Date: ________________________ Time: ______________________
Did you take your blood pressure?
Yes if yes, what was the reading? ____________________
Date and time you took your blood pressure: Date: ________________________ Time: ______________________
Did you contact your doctor?
Yes Doctor’s name: ___________________________________________
Best numbers to reach you: ____________________________________________________________________
Thank you for completing and returning this form.
Form: NL-SCIG011
Effective Date: 2015-06-01