Thomas Raymond Unnasch Distinguished USF Health Professor and State of Florida World Class Scholar Global Health Infectious Disease Research Program Department of Global Health University of South Florida 3720 Spectrum Blvd., Suite 304 Tampa, FL 33612 Home: (813) 345-8336 Work: (813) 974-0507/7807 Fax: (813) 974-0992 E-mail: [email protected] Education 1976- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: PhD under the direction of 1981 Dr. Gene M. Brown. Thesis entitled “The Purification and Properties of Dihydropterin Oxidase from Drosophila melanogaster.” 1972- Rutgers University: A.B. with highest honors 1976 Major in microbiology. Thesis entitled “The Effect of Cholera Enterotoxin on the Adenyl Cyclase of Escherichia coli.” Employment 2012 present Distinguished USF Health University Professor, State of Florida World Class Scholar and Chair, Department of Global Health, University of South Florida College of Public Health 20082012 University of South Florida: Professor and State of Florida World Class Scholar, Global Health Infectious Disease Research, Department of Global Health. Joint Appointment in Molecular Medicine 1997- University of Alabama, Birmingham: Professor, Division 2007 of Geographic Medicine, Department of Medicine, with joint appointments in the Departments of Microbiology and Epidemiology and International Health. 1 1989 1997 University of Alabama, Birmingham: Associate Professor, Division of Geographic Medicine, Department of Medicine 1985- Case Western Reserve University: Assistant Professor, Division 1989 of Geographic Medicine, Department of Medicine 19821985 Harvard School of Public Health: Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Tropical Public Health (laboratory of Dr. Dyann F. Wirth) Peer Review Panels and Editorial Boards 1986- Temporary member, Scientific Working Group, Onchocerciasis 1993 Chemotherapy Project, World Health Organization 1988- Editorial Board, Experimental Parasitology 2002 1990- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Filariasis Scientific Working Group, World Present Health Organization 1990- Ad Hoc Member, Bacteriology and Mycology Study Section, NIAID 1992 1993 Member, Review Committee, “Basic and Applied Research into Tropical Diseases”, NIAID 1993 Member, Source Selection Committee, “Basic and Applied Research into Tropical Diseases”, NIAID 1993- Member, TMP/AHR Study Section 2002 1995 Chairman, Site Visit Committee AID-NIAID Middle Eastern 1996 Research Cooperative (MERC) Program 2003- Editorial Board, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology present 2 2004- Chair, Assay and Methods Development Study Section, National 2006 Institutes of Health 2005- Scientific Advisory Board, WIRM Initiative, Scripps Institute, La Jolla, 2006 CA 2006 Ad Hoc reviewer, Pathogenic Eucaryotes Study Section, National Institutes of Health 2006 Reviewer, Pathways Program, National Institutes of Health 2006 Member, Drug Design Research Steering Committee, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, World Health Organization 2007 External Reviewer, SBIR Program, United States Department of Agriculture 2007- Editorial Board Advisor, PloS Neglected Tropical Diseases present 2007- Member, Ecology of Infectious Diseases Proposal Review Panel, 2008 National Science Foundation 2009 Member “Topics in Microbiology” Study Section, NIAID 2009- Editorial Board, Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012 2010- Editor in Chief, Research Reports in Tropical Medicine present 20102012 Member Working Group on Eukaryotic Pathogens and Disease Vectors Target Selection, pathogens genomic sequencing initiative, National Institutes of Health 2014 Chair, NIH BSTF55 Indo-US Collaboration Grant Study Section 2015 Chair, NIH PAR14-092 Bioengineering Research Partnership Study Section Manuscript Reviewer for Acta Tropica American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annals of Epidemiology Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 3 European Journal of Biochemistry Experimental Parasitology FASEB Journal Filarial Journal Genomics Infection and Immunity Insect Molecular Biology International Journal for Parasitology Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Medical Entomology Journal of Immunology Journal of Infectious Diseases Journal of Parasitology The Lancet Microbial Reviews Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Nature Protocols Parasitology Parasitology Today PLOS ONE PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Trends in Parasitology Tropical Medicine and International Health Invited Presentations 1986 1986 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 Invited speaker, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Invited speaker, Rockefeller Great Neglected Diseases Program Meeting, Woods Hole Massachusetts Invited speaker, McArthur Foundation Symposium on Parasitic Diseases, Pleasant Town, New York Invited speaker, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Fort Worth Texas Invited speaker, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama Invited speaker, O Now! Symposium on Onchocerciasis, University of Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands Invited speaker, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany Invited Speaker, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Invited participant, WHO workshop “ DNA probes for Filariasis and Onchocerciasis”, Jakarta, Indonesia Invited speaker, 24th Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases, The 4 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program of the National Institutes of Health, Madison Wisconsin Invited speaker, Symposium: Nucleic Acid Based Diagnostics: Applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction” 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, New Orleans, Louisiana External participant, Internal Technical Review Meeting of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Invited speaker, Agouron Institute, San Diego, California Invited participant, WHO workshop, “DNA probes for Diagnosis of Human and Animal Onchocerca” Bouake, Cote d’Ivoire External participant, Internal Technical Review Meeting of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Lecturer, MBL Summer Course “Biology of Parasitism” Woods Hole, Massachusetts Invited speaker, 2nd annual ICTDR meeting of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland Invited participant, WHO workshop “DNA Probes and PCR for Detection of Filarial Parasites in Vectors” Beverly, Massachusetts Invited speaker, 28th Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases, The US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program of the National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Maryland Lecturer, MBL Summer Course “Biology of Parasitism” Woods Hole, Massachusetts Invited Speaker and Rapporteur, WHO workshop “The Filarial Genome Project” Beverly Massachusetts Invited speaker, “Immunogenetics and Epidemiology of Aveolar Echinococcosis”, Schloss Reisenburg, Gunzburg, Germany Invited speaker, Fourth International Conference on Onchocerciasis, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C. Invited Speaker, Institut Pierre Richet, OSTROM, Bouake Côte d’Iviore Invited speaker, 30th Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases, The US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program of the National Institutes of Health, Cleveland, OH. Invited Speaker, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA. Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Pathogenic Microorganisms, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ORSTOM, Atlanta, GA. Invited speaker and rapporteur, O. volvulus Diagnostic methods workshop, World Health Organization, Geneva Keynote speaker, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 59th Annual Meeting 5 1998 2000 2000 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 Invited speaker, Workshop on macrofilaricidal targets, World Health Organization, Geneva Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Legon, Ghana Invited speaker, Black Flies in the New Millennium, Brock University, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada Invited speaker, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Invited speaker, McGill University, Montreal Canada Invited Speaker, Filarial Research Summit, Baltimore Md. Invited participant, Brugia malayi genome annotation jamboree, The Institute for Genome Research, Rockville, MD. Invited Speaker, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Presenter, IACO meeting, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA Invited speaker, Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA Invited speaker, Centro De Biotecnología Genómica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Reynosa, Mexico Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Symposium speaker, 8th National Conference on West Nile virus, American Society of Microbiology and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, San Francisco, CA. Participant and Presenter, 10th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Antigua, Guatemala Participant, Eukaryotic Pathogens and Vectors Sequencing Workshop, National Human Genome Research Institute Seminar Speaker, University of Pennsylvania Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Participant and Presenter, 11th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Quito, Ecuador Seminar Speaker, New England Biolabs, Ipswitch, MA Scientific Advisory Board, WHO Multi-Disease Research Centre, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Participant and Presenter, 12th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Antigua, Guatemala Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Seminar Speaker, University of Georgia Participant and Presenter, 13th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Oaxaca, Mexico 6 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 Participant and Presenter, 14th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Quito, Ecuador Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Participant and Presenter, 15th International Congress on Onchocerciasis in the Americas, Bogota, Colombia Participant, Global 2000 Onchocerciasis Annual Review, Carter Center, Atlanta, GA. Seminar Speaker, Case Western Reserve University Educational Activities Didactic Teaching: Prior to USF: 1978 & 1980 Teaching assistant, Biochemistry (course 7.05), Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981 Director, Biology teaching laboratory (course 7.011) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990 & 1992 Course Director, Biology of Parasitism, Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham 1994 Lecturer, Biology of Parasitism, Woods Hole, MA 1995- Lecturer, Tropical Infectious Diseases, Department of 2007 Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Arboviruses and onchocerciasis) 2003- Lecturer, Medical Microbiology, University of Alabama 2007 at Birmingham School of Medicine (Emerging viruses and helminthic Infections). 1995- US mentor, NIH Minority International Research Training present Program, University of Alabama at Birmingham 2003- Member, Department of Medicine Education Committee 2007 University of Alabama at Birmingham 2006- Principal Investigator, Bioterrorism and Emerging 2007 Infectious Diseases Training Grant, University of Alabama at Birmingham At USF: 7 Course Director: 2009 PHC 6907 Independent Study PHC 6945 Supervised Field Experience PHC 6971 Thesis PHC 7910 Directed Research 2010 PHC 6907 Independent Study PHC 6934-901 Laboratory Techniques in Public Health PHC 6971 Thesis PHC 7908 Specialized Study PHC 7910 Directed Research 2011 PHC 6934-901 Laboratory Techniques in Public Health PHC 6971 Thesis PHC 6977 Special Project PHC 7910 Directed Research 2012 PHC 6934 Tools of Research: Laboratory Rotations PHC 6977 Special Project PHC 7910 Directed Research PHC 7931-001 Advanced Interdisciplinary Seminar: Current topics in Global Health Infectious Disease Research PHC 7980 Dissertation 2013 PHC 6934 Tools of Research: Laboratory Rotations PHC 6977 Special Project PHC 7910 Directed Research PHC 7931-001 Advanced Interdisciplinary Seminar: Current topics in Global Health Infectious Disease Research Guest lecturer for: 2009: PHC 6512 Vectors of human Disease 2010: PHC 6512 Vectors of human Disease PHC 6510 Emerging and Infectious Diseases BMS 6041 Medical Sciences 5 2011: PHC 6512 Vectors of human Disease PHC 6510 Emerging and Infectious Diseases GMS 6103 Foundations in Medical Microbiology and Immunology BMS 6041 Medical Sciences 5 2012 GMS 6103 Foundations in Medical Microbiology and Immunology 8 BMS 6041 Medical Sciences 5 PhD level and post-graduate laboratory based training Pre-Doctoral/Postdoctoral Trainees in Thomas R. Unnasch Laboratory 1. Klaus Erttmann, Postdoctoral fellow, 1986-1989 Strain and Species Specific DNA probes for O. volvulus Present position: Bernhardt Nocht Institute, Hamburg, Germany 2. Michael Kron, Postdoctoral fellow, 1987-1989 Analysis of structure of an aspartyl tRNA synthetase gene from O. volvulus Present position: Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin 3. Peter Zimmerman, Graduate Student 1989-2003 (Ph.D granted 2003) Evolution of a repeated sequence family in O. volvulus Present position: Professor, Case Western University 4. James Tang, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow, 1993-1996 Vector-parasite transmission complexes in human onchocerciasis Present Position: Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Alabama at Birmingham 5. Elise Keddie, Graduate Student (Ph.D granted 1997) Mitochondrial structure in Onchocerca volvulus Present Position: Manager, Zero Emission Vehicle Implementation, California Air Resources Board 6. Nancy Maher, Graduate Student (Ph.D granted 2000) Molecular Epidemiology of Pneumocystis carinii Present position: Program Manager, VA non-profit office, Veterans Health Administration 7. Daniel Boakye, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1996-1999 Microsatellites to detect hybridization between O. volvulus strains Present position: Head, Entomology Unit, African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control 8. Joon Hak Lee, Ph.D Postdoctoral fellow, 1998-2000 Ecology of Encephalomyelitis Virus Infection in the Southeastern USA Present Position: Staff Scientist, Sullivan County Department of Health, New York 9. Tarig Higazi, Ph.D, Postdoctoral fellow, 1998-2006 Promoter Analysis of B. malayi Present Position: Associate Professor, Ohio University, Zanesville 9 10. Limin Shu, Ph.D, Postdoctoral fellow, 2001-2004 Tansfection and Immortalization of filarial nematodes Present Position: Research Associate Professor, Rutgers University 11. Sunny Yung, BS, MD-Ph.D Student (Ph.D granted 2002) Plastid targeting in Toxoplasma gondii Present position: Research fellow, National Institutes of Health 12. Tonya Korves, BS, MS MPH student 2003-2005 (MPH granted 2005) Ecology of Eastern encephalomyelitis Virus in the Southeastern USA Present position: Professor, St. Louis Community College at Wildwood 13. Gregory White, Graduate Student 2006-2011(Ph.D granted 2011) Ecology of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus in the Southeastern USA Present position: Scientific Director, Cochilla Valley Mosquito Control District. 14. Christy Ottendorfer, Ph.D postdoctoral fellow 2008-2010 Ecology of Encephalitis Viruses in Florida Present Position: Microbiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 15. Chitra Chauhan, Ph.D postdoctoral fellow, 2008-2010 (deceased) Transfection and analysis of transcription in Brugia malayi 16. Shulin Xu, DVM, postdoctoral fellow 2008-2011 Mapping Protein Interactions between Filaria and its Wolbachia Endosymbiont Present position: Post-doctoral fellow, University of South Florida 17. Canhui Liu, Ph.D postdoctoral fellow 2006-present Transfection and analysis of transcription in Brugia malayi 18. Nathan Burkett-Cadena, Ph.D Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010-2013 Development of an improved black trap for onchocerciasis monitoring and control. Present position: Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Florida 19. Patrick Vander Kelen, Ph.D Student 2009-2012 Spatial modeling of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus foci in Florida. Present Position: Staff Scientist, Oregon Department of Health 20. Andrea Bingham, Ph.D Student, 2010-2014 Mechanisms of over-wintering and early season amplification of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus. Present position: Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance Coordinator, Florida Department of Health 21. Amruta Mashlikar, PhD Student 2012-present 10 Ecdysteroid signaling in human filarial parasites Masters of Science in Public Health Students in Thomas R. Unnasch Laboratory 1. Jessie Dyer 2008-2010. MSPH granted 2010. Thesis entitled “Characterization of unknown viruses from Florida” 2. Michelle Bailey 2009-2010. MSPH granted 2010. Thesis entitled “Core Promoter Function in B. malayi” 3. Andrea Bingham 2009-2011. MSPH granted 2011. Thesis entitled “Development of an ELISA for Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus that can Differentiate Infected from Vaccinated Horses” 4. Tracy Enright 2009-2011. MSPH granted 2011. Thesis entitled “Analysis of Ecdysone response elements in the genome of Brugia malayi” 5. Alex Talsma 2011-2013 MSPH granted 2013. Thesis entitled “Development of a confirmatory assay to detect Onchocerca volvulus larvae in pools of blackflies” 6. Shanna Boclen 2012-2014 MSPH granted 2014. Thesis entitled “Molecular Evidence for Vector Implication of Onchocerca lupi in Los Angeles County, CA” 7. Monica Lanzaro 2013-2015 MSOH granted 2015.Thesis entitled “Gene Expression Analysis Of Upregulated Genes By 20-OH Ecdysone in Brugia malayi Short-term trainees trained in USA from the following countries: Brazil Burkina Faso Cameroon Canada Colombia Cote d’Ivoire Ecuador Ethiopia Guatemala Ghana Mexico Nigeria Venezuela Sudan Uganda Supervision of Overseas Research Studies by USA Students in: Burkina Faso 11 Cote d’Ivoire Ghana Guatemala Uganda Administrative Experience: 2012 – present Chair, Department of Global Health, USF 2009 - 2012 Co-Director, Center for Biological Defense, USF 2008 – present Director and Principal Investigator, BSL3 facility, IDRB University Service: 2011 – 2012 COPH Research Advisory Committee 2012 COPH Appointment, promotion and tenure (APT) committee 2010 – 2012 Global Health APT committee 2012 Chair, Global Health APT committee 2012 Chair, Global Health PhD application review committee External/International Service: 1993- Member, Program Committee, American Society of Tropical 1996 Medicine and Hygiene 1987- Member, Young Investigator Award Committee, American Society of 1993 Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 19922000 Temporary Technical Advisor, Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 2001- Technical Advisor, Onchocerciasis Elimination Program in the present Americas, Guatemala City, Guatemala 2001present Technical Advisor, Molecular Monitoring, River Blindness Program, The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA 2008- Technical Advisor, African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control, present Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 2008- Member, Ugandan Onchocerciasis Elimination Committee, Ugandan 2011 Ministry of Health 2011 present Chair, Ugandan Onchocerciasis Elimination Expert Advisory Committee, Uganda Ministry of Health 2011 Member, Board of Directors, Florida Mosquito Control Association 12 present 2012 present Member, Mectizan Expert Committee, Mecitzan Donation Program, Atlanta, GA 2012 present Member, Guidelines Development Group, World Health Organization Geneva 2013 - Member, Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) African 2015 Programme for Onchocerciasis Control 2014- Chair, Transition Task Force, (TTF) African Programme for 2015 Onchocerciasis Control 2014- Member, Ethiopian Onchocerciasis Elimination Expert Advisory present Committee, Ethiopian Ministry of Health Honors and Awards: 1975 1976 1982 1982 2007 2010 2012 2014 Henry Rutgers Scholar Recipient, Theobold Smith Society Award Recipient, individual NRSA fellowship Alternate, Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship State of Florida World Class Scholar Outstanding Research Achievement Award, University of South Florida Distinguished USF Health Professor, University of South Florida Fellow, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Funding History Past Grant Support: 1. WHO # 860275 “Development of a DNA Based Assay to Distinguish Forest and Savannah Strains of O. volvulus. 1/1/87-6/30/90 $110,036. 2. WHO # 870068 “Characterization of a Gene for a Potentially Protective Antigen of Onchocerca volvulus.” 7/1/87-6/30/89 $73,750. 3. Edna McConnell Clark Foundation # 05189 “Characterization and Molecular Cloning of Potentially Protective Antigens of O. volvulus” (Listed as Co-P.I.) 3/1/89-2/28/91 $198,000. 4. WHO # 890307 “Refinement of a DNA Probe Based Assay to Distinguish Forest and Savannah Forms of Onchocerca volvulus.” 7/1/90-12/31/92 $110,013. 5. Edna McConnell Clark Foundation “Potentially Protective Peptide Antigens of O. volvulus” 4/1/90-9/30/93 $390,000. 13 6. NIH Program Project “Molecular Parasitology and Parasitic Disease.” David O. Freedman, Program Director. P.I. on Sub-Project titled: “Molecular Cloning of Disease Associated Antigens” 3/1/91-12/31/95 $383,780. 7. NIH 1R29AI29693 “Identification of O. volvulus Protective Epitopes.” 8/1/89-7/31/95 $349,995. 8. WHO #920288 “Analysis of a Repeated Sequence Family to Study the Relationship Between Onchocerca volvulus Strains” 1/1/93-6/30/96 $71,196. 9. Edna McConnell Clark Foundation “Steroid Receptors as Vaccine Candidates Against Onchocerca volvulus. 4/1/93-3/31/96 $225,000. 10. NIH 1RO1AI33008 “Vector-Parasite Complexes in Onchocerciasis” (TR Unnasch, PI) 5/1/93-4/30/97 $327,539. 11. WHO #950453 “Strain Variation in Pathogenetic Autoantigen Genes in Onchocerca volvulus. (TR Unnasch, PI) 1/1/96-12/31/97 $57,574. 12. Edna McConnell Clark Foundation “Molting regulatory and biochemical activities as vaccine targets against Onchocerca volvulus. 4/1/96-12/31/97 (TR Unnasch, PI) $80,000 13. NIH R01 AI 35938 “Cytokine based therapy of Onchocerca antigen induced keratitis in the mouse” (E. Pearlman, PI, TR Unnasch, co-investigator) 4/1/94-3/31/98 $67,205 (TR Unnasch’s subproject) 14. WHO 960040 “Prolyl 4-hydroxylase as a Chemotherapeutic Target against Onchocerca volvulus” (TR Unnasch, PI) 8/1/96-7/31/98 $134,988 15. NIH 1 R21 AI39245-01 “Molecular Epidemiology of Onchocerciasis in Nigeria” 9/23/96-9/22/98 (TR Unnasch, PI) $116,302. 16. Edna McConnell Clark Foundation “Use of Pantropic retroviruses to develop an immortalized cell line from Onchocerca volvulus.” (TR Unnasch, PI) 01/01/98 - 12/31/99 $119,000 17. WHO #970476 “Microsatellite Loci to Detect Hybridization between Onchocerca volvulus strains” (TR Unnasch PI) 11/1/98 - 01/06/01 $38,541 18. WHO “Characterization of Angiogenic Proteins from Onchocerca volvulus.” (TR Unnasch PI) 01/01/00 = 12/31/01 $153,513 19. WHO #991105 “Survey of genetic polymorphisms in Loa loa associated with adverse reactions in ivermectin.” (TR Unnasch PI) 01/01/01 - 12/31/01 $ 12,338 20. Onchocerciasis Control Programme “Research of DNA Probes for Onchocerca spp. and Validation of Species Identification Performed by the OCP. (TR Unnasch PI) 1/1/9312/31/02 $235,000. 21. NIAID 1 R01 AI54586 “Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology of P. carinii” (TR Unnasch Co-PI) 8/15/98 - 4/30/03 $165,530 22. Case Western Reserve University\WHO “Role of chemokines in the Pathogenesis of Onchocercal Dermatitis” (TR Unnasch PI) 01/01/99 - 12/31/03 $8,505 14 23. Tennessee Valley Authority #98RE4-233022 “Pool screen PCR for detecting encephylamyelitis viruses in mosquitoes in the Tennessee River Valley Authority area.” 1/01/00 - 12/01/04 $325,000 24. Case Western Reserve University\WHO “Role of chemokines in the Pathogenesis of Onchocercal Dermatitis” (E. Pearlman, PI) 01/01/05 - 12/31/05 $7,500 25. NIAID 1R01TW/ES01560 Ecology of Encephalitis virus in the Southeastern USA 10/1/00-6/30/05 $1,350,868 26. NIAID/NIH 5 T32 AI055438 Agents of International Health and Bioterrorism Concern 09/01/2003-12/31/2007 $1,234,050 27. NIAID 1R01CI00226 Ecology of West Nile Virus in the Southeastern USA 9/27/043/31/08 $525,000 28. NIAID 2R01AI48562 “Transfection and Analysis of Transcription in B. malayi” 1/1/01-1/31/10 $1,825,000 29. Department of Defense (FBRC through USF CBD) “Development of Rapid Methods for Improving PH Lab Detection of Emerging Arboviruses” 8/4/10 – 8/31/12 $ 107,480. 30. Carter Center/Global 2000 Program “PCR pool screening to monitor progress towards onchocerciasis elimination” 1/1/01-8/31/12 $242,000 31. NIH/NIAID 2 R01 AI049724-05 “Ecology of Encephalitis Viruses in the USA” 3/1/062/28/13 $2,263,765 32. NIH/NIAID R01AI072465-01A1”Mapping Protein Interactions between Filaria and its Wolbachia Endosymbiont” 5/1/08 - 4/30/13 $1,608,389. 33. Department of Defense (FBRC through USF CBD) “Ligands Expressing Bacteriophage as Anti-Viral Agents” 8/17/11 – 7/24/13 $76,468. Active Grant Support: 1. NIH Fogerty International Center #R01TW008508 “Spatial modeling of onchocerciasis foci in Africa by remote sensing” 08/15/09 – 11/30/15 $1,572,200. 2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation #OPP1017870 “Development of an improved black fly trap for onchocerciasis monitoring and control” 09/30/10 – 12/31/15 $2,142,862 3. NIH/NIAID R56AI01372-01A1 “Molecular Mechanisms of Filarial Endosymbiosis” (co-PI) 06/15/13 – 05/31/15 $124,374 4. NIH/NIAID 1R21AI103302-01 “Ecdysteroid Signaling in Filarial Parasites” 08/15/13 – 07/31/15 $217,647 5. NIH/NIAID 1R56AI101072-01 “Delineating EEEV Over-Wintering and Early Season Amplification Mechanisms” 08/01/13 – 07/31/15 $343,255 6. The Carter Center, Inc. “Onchocerca volvulus Parasite Detection” 09/01/13 – 08/31/15 $139,876 15 Publications Peer Reviewed Research Articles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Burkett-Cadena, N.D., A.M. Bingham, B. Hunt, G. Morse, and T.R. Unnasch, Ecology of Culiseta melanura and Other Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from Walton County, Florida During Winter Period 2013-2014. Journal of Medical Entomology, 2015. in press: Hassan, H.K., S. Bolcen, J. Kubofcik, T.B. Nutman, M.L. Eberhard, K. Middleton, J.W. Wekesa, G. Ruedas, K.J. Nelson, R. Dubielzig, M. De Lombaert, B. Silverman, J.J. Schorling, P.H. Adler, T.R. Unnasch, and E.S. Beeler, Isolation of Onchocerca lupi in dogs and black flies, California, USA. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2015. 21:789-796. Liu, C., D. Voronin, C.B. Poole, S. Bachu, M.B. Rogers, J. Jin, E. Ghedin, S. Lustigman, L.A. McReynolds, and T.R. Unnasch, Functional Analysis of MicroRNA activity in Brugia malayi. International Journal for Parasitology, 2015. in press: McGaha, T.W., R.M. Young, N. Burkett-Cadena, J.P. Iburg, J.M. Beau, S. Hassan, C.R. Katholi, E.W. Cupp, B.J. Baker, T.R. Unnasch, and R. Noblet, Identification Of Communal Oviposition Pheromones From The Black Fly Simulium vittatum. PLOS One, 2015. 10:e118904. Young, R.M., N.D. Burkett-Cadena, T.W. McGaha, M.A. Rodriguez-Perez, L.D. Toé, M.A. Adeleke, M. Sanfo, T. Soungalo, C.R. Katholi, R. Noblet, H. Fadamiro, J.L. Torres-Estrada, M.C. Salinas-Carmona, B. Baker, T.R. Unnasch, and E.W. Cupp, Identification of Human Semiochemicals Attractive to the Major Vectors of Onchocerciasis. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015. 9:e3450. Bingham, A., N. Burkett-Cadena, H.K. Hassan, C.J.W. McClure, and T.R. Unnasch, Field investigations of winter transmission of Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus in Florida. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2014. in press: Burkett-Cadena, N., A. Bingham, C. Porterfield, and T.R. Unnasch, Innate preference or opportunism: Mosquitoes feeding on birds of prey at the Southeastern Raptor Center. Journal of Vector Ecology, 2014. 39:21-31. Burkett-Cadena, N. and T.R. Unnasch, Conspiring invasive species? The case of Tiger Mosquitoes and Apple Snails. Wingbeats, 2014. Spring:4-9. Burkett-Cadena, N.D., A.M. Bingham, and T.R. Unnasch, Sex-based avian host use by arbovirus vectors. Royal Society Open Science, 2014. 1:140262. Jacob, B., R.J. Novak , L. Toe, M.S. Sanfo, S. Caliskhan, A. Pare, M. Noma, L. Yameogo, and T. Unnasch, Unbiasing a Stochastic Endmember Interpolator Using ENVI Object-Based Classifiers and Boolean Statistics for Forecasting Canopied Simulium damnosum s.L. Larval Habitats in Burkina Faso. Geophysics and Remote Sensing, 2014. in press: Jacob, B.G., R.J. Novak, L. Toe, M.S. Sanfo, R. Tibgueria, A. Pare, M. Noma, D. Griffith, and T.R. Unnasch, Denoising a box-jenkins autoregressive-integrated moving average model employing automated bandwidth selection procedures and pre-whitened Euclidean-based quadratic surrogates in PROC ARIMA for optimizing asymptotic expansions and simulations of onchocerciasis endemic transmission zones in Burkina Faso. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 2014. in pres: Jacob , B.G., R.J. Novak , L.D. Toe, M.S. Sanfo, S. Caliskan, J. Hasemann, M. Noma, L. Yameogo, and T.R. Unnasch, Deterministic variographic error optimization techniques in ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst® employing surrogate probabilistic Gaussian-based metamodels for forecasting Similium damnosum s.l. riverine larval habitats Trends in GIS, 2014. in press: Katabarwa, M., T. Lakwo, P. Habomugisha, S. Agunyo, E. Byamukama, D. Oguttu, R. Ndyomugyenyi, E. Tukesiga, G.O. Ochieng, F. Abwaimo, A. Onapa, D.W. Lwamafa, F. Walsh, T.R. Unnasch, and F.O. Richards, Transmission of Onchocerca volvulus by Simulium neavei in Mount Elgon focus of Eastern Uganda has been interrupted. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2014. 90:1159-66. Lovato, R., A. Guevara, R. Guderian, R. Proano, T. Unnasch, H. Criollo, H.K. Hassan, and C.D. MacKenzie, Interruption of Infection Transmission in the Onchocerciasis Focus of Ecuador 16 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Leading to the Cessation of Ivermectin Distribution. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2014. 8: e2821. Lustigman, S., E. Melnikow, S.B. Anand, A. Contreras, V. Nandi, J. Liu, A. Bell, T.R. Unnasch, M.B. Rogers, and E. Ghedin, Potential involvement of Brugia malayi cysteine proteases in the maintenance of the endosymbiotic relationship with Wolbachia. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 2014. 4:267-277. Oguttu, D., E. Byamukama, C.R. Katholi, P. Habomugisha, C. Nahabwe, M. Ngabirano, H.K. Hassan, T. Lakwo, M. Katabarwa, F.O. Richards, and T.R. Unnasch, Serosurveillance to Monitor Onchocerciasis Elimination: The Ugandan Experience. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2014. 90:339-345. Rodríguez-Pérez, M.A., M.A. Adeleke, I.C. Rodríguez-Luna, E.W. Cupp, and T.R. Unnasch, Evaluation of a community-based trapping program to collect Simulium ochraceum sensu lato for verification of onchocerciasis elimination. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2014. 8:e3249. Toé, L.D., L. Koala, N.D. Burkett-Cadena, B.M. Traoré, M. Sanfo, S.R. Kambiré, E.W. Cupp, S. Traoré, L. Yameogo, D. Boakye, M.A. Rodríguez-Pérez, and T.R. Unnasch, Optimization of the Esperanza Window Trap for the collection of the African onchocerciasis vector Simulium damnosum sensu lato. Acta Tropica, 2014. 137:39-43. Vander Kelen, P., J.A. Downs, T. Unnasch, and L. Stark, A risk index model for predicting eastern equine encephalitis virus transmission to horses in Florida. Applied Geography, 2014. 48:79-86. Estep, L.K., C.J. McClure, P. Vander Kelen, N.D. Burkett-Cadena, S. Sickerman, J. Hernandez, J. Jinright, B. Hunt, J. Lusk, V. Hoover, K. Armstrong, L.M. Stark, G.E. Hill, and T.R. Unnasch, Risk of exposure to eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus increases with the density of northern cardinals. PLOS One, 2013. 8:e57879. Golden, A., C. Steel, L. Yokobe, E. Jackson, R. Barney, J. Kubofcik, R. Peck, T.R. Unnasch, T.B. Nutman, T. de Los Santos, and G.J. Domingo, Extended Result Reading Window in Lateral Flow Tests Detecting Exposure to Onchocerca volvulus: A New Technology to Improve Epidemiological Surveillance Tools. PLOS One, 2013. 8:e69231. Higazi, T.B. and T.R. Unnasch, Biolistic transformation of Brugia malayi. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013. 940:103-15. Higazi, T.B., I.M.A. Zarroug, H.A. Mohamed, W.A. ElMubark, T.C.M. Deran, N. Aziz, M. Katabarwa, H.K. Hassan, T.R. Unnasch, C.D. Mackenzie, F. Richards, and K. Hashim, Interruption of Onchocerciasis Transmission in the Abu Hamed Focus, Sudan. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2013. 89:51-57. Jacob, B.G., R.J. Novak , L. Toe, M. Sanfo, D.A. Griffith, T.L. Lakwo, P. Habomugisha, M.N. Katabarwa, and T.R. Unnasch, Validation of a remote sensing model to identify Simulium damnosum s.l. breeding sites in sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2013. 7:e2342. Jacob , B.G., R.J. Novak , L. Toe, M. Sanfo, L. Yameogo, S. Caliskan, R. Tingueria, A. Pare, and T.R. Unnasch, Definability of combinatorial functions and their linear recurrence relationships within a polylogarithmic triangularizable matrix employing surjective bilipschitz functions and other isomorphisms of metric spaces for forecasting seasonal endemic onchocerciasis transmission zones. Journal of Pure and Applied Statistics, 2013. 2:401-460. Jacob , B.G., R.J. Novak , L. Toe, M.S. Sanfo, S. Caliskan, R. Tingueria, A. Pare, L. Yameogo, D. Griffith, and T.R. Unnasch, Finite-Difference Derivatives of a First-Order Integral Approximation Quantized with a Default Dual Quasi-Newton Optimizer and a Pseudo-Lipschitzian Property for Predictive Mapping Spatially Inhomogeneous Simulium damnosum s.l. Explanatory Covariates. Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, 2013. 10:1-136. Katabarwa, M.N., T. Lakwo, P. Habomugisha, S. Agunyo, E. Byamukama, D. Oguttu, E. Tukesiga, D. Unoba, P. Dramuke, A. Onapa, E.M. Tukahebwa, D. Lwamafa, F. Walsh, and T.R. 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