TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Suzanne Johnston The Well Setup: Team Mary Trustee: UMYF for ALL Rising 7 -12 Graders th th Upcoming UMYF Schedule: TONIGHT: We’re headed to Waterfront Park for some springtime fun. We will meet in the gym at 5:00pm and return at 7:00pm. Please note the time change! Bring a picnic May 10: May 17: May 24: May 31: dinner for yourself. Drinks will be provided. Invite friends! NO UMYF UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym NO UMYF UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym Jimmy Hinson Media Operators: 8:15 & 10:30 Jimmy Hinson Marty Watson The Well Music Leader: 10:45 Heather Caffarel Children’s Church: Helpers: Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: Karen Roberts Liz Whalen Hibben Confirmands Hibben Confirmands 8:15 Worship Paul Cross Cecil Mills CLUB 56: All 5th & 6th graders (and their friends) are invited to our end of the year celebration TODAY! We’ll meet at the church at 5pm, then head to Waterfront Park with the youth for a picnic and games before returning at 7pm. Bring your own dinner – drinks will be provided. 10:30 Worship Ron Chinness Bryant Davis Tom Garbett Kathy Huey Charles Muldrow Craig Rhyne, Sr. During Children’s Church, all 4-8 year olds are invited to join Cherub Chimes. Amy McCurley will be leading this group in learning to make a joyful noise to the Lord. They will learn and practice playing the chimes for the next 4 Sundays, then will play during the 10:30 and 10:45 services on May 31. Congratulations! . . . to Lindy Holladay, Rowan Irelan and Camille Marler, who had perfect attendance for Sunday school in April, and will receive special awards this morning! Today begins a new month, so let’s see who can earn an award in May. Morning Prayer Trustees BSF Tuesday, May 5 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wolves Young Adults Webelos/Tigers Boy Scouts/Bears Wednesday, May 6 10:00 am 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, May 7 9:15 am 6:30 pm Morning Bible Study Evening Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Handbells Chancel Choir Moms Connect Women’s Bible Study Caitlyn Fairey Anna Claire Good Rowan Irelan Saturday, May 9 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous 2015 Confirmation Class These are the members of the Confirmation Class, who participated in classes to learn foundational elements of the Christian faith and the United Methodist tradition. Emmeline Anderson Basco Samantha Grace Jane Garland Laura Elizabeth Gibbons Kristin Fairey Christina Dolan Zachary David Grow Greeters: 8:15 Suzanne Johnston Stephenie Hewett, Margaret Lancaster 10:30 May 3, 2015 Gibson Jay Dowd Crucifer: 8:15 10:30 Hibben Happenings Sarah Olivia Collins No Scheduled Activities 8:15 10:30 TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Cherub Chimes Choir Begins TODAY Monday, May 4 11:15 am 6:00 pm 6:45 pm Friday, May 8 Acolytes: Preschoolers and kindergarteners will learn that "We are the church, and we share with each other." First through sixth graders will discuss Gifts of the Spirit (I Corinthians 12:1-11). Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 through sixth grade, and classes meet on the first floor of the education wing. All are welcome! THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, May 3 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am The Well 11:45 am Nurture Committee 4:00 pm Stephen Ministry Training 5:00 pm UMYF/CLUB 56 6:00 pm Longpoint Gathering Connor Joseph Hand Dianne Story Karen King Michael Wright Ladson Fishburne Howell Benjamin Lawrence Kicklighter Kendall Marie Lamont Your Ministry Team Rev. Dr. James C. Hunter Pastor Rev. Kathryn O. Hunter Pastor Sara Flores Missionary to Ecuador Elizabeth Connell Dir. Youth Ministry Kim Dowd Dir. Children’s Ministry Heather Caffarel Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Discipleship Director Steven Jones Media Ministry Director Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Robin Robertson PreSchool Co-Dir. H. Scott Brunson Director of Music Pam Brunson Organist Norma Taylor Pianist Frankie Lewis Sexton Joyce Baldwin Nursery Coordinator Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy Attendance Cameron Alexander Mashburn April 26, 2015 Sunday School 8:15 Worship 10:30 Worship The Well 135 51 179 42 Giving 2015 General Budget Rec’d Toward Budget Apr. 2015 Rec’d Year To Date Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Scholarship Fund Let’s Finish It! $913,506.00 58,755.09 264,383.02 200.00 633.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance as of 4/30/15 is $340,607. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. Jared Everett Moran Andrew Joseph Pellegri Jason Wade Roberts Mason Dulaney Suggs Bailey David Soens Concerns & Opportunities DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS concerning the Methodist Church? Are you curious about what Hibben has to offer or our approach to worship? Then, join us next Sunday, May 10, at 9:30am for “Coffee with the Pastors.” This is a great opportunity to learn more about our church and the Methodist faith in general. Find us in the Conference Room located down the Apostles’ Walk (hallway leading from the vestibule). UMC Responds to Nepal Quake The General Board of Global Ministries, through its disaster-relief arm, is responding to the devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal April 25th. How can we help? Give to UMCOR International Disaster Response. Your gifts make it possible to respond quickly to emergency situations through our local and international partners. Checks can be made payable to Hibben UMC and designated “Nepal.” Continue to pray for all who have been impacted by this emergency. Opportunity to Serve The Hospitality Team is looking for a few good people to offer a smile and a “Hello, we’re glad you are here today” greeting to those attending worship during the 8:15, 10:30 or The Well service. Help us offer a “Hibben” welcome to all who come on Sunday morning. Contact Terri Suiter, 343-3436 or [email protected] to answer this call to serve. Sympathy The congregation lifts Cathy Musselwhite and her family in prayer following the death of her father, Sylvester Schulte, on April 25th. Funeral services were held this week in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Our sympathy is extended to all of the Schulte family and their friends. Congratulations The Hibben congregation celebrates the union of Jim Anderson and Liz deVore, who were married last Saturday, April 25th. The couple will make their home at 1540 Appling Drive, Mt. Pleasant. Best wishes to Jim and Liz as they begin their life together. For over a year now, Hibben has been in the process of planning and training for Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to those who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Our first class of Stephen Ministers will complete their training and be commissioned this month. Please join us in praying for God’s direction as we seek those whose lives we can touch through this ministry of caring. If you, or someone you love, would like to receive this care, please contact Nancy Baker or Kathryn Hunter through the church office. Hibben Student Care Program This new program has been established in order to maintain contact with Hibben members who are ages 18-23 as they embark upon higher education, the military, or life in the working world. As a part of the Student Care Program, participants can expect to receive periodic cards, care packages, and other goodies from various ministries and small groups within the church. Enrollment information can be found at and at both Welcome Centers. Let all Creation Sing God's Praise! Please join the Chancel Choir in celebrating Doris and Cecil Pottieger, and Bill Story for their years of dedicated service to the music ministry at Hibben. They have recently "retired" from the choir, and we honor them. The beautiful banner hanging in the front of the sanctuary was created by David Lupo. We give thanks to God for the gift of music, and for our friends. It’s Softball Season! All are invited to play on Hibben's Championship Softball teams. We play in the Mt. Pleasant Rec CoEd and Men's Church league. The season will begin at the end of May and registration is now open for all. Please contact Jeremy Good at (843) 300-7080 or [email protected] for more info!! SPONSORSHIPS ARE NEEDED AND APPRECIATED! If you would like to contribute to this season’s teams, please contact Jeremy or make donations to Hibben UMC with “Softball” noted! ATTENTION RISING 5th & 6th GRADERS! Are you ready to discover how Jesus Outshines Life's Trials (J.O.L.T.)? Join in the fun and learning at Camp J.O.L.T. June 15-18, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm here at Hibben. Each day will be jammed with chances to create, play, learn, perform, and do some whacky-off-the-wall stuff that will get your heart racing. Registration forms can be found on Hibben's website, in the church office, and in the children/youth ministry office. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Connell ([email protected]). Invite friends! VBS Registration Registration for VBS is currently taking place. Registration forms are available in the children/youth ministry office, the church office, and on Hibben's website ( All children ages 3 through rising 4th grade are invited to participate June 15-18, 9:00am-12:00pm. Space in each age group is limited, so be sure to register early! For more information, contact Kim Dowd ([email protected]) or 994-9761). Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship Applications for the 2015 Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship are now available at all Welcome Centers and online at Applications are due in the front office no later than noon on Monday, May 11. PLEASE NOTE: The scholarship is now open to all students who are completing their senior year of high school. Those who are currently college students are encouraged to enroll in the newly established Hibben Student Care Program, outlined on the previous page. Questions can be directed to Elizabeth Connell at [email protected] or 813-8700. Attention Graduates! Are you or a loved one graduating from a program of higher education this year? We would love to recognize the accomplishments of all Hibben's graduates on Graduation Sunday, May 17th. Please contact Elizabeth to be included! [email protected] or 843-813-8700. Summer Evening Book Group? Our weekday book club (aka the ABCDE Life Group) has been such a success, that we wondered if there was any interest in an evening book group. If you are interested in being part of such a group, please contact Jennifer Roberts at [email protected]. or (843)270-1161. Items of the Month Small die cast cars Small plush animals, Balls Small dolls, Small puzzles Pillowcases ** As an extra surprise, many of those shoeboxes designated for girls will include a dress made from a simple pillowcase. Thus far, over 60 dresses have been made, but our supply of materials is running quite low. We are accepting donations of pillowcases, preferably in prints and stripes. All items are being collected in the OCC basket located in the Narthex. Your donations are so very much appreciated. Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 SERMON TEXT Acts 8:26-40 Leader: People: The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON Rev. Kathryn Hunter Without Someone to Guide Me HIBBEN AT WORSHIP May 3, 2015 PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. OFFERING All things come from you, O God, and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours. OFFERTORY GATHERING AND WELCOME (8:15) Sadowski God, We Praise You CALL TO WORSHIP Responsive TIME OF CENTERING Open our eyes to see you present in our lives. OPENING PRAYER Unison *OPENING HYMN The Church’s One Foundation No. 545 (10:30) arr. Greer All Creation Sings His Praise In honor of Bill Story, Doris and Cecil Pottieger for their many years of dedicated service to the Chancel Choir. *DOXOLOGY No. 94 SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION (8:15) No. 17 *HYMN OF SENDING RECEPTION OF CONFIRMANDS INTO FULL MEMBERSHIPNo. 33 SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM PRESENTATION OF STOLES CELEBRATION OF PRAISE Glorious Celebration Hibben Ringers In honor of the 2015 Confirmands Dobrinski Rev. Kathryn Hunter *POSTLUDE Porter *If able, please stand EPISTLE READING 1 John 4:7-15 The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. *HYMN OF THE DAY *BENEDICTION Alleluia! Give Thanks PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Unison God, speak to your church that we might be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Amen. Leader: People: No. 617 I Come with Joy No. 2248 (FWS) Baptized in Water (10:30 Worship) Children age 4 – 8 years may be dismissed for Children’s Church under the direction of adult volunteers. Children will be reunited with their parents during the Hymn of Sending. ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Randy McIntosh to the glory of God and in loving memory of Belva McIntosh.
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