Your Business is Highly Unique, We Tailor HR Services to Suit

Hawaii Human Resources
Your Business is Highly Unique,
We Tailor HR Services to Suit
Every Hawaii business is unique—from tourism to health care to construction,
HiHR recognizes the individuality of each client and builds custom solutions
ideal for each. With individual attention and dedicated customer service, we
save you money by assembling a suite of services absolutely perfect for you.
Learn More at
Refocus, Revitalize, Thrive
Hawaii Human Resources
HiHR provides Hawaii businesses with human resource administrative
relief, allowing our customers to refocus on their core business. Client
companies enjoy big company resources and a boost to their bottom line
with lower labor costs, reduced fees and higher productivity. Our flexible,
customized, pay-as-you-go programs are designed to be the perfect fit for
each and every client, saving you time and money, no matter your size.
Stick to Your Day Job
We’ll Take Care of the Rest
Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the
Hawaiian economy, building countless
successful businesses with passion and
expertise refined over decades. Though over
time, as these businesses grow, the burdens
of employment can often chip away at
passion and pull attention away from areas of
expertise to slowly undermine productivity
and subvert quality.
Outsourcing human resources adds a
powerful business ally to your team and
instantly reduces this burden of employment.
As a trusted resource, HiHR eliminates
distractions by taking responsibility for
human resource administration, including:
Human Resource Outsourcing
Health Benefits Management
Payroll Administration
Workers' Compensation, Safety
and Risk Management
Supplemental Employee Benefits
Regulatory Compliance
Business Insurance
With specialized HR programs unique to
each client, HiHR can energize your
business and allow that passion and
expertise as vibrant and diverse as the
islands we call home to flourish.
Learn how at:
Don’t Make the Simple Choice,
Make the Smart One
Across the board, our competitors promote Simplicity above all else. While we agree that simplifying operations is a top priority,
HiHR never “bundles” our services or otherwise tacks-on under the guise of “simplification.” We believe the simplest solution is
the smartest one—the one where you pay for exactly the mix of services appropriate for you, nothing more.
The Competition
Customer Service
Responsive & Specialized
Slow & Standardized
Big company resources, small
company service. Don’t get lost in the
shuffle at the other firms,
Company-Specific, Dedicated Contact Person
Idividualized, Customized Service
Same Day Response
Multiple, Randomly Assigned Service Reps
Standardized & Inflexible Rules & Rates
Slowed Response Time with Complex Heirarchy
Low Pressure, Low Stress
Locked Down, Long Term
What you need when you need it.
Never lock into a relationship before
you get to know each other at bit.
Pay-as-you-go Service Agreement
No Long-term Contracts
30-day Auto-Renewal Period
Large Up-Front Deposits
12 Month Contracts
1-year Auto Renewal Period
Ideal for Your Company
Ideal for Companies “Like” Yours
Others offer “bundled” services and
standard packages. Every company is
unique, and their HR needs are too!
Choose from A La Carte Services
Customized Client-Specific Programs
Fully Explained, Disclosed & Unbundled
Limited Choices from Pre-Packaged Plans
Stock “Bundled” Programs
Confusing, Generic & Bloated
Cost & Coverage
Affordable & Comprehensive
Expensive & Underpowered
Save Money! It is as simple as that,
customized solutons boost your bottom
line and provide better coverage.
Flat, Fully Disclosed Fees
Zero-Ded. Workers’ Comp Ins., Low-Ded. EPLI
Individual Workers’ Comp Policy w/ Low Rates
Percentage-Based Fees, Hidden Costs
$500-Ded. Worker’s Comp, $25,000-Ded. EPLI
Master W/C Policy - High Rate & No Safety Disc
Simply stated, HiHR is the smartest choice you can make in outsourcing your company’s HR needs.
Hawaii Human Resources
Hawaii Human Resources, Inc.
Topa Financial Tower
745 Fort Street, Penthouse
Honolulu, HI 96813