HINTLESHAM The CHURCH Village LINK PARISH CHATTISHAM Collator & Distributor: Helen Rogerson, The Old Rectory, Hintlesham, IP8 3PT. Telephone: 01473 652258. E-mail: [email protected] www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net MAY 2015 CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! Hintlesham School Grounds Morning Saturday 9th May, 10.00am – 12.30pm We are looking for volunteers to help clear up the school grounds and carry out some basic maintenance. If you can’t spare a whole morning, please come along anyway – even if it’s for half an hour – every little helps! No expertise required, but if you do have any basic tools you could bring along – brooms, rakes, spades etc – it would be much appreciated. For further details call Emma Walters 652773. Hintlesham and Chattisham Community Hall To book the Hall or Meeting Room, telephone Ginette Cook on 652087. To arrange a wedding, baptism or funeral please contact Jenny Cox 652466. Parish Clergy: The Revds Tim and Trish ffrench Tel: 658803 Email: [email protected] ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF DAY From the Registers Marriage: March 14th, James Brett & Callan Peatling Deaths from 2015: 20th March George H Chilvers 5th May Clarence W Wilkinson 25th May John W Squirrell Yet again the golf day was played in sunshine under blue skies, ideal golfing weather. Nine teams entered the competition, including golfers from as far away as Southend on Sea. The Growlers (Frank Wilkin, Glen Avis, Keith Bell and Mark Blades) won finishing 8 points ahead of the Priory Prodigies captained by Roger Luxmoore Styles who for the second year running claimed second place. G Jones had the highest individual score outside the winning teams (41 points) and Malcolm Rogerson and Michael Deakin won the nearest the pin prizes With the help of generous donations from Charles Stanley and Newton Investment Management who provided the prizes for the golf and a number of local companies that made donations for the raffle, the event raised £918 for the church restoration fund. I would like to thank all of the many organisations and individuals that played or donated prizes, and Julia Faulds, Julia Woolley, Catriona Pakenham-Walsh and Peter Hollis for all of their work in helping to run the day. Special thanks also go to Henry and all of his team at Hintlesham Golf Club for helping make the day a success. MD THE COFFEE STOP Fridays 1st & 15th May; 9.00-11.30am Hintlesham Community Hall Book the dates and bring a friend or meet up over a cup of coffee and cake. Drop in after taking children to school or come for elevenses. All welcome. Cake and unlimited coffee, tea, hot chocolate £2.50. More information or help with transport, contact Jenny Cox 652466 or Margaret Langton 652210. HOLD THE DATE – Church Fete This year’s Church Fete will be held on Saturday 20th June, 2.30-5.00pm at The Old Rectory, Chattisham. Christian Aid Week Envelopes Once again, we have kindly been allowed to deliver the Christian Aid envelopes with the May Link, which helps enormously with their distribution. This means you’ll receive your envelope in late April/early May. However, we are not permitted by law to collect the envelopes until CA Week (week beginning 10 May) so please hang on to your envelopes! Collectors will have spare envelopes if yours gets mislaid. Your contributions are greatly valued. Many thanks! JD AVON It is with regret that Clarissa Tooke has given up her Avon account and is hoping someone would like to take over the Chattisham area. Please contact Avon if you are interested. Clarissa would like to thank all her customers for their support over the years. 2 DISCOVERY GROUP We welcome any pre-schoolers and their adults to meet for coffee, play and chat in the Community Hall Meeting Room – Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am. Please call Jenny 652466 or Margaret 652210 for details. This month: Fridays 1st & 15th May PLANT SALE Sunday 3rd May, 3.00 – 5.00pm Walnut Tree Barn, Duke Street, Hintlesham Plants for patios and baskets Perennials, shrubs & bedding plants Herbs and vegetables Cakes for sale & Cream teas ART EXHIBITION & GRAND RAFFLE in aid of Chattisham & Hintlesham Restoration Fund THE CULTURE CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Hintlesham & Chattisham Social Club Committee will be held on Tuesday 12th May at 7.45pm. There will be an agenda and minutes of last year’s AGM displayed on the bar notice-board. All welcome to attend. Ruth Finbow (Secretary) On Saturday 9th May, the Culture Club will be going to Cambridge. During the day we will be free to explore the delights of this wonderful city. Then together we will visit the world famous King’s College Chapel and participate in Evensong sung by King’s College Choir, and then will listen to an organ recital played on the magnificent Chapel organ. If you are interested in receiving information about future cultural events that we will be going to, please contact me at [email protected]. Caroline Farrall WALKING GROUP Thursday 21st May. Meet at Offton Village Hall at 10.00am. Coming from Somersham, turn left to go past Offton Church. Then bear left into Castle Road – no through road – and again left into Lower Coney Grove. The Hall is on the right up the slope. More information from Barry 652632. BABY HATS & BLANKETS Thanks to all the knitters of baby hats and blankets for the Premature Baby Unit at the hospital. Special thanks, too, to the lady who made 50 hats and a blanket as a therapy for her injured hand!! This was our lent challenge for 2015 and has proved to be very successful. Thank you! Margaret Langton & Chris Banyard FIREWORKS Warning to all owners of animals, Hintlesham Hall will be having firework displays at a wedding at 10.30pm on Sunday 17th May and another at 10.00pm on Saturday 18th July. GARDENERNEEDED Gardener needed for garden in Chattisham. For weeding, pruning, general plant care. Approx. ½ – 1 day a week. Please call 652441. Hintlesham & Chattisham Social Club 3 NOTES FROM THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING FOR HINTLESHAM and the PARISH MEETING FOR HINTLESHAM and CHATTISHAM on THURSDAY 16thAPRIL 2015 at 7.30pm. Present at the meeting were 11 Parish Councillors, County Councillor David Busby, District Councillor Nick Ridley and 8 members of the public. Apologies for absence were received from Peter Eaton, Peter Jones and Jenny Cox. the play areas. Community organisations are to be asked to voice their support for our intended improvements. Hastoe Housing Association were disappointed with recent reports of cannabis abuse at St Nicolas’ Close and will take appropriate action against the miscreant/s. Members of the public expressed their dismay at the speed of traffic on George Street. Whilst the Parish Council has had many meetings with various highways departments, has taken the initiative with their speed watch campaign and liaised with Celotex, there is obvious frustration with the perceived lack of progress in traffic calming. We will write to all the major hauliers in the area and contact the Suffolk Police Commissioner, Tim Passmore, to try to make our village roads safer. Annual Hintlesham Meeting The Parish highlighted the continuing success of our Primary School and the completion of the Affordable Housing at St Nicholas Place. It looked forward to the possible alleviation of traffic congestion with restrictive parking confirmed from September 2015 on George Street. The Parish welcomed the start of the Neighbourhood Planning initiative. The County Council report cited the continuing support for the Arts, the improvement in broadband speed and the rise in the number of apprenticeships. The District Council report stressed the importance of the Government’s New Homes’ Bonus as an income source for Babergh and the success of the waste incinerator at Gt.Blakenham. All three councils reported on the existing problem of traffic volumes on the A1071 and the negative impact of future developments along the route. Planning B/15/00321/FUL Barn House, Duke Street. Detached 3 bedroom dwelling and garage Our Chairman, Stephanie Coupland, was thanked for her endless public service to the village. B/15/00106/ The Gables, Wilderness Hill. Single and 2 storey side extensions Peter Jones, District Councillor Everyone thanked Peter for his long and gracious public service and wished him well on his retirement. Parish Council Meeting The council voiced its continued frustration at Babergh’s interpretation of the rules which are preventing using S106 money on upgrades to both the Community Hall car park and the bark in Frances Self 17th April 2015 4 www.ghfood.uk * Early bird 15% off * * Small appetite menu everyday, changing weekly * The George Hintlesham Restaurant, Lounge & Bar * National Quiz Thursday nights, 8.30pm * * Steak night £10.99 Thursday nights * ‘Waste for Energy’ Tour at the New Waste Incinerator at Great Blakenham The tour of the incinerator scheduled for 26th May is now fully booked, so another tour has been organised for Tuesday 15th October at 3.00pm. (NB there are a lot of stairs). Please let Stephanie Coupland if you are interested on 01473 652297 [email protected] Burglary Prevention advice The county of Suffolk has always been a low crime area and a safe and beautiful place to live and work. Suffolk Constabulary is committed to ensuring it stays that way. Unfortunately over the past couple of months the Western area has suffered a significant increase in burglary dwelling offences, with 66 burglaries across both the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts since 1st January. Offences are occurring during both the daytime and the evening and jewellery is the main item stolen. It is believed offenders are becoming more risky when committing offences and there may be times when local residents have seen the offender(s) in the area. Suffolk Police would like to remind local residents that if they see any people or vehicles that look out of place or which raise suspicions please telephone on 101 with any information such as time, location, clothing or registration details. Always 999 however if an offence is taking place. Hintlesham Golf Club Join us for Sunday Luncheon Advance booking advisable. Large parties welcome 3 courses (incl coffee) £18 2 courses (incl coffee) £15 Hintlesham Golf Club is the perfect venue for parties, celebrations & events Jazz Sunday Luncheons – 10th May/ 12th July/ 20th Sept Arrival from 12pm, three course lunch served at 1pm, featuring Jazz Singer Alison Jennings & 12 Note Trio £20pp Fathers Day Luncheon – 21st June Arrival from 12pm, three course lunch served at 1pm £20pp Hog Roast & Soul Night – Saturday 25th July £12.50pp Hog Roast & bag of Chips followed by a Disco til’ Midnight 01473 652761 www.hintleshamgolfclub.com 5 Bowls Club Garden Club SPRING SHOW 2015 BOWLS CLUB ANNUAL DINNER Friday May 8th, 7.00-7.30pm With Dennis Whitbread unable to be with us due to illness, everybody rallied round to make the Show a great success. EASTER FLOWERS Thank you to all the flower arrangers, and not forgetting the children, who decorated Chattisham Church for Easter. It looked lovely. Chris Almost two hundred entries, including a very good entry from the school. Our thanks to the judges and all who helped in any way including Julie, Pauline, Carol, Lara, Cathy, Shirley, Trevor, Roy, Peter, Chris, Dennis P and anybody I’ve missed. Glad to say Dennis W is improving. Ian arrived just in time to present the trophies. JM SONGS OF PRAISE presents Suffolk Constabulary Male Voice Choir in concert Sunday 17th May, 3.00pm Hintlesham Community Hall All welcome. Donations to church funds Tuesday Results: Club hyacinth John Mower Most points floral art Stephanie Coupland Best exhibit floral art Stephanie Coupland Best exhibit cut flowers John Mower Most points cookery Francis Self Most points handicraft Carol Negus Most points men John Mower/Hugh Richards Most points ladies Stephanie Coupland Children under eight Oliver Moy Children eight & over Amelia Moy 11-16 years Tied: Clara McElroy, Tom Leney, Sam Girling Circle Mr Phil Hadwen spoke in April about the history of Felixstowe in its heyday before the advent of cheap foreign holidays. It seems that Felixstowe was one of the most popular seaside resorts in the country, a rival to Brighton and even Blackpool, with trains running direct from Liverpool Street, a big boating lake, smart hotels, and even a big dipper in the grand amusement park. Members were very interested and will look out for the old buildings which still remain today from those far-off days.The meeting on the 5th May will be a hairdressing demonstration by John Olivers of Gt Colman Street, Ipswich.Chris Banyard gave details of two proposed summer outings: one to West Stow Hall near Bury St Edmunds in June, and another to Jim Lawrence, Hadleigh (with cream tea to follow) in July. GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL TRIP This year we are going to Hyde Hall, near Chelmsford on Sunday 19th July. The cost will be £19.00 per person. If you are interested in coming (you do not have to be member of Garden Club) please contact Stephanie Coupland on 652297 [email protected]. 6 GET FIT and HELP YOUR VILLAGE SCHOOL! BARN DANCE with Millers Green live band Saturday 7th June, 6.00-10.00pm Community Hall Games * Raffle * Light buffet From Monday April 20th Emma Jones and Charmaine Bailey (parents) are running a fit club aimed at all levels of fitness to raise funds for the Hintlesham School Association. Tickets: £6 adults / £3 children Straight after school every Monday on the village playing field for an hour, the cost is £2. Children, friends and family all welcome so spread the word and get fit whilst helping our school. in advance from Cecelia 652692 and Michaela 652032 7 WHAT'S ON - MAY 2015 Friday 1st Friday 1st Sunday 3rd Tuesday 5th Friday 8th Saturday 9th Saturday 9th Tuesday 12th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Friday 15th Sunday 17th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Thursday 21st Wednesday 27th Coffee Stop, 9.00-11.30am, Community Hall Discovery Group, 9.30-11.30pm, Community Hall Plant Sale, 3.00-5.00pm, Walnut Tree Barn, Duke Street, Hintlesham Tuesday Circle, 7.30pm, Community Hall Bowls Club Annual Dinner, 7.00-7.30pm Culture Club visit to Cambridge; meet 9.00am, Community Hall School Grounds Working Party, 10.00-12.30pm, School Hint & Chatt Social Club AGM, 7.45pm, Community Hall Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Community Hall Coffee Stop, 9.00-11.30pm, Community Hall Discovery Group, 9.30-11.30am, Community Hall Songs of Praise, 3.00pm, Community Hall Hall Lunch, 12.30pm, Community Hall Walking Group, 10.00am, Offton Village Hall Parish Council Planning Meeting (prov), 7.30pm, Community Hall Mobile library, 3.05-4.00pm, Playing Field car park CHURCH SERVICES FOR MAY 2015 Easter 5 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist NT: Acts 2: 37-47 Gosp: John 15: 1-8 Easter 6 9.30 a.m. Mini Messy Church Gosp: John 15: 9-17 Sunday after Ascension 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist NT: Acts 1: 15-17, 21 to end; Gosp: John 17: 6-19 3.00 p.m. Songs of Praise With Suffolk Constabulary Male Voice Choir Pentecost 9.30 a.m. All Age Eucharist NT: Acts 2: 1-21; Gosp: John 15: 26-27, 16: 4b-15 Trinity Sunday 11.00 a.m. Deanery Communion OT: Isaiah 6: 1-8 NT: Romans 8: 12-17 Gosp: John 3: 1-17 AND NEXT MONTH: Trinity 1 (Proper 5) 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist OT: Genesis 3: 8-15 NT: 2 Corinthians 4: 13 – 5: 1 Gosp: Mark 3: 20 to end 3 May Chattisham 10 May Hintlesham 17 May Chattisham Community Hall 24 May Hintlesham 31 May Hadleigh 7 June Chattisham Latest Date for June 2015 issue - WEDNESDAY 20th May 2015 Please note that The Link is published on the village website and all information provided will therefore become freely available on the internet. The committee will try to find space, and indeed welcomes contributions, providing that they are legal and the writer’s name and address is supplied. Any views expressed or implied are not necessarily condoned nor supported by the committee. www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net 8
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