37th ANNUAL HK’s BENEFIT WEEKEND THE LODGE OF FOUR SEASONS JUNE 5 - 7, 2015 Honorary Chair Dustin Colquitt Kansas City Chiefs The Cove A R O B E R T T R E N T J O N E S S R . S I G N AT U R E C O U R S E Register online at HKsGolf.com Member FDIC IROQUOIS FEDERAL THE LODGE IROQUOIS FINANCIAL G O L F R E S O R T, M A R I N A & S PA of FOUR SEASONS Interested in tournament or VIP sponsorship? Call 573-348-8153 today! Friday, June 5 The Lodge of Four Seasons, Marbella Ballroom 6:30 p.m. VIP/Celebrity Party* SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Meet and greet Kansas City Chiefs Ambassadors & sports celebrities. Entertainment by The Ralph Butler Band *Invitation only party for special supporting Gold, Silver, Master, Open and Flag sponsors. Sponsored by Miner Mike’s and Buster’s Special HK’s Golf Tournament lodging rates available at The Lodge of Four Seasons by calling 573-365-3000 Silent Auction Donor Benefits HK’s sponsors receive extensive exposure during this three-day event, which attracts more than 220 golfers. Plus, more than 400 participants attend the Pairing Party and Silent/Live Auction on Saturday evening. In addition, sponsors receive the following benefits. • Tax deduction for your in-kind donation to a nonprofit organization. • Satisfaction for helping enhance the quality of health care in our community. • Recognition in the Lake Regional Fund Development Annual Report, which is distributed throughout the community. • Recognition on the tournament’s website. Those who commit early also are included in periodic pre-tournament email updates to our golfers and sponsors. Saturday, June 6 Sunday, June 7 The Lodge of Four Seasons, Campana Hall The Cove Golf Course & Club House 5 p.m. Pairing Party and 7:45 a.m. Morning - Shotgun Start Silent/Live Auction* eet and greet Kansas City Chiefs M Ambassadors & sports celebrities. Complimentary appetizers served. 6:45 p.m. Live Auction Begins with emcee Mike Kelly, voice of the Mizzou Tigers, and auctioneer Rick Bryant Bid on golf trips, sports memorabilia, jewelry, and more! Noon Sunday Golfer’s Buffet 1 p.m. Afternoon - Shotgun Start 2 p.m. Morning - $10,000 Putting Contest* and award morning Flight Prizes 6:30 p.m. Afternoon - $10,000 Putting Contest* and award afternoon Flight Prizes *Putting contests sponsored by Bank Star *Additional tickets may be purchased for $25 per person. ® MEMBER FDIC Silent/Live Auction Donors who provide items with retail values of $100 or more receive two invitations to the Pairing Party and Silent/Live Auction. For more information, call Lake Regional Hospital Fund Development at 573-348-8153. Email [email protected] or visit us online at www.HKsGolf.com. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES All sponsorships greater than $500 receive recognition on master sign at tournament and Lake Regional Hospital donor wall. Gold - $10,000 u Eight (8) players’ fees u Sixteen (16) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u One (1) round of golf for four (4) at Porto Cima u Sixteen (16) tickets to the Saturday Cocktail Party u One night lodging at The Lodge of Four Seasons u Recognition in newspaper advertisements, all print materials and tournament radio spots u Individual signage on tee box Silver - $7,500 Master - $5,000 u Four (4) players’ fees u Eight (8) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Eight (8) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Recognition in tournament radio spots u Individual signage on tee box NEW! Luncheon Sponsor - $3,000 u Two (2) players’ fees u Four (4) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Four (4) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Banner announcing sponsorship above lunch buffet u Six (6) players’ fees SOLD! Golf Cart - $3,000 u Twelve (12) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Two (2) players’ fees u One (1) round of golf for two (2) at Porto Cima u Twelve (12) tickets to the Saturday Cocktail Party u Recognition in newspaper advertisements and radio spots u Individual signage on tee box u Four (4) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Four (4) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Name announcing sponsorship on all players’ golf carts Open - $2,500 u Two (2) players’ fees u Four (4) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Four (4) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Sign on tee box Interested in tournament or VIP sponsorship? Call 573-348-8153 today! SOLD! Driving Range - $1,500 Closest-to-the-Hole - $500 u One (1) player fee u Two (2) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Two (2) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Sign on tee box and near green u Two (2) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party Hole - $250 u Sign on driving range (Saturday & Sunday) u Two (2) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Sign on tee box Flag - $1,000 u One (1) player fee * one sponsor per opportunity; first-come, first-served u Two (2) tickets to Friday VIP/Celebrity Party u Two (2) tickets to Saturday Cocktail Party u Name announcing sponsorship on flag at tee box The Cove A ROBERT TRENT JONES SR. SIGNATURE COURSE G O L F R E S O R T, M A R I N A & S PA Printing donated by: IROQUOIS FEDERAL IROQUOIS FINANCIAL Member FDIC Advertising donated by: Hole-in-One Prize sponsor: Hole-in-One Prize JOEsponsor: MACHENS MERCEDES-BENZ VROLET •B HE LA KE • GMC • CK UI Creative design donated by: of FOUR SEASONS KS Award sponsor: THE LODGE • HULETT •C SOME OF OUR MANY SPONSORS INCLUDE: O F T HE O Z AR Lake Regional Hospital and the HK’s Tournament All proceeds from this year’s tournament will benefit Lake Regional’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab, which is used to diagnose and treat patients with heart and blood vessel disease, and to implant pacemakers. Replacing the Cath Lab’s hemodynamic monitoring equipment will provide the latest technology for monitoring patients undergoing these procedures. The system will help the Cath Lab team monitor all vital signs, heart rhythm and blood pressures, including internal heart pressures and oxygen usage throughout the body. Hemodynamic monitoring also provides a tool to organize all this information into a report that follows the patient electronically for reporting to other health care providers. Our History In the early 1970s, a group of communityminded, lake-area residents realized the need for medical services to treat existing homeowners and the growing second homeowner, retiree and tourist populations. Then, the closest hospital was 50 miles away. Many people who suffered trauma, heart attacks or other serious health conditions did not survive because medical assistance was not immediately available. Harold Koplar, founder of The Lodge of Four Seasons, was one of the visionaries who believed the area needed a hospital. To help provide funding, the HK’s Annual Hospital Benefit Golf Tournament (named for Koplar) was established. In January 1978, Lake of the Ozarks General Hospital, later renamed Lake Regional Hospital, opened its doors. Our Growth Each year, the nonprofit hospital grew, investing income over expenses and charitable contributions into providing more health care services for the lake region. Today, thanks to generous contributions and sound fiscal management, the hospital has become a regional health system, providing trauma services, surgery and complete cardiac, cancer and orthopedic care. Our Future Development continues at the Lake of the Ozarks, and Lake Regional strives to provide exceptional, comprehensive health care to area residents and visitors. An estimated 5 million people visit the lake area each year. Because of the recreational nature of the area, the number of water, auto and other accidents that require immediate medical attention is growing, creating additional demand for cardiac, emergency and urgent care services. Babies delivered Cardiac and Vascular Catheterization visits Surgical visits Lake Regional Health Medical Oncology visits Radiation Oncology visits System Statistics Emergency Department visits Fiscal Year 2014 Cardiac Rehab visits Outpatient visits Laboratory procedures 562 1,643 4,738 5,828 5,500 33,869 43,400 225,100 322,859 2015 HK’s Committee Members Co-Chairs Susan Brown Peter Brown Jr. Cecilia Thomson Honorary Co-Chair Walter White Members Bruce Adams Van Anderson Jennifer Bethurem Peter Brown Sr. David Brown Mark Brown Mary Ellen Coy Carolyn Davinroy Terri Hall Michael E. Henze Kathy Hoemeyer Tami Nance Matt Tausig Lisa Tussey Ron Tussey Darlene Vance Tom Williams P L AY E R /TEAM REGIS TRATIO N Use this form or register online at HKsGolf.com. Company Name:_____________________________________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________________________________________ Hm Phone: __________________________ Wk Phone: ____________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ___________ ZIP:____________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Player #1 ___________________________________________________________________ Player #2 ___________________________________________________________________ Player #3 ___________________________________________________________________ Player #4____________________________________________________________________ Preferred Start: No preference / A.M. / P.M. (circle one) Check Enclosed: $___________________________________________________________ VISA/Mastercard: ___________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ Security Code: __________ Signature: __________________________________________ E ntry Fees: Golfer $295*_________________ *Includes two passes to Saturday evening Pairing Party and Silent/Live Auction Non-Golfer Saturday Cocktail $25 _________________ TOTAL$ _________________ Make check payable to: HK’s Hospital Benefit Golf Tournament Mail to: Lake Regional Fund Development n 54 Hospital Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065 n Phone: 573-348-8153 n Fax: 573-348-8088 Registration Requested By May 22, 2015
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