0022-3565/85/2343-0821$02.0()/O THE JOURNAL Copyright OF PHARMACOLOGY 1955 by The ( AND American EXPERIMENTAL Vol. 214, No. 3 Printed in U.S.A. THERAPEUTICS forPharmacology Society and Experimental Therapeutics Barbiturate-Induced Alterations in the Kinetic Parameters Outward Current in Aplysia Giant Neurons1 JOHN A. Epilepsy HUGUENARD2 Center, Accepted and Veterans WILKIE Administration for publication of Slow A. WILSON Hospital and Department of Pharmacology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina June 17. 1985 ABSTRACT Regulation of spike frequency adaptation has been postulated to be a neuronal mechanism of action of the barbiturates (Zbicz current outward and Wilson, tion-related, saturable and ponent of the tail currents, the amplitude of the slow phase. With moderate concentrations of barbiturates there were no changes in the other parameters describing the exponential decay current. 1981 ). A barbiturate sensitive slow outward current giant neurons, and this current is very eftective at regulating adaptation. In the current study a quantitative method of determining the effect of barbiturates was is present in Aplysia developed tail current using a analysis, single-electrode involved voltage clamp. measuring the The This method, exponential A slowly activating giant current voltage outward neurons is activated range of current has been et al., 1978). The (Cote by -40 near-threshold to -30 mV. demonstrated slow is attained molluscan during neurons, that functional significance slow outward current of slow Wilson, 1981) spike frequency important in the of drugs. effects are (Zbicz and observation that models of epilepsy associated individual 1961; Sawa affects the expected noted the action of some thus This aspects well as with prolonged central neurons et at., periods (Ward, Zbicz clinical of seizure human terrnining of may be actions hypothesized actions and process of barbiturates hypothesis in 1978; of the of the been anticonvulsant 1981). certain as (Cote that of these of barbiturates is based activity epileptic on the in animal cortex are of high frequency 1961; Kandel and firing of Spencer, A,, amplitude of the fast component activity kinetics. to determine 1) the the and neurons currents, cellular the on slow neurons the allows which and allows membrane and of tail current decay; A2, amplitude which barbiturate is action that were slow be unique to corn1979; further of the the report the analysis provides the current these study outward of barbiturates a sensitive means effects in these neurons by of the of simultaneous the measurement and ionic the population soma activities of neurons, within of a uniform accessibility potentials of the current. This preparation for several reasons, including: outward of it was effects presents of slow effects to in de- current, kinetics and and important outward neurons, outward was chosen of slow size which then it should be is an anticon- concentration-dependent identification which 3) but rather by other anticonvulsant benzodiazepines (Zbicz, study Kinetic presence ready lipid current would However, current a means of quantitating outward current. This giant which repetitively mechanism in enhancing in Aptysia the outward mechanism, actions. outward shared and this of a voltage-clamp on the is a with slow intervention to fire properties develop on slow barbiturates Aplysia giant that 1981). structural to current ganglia Received for publication December 17, 1984. , This work was supported by the Veterans Administration, Durham, North Carolina, and National Institutes of Health Grant 15212. 2 Present address: Department of Neurology, Stanford University, School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305. ABBREVIATIONS: aminobutyric acid. Oosterode, to understand desirable barbiturates results it and is not as hydantoins the correlated Pharmacological 1963). to have anticonvulsant that if activation of slow and for the enhancement well indicating of neurons mechanism, elucidate not is not due to a nonspecific mediated. et al., barbiturates, pounds such de- of barbiturates was drugs, ability In order as anticonvulsants, voltage-sensitive enhancement This It has to the Wilson, use the current mechanism related clinical potentiate a resultant adaptation. this group have outward with in may be receptor vulsant a prolonged indicating current of these solubility enhancement reflected the magnitude of slow were found to cause a concentrastereospecific increase in one corn- of potency order outward Hoyer control of firing rate. Barbiturates, which sedatives and anesthetics, velopment has outward depolarizations in the This range includes the average interspike potential that train ofaction potentials in these rank of slow decay of the slow outward current at the end of a depolarizing voltageclamp command. The tail currents were made up of two decay phases with average half-times of 7 and 70 sec, and the tail in Aplysia amplitude accurately current. Barbiturates of 2) neural of cells these giant of membrane (both intra- extracellular). of the slow component of tail current decay; GABA, ‘- ________________________________________________________________________________ 821 822 Huguenard The kinetic terizing analysis the of slow tail tail in these were were used cific with were The was slow not These well data, acid; the together with minimal sedative Raines et suggests that by different at., the 1979) enhancement (Huguenard enhancement with other, the anticonvulsant produces of slow outward nonsedative, effects. slow Wilson, 1985), current effects of the may be barbiturates, preparation. Hughes and (Marine Specimens Tauc, The study. Giant 1961 ganglion to the MI)-lined recording was scissors In the and expedite (millimolar): 70; and 30. The 492; in order were found mately outward of the ity obtained highly drug A The solution was volume of chamber) at was was assumed tion. (Dye pH least to have synaptic under study, the activity made control artificial sea ml immediately (50 times to the flow the any of wash concentrations. secobarbital (compliments them stereoisomers 0.1 N Before in and sea sea then change in to equilibrium to diluent drug MO) over The the were desired also solutions, concentra- to this method, essentially current. First, forms final to of the on in of 1 ml concentration preparation parameters during Institute control was allowed obtained from to tail ling there clamp current (Wilson or was which eliminated ground circuit. procedures. and voltage modified signal The Goldner, of the to provide drift reference (0.1-0.5 megohm) which Microelectrodes were 1975) giant due neuron an was used under extracellular to current electrode was placed pulled A modified was passing a broken in the chamber on a Kopf vertical single for electrode either study. controlThe clamp voltage reference through the tip microelectrode near the giant electrode puller bath cell. from has one during has the been rates on Plotting the decay a obtained slow after of the phase sum of at least ing” routine and amplitudes was tail current membrane a currents of a partial linear; approaches at least two that, in inactivation slow of a Therefore, outward current, slow outward activation current in cesium-loaded cells et a!., 1982). Therefore, by analyzing a prolonged voltage clamp depolarize- slow present outward the outward is not demonstrated of measuring current outward current et a!., 1981). (Evans in the a 60-sec of slow consist reflect a develop- depolarization. only a means (Colmers depolarization exists as as well. inward a measure to of used two disadvantages the have prolonged not currents current used there current slow Second, ( 1982) a!. during does provide After as the appear et neurons, in other is no tail time depolarization the tail currents tion, Eleetrophysiological circuitry changes isolation. depolarization Colmers membrane One method in activation during with a period be during are at least of 20 to 30 mm. loaded Aplysia inward current in prolonged current slowly, appears current current during in a period outward very after of outward but there slow analysis current easily 1981) very depolarizations even cannot slope slow The similar for the final stabilize, and in these quite activates The 7). level The decreases currents. changes but rise prolonged not measure especially over a slow to gradually of cesium in solutions. analysis). voltage the slope maximum used fig. enhancestudy; clamp current of 1981) neuron were current. current effects. and Wilson, the does final the problems voltage control Wilson, intact repeat 1) 1985), would be barbiturate outward (see but the and presented outward minutes of barbiturate been slow (Zbicz neurons subthreshold the a maximum (Zbicz by For of many period types current mV, Therefore, has ment recording dissolved added the by the acid effects. superfusate obtained (National NC) was (as judged free mm. measure phenobarbital were 30 slow outward then was al., et which in an axotomized quantitating a period and This reasons: temporal the of control soma. following and currents of study. of spatial neurons, spatial tail by axotomy with to approach each soma of -30 100 neuropil (Huguenard of these and axotomy. range condito neuron degree the soma better before in the the with of up in the in the for the clamping obtained of barbiturate seen by voltage-clamping clamping study in results (approxi- of pentobarbital, and NY) pentobarbital Park, diluted The salts Louis, water. and Triangle water. sodium St. Rensselaer, artificial Research NaOH any come Co., of secobarbital Abuse, artificial of the Chemical of Sterling-Winthrop, dissolving Drug Solutions (Sigma exists obtained Although complete with a wash volume of approximately 20 chamber volumes.) The drugs in this study were dissolved in artificial sea water at the desired voltage in this current of slow and on these periods of the the the and was regarding isolate of those processes then maneuver in drug that extensive in somewhat outward course bath, imposed Under soma of slow Method from A electrical of the than performed in the ment time circuit withdrawn were over a time- performed: bath. circuit obtained. were during error voltage the was greater under- 10; MgCl2, the study current result control steps recorded relatively recording was return were concern potential to to nA. of major two-electrode due that the in the Voltage currents is some outward than passed were work following magnitudes neurons there expected experiment. chamber change indicated each giant ganglia to those this volume before after experiments before the 2) stabil- 1.5 at less possibility of ground currents 0.1 set this microelectrode the have the cases water than was artifacts left submerged Because slow normal with of currents the vannas increased synaptic the but placed with suppression less the The experiments in this via a single microelectrode corn- activity. a minor physiological time-dependent following the filled therefore component currents, current the were some within in eliminate voltage-clamped. that and the membrane potential, gave similar results and 3) in a few cases it was possible to study the twice placed limit recorded To experiment, such the tissue 10; CaCl2, contained of largest constantly of the 2; KC1, suppress equilibrated dilution perfused water water to cause allowed cell model or the and magnitude or less, were tail was acceptable the nA 20 nA. of study was model a source R2, to expose slow 100 always were sea sea to 7.8 cell not connective of the adjusted model the in this impalement. currents by suppressing desirable. for microdissecting NY) NaHCO3, to used of an neuron of membrane california were the and ganglia artificial MG concentration 2x Mg solutions 10) cases artificial NaCl, MgSO4, 1967; from 100- to 300-g animals (Dow Chemical, Midland, Plainview, the (204C) CA) ganglion forceps electrode chamber, temperature position fine et a!., Apl.vsia mollusc some & Co., (Frazier Palisades, abdominal In with recording constant LP1 marine (the chamber. Tiemann neurons and for LP1) were dissected bottom of the Sylgard dissected (George lying the Pacific of study left pleural and pinned sheath ) from Unlimited, ganglion R2 glass minimized. that than similar end the 50 polarization cell the and were less produce the sec neurons capillary Generally, was currents dependent tions, Methods The tail usually the giant marked and The at (diphenylbarbi- tested of current. polarization small, could an anticonvulsant fiber-filled experiments electrode activities. was nA in these stereospe- diameter passage 1 mV/100 current amplitude, of barbiturates in by this method, that outside M KC1. Optimum microelectrode resistance for voltage clamping Aplysia giant neurons with the single electrode voltage clamp was found to be in the range of 0.5 to 1 megohm. Microelectrode polarization due to current Barbiturates and properties 1975, the barbiturates effect. fact the and sedative/anesthetic with current associated perhaps with taken outward describing of the tail The activity as determined current, correlated barbiturate turic outward activation established, barbiturate 1.5 mm charac- after concentration-dependent increases in one component little effect on the kinetics. enhancing were induced of the to cause involved parameters situation parameters study produced kinetic control as a measure found in this which current. in the Vol. 234 utilized currents outward currents changes and Wilson study to elucidate which Analysis the was activated of tail action currents of barbitu- current. currents of slow two on outward exponential developed (zero currents decay could processes. order to accurately intercepts) of tail in time a semi-logarithmic graph revealed be represented An automated that by the “peel- determine the kinetics currents (Zierler, 1981). 1985 B could A 2C a in SECOBARB also be reasonably which was the all trolled most : constant U 2tsec the intersimulus for 2400). TIME (Seconds) voltage (V). Of the two current traces the lower, shallower and the upper, semilog plots steeper tail of trace is in the currents from presence A. The trace is control of secobarbital. arrows mark the B, division between the slow and fast component of tail current as determined the analysis. In order to obtain the fast component of tail current, of tail currents shown in figure Amphtudes 0ev’ 2 1 2 squares 6.21 5.94 1 00 MM 2.31 5.51 a Dev, deviation is an estimate current analysis and is analogous of the goodness of fit to the S.D. It is derived Deviation SS is the n number of points processes) Figure (NC x 2) - 1 shows ,M figure an example solution secobarbital. The shows fit curves obtained from tail analysis: by performing component and 3) the repeated mark the of the NC until arrows were found are were in the slight obtained curve ods. the from the fitting All fast ments no more The half-times components results of tail change kinetics routine best the were analysis described. whereas and the best The from above the to this the component; as well were (e.g. with most 7 and line obtained the right yielded 70 sec. However, cases 2). The use it was two there results meth- of compart- obtained 5 to an of alternative fitting parameters often In these cases numbers than excepwas most table the for the were least-square equivalent by of barbiturates by the nonlinear fits , see left analysis in verified lb to the with 10%. components in some found with cases, that the three tails was desensitization. Voltage Hz, conIn and was clamp -18 kept currents dB/octave) on a chart using Some carefully 12 mm, to be (50 digitized curves (SAS Unless are representative set filter analysis. program and recorder (Gould a graphics pad (Apple and the data were stored experiments also utilized direct fit were NLIN) otherwise of at least noted, three with which a nonlinear determined all least- the observations and K in this study experiments. Results These results neurons No seasonal differences fire trains tail neurons chosen effects and further accurately first step with outward current as the conductance depolarized four experiment. mV In current current criteria current and in both depolarization. Based on the assumption first intervals and the 10 to 180 was step sec. The repolarization of the developing were slow outward 2 shows curves that leak tail current, equilibrium Em of upon a neuron mV and with both increased of these duration currents are due the membrane, as shown in figure current was calculated of one 2B. from can For the relationship in the hyperpolarized region. Then was calculated (after subtraction of the leak on the following relationship: g, = IK(EK Em), g is the potassium and the pulse is the same at the beginning this hypothesis potential of -50 of potassium ions through the curves to conductances current-voltage the conductance current) based estimates the results of a typical 2A is shown the amplitude of slow outcurrents vs. time of depolarization. There tail rise figure, analysis measured Figure figure and for amplitudes cells. is a correlative 1972) above outward (as period. current. It was hypothesized that decay of slow outward current upon the conductance underlying the slow currents to the in tail To test a holding -32 of tail current current potassium current control all of the at the end of the depolarizing underlying the tail current to amplitudes where to reflect slow outward current in this study involved determining which of the repolarization. voltage-clamped to this 2) of time outward a 2-hr of slow mV, ability of barbiturates. accuracy to flux convert slow elec- following current: 1) -50 periods 83 met study than prolonged over giant initial the 3) the for studied, for the 1 megohm, analysis) of slow outward no instantaneous repolarization; i.e., that ward Upon 4) a stable current Aplysia of 18 months. which met slow outward negative than potentials 10 sec) giant a period more greater of action by from over observed. potential Tail currents amplitude. The the were resistance than obtained study only those neurons in the study of membrane input data a continuous impalement, were used cell the represent during compared process in figure points experiment by slow subtraction arrows points of the The of the tail current produced of the by i.e. , the on including of approximately case 1A contribution determined. points. and the estimates of the decay methods did not differ by more (two), the different current components) and/or of 200 points/cm magnitude there was lines). components was to be significantly in the yielded currents (solid “comparments,” peeling techniques methods tail in this figure 2) the ofdecay were amplitude changes with in tail regression, regression only shown program Table 1 contains the results two curves in figure 1. The results that and barbiturate, of the analysis arrows. increase (decay of components analysis was similar to the peeling used in 1 ) the slowest component of decay was deter- between a log-linear in a fewest tail currents via an analog-to-digital converter Scotts Valley, CA) installed in the computer. of effect. Of the of the residuals, current added plots component there outward data removed slower boundary performing tional number for and were of the results of the tail by the following formula: of the squares is the with a log-linear was next was raw the of the compartmental slow and semi-logarithmic method mined and of slow in control lB The in the curve is the sum 0.092 0.123 the curve. in obtained where 51.7 53.9 of differing stimuli experiment. then diskettes measured 6.74 6.00 were a resolution fitting maximal an was ( 100 mm) channel wide Computer, (greater sec nAmp In all cases models with between a low-pass Concentration-response resting Halt-Trnes 1 = mV 1 - of with collection trode criteria Components Control Secobarbital, are (that interval by the tail analysis routine. The results of the analysis for these two curves shown in table 1 . The stimulus was a 60-sec depolarization to -34 from a holding potential of -50 mV. tail. with of potentiation duration currents floppy interval with (Mountain residuals were subtracted from the best fit line of the late time points. The set of straight lines, as well as the curve fit, were obtained from the TABLE 1 Results of the analysis the Tail on-line Fig. 1. Example of the change in tail current produced by barbiturate. A, tracings of slow outward current obtained in control and with 1 00 M secobarbital. Upper traces are current (I) (up = outward), lower trace is a two-component be obtained model effect on a double Computer) on the any conditioned recorded 1O’V fit with fit could complex reduce cases were V least experiments to z 0- good 823 Current assumed. In 4 well an equally complexity, 100 of Barbiturate Kinetics 5 the conductance underlying is the potassium potential (-76 mV, ‘K membrane potential. slow outward current, EK is the Russell and Brown, After the first 10 sec 824 Huguenard Vol. 234 and Wilson A gible effects on tail kinetics, i.e., the rate of decay of each component. In order studying increments sponses 4 z to tail determine the optimum holding holding potential around the resting obtained at each were an experiment was depolarized ED U the currents, potential, potential. potentials is shown in figure 4. Here the giant to -34 mV from holding potentials of -42 A,, whereas of decreased tude z 0 force. 0 z U tion SflMULUS DURATION (Seconds) upon repolanzation after increasing In order to directly compare tail current, both were for the two times 84.3 converted components of -50 the rent is the same outward current. as the Similar conductance Illustration of the current. To determine calculated from calculated obtained was added ofslow outward of tail current on slow by depolarizing activation range then measuring outward results are summarized outward plotted tial, has giant current which of tail analysis vs. the in figure of the fast current, has from 3. two and depolarized slow shift which the effect on the for slow percentage of increase the selective steep voltage increase dependence and the sea the up the tail Based to -30 mV), the amount components of tail components, the eliciting most depolarized voltage clamp Effects slow component (-32 mV) than the compared control level at each component evident. There was between voltage control. that could are tion-dependent, potential. negli- on analysis current and the clearly decreases are due in to activated the with mV the at the half-times different and for the holding -32 potential for the outward to currents. were be seen clearly sea water. This time of these experiments The half-times of both were relatively unaffected However, at was a marked depicts several the tail voltage currents clamp tail was an (in this case A2, compared of quanti- enhancement current in the phenobarbital values have lower slow in the reversal of 2 hr is much slower high concentrations slowing in the slower panel. than component the is in been it a concentraof tail bath effects control turnover components concentra- (greater than component. a semi-logarithmic A2. by Here of barbiturate of wash with (less than 5 mm). the fast and slow decay by changes in barbiturate on ef- specific phenobarbital). to A1, that increase currents barbi- of slow outward the major effect produces were produced depolarization Several as a means of of pentobarbital, The general phenobarbital the slow a period or the loss component of tail delay, course of effects produced of control selective Notice over used concentrations 5. These raw that mV, bar- without and then the be discussed. barbiturates slower the time increasing of figure first, will slow -30 be obtained tail in a typical experiment marked increase in current decay. that is obtained tion. there magni- seen The and enhancement In nearly every case, other the to percentage can in to be holding will be presented with each compound of tail with panel (A1 (A2), and the were voltage amplitude of 5 demonstrates obtained the upper is best seen in figure 3B have been normalized can current the at -50 pentobarbital barbiturate Notice the to the to increase examined in this study, including secobarbital and amobarbital. results artificial current cell mV. outward set slow outward by barbiturates. and of of tail fast -45 findings, was of barbiturates turates were phenobarbital, of the Figure poten- tail the depolarizations slow above current was the 100 zM pentobarbital of both components, but of the slow is clearly A (holding is marked This amplitudes above respectively) in part solutions, activation current the experiments of current within to in potassium current. on The voltage- -60 are the In figure 4B are shown of tail decay obtained fects ofbarbiturates results obtained characterized. then these magnitude further steady-state biturate tating current as amplitude mV resulted As was generally the case in this study, the alterathe tail current were produced by changes in the but not the kinetics of exponential decay which make normalized component in the fast component. the tail component Here cur- developed at each potential. a representative experiment potential -50 mV). In control a higher threshold were current (-40 to determine component (-36 mV). The addition appears to shift the voltage sensitivity the tail from the slow in experiments outward to potentials cells of slow outward the tail currents The amplitudes and A2 are the the voltage dependence of slow outward the optimum parameters for measuring of barbiturates slow The ± to the artificial current development development. dependent onset and decay of this process The voltage dependency of onset of slow determined 4.9 to -36 in the holding of some slow outward current at the holding potential 3). The tail currents will thus reflect the difference the slow outward current activated by the depolariza- potentials. tions of amplitude half- 0.3 and mV from a holding were was -32 conductance results were when 100 iM pentobarbital water, i.e., the time course paralleled the time course effects potential current and average mV. of depolarization the in B. The this experiment in of depolarization. of slow outward to conductance 4.6 sec. The depolarized ± potential durations the magnitude of with in neuron R2 in the range in decreased of -40 1985), for in small in amplitude depolarized by depolarizing range seen resulted Inasmuch increase holding potential. two components Fig. 2. Onset of slow outward current compared to the amplitude of tail current. A, 0 are the slow outward current (SOC) with increasing duration of depolarization. #{149},total amplitude of tail current (A1 plus A2) which is obtained voltage activation (ci. fig. between 0 et at., This magnitude 0; of A2. be maximized the in 4 mV potentials (Huguenard can driving U to -36 holding amplitude currents varied and tail current reAn example of such of -60 to -36 mV. Both A, and A2 increase range of -60 to -44 mV. However, further B potential was 200 zM) Figure 6 plot. by the same stimulus, to -34 mV from a holding All a 60-sec poten- of Kinetics 1985 A of Barbiturate 825 Current B 25 20 0 CONTROL . PENTOBARBITAL 120( -j OA1 I- C 15 #{149}A2 1000 10 0 I- 800 z 5 Ui Q. I 0 600 IUi 10 C,, 8 400 Ui C.) z 6 200 4 -38 2 -36 -34 DEPOLARIZED 0 -38 -36 DEPOLARIZED -34 -32 POTENTIAL -32 POTENTIAL -30 (mV) -30 (mV) Fig. 3. Voltage sensitivity of the onset of two components of tail current; alterations by 100 MM pentobarbital. A, the amplitude of the fast component (A1) and the slow component (A2) of tail current are plotted against the depolarized potential. B, the changes produced by pentobarbital are normalized by plotting them as the percentage of increase both components, but the effect on A2 is more pronounced. ± 3.2 sec. Holding potential, above control levels. Pentobarbital is shown Average half-times of the two components to alter the voltage dependence of onset of in this experiment were 8.2 ± 0.4 and 69.8 50 mV. A w.. 4 ED I- B . z w z 600 50 0. 500 4Q 0 400 Qu 300 ::: 30 . 20 0 __j 200 100 4 E ‘2 .o0_ I 50 HOLDING I I I 0 1 2 POTENTIAL Fig. 5. Time course of phenobarbital off. Control responses were obtained, mV) Fig. 4. Dependence of tail current on holding potential. The membrane holding potential was set at various levels between -60 and -36 mV of 25 and 50 zM phenobarbital #{149} 3 TIME -40 I #{149} (B), I #{149} 4 I #{149} 5 I 6 (hours) effect during wash-on followed by sequential and washapplication and then wash. In the upper panel and tail currents were obtained after eliciting slow outward current with a depolarization to -32 mV. A, amplitudes of the two components of tail current decay vs. holding potential. B, half-times of the two components the amplitudes of the two components of tail current (A, and A2) during the course of the experiment have been plotted. In the lower panel these values have been normalized to percentage of control. The average halftimes of the two components in this experiment were 8.6 ± 0.4 and 80.9 of tail current the parameters ± 6.5 sec. The stimulus was a 60-sec depolarization holding potential of -50 mV every 12 mm. decay vs. holding potential. The open symbols (amplitude and half-time) ofthe fast component represent of decay, whereas the closed symbols represent the parameters of the slow component of decay. The depolarized potential in this experiment was -32 mV. tial of -50 Table mV. Increasing the concentration of pentobarbital up to 200 tM results in a selective increase in A2, with effect on kinetics or amplitude of A,. However, when barbiturate concentration was increased to 400 jiM, there marked prolongation of the slow component. Also, with centrations there of barbiturates that slowed the tail current the little the is a con- kinetics, was generally an 2 is a summary single Again, experiment it can be pentobarbital a slight are slowing outward of the shift results in shown in figure 6. seen that the major concentration of the kinetics dependent with the of the higher to -33 mV from a holding tail current. analysis changes increases from induced by in A2, and concentrations of pentobarbital. Most experiments involving barbiturate enhanced tail cur- 826 Huguenard and Wilson Vol. 234 ysis each for outward time then 4 interval. These the alterations sec). The major increase With The sec similar 35-day 18 the ± S.D.), rates was However, was much A1 in control two 50% cases was the In sponses major increase there hyperpolarized was firing to 60% was a good the 5 sec) an the of -60 to a decrease rate, in in response -90 on leak mV. firing a prolonged described decay tions. onset kinetics Thus, kinetics above, to directly measure we devised experiments current TABLE Results the analysis. depolarizations barbiturates had of slow outward current we examined the effects of slow outward current. of onset kinetics to study Slow increasing very little outward duration, outward kinetics current and induced experiments analysis shown although range typical in which this sigmoidal effect shape of effects curve for occurs within the concentration previously, by was little tested. pentobarbital The effects on A, order of response concentration effect of 3.2 there was until very little across the of phenobarbital concentration that there very one little amounts secobarbital every these of for this effect on A,. entire compared to control, two-sided t concentration two compounds the stereoisomers In every where were For tested curves effect the in shown on the effects the R compared of pentobarbital experiment on (+)- and S for activity and (n = 5), and at (-)-isomers in enhancing of 6 Half-limes’ 2 1 4.76(0.57) 1.01 (0.16) 3.72(0.38) 6.87(0.44) 6.74 (0.37) 5.72 (0.21) 6.33 (0.22) 2.18(0.17)5* 3.30 (0.32)5* 3.47 (0.20)** 4.88 (0.13)** 4.94(0.47) 6.32 (0.60)5* 6.93 (0.74)’ 6.85 (0.40)5* test. con- concen- were response is a saturable study. riAmp #{149}#{149} P < .001 effect high n a Average and (SE.M.). is activated used. Also, it should be noted that by pentobarbital was somewhat barbiturates. With most com- effect In the be seen Ampktudes’ Control Pentobarbital 50MM 100 MM 200 MM 400 pM was that receptor Components 1 a tested. and A2 is somewhat of a saturable As mentioned of A2, with limited using in figure 400 A2, the best fit curve was obtained with an apparent Kf) of 115 ,M and the maximum increase was 3.02 nA (not shown). Stereoisomers of barbiturates. We were able to obtain was elicited with the results of anal- from the experiment as A2. pentobarbital of A, shows 2 of tail current sharp curve is rather steep, and rather than to maximum effect within two orders of constant there range amplitude current, indirectly rate experiments. in figure 9 it can at moderate concentraof barbiturates on the Because it was difficult of slow these shown). nine on the eight amplitude of A2 vs. pentobarbital with a KD of 98 iM and a maximum Phenobarbital. as constant effect the (>200 pounds, tration stimulus. As from zM) were the increase in A1 produced atypical compared to other con- rate, either the a Barbiturates plot the full range The best fit centrations conductance Under these initial the to nA (not effects effects on with high in the slope shows of of depolariza- in A2. data were obtained for in figure 8. The amplitude a log-linear curve of the was obtained re- between and increase by a steeper magnitude, magnitude. that time enhancement of A2. At there is approximately increase, curve with and of A1 as well the concentration between concentration process. However, going from minimum rather adaptation This obtained control, studied. is a barbiturate increase results response depicted saturable within The relationship clearer. of of an enhancement correlation first not In A,, is the example, a 1000% The is there of Individual slow corresponding in were with of development a concentration-dependent increase. current, frequency was region there late ± A2 rises in A, but concentration are graphically by barbitu- tails. There were minimal 0 and 10 sec). However, there as 50 of tail was (after current (between cell, a spike as evidenced current tail which adaptation circumstances over a 1.10 nA pentobarbital however, for of the the of such an experiment. This changes in tail component depolarizations (up to 740 of rate a measure during were obtained by barbiturate depolarizations Effects as at which of the Pentobarbital. 2. For The amplitude maximum effect of barbiturates of the the well was of barbiturates, ductance was enhancement component A2. obtained, on slow outward fast adaptation in effect in slow table conducted over control. nA, and the parameter of the fast component, were doses maximum increase ± 1.61 3.76 this experiments enhanced in the range of 400 to 500% of the control value. experiments (n = 3), the enhancement of A2 than average, and sometimes the effect was on of amplitude than the slow shown A2 in control the as a 2000% barbiturates those experiments amplitude and within in few greater as striking to representative period, (average results long major effect, of depolarization, Specific very in used developed responses produced rate enhancement Fig. 6. Semilog plots of tail currents obtained in control and with several concentrations of pentobarbital. The stimulus was a 60-sec depolarization to -30 from a holding potential of -50 mV. The results of tail analysis for the curves in this figure are given in table 2. example, was had effect in the tion. (Seconds) TIME had current which In figure 7 are shown the results figure shows the time-dependent amplitude obtained with prolonged U rent tail current 2 sec 57.1 (3.7) 6 69.2(17.9) 67.9 (20.6) 99.9 (14.8) 147 (12)5* 4 6 5 6 1985 Kinetics of Barbiturate 827 Current 10 r-1tA 4 7, 6 0 5c 0 :o 400 600 T,me of Depolorizoton 4 a 4 2 (Sec) Fig. 7. Onset kinetics during depolarization; effects of pentobarbital (Pento) compared to control. The stimulus was depolarization to -30 mV from a holding potential of -50 mV. [Pento] = 100 MM. The average half-times of the two components in this experiment were 7.9 ± 0.3 and 66.3 ± 3.6 sec. 0 0 0 10 1000 100 4 4 0 0 ED a 4 4 0 C’ 100 0 CONC 1000 PHENOBARBITAL (,tM) (CONC)-response relationships for phenobarbital the amplitude of the two components of tail current. The error bars represent ± S.E.M. , n = 9 neurons. Linear regression of the CONC-response curves yielded slopes of 0.1 1 (A,) and 2.49 (A2) nA/bFig. 9. Concentration 4 alteration of fold change in phenobarbital 0.0009 (not significant) CONC. and 0.40 (P The correlation coefficients were .001), respectively. < 4 be seen that the concentration 4 tude 0 of the the 0 one slow 4 analysis in these CONC PENTOBARB)TAL (NM) Fig. 8. Concentration (CONC)-response relationships for alteration amplitude of the two components of tail current by pentobarbital. error bars represent ± S.E.M.; n = 8 neurons. Linear regression of the The of the CONC-response curves yielded slopes of 2.77 (A1) and 3.23 (A2) nA/i 0fold change in pentobarbital concentration. The correlation coefficients were 0.57 (P < .002) and 0.31 (P < .002), respectively. current, the S (-)-isomer (+)-isomer. Figure which outward secobarbital current and in two is stereoisomers little difference changes pears the responses and tration. tail Figure results Figure responses current lOB graded are shows for the same experiment. can easily be seen with seen the The bital of tail from the components experiment than from an experiment 1OA shows obtained with in both each adaptation shown the 100 there M stereoisomers in figure 10. Here apoutward obtained stereoisomer At each effective than firing. Figure for the am- of secobarit can easily at In a few the experiments, appeared every amplisuch as to be affects on the elicited average spike interspike train. poten- Stronger depolari- zations resulted in loss of membrane incomplete space clamp, and therefore potential in these control due to cells the slow outward in voltage clamp current perfectly prolonged of the the train. barbiturate produced membrane With the effect that minimum 3), effect of the with it is not tail clamp the tail minimum of amobarbital of experiments not determined. results and concentration-response In general, both of these more similar is, in addition ment in of A,. one amplitude ments with of the with increase In three of two to control. to pentobarbital to the This of five fast component compares pentobarbital, there of greater to increases zero of nine and a limited seco- number phenobarbital. there experiments amobarbital, the relationships were compounds produced than in A,, that concentra- in only were were and effective tested currents be augmenta- effects tail in It should current barbital a result depolarizations tion for effects on adaptation. Other barbiturates. The on not that would studied, for did during dependence surprising current. neurons concentrations coincided activated voltage 1 or 2 mV) on voltage majority effective generally the sufficient in the fig. (by even in observing obtained currents very strong (see depolarization difficulty tion activation model spike emphasized in concen- responses was more of sustained relationship R the slow with the slow increase Here the effects of either each increase in concentration. with the S (-)-stereoisomer increases concentration tested, the S (-)-isomer the R (+)-isomer in the inhibition 11 shows the concentration-response plitude effective With the R (+)-isomer, 10 and 30 tM, but markedly. potent; more typical was tested. tail current of secobarbital. between control, to be more current 10 shows was effective which had no apparent effect on lack of sensitivity of tail current most likely due to the inability to This was the more at enhancing 11, there to simulate during insufficient tail cases sufficiently achieved (A2). in figure at concentrations parameters. depolarize tial component depicted adaptation tail current 0. S (-)-isomer was the R (+)-isomer than was with was some That enhance- secobarbital, and an increase in the than 50% in three experiments compared of five experiwith di- 828 Huguenard Vol. 234 and Wilson (+) A. ( -) 04 ___ J-___ 4 0 0 ED a 4 4 4 0 0 ED B. a 4 .-. .- -: ‘II ‘‘ 0-_. -I CONC SECOBARB ),M) Fig. I 1. Concentration (CONC)-response relationship for tail component amplitudes obtained with stereoisomers of secobarbital. Data from same experiment in figure 10. (0, S (-)-secobarbital; #{149},R (+)-secobarbital.) The error bars represent ± S.E.M. of each value from within a single experiment in which five tail currents were obtained with each CONC. outward currents least 0 cells - l 50 f 4 Fig. 10. Effects of stereoisomers of secobarbital on slow outward current and adaptation. A, slow outward current responses in control 10, 30 and 100 pM of the R (+)- and S (-)-isomers of secobarbital. trace is voltage, 60-sec lower depolarization trace is current. The stimulus to -30 from a holding 20 mV, 10 nA; horizontal and with Upper in this case was a potential of -50 mV. Calibration: vertical = = 30 sec. B, alterations in adaptation responses produced by stereoisomers of secobarbital. The change in adaptation can be seen most readily as the decreased duration of firing in response to the constant current pulse. The entire series of responses was performed for (+)-secobarbital, then a wash was obtained (0 pM (-)-secobarbital), and the series was repeated with the different concentrations of (-)-secobarbital. Concentrations (micromolar) shown to the left of the traces. The neuron died before it was possible to obtain an adaptation response in 1 00 MM (-)-secobarbital. The adaptation stimulus was 50 nA of depolarizing current in current clamp after being held at a -50 mV in voltage clamp. Calibration: horizontal = 5 sec; vertical = 20 mV. phenylbarbituric nine acid experiments (Huguenard with and Wilson, 1985) and zero phenobarbital. outward number hippocampal currents of vertebrate pyramidal have systems, cells been demonstrated including (Brown and Wilson, 1982), rat hippocampal Barker, 1984), cat spinal motoneurons and mouse Although are much cells to of no regulate have and (Moolenaar recently guinea-pig Griffith, and been effects tation of inhibitory 1983; and sant and Spector, the slow outward currents in these vertebrate faster (usually less than 1 sec to peak) than the point, selective doses and which Barker, Nevertheless, we barbithe augmenreduction in exert 1978, no 1979; it remains most It is current would hypotheses anticonvulsant and at at however, include responses are currents. Alternative selective (Macdonald 1981). unclear important for GA- Schulz which anticonvul- action. In this analysis was study, undertaken frequency foundly Using because by means, it has this specific current, i.e., of the measured of GABA esthesia gett, of in mice validated outward in neurons, barbiturates been the slow slow increase is enhanced (Huang This current affects spike that barbiturates stereospecific in other responses in cultured and current current. result describing of the with the secobarbital spinal Barker, 1980; outward current S (-)- more stereospecificity (fig. systems, in the slow being This adaptation responses of tail in one parameter in the amplitude pentobarbital and R (+)-compounds. the use outward and this process is so pro(Zbicz and Wilson, 1981). shown alteration an increase This logically ment have of quantitating adaptation enhanced a relatively tail we as a means rat cells slow for of barbiturates that 1979). At this phenobarbital) GABA Macdonald, matches Brag- forward actions slow sensitive outward nervous system which a current. excitation BAmimetic relatively firing. (especially glutamate-mediated properties these barbiturate central of such put turate in a cells in culture (Segal (Barrett et at., 1980) by repetitive reports stereoisomers potent than don and neuroblastoma affected know in this study (increasing over the firing behavior of vertebrate see a similar vertebrate serve that presented fig. 7), sec, that in the component. Discussion Slow of is clearly possible exists nA S,msIohon --------- 00 of lOs 10) and such physio- as enhance- neurons Waddell and and anBag- 1973). 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