Rcp|lbuc ot rhr Phllppin.i Oficc of the President Housins and Urban Development Coordinating Council HOUSING AI{D LAND USE R.EGULATORY BOARI) HLURB MEMORATTDUIT CIRCULAR 1{O. Series of 2015 ( eereru rq 2015) , _W TO : ALL CONCERTIED FROlrl : THE COMMISSIOT{ERA]ID CHIEF EXECUTN'E OFFICER SUB'ECT : DATORY Al{D SUPPLE IIETIITAI GUIDELIII ES ()1{ BOARD RESTOTUTTOT{ NO. 922, SERTES OF 2O1+ OR AIII E 1I THE .REVISED I}IPLEIIIENTII{G RULES A]{D REGUI.ATIO]IS TO GOVERN DEALERS, BROKERS Al{D SALESMET{ OF SUBDIVISIOT{ AND CONDOMI]IIUM PROJECTS U]{DER PRESIDET|TIAL DECREE NO. 957' OTHERWISE K]IOWN AS THE 'SI'BDTVISION AIID CONDOI'|il{IUll BUYERS' PROTECTM DECREE' AND ALL OTHER PROTECTS REQUTRED BY LAW TO BE REGISTERED WITH THE HOUSITIG AND LAI{D USE REGUIATORY BOARD to Section 14 of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) Resolution No. 922, Series of 2014, or the 'Revised Implemenung iubs 6nd Regulagons to Govem Dealers, Brokers And Salesmen of Subdivision and Condonrinium Projects Under Presidential Decree No' 957 (P.D. No. 957) Otherwise Known as the 'suMivision and c.ondominium iluyers' Protective Decree" And All Ottrer Proiects Required By_Law To Be nelftereO With The Housing and Land Use Regulatory bard", this nmenaatory and Supplemental Guideline is hereby issued. Pursuant Page 1 of 12 fut'^- Rule I AMENDMENTS TO iIEMORANDUM crRcut-AR lro. 02, SERIES OF 2015 Section 1. Exemfion of Single Propriebrchip From Registration. 1.1 Section 4.L4 of Memorandum Orcular No. 02, Series of 2015 (M.C. No. 02 s. of 2015) which provides for the definition of "Person" and rcads: "Person" refers to a natural or juridical person. A juridical person refers to any business firm such as a corporation, partnership, cooperative associaUon, single proprietorchip." or a or is hereby amended to read: "Person" refers to a nafural or juridical person. A juridical person refers to any business firm such as a corporaUon, parhership, cooperative or association." 1.2. Section 7 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015 which reads: "Regisffation of Business Firms. Any business firm, whether a corporation, paftnership, cooperative or association, or single proprietorship, shall first register with the HLURB in accordance with $e rules and guidelines herein provided before it can engage in the practice of real estate service with any project." is hereby amended to read: "Registration of Business Firms. Any business firm, whether a corporation, palttership, cooperative or association shall first register with the HLURB in accordance with the rules and guidelines herein provided before can engage in the practice of real estate servhe with any project." it Pursuant hereto, a single proprietorship is not anymore required to register such single with the HLURB, provided howerrer that the owner proprietorship who is engaged in the practice of real estate service with respect to any project shall first register with the HLURB. of Page 2 of 13 W' Section 2. Place of Registration. 2.1 Section 10 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015 which reads: for Registration. All dealers, licensed brokers and accredited salespersons who shall engage in the practice of real estate service with any project shall register with the Regional Field ffice which has jurisdiction over the region where the applicant rcsides or where his office is located by submitting the following: x" "Application is hereby amended to read: 'Application fior RegistraUon. All dealers, licensed brokers and accredited salespersons who shall engage in the practice of real estate seruice with any project shall register with any Regional Field Office of the HLURB by submitting the following: xt' 2.2. Section 12 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015 which rcads: for Registration of Business Firms. All business firms, whether a corpoftrtion, partnership, cooperative or association, or single proprietorship, that shall engage in the 'Application practice of real estate service with any project shall register with the Regional Field ffice which has jurisdiction over the region where the applicant's principal office is located by submitting the bllowing: is hereby amended to read: "Application for firmq whether Registration a of Business Firms. All business corporation, paftnership, cooperaUve or association that shall engage in the practice of real estate seruice with any pncject shall register with any Regional Field Ofiftce by submitting the following: xt' Pursuant hereb, dealers, brokers, salespersons and business firms may apply for registration with any RFO of the HLURB. Page 3 of 13 il'tqJ'- Secdon 3. $rbmissbn of the PRC/PRBRES-Issued Officiat Reeipt or Claim Stub. 3.1 Section 10.2 M.C. No. 02 s. of 2015 enurnerates the required documentary submissions for the registraUon of brokers. Section 10.2.3 thereof which reads: *Photocopies of the PRC-issued Certificate of Regisfration and rralid PRC-Issued Accreditation Card showing both front and back fae, with the originals thereof for comparison as faithful reproduction, or any otspr sr.rfficient prmf of such liensure;" is hereby amended to read: "Photocopies of the PRC-issued Certificate of Registration and tfre valid PRC-Issued AarcditaUon C,ard sfrowing both front ard back fiaceg with the originals thereof for comparison as faithful reprcduction, or in the absene thereof, any other proof of registraUon or licensure, or of having applied for registration or licensure such as the PRC/PRBRES-issued fficial Receipt or PRgPR.BRE$issued claim stub;" 3.2 Section 10.3 of M.C. No. 02 s. of 2015 enumerates the required documentary submissions for the accrcditation of salespersons. Section 10.3.3 thereof which reads: "Phorbcopies of the PRC-issued Certiftcirte of Registftttion and of valid PRC-Issued AcredibUon Card showing both front and back faces, with the or'rginals thereof for comparison as faithful sudt reproduction, any other sufficient prcof accrcditation;" or of is hereby amended to read: *Photocopies of the PRC-issued Cefificate of RegistraUon and the valid PRC-Issued Accreditation Card showing both front and back fiaces, with the originals thereof for omparison as hithful reproduction, or in the absene thereof, any other proof of accreditation, or of having applied for regisffiation or accreditation such as Ure PRgPRBRE$issued Official Receipt or PRC/PRBRESissued claim stub;' registration or Pursuant hereto, all Regional Freld ffices (RFO) shall henceforth accept applicaUon fior registration of brokers and salespersons upon submission of any of the enumerated documenbry requirements under Sections 10.2.3 and 10.3.3, as amended, along with the rest of the requirements respectively provided under Sections 10. 2 and 10.3 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015. Section 4. Submission of the Offrcial Reeipt Issued by ilre Surcty Company. Sections 10.1.4, 10.2.4 and 10.3.4 which plovide for the submission of the bond or secudty for the registation of dealers, brokers and salespersons and which similarly read: "Photo@py of the bond or security, wiBr the original thereof for comparison as faithful prcduction;" is hereby amended to read: "Phob@pies of the bond or security and of the official receipt issued by the surety company, with the originals thereof for comparison as faithfu I reproducton; " Submission of t|le HLURB-Issu€d Offici'il Reoeipt Evidencing Payment of Registntion Fee. Sections 10.1.5, 10.2.5, and Section 5. 10.3.6 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015 which all simihrly rcad: "Photocopies of the official receipt widencing payment registration fee." are all hereby similarly amended b of the read: "Photocopies of the HLURFissued official receipt evidencing payment of the registration fee." Section 6. Reuised l€tter of Engngement or Employment. Disdosure of the projects with which the applying salesman is authorized to practice real *D" of estate senice shall not anymone be required. Rrrsuant hereto, Annex Memorandum Circular No. 02, s. of 2015, or the pro-forma copy of the "salesman's Letter of Engagement/Employment'is hereby amended. A proforma copy of the "Rerrised Salegnan's Letter of Engagement / Employrent' is hereto attached as Anno< "A". 5of13 fr*' Rule II Supplemental Guidelines Section 7. Surety Bond. The surety bond shall be executed in favor of the HLURB as the OblBee therein. The dealer, broker, salesman, or business firm applying for registration as the Principal, and the bonding company, as the Surcty, shall joindy and severally hold and bind themselves b indemniff ttre Obligee in the event of hilure on the part of the principal to fully ard fraithfully comply with the terms and conditbns of the registration. A pro.forma copy of the surety bond is hereb attached as Annex oB". Secdon 8. Cash Bond. Cash bond shall be accepted as a security in lieu of surcty bond and the same shall rcmain effective and deemed reposted every subsequent renewal of the registraUon unless otherwise revoked or forfeited in acordance with Board Resolution No. 922, s. of 2014 and M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015, or requested to be wihdrawn by the registrant. Any applicant posting a cash bond shall o(ecute and submit an underbking under oath, staUng that the cash bond posted is conditioned upon the applicanfs faithful compliance with the provisions of Section 12 of Presidential Decee No. 957 and that the same may be forfeited in accordance with Section 16 of M.C. No. 02, s. of 2015. Pruforma opies of the Deed of Undertaking for dealers, brckers, salespersons and business firms are hereto attached as Annexes "C" and oD". Section 9. Withdrawal of Cash Bond. Cash bond may only be withdrawn upon written request of the rcgisUant and posting of a new botd or acceptable security in substitutlcn of the cash bond or upon submission of intent that the applicant shall no longer renew the registration and shall cease to engage in the practice of real estate service. In any case, withdnwal of cash bond shall be subject to such applicable govemment requirements and approved procedure for release of cash bond. A pro-fiorma copy of the Request for Wthdrawal of Cash Bond is her$ attached as Annex "E". Section 1O. Rensyal of RegisuaUon. All registered dealers, brokers, salesrnen and business firms timely renewing their registraUon during the month of November strall only be requircd to submit the fiollowing: 10.1 Application for Renewal of Regisffiation; tO.2 Photocopy of the apdkanfs latest HLURB-issued ceftificate of registration or HLURB-issued official reaeipt evidencirq payment of last registration fee; 10.3 The HLURB-issued identification card for updating; 10.4 "Photocopies of the bond or security and of tfre official receipt issued by the surety @mpany. wlth the originals thereof for comparison as faithful reproduction, or the official reeipt for the cash bond deposited and the undertaking under oath;- 10.5 Phobcopy of fte evidencing payment of HLURB-issued O,fftcial Receipt tfe renewal of registration fee. All applications for renewal of registration shall be filed with the RFO where the original registration was filed. ll. Suhnission of Specimen Signatrres. For purposes of issuance or replacernent of the identification card, all dealers, brokers and safespersons shall, in addition the tnro (2) coptes oJ 2 x 2 color photo, submit on a clean sheet of paper, three (3) spcimen signatures subscribed 1.5 inches apart, with the full name of the dealer, broker or salesperson printed once and in upper case at the botbm of the page. Section b Section 12. Unifiorm l{umbering of Certificab of Registration. A uniform numbering of the certificate of registration shall be observed by all RFOs issuing the same, fiollowing the fiormat herein provided: RFO - A'B,G or D - MlrUYR - PRll where *RFO" stands fur the HLURB Regional Field ffice issuing the certificate of regisffation; "A" for mlespersons,'Bo for brokers, "C" for "business firm" *D" for dealets, such mrporaUon, partnership, association or ooperaWe, or whichever is applicable; "MM/YR" for the month and year of issuance of the certificate of regisffation; and "PRN' for the permanent registration number of the dealer, broker, salesperson or busirress firm. For o<ample: rfcRFo -A-|'4lts -oo1 where "NCRFO" stands for 'tNational Capital Region Field ffice", "A" for safespersons, ^0F.lLs' fior April, 2015, and '001" the permanent registraUon number assigned to the registered salesperson. Srynilfty d GlilEG. The pro*ions thls GuHelines are hereby declarcd separable, and in the event that any provisbn trerein is dedared null ard \oid, Ete valldity of all odpr prwisions shall not be affected Ssction 13. Ureteby. Sccdon 1+ mctmty GNruce. This Guidines shall take €fiect imrnediably. Page t of 13 Ail]IEX A REVISED SAI...ESPERSOII'S I"ETIER, oF EltGAGElrEt{T PrrsualttoSedins U as inplenrerfrd fte negfxC0trcel RegaorC FCd bU ild / EHPLOYHEI|T Ulof Fe$dential Deo€etlo.9:tZ Bmtd Resolutin 1lo, 922, Sed€s of 2()f4 (ffie ttouirg ard lrnd Usenegubbrt Boad RFO Address nis b b ertift and b efioftcd bt eogEgp in the practie dteal estabserrice EEll@ Is$ed h6 Pr-lrd EFe@-[ a a salesOetsn. 2O_h dfs-dayd been , hcldSgn*rl Ocr:gn*in fhcof fficC,Eusnnsrdfics Page 9 of 13 fu"P ANlIfl B SUR,ETY H)TID (PRO-riORr ) nowAll r€l wTHEsc ?nE!Hn* Thdre, r Fincfu.l offte addless * iilaugnr&cd ndcr 3rreti mry , a cnrpadon he grrely, re Hd ild Ht bdrld ub UE riln:*lgn / - tlc FhOeL 4 =Ure.dfu bc of t|re PltfuIanes Sorqphgo||dti.Irs: ridl the dE oDltee Obftee s a ilp Pr-lxinl is aBltrre fr. rcgfsHi(n Iill qgA h th Fa.fic d ht bu b be n$tcred rill fu rcel e.tafte svb fir Fteds qdd obFoeq bood is bche Docfrd nrsur* b sefic ff ard f:l of Pr'.!$HiC tc.rce ilo. !t57, hom c'Ile $-firls5o and ffifint erye.s' Pmbctiue tlecrc-, ard n mg-.E ttcrerl|i th F-EiEl ls qCea b gFp a god and gfit** bard h dte &ve'd srn tD scone fu frl ild faffiJ perftmre of UE fttes and oEgplirs reqrred rrdcrtne brs ri orfiim dthe rcgtsHon rith dte dfgEe; n.r $rctv fant dthe $rety OorOenf uDoo d€br-dirn rndcrft emeed tln srrn d (D_), P|tfrFeOrrclrr. Ihc hme bod dt{ ]tlu TlBEFOtf, I fu PnrilGIPAr $d h { rcspd .fr|i ad frfy otcerrc and perfom cadt and dert onfrroq coyenett rd arc€mentsetfrrft and ildd hth brm d @dilirc of tle rcglrtcEin rft tlE Oblgre tD dr€ tue iffi ald s-tg dE €d, tln ottgtron of dEsntt Crd be trand Fad; qncrrisq UeoDBfrond tsE t$rltt CEI rcor*t h frl frre ild €fied. drt ar sao|t*rcs dtb I|| wrfilESS ilCRE(f, re lnw ** qr lEds atd fu 20_h d gnEw DnIrcXPAT Sgned htlEPresemd lIOTARIZATIOlI Page 10 of 13 W Altltfl G IDEED OF I.TDCRTAr|XG D..tG. !E t57' l:nrr r Srcrir ll d Mhrfldl r b&*a trDred Brrhirlsr tgSrrh.r2|l.l trtsp, d fu bc-p *anr h acudre riilr lcOC 4g ultt rcstlse d dE bu, |retcDt steE dE L fbt I n effi br qFHio 6 a @uil|t lbuirg ild Lod Use Ragdturt 8o.d (1anf8), Fr$E* b Eord Rcsolulin llo. gZL s d 2ll1{ and llelwandn clt|lb ilo. OZ sctb of 2015, r amde4 d orc-arc ufft dE n!|Fffiiat poctlro a bond c aeFDle reC-cncnt I hcreDy agFe b &9d 6 dt bond c srt' the gr of (r-l, otdtlmd tpon mt faffil orptam rdr Sedin ljf dPrcsilafid lte.rle 1|o. 957, dgrb bm e Mutsin ard 6ltl-nr Dry€rs Frrorndrn fde-; ad 2. In seo[i]y, |rereDy rmderstand and arec thct th hrcOoit! dt dcnd c bqrd ray be lo*enn h buor of tu HUf,a h e the udersird feib b qlr rit|i dE brfE ild @oduo|ls of ryttgftffiias porided ||rdel loerd R.sdtit.l ilo. 922 s of 2o1{ ard llemrrrdrn Ofufu ilo. o?, sies of 2oilt, is irded. 3. I ft wIfEsS UtBEff, I lsqm ft AJ d nt ign*r€ Uis - (]*dAodcant ) lIOTARf,ZANOil Page 11 of 13 AXXEX D DEED OF IHDERTAr|XG brr r Sccrhr ll rd l! Jhrdrrill lhrrrc Nr f5t' Nr tl S!f...f2aH r iql|r*f ly Errd trlhir fthq addrcdlth law' of l€d 49, uilr l€*ktr , fu herebt*: bcane * *anr h 2 Th* I { drf' adnrtsl b exmfr tie 5orcq*tg Dccd of tfideilaf-r ild b bil J!ilIEdgEhS-EEIL udr dEbrasrd oodtimof thefu€q-rotrrdcrtaEE; 3. glriq! frr FglsFci|rn ca hrs-E h th rdb of reC cfre scrrie rrfi foi.S rccicl tv lil to be n$rbled rtfi dE llrn4 D|rilant b tmd Rcsofurin l{F,- 94 s. d 20L ad lhoranfin cbod.. 1lo. 04 serb d 2015, 6 ansdcd; flEt lllC.d.EIE@Lis fn eqgaged Ih* h @U*re uil fte rcgtstrcio l€qdEil€atof DGlilg a bond or hcret' ors and aoce$atte seorftt, urdefdes b dcgd s dr bond c $orrt dn srr of fWglTY r|IlfililD lES(lS (fQq,m), catftod rpr ils ffid cdrc rEfi se<lton f:f d hecdendal De(re tlo- 9!t, odErde brwn r n|F.s Prffiu€ De.tE-'; d lsafri*n ad ffi5. fh* it b rndersbod $* dE futqlrollg dt dc nt or bood may be frrfttud h frw ddE nrna h @ J!!il!3LlEiE ]fuL fa& b oofibs of ls reltstffio r rwikd coqlt rfllr fu btc d gZL s. of 2O1{ and llemannAm Cboltr urdcr lord n€solrtio.t ilc ,f. llo. 02, sies d 2o1a a amsded. ll IrTlG56 utBEC, I lserrb ft A, d ry sagn*re dls - M)TARf,ZATIOil Page 12 of 13 fu,tJ'- AilltEX E LETTER OF WTIEDRAWAL OFCASEBOITD hrmr to Scctirs ll ri Il dfirilatid Dccnc No.l|l7, s ialuad by Band Rrs&ir llo, f!2, Srrirs d20l{ IfeReqixrdffiel to|lrlE ResaqElFaeldft and lard llse neodatory RFO Addrcss Sord Tlfs is b rtqu€st wf,ft&ad ddre rcSituEd hlrircss frtn) tnfu is be-rg lcquesd by rwt oft cdt bood po{*ed b,y the udenglrcd / lre of lt ltP amrt d (P ). ThedtffidthecaCr bod rift theffi t I gtOUinthercof grefy bqd cftraooeFbles€qritt; o3 I I c-afiq|ftom p|la.tie drcalecbb*r*rfherdgg$tcdnGgidrd ffi c A$ortud ncgc*flir d h Orir:sr F-n Dq*1ltrcr lbnddnlssd lrsA=s nr H.ftnERG{irElim* Page 13 of 13
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