ISSN 1832-0198 1150 FREE COPIES PRINTED Issue 261 The End of an Era The private sale of the Holbrook Log Cabin was finalised on 26 February 2015, bringing the end of an era. The Log Cabin was built by the community in 1945 on land owned by the Winnett Family. The land was purchased in 1959 and the Log Cabin Trust was formed. Over the years, the Log Cabin has been home to many groups including Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Guides, Central School classes, church groups, square dancing, dance lessons, art group, martial arts training, Motorcycle Club meetings, table tennis and more recently a physio and pilates studio. With the Log Cabin no longer being used for its intended purposes, along with ongoing expenses and maintenance, the tough decision was made by the Trustees to sell the property. Listed with Landmark Pitzen, Expression of Interest were sought, with the property finally being sold earlier this year. The Log Cabin has been purchased by Jenni Wines. Jenni has family in Canberra and Albury. She is currently making slight changes to the inside in order to make it her home. Jenni assures the community that the façade of the building (which Jenni found so appealing), will remain the same. Jenni, although retired, is a First Aid Advanced Responder with St John’s Ambulance and is looking forward to becoming part of the Holbrook community. Jenni Wines with Trustees David Geddes, Judy Ross, The Log Cabin archives will now be stored at the Shirley Breasley, Marion Carstens, Ken Hulme and Holbrook Woolpack Inn Museum for the local and wider Stephen Bunyan community to view. Log Cabin Testimonial The Log Cabin Trust would like to thank all the staff at Landmark Pitzen, particularly, Mick, Matthew and Margot Pitzen. Margot worked above and beyond, with her energy and diligence during the sale process. Matthew was both a Cub and Scout in his youth and Mick and Pat were both extremely supportive parents within the group. The Pitzen family were willing to assist in the sale of the Log Cabin without imposing the regular fees and insisting that the commission from the sale remain with the Log Cabin Trust and go towards the future use for the youth of Holbrook. The Trustees greatly appreciate all that Matthew and Margot have done in finalising the sale of the Log Cabin. New Landcare Head Brings Wealth of Experience Holbrook Landcare Network’s new executive officer Dale Stringer brings a wealth of regional knowledge to the job. Holbrook Landcare Network Board Chairman Tony Geddes said Mr Stringer has been employed in the region since 2002 in a range of roles with Landcare, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Catchment Management Authorities. “The Landcare team welcomes his knowledge of sustainable agriculture and experience in delivering natural resource management projects and looks forward to working with him on an exciting range of ongoing and new projects,” he said. Mr Geddes said Holbrook Landcare has 400 members and the capacity to engage more than 2000 farmers in the Murray Catchment. Mr Stringer said he was looking forward to continuing to develop the relationships and partnerships, which underpin the success of Holbrook as a premier Landcare group, and working to deliver a diverse range of projects to invigorate sustainability in the region. “Holbrook Landcare is running some fantastic projects, which are delivering a wide range of outcomes from revegetating corridors in the landscape for biodiversity, to running a Women in Agriculture Power forum to encourage women and girls to develop their career aspirations and pathways in the Australian wool industry,” he said. “It’s an exciting time for me to be coming on board and I am enjoying working with the staff, Board, Landcare members and the local community to continue current projects and explore new opportunities for this iconic Landcare group.” 1 April 2015 Holbrook Happenings 1 HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS’ POLICY STATEMENT This newsletter is presented by the CTC@Holbrook for the purpose of disseminating information and articles free of charge for the benefit of the public. This information is not a substitute for professional advice and is not intended to be used as such. The editors do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on such information. The editors of Holbrook Happenings make every effort to ensure the quality of the information. However, Holbrook Happenings cannot guarantee and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency or completeness of information. It is the responsibility of contributors to secure permission for the use of any photographs or material provided for the Holbrook Happenings. DEADLINE Next deadline 9am Lic. No. EC 40843 ▪ Greg Tuck All Electrical & Trenching Needs ▪Commercial ▪ Domestic ▪ Rural Local Distributor for Franklin Electric Bore Pumps & Controls & Pressure Systems We can now supply all your bore pump and pressure pump needs for any installation and any application. Friday 10 April 2015 We prefer articles to be emailed to: [email protected] If you are a new advertiser, email us for information & a booking form. Servicing Holbrook and surrounding areas. Greg Tuck Mobile: 0408 362 763 Ph: (02) 6036 2763 Classified 1/16 page Advertising Cost $16.00 1/8 page $ 32.00 Ph: 0428 293 817 ¼ page $ 64.00 [email protected] 3/8 page $96.00 ½ page (check for availability) $ 128.00 Insert (not printed at CTC) $128.00 Insert (when printed at CTC) $ 64.00 Per issue Please note this publication is available online at Flyfaire Wines (Est. 1993) situated in the Woomargama National Park featuring Cellar Door & Café. Come up for lunches, dinners, arvo-teas, & wine tasting all wkend with Les & Julie; plus tastings Wed–Fri. Events catering available. 12kms from the Tunnel Rd turn-off. 1190 Tunnel Rd, Woomargama, 2644 6020 5264 | 2 G.T. ELECTRICAL & TRENCHING Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 Blinds & Awnings The best way to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. Call Ewen for a free quote 0428 293 817 OPENING HOURS Library Complex Tues—Fri: 11.00 - 1.00pm 2.00-5.30pm Saturday: 9.30 -12.30pm (library services only) Ph: 02 6036 3262 ADULT COMPUTI*G MOVIE Next Adult Computing is Tuesday 7th April. However, if you are intending to come it is essential that you book a place no later than Wednesday 1st April so that we can arrange a tutor for you before the Easter break. TUESDAY 14 APRIL 2.30PM $5 PER HEAD S*ACKS PROVIDED HOMEWORK CLUB No Homework Club during the school holidays. It will recommence Week 2 Term 2 Tuesday 28th April, 3.304.30pm No Story Time during the school holidays. It will commence again at 11am Thursday 23rd April. Holiday Activities Come in to the library during the holidays for free computer access, DVDs, books and magazines. Also Lego, Magnetix and Chess available to play with in the Library TUTORI*G Don’t tear your hair out! No need to travel to Albury. We have tutors available for most ages and abilities in a wide variety of subjects. E-TAGS Take the hassle out of tolls with an E-Tag which can be used in NSW, VIC. and QLD. Author Anne Flood Coming courses available at the Holbrook Library through Bookings to be made through TAFE 1300823374 or RSA $185 - 17th April RCG $135—10 April, 15 May Food Handling $120– 7 May Food Safety Supervisor $240– 14 & 21 May shared her extensive knowledge of the 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment to an audience of 25 people at the library last Thursday. Thanks to Riverina Regional Library for giving us the opportunity to hear Anne’s unique story. A copy of her book In The Footsteps of the First will be on our library shelves very soon. 1 April 2015 Holbrook Happenings 3 COUNCIL NEWS – March 2015 Council held its March meeting on 18 March 2015 where six councillors deliberated. Murray Arts made a presentation highlighting achievements in 2014 including the highly successful yarn bombing project that transformed HMAS Otway into a yellow submarine which attracted national and international media coverage, resulting in increased visitation to the shire during June and July. Murray Arts also presented forward projects to be undertaken in 2015. Council then received a report to make amendments to the Greater Hume Local Environmental Plan 2012 based on the findings of the recently completed flood studies undertaken for Culcairn, Henty and Holbrook. Council resolved to endorse the changes which will require the incorporation of flood maps, amending the flood clause and make changes to land use zonings in and around the townships of Culcairn, Henty and Holbrook to reflect known flood status. Following, Council will publicly exhibit the proposal and following consideration of any submissions received, it will receive a further report to finally adopt the proposal. Council resolved that the Wymah community will host the 2016 Greater Hume Shire Official Australia Day celebrations. Next up, Council received a report on the Australian Government’s Department of Communications Mobile Coverage Program and the current status of Council’s application under that program. Previously in May 2014, Council had met with the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications to present Council’s priorities for mobile base stations • South Eastern area of the Shire broadly bounded by the Jingellic Road, Hume Highway and the Murray River. • Eastern area of the Shire bounded by Jingellic Road, Coppabella Road, Little Billabong Road and the Hume Highway. • Jindera, Burrumbuttock, Brocklesby, Walbundrie area and Cookardinia, Mangoplah areas. Telstra has also advised that there are 4 main criteria in the Mobile Black Spot program: Where there is no coverage and there is no other provider present. ….where there is no coverage and significant risk of bush fire. Coverage benefit. Whilst this could count against the eastern part of the shire there are many other areas that would be similar. Ability for councils to make a co-contribution. ….Council has still been listed within the guidelines as one of 36 Councils in )SW willing to consider making a co-contribution. Local Member of Parliament priority. Recent advice from the Member for Farrer indicates that none of the three priority sites are within Greater Hume Shire. 4 Holbrook Happenings As a result, Council resolved to enter into a non binding Memorandum of Understanding with Telstra to increase Council’s chances of being selected under the funding program. Council also resolved to provide a letter of support for Towong Shire’s application which may result in improved coverage in the Talmalmo and Wymah areas. Council will be represented by councillors at all Anzac Day ceremonies to mark the 100 year centenary of the landing on Gallipolli. Council will provide an initial $5,000 contribution to the Border Trust to facilitate the commencement of the Greater Hume Shire Council Community Fund, which will enable local grass roots initiatives to have the opportunity to access a funding pool of contributions made by organisations, businesses and individuals from the shire. Next Council considered a report regarding the role of the Greater Hume Shire Local Traffic Committee. In short, the Committee has no decision making powers, but is a technical review committee comprising Director Engineer (Council), NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services and Bruno Biti as the nominee of the local member for Parliament. The next ordinary meeting of Greater Hume Shire Council will be held on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at the Library Complex, Holbrook commencing with a public forum at 4.30pm. Cr Heather Wilton – Mayor 143 Albury Street Holbrook 2644 02 6036 3333 Mon/Fri 8-4pm, Sat 8-3pm, Sun 9-3pm Easter Trading Hours: Friday 3rd April: 9am—3pm Saturday 4th April: 8am—3pm Sunday 5th April: CLOSED Monday 6th April: 9am—3pm Relax in our friendly & comfortable air conditioned café . Indoor & courtyard seating Fully Licenced Homemade gourmet food & cakes Specialty Gluten Free Food made daily Superior Coffee 1 April 2015 ANGLICAN NEWS RED CROSS Easter is here! We will be holding Good Friday services at Cookardinia at 8am and Holbrook at 9:30am. On Easter Sunday our service times are Woomargama at 8am and Holbrook at 9:30am. All are welcome to join us as we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection to bring us back to God and give eternal hope. Our annual school holiday Kids Club is coming up in the second week of school holidays, from Monday 13 April to Friday 17 April. To book your child in please call James Coats on 6036 2048. It’s available for children from preschool age through to grade 6. The team from Canberra will also be hanging out with youth in the afternoons. Holbrook Red Cross members wish to thank the local community for their generous support to our Raffle and Street Stall, held last week. The total amount raised was just over $1500.00, and this money will be put to very good use! The recent cyclones have left many people needing help. Raffle winners: 1st prize, Hamper, Kerrie Ford. 2nd prize, groundcover crepe myrtle, A. Baker. Congratulations to both these lucky women! Blood Bank donations since December have been held as usual, the last one early in March, our donors again giving their time and blood in this wonderful cause. Next collection, June. BUY LOCAL INITIATIVE Greater Hume Shire Council is investigating the development of a Buy Local in Greater Hume Shire initiative. Following endorsement of the proposal by Council’s Economic Development Committee, Council is now seeking support for the initiative by writing to businesses across the shire. “Greater Hume Shire Council recognises the crucial role small businesses play in developing the character of our local communities by generating economic activity and strengthening community cohesion across our shire, creating jobs and employment opportunities” said Cr McInerney, Chairperson, of Council’s Economic Development Committee. “Shopping local benefits our economies further by the multiplier effect, which in simple terms is about how many times money spent by a resident, business, or visitor circulates in the local economy and the economy generally” “The initiative is designed to raise awareness in the community about the importance of shopping locally and positively influence buying behaviour to increase shopping at local shops and businesses, and to encourage an increase in local business to business transactions as well, he added. “Responses are flowing in already from across the shire, and if this trend continues, Council will receive a report at the April meeting, added Cr McInerney. 1 April 2015 WIN NSW Blues signed cricket bat To enter simply visit the Drink Safe Stand at the Holbrook Races And let us know What’s Your Plan B? Plan how you’re going to get home Organise a lift or catch the courtesy bus IF YOU’RE DRINKING DON’T DRIVE A road safety message from Greater Hume Shire Council Holbrook Happenings 5 Railway Preservation Greetings everybody, My name is Chris Webster and I am a recent resident of Holbrook, with a keen interest in railway preservation, heritage, and their tourist potential. I have seen there is a great potential for tourist/ heritage involved in the restoration of the Holbrook to Culcairn railway line and I am very keen and interested in inviting others to share in this interest. I have been previously involved in the railway preservation scene, having been one of the founding members of the Great Southern Railway Society at )yora, South Gippsland, Victoria, a railway preservation venture of Victorian railway between )yora and Leongatha. The purpose of this email is to make as many people as possible aware of a proposal forwarded to the Greater Hume Shire which I have submitted to conduct a feasibility study into restoring the railway from Culcairn to Holbrook for heritage and tourist purposes. It is a concept or idea which I believe to be very possible. The submitted proposal is attached to this email for your consideration. At this stage, after various email dialogues between Kerrie Wise from the GHSC and myself, as well as attending a meeting with Cr Heather Wilton (19/3/2015) the necessity has arisen to establish a working party/advisory group/steering committee or a railway preservation group to assist the Greater Hume Shire Council in their considerations. Interested parties from the local community may be called upon to carry out "leg work" in conjunction with the submission, and to assist the Greater Hume Shire Council with such matters arising from the submission. Expressions of interest are most welcome. I would very much like to think that enough ‘locals’ would like to think about joining together in this venture? Please note that all members of the Holbrook and District community are welcome to join other interested parties with ideas and contributions. If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please contact Chris via email or phone 60363718 If this group activity is not for you, it would be pleasing if you know of someone else who may take an interest, then please forward this email to them. I look forward to hearing from interested parties. Kind regards Christopher Webster 6036 3718 : [email protected] THURSDAY 2nd APRIL SEAFOOD RAFFLE plus Members Draw EASTER TRADI*G The Club will trade as normal over Easter with NO TAKE-AWAY SALES ON GOOD FRIDAY SATURDAY 11th APRIL Karaoke with Johnny Roy 8pm - 12pm A*ZAC DAY - Saturday 25th April Gun Fire Breakfast after Dawn Service All proceeds to Legacy CLUB RAFFLES FRIDAY NIGHTS - 12 Meat & Vegie packs, 3 Vouchers and 2 Members Draws. Drawn at 7.30pm SU*DAY LU*CH RAFFLE HISTORY QUIZ What was the most exciting thing on Television in 1960? Answer: The ONLY thing on Television, then in Holbrook, was the test pattern. Quiz: In December 1961 three Olympic champions visited Holbrook to help open what? 6 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 12 Meat & Vegie packs, 3 Vouchers and a Members Draw. Drawn at 1pm CLUB TRADI*G HOURS Club open every day Monday - Saturday from 10am Sunday from 9am HOLBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL SR *etball Trials: Phoebe Emerson, Kasey Henry, Aylee Jenkyn, Lara Pardey, Matilda Preston and Millie Walsh attended the trial on Friday 13 March at Henty. Congratulations to Kasey, Aylee and Millie for their selection in the Southern Riverina team to play at the next level. Riverina East AFL Trials: Congratulations to Jack de Steiger, Ewan Mackinlay and Fletcher Parker who successfully competed at the trials. The boys will play at the next level on 2 April at Jerilderie. *SW Swimming Championships: Well done to the 12 swimmers who competed at the Riverina Carnival on Monday, 9 March. Congratulations to Phoebe Emerson for her selection in the Riverina team to attend the NSW Swimming Championships in Sydney on 25-26 March. Phoebe qualified in the 11 years freestyle, breaststroke and butterfly. AFL Clinic: All students in Kindergarten – Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in the skills sessions run by AFL Development Officer, Paige Mathewson. It was nice to see Paige back at her ‘old school’. Harmony Day: On Friday 20 March our school celebrated Harmony Day. Everyone donated a gold coin to come dressed in orange coloured clothes and the SRC sold bouncy balls and fruit tubes. A total of $516.55 was raised, which will be donated to assist children affected by the recent cyclone in Vanuatu. The students participated in activities on Thailand, the country our sponsor child, Gewalin, comes from. Cross Country Carnival: Well done to all students on their efforts. Congratulations to Mackellar, the champion house. The following students have made it on to the Southern Riverina Carnival next term. 8/9 year girls – Indi Paton, Molly Pitzen, Maddie Black, Olivia King and Maddy Wheeler. 8/9 year boys – Oscar Preston, Jim Henry, Will Satchell, Sam de Steiger and Angus Wright. 10 year girls – Portia Martin, Kate Bulle, Anna Pitzen, Emily Black and Chloe Watson. 10 year boys – Delaney Emerson, Daniel Grunow, Archie Gunn, Taylan King and Logan Buswell. 11 year girls – Claire Cottrell, Tia Charles, Ella Cheshire, Lara Pardey and Matilda Preston. 11 year boys – Henry Gulliver, Rohan Jepson, Hamilton Black Logan Wright and Seth Webb. 12/13 year girls – Millie Walsh, Aylee Jenkyn and Ellen Mathie. 12/13 year boys – Ewan Mackinlay, Jack de Steiger, Fletcher Parker, Hamish Watson and Michael Walters. Rugby League PSSA Trials: Congratulations to Tyron Heritage and Logan Wright for their selection to attend the Riverina trials next term. Easter Raffle: The annual P&C Monster Easter Raffle will be drawn on Thursday, 2 April. Please have all raffle tickets returned. School Photographs: Photos will be taken on the first day back next term – Tuesday, 21 April. Students are required to wear full summer uniform with black shoes. ST PATRICK’S SCHOOL A very sporty week for St Patricks School this week with outstanding results in the pool. Our amazing swimmers represented us well in Sydney who went to Sydney to represent Wagga Diocese last week. They all swam very well. Special congratulations to Tammin Archer who came first in the 13 year girls 50 Freestyle. This qualified Tammin for the NSW PSSA swimming carnival on Tuesday and Tammin came 4th in the final at that carnival, beaten from third place by 2/1000 of second. Great work Tammin—a wonderful achievement. Students happily participated in their school cross country last week on a perfect cool day. They are also able to attend a NRL clinic on 1st April before the end of term break. We wish our students, their families and our community a safe Easter and enjoyable school holidays. God Bless. Electric Powerline Design A Professional Design Service for underground and overhead powerlines for Urban, Rural, Residential, Commercial and Industrial situations Ken Follett P: 02 6036 3397 M: 0419 481 270 OUR LADY OF SORROWS PARISH NEWS The Parish has celebrated some great feast days in March with the children from St Patrick’s School. We hailed the great saints Patrick & Joseph. Parishioners old and young celebrated with Mass, then feasted on green-themed food, and retold many stories with the students. Easter is upon us, Mass for the Risen Lord—Easter Sunday (5th April), will be at 10.00am at Our Lady of Sorrows. Passion of Our Lord on Good Friday (3rd April). Our Lady of Sorrows has a new Parish Council, led by John Keogh. Fr Terrance and Sr Marie are a wonderful support to all in the community. The Parish buildings have all been painted. 1 April 2015 [email protected] THE HOLBROOK PHARMACY 119 Albury Street Holbrook 02 6036 2055 Free Blood Pressure testing Come in and see us today. JB Scanning & Livestock Services Sheep Pregnancy Scanning Livestock Husbandry & Management Jake Burey Holbrook NSW [email protected] 0427507409 Holbrook Happenings 7 World Challenge From December 27, when I stepped foot into Melbourne airport at 5am, I knew my life was going to change forever. I was nervous with uncontainable excitement. as I embarked on my student led World Challenge Expedition to Malaysia and Borneo. Throughout the expedition we had 3 main phases during which we were tested mentally, emotionally and physically, and learned valuable life and leadership skills. Our project phase involved making ourselves useful at Bario Forest Nursery, Borneo, where we fertilised, weeded and planted timber trees to be used residentially within the community in future. Our trekking phase was located in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia where we did our acclimatisation trek. This was one of my favourite days during our month long journey as our team collaborated and supported each other with unbelievable strength and friendship. The scenery was also beautiful - dense jungle stretching into tiered tea plantations. Our main trek was unfortunately cancelled in Bario, due to dangerous weather conditions. Instead we helped our beautiful guesthouse owner, Nancy, harvest her rice and visited the local primary school, where we gave them educational gifts we had bought with fundraised money. The smiles on the children’s face was priceless and extremely satisfying, knowing this was the result of our hard work. Our rest and relaxation phase was hard earned, involving white water rafting. This was quite a tell-tale experience, some of us never living down the stories. Through this phase we also took time to learn of the Malaysian culture, visiting many fascinating temples, museums and galleries. The China Town and Central Markets in Kuala Lumpa were our one-stop shop for all souvenirs. Another favourite time in Borneo was when I attended church for the first time in Bario. All the locals were extremely welcoming to their ‘English speaking friends’ as we were referred to. It was one of the best days of my trip. What I have learned is that life is precious, no matter where we live, how we live or who we are. Thanks to the kind donations of various businesses, the Holbrook community, my friends and most importantly my family, I now see my life under a different light. No longer do I take my family, friends, or country for granted. I cherish every day, whether it be good or bad, and every day I endeavour to be the person you and my expedition has helped me to become. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And damn straight, how I’m proud to be an Aussie. Sara Bahr Sara (back left) with students from Borneo YOUR O*E STOP SHOP. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, WHITEGOODS, GARDE* & SOIL Roger, Marg and Staff would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Easter Holbrook Stores will be closed Good Friday and Easter Sunday Only Trading Hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 6.30pm Sat - Sun 8.30am- 2.00pm (Bulk hardware services available until 12noon Saturday) Ph: 6036 2111 155 Albury Street, Holbrook 8 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 HOLBROOK LANDCARE S2S Bushlinks held a fungi workshop series with Alison Pouliot, with 35 people attending events in Tumbarumba and Mullengandra. The dry weather did make the field component difficult, but we are now all clued up for the fungi season when it does finally rain. The world of fungi is fascinating, both from an ecological point of view and the culture and history that surround them. Alison presented some fantastic material about our mega-diverse fungi fauna in Australia, and emphasised the role it plays in nutrient cycling. CSIRO are conducting applied research aimed at determining which weed species pose the biggest threat to revegetation and restoration projects and how they might best be controlled. In particular, they are looking to prioritise weeds that are likely to become more serious problems in highly connected landscapes in SE Australia in the future. They are looking for landholders to interview in the Holbrook area, especially in the links between reserves (Morgans Ridge to Nest Hill, Woomargama to Benambra). They will come meet with you and can help with the identification of weeds and other plants. Please call Kylie at the HLN office on 02 6036 3181 if you are interested in participating. Murray Local Land Services are very interested in hearing from beef producers about your needs and wants concerning sustainable and profitable beef production, and are requesting producers to complete a short survey. The information received from this survey will be used by Murray LLS and collaborating Landcare-producer groups to better understand what you need in your local area, to ensure relevant beef production extension activities are delivered to producers in the Murray region. You may have received the survey in the mail, alternatively, please go to to complete the survey online. LITTLE BILLABONG CWA Our next meeting will be held at the Little Billabong Hall on Monday 20 April. In recognition of the Centenary of the landing at Gallipoli, the competition for this meeting will be ANZAC Day/WWI. During 2015 CWA of NSW is studying Italy, so members are asked to start thinking about an Italian dish to bring to our May meeting, for a shared lunch. Hooked on Rag Rugs On Monday the 23rd a group of 10 women got together at the Library Complex to take part in a hooky and proggy rug workshop run by Miriam Miller and Jacqui Thomson from Milton and Maggie Whyte of Canberra. It was a busy day starting off with Miriam giving an introduction to the basic techniques of the craft and then straight into hands-on learning and creating. Some found it more challenging than others but hopefully the workshop will inspire some to go on and create a rug like some of the beauties displayed by Miriam. She uses hessian as a backing and recycled t-shirts, jumpers and tracksuits among other fabrics to create her rugs. In the afternoon we made a small sampler of the different techniques of hooking and also how to finish the edges. Film *ight at Lankeys Creek Hall Last Friday night 34 residents of Lankeys Creek were treated to the seven best short films from the Young at Heart Film Festival to celebrate seniors week. The films ranged in length from 1.5minutes to 4minutes long. There was quite a variety of genres with the favourite being “Waterborne”, a film featuring a council ranger testing the toxic water at a remote creek, meeting a crusty old local and then on the way home being attacked by zombie kangaroos! It was a great laugh! The film voted second best was “Knit One”, a film about an old lady, a keen knitter, who’s husband passed away! She finally knitted herself a new husband! Thanks to Susan and Hannah from Greater Hume Shire Council for bringing the films to Lankeys Creek and to the popcorn makers, Peter and Di. TIMES WERE TOUGH I* YEARS GO*E BY. RABBITERS HUT YOU SAY...........NOW WHAT WAS THAT USED FOR? ARE THE STORIES TRUE OR FOLKLORE? WHERE CAN I SEE ONE NOW? @ the WOOLPACK INN MUSEUM 83 ALBURY STREET HOLBROOK 9.30am - 4pm (most days) Phone: 02 60362131 1 April 2015 Holbrook Happenings 9 EARLY LEARNING CENTRE A Parenting Tip—Screen time - getting the balance right How much screen time is too much for children? It’s a topic that has been widely discussed by educators and professionals in the children’s education and care sector. The Department of Health defines screen time as time spent using electronic media such as television, seated electronic games, portable devices and computers. We all want screen time to be educational and healthy. Tablets and technologies are a fantastic educational tool, but they can also get in the way of meaningful interactions and play. Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines recommend: • children aged less than 2 years should not have any screen time • children aged 2 to 5 years should limit screen time to less than one hour a day and • children aged 5 to 12 years should limit screen time, for entertainment purposes, to two hours a day. If possible, the time children spend in front of a screen should be a shared and collaborative experience - read a story together, solve a puzzle or enjoy dancing along to a favourite music video. It’s all about engagement and meaningful play. Creating opportunities for children to play cooperatively, participate well together and share their interests, helps develop social skills and is paramount to children’s learning and brain development. The more time spent being active, engaging in social interactions and away from the screen, the healthier children will be. Educators and parents can all play a role in shaping young children’s behaviours. Quality Meat, Groceries & Friendly Service Holbrook’s Fresh Food Option Fruit & Veg Zucchini $2.98/kg Tomatoes $2.99/kg 5kg washed Potatoes $2.97ea 1kg Brown Onions $1.99 Sweet Crimson Grapes $2.99/kg 1kg pre-pack Carrots $0.99 ea Butcher Premium Mince $9.99/kg BBQ Lamb Chops $9.99/kg BBQ Steak $12.99/kg T-bone Steak $16.99/kg Chicken Drumsticks $4.99/kg Deli Ham off-the bone $16.99/kg Silverside $12.99/kg Cheese Kransky $11.99/kg Large BBQ Chickens $7.99ea Fresh Seafood Wednesday: Fresh Seafood, Prawns, Oysters, and much more Holbrook Swim Club Leading Age Group Point Scorers: (Back) Margo Pitzen, Matt Lyons (Front) Angel Durdin, Shalayla Wheeler, Will Plunkett, Jacob Emerson. 10 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 Open Monday-Friday 7.00am til 7.00pm and weekends until 4.00pm. 127 Albury Street Holbrook P: 02 6036 3288 F: 02 6036 3808 WOMEN’S BOWLS Social Bowls winners: 18 March – Janice Robertson, Judy Smith & Ailsa Murdoch. 25 March – Pauline Cheney & Lorraine Carmody. Championship Singles: Jo Merkel def Marion Kathleen, Pam Kaletta def Heather Chaston, Lorraine Carmody def Karen Copeland, Pam Seymour def Viv Chynoweth. Minor Singles: Ailsa Murdoch def Cathy Jones, Judy Smith def Marj Garnsey. Pennant Results: ()o.2) Round 7 – Holbrook def Howlong Golf. Round 8 – Holbrook def North Albury. Ladder after Round 7 – Holbrook 28, Commercial (Blue) 24, Commercial (Gold) 21, Culcairn 16, North Albury 9, Howlong 7 ()o 4) Round 7 – Howlong Golf def Holbrook. Round 8 – North Albury ( Green) def Holbrook. Ladder after Round 7 – Commercial 20.5, Culcairn 20, North Albury (Green) 17.5, Howlong Golf 17, Holbrook 16, North Albury (Gold) 14. Members’ birthdays for the month of March were celebrated recently. One very special lady celebrated her 90th. Congratulations Inez Wheeler on this milestone, you are amazing & thank you so much for all you continue to do for us. Happy Easter to all! Community Radio 96.7FM Holbrook Community Website TENNIS GRANDFINAL WIN The Grand Finals of the Hume Tennis Association were held last Saturday in warm conditions at Jindera and the Holbrook Gold Section 2 team were victorious over the Bungowannah side 8 sets/72 games to 8/68 games. In a match where both sides had advantages during the day it came down to the last sets to decide the winner after the Bungo men were 12 up but the Holbrook ladies proved to be the difference again although 10 up in their sets it was in the mixed sets where they excelled. At the start of the mixed sets Holbrook was 2 games in arrears but with the ladies winning their last 2 sets 6/1 and 6/1 it gave the team the momentom which carried through to the first set where Jamie Starr and Jodie Parker won 6/0 to give the Brookers the lead and with 2nd set still battling it out ,although Bungo won 6/4 it was then Hamish Paton and Alyce Parker who virtually won the match winning 6/0 in a dominant display which gave the Brooker's an unbeatable lead . Bungo won the last set 6/2 but the shield was on its way to Holbrook. Team members on the day were Jamie Starr, Col Parker, Hamish Paton, Anthony McKoy, Christopher Papworth, Jodie Parker, Kaye Semmler, Emma Parker , Alyce Parker, Megan Smith. Members, parents and players are reminded that the clubs AGM is set down for Monday April 20 from 7.30 pm at the clubhouse. Offering Quality coffee, Fresh Baked Daily Hot Cross Buns Available every day. Opening Hours over Easter B1 B2 Friday: 8am - 7pm 8am - 3.30pm Saturday: 8am - 6pm 8am - 3.30pm Sunday: 8am - 6pm 8am - 3.30pm Monday: 8am - 6pm 8am - 3.30pm Gourmet food Gluten free options High tea Internet café & free Wi-Fi We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter Weekend Fast friendly service We also have some exciting news at the Bakery! We have introduced a new coffee blend to the family TAZZINA BAR BLEND. Open 7 days 8.30 to 5.00. 02 6036 2211 1 April 2015 Holbrook Happenings 11 Physiotherapist- Sarah Finlay Plumber, Drainer, Gasfitter, Bobcat, Tip Truck, Ditchwitch Trencher, Excavator, Kanga Loader Concrete & Rubbish Removal, Site Cleanups Slashing, Trenching, Post Holes, Rotary Hoe, Bucket Work, Levelling (Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science, Masters of Physiotherapy) APA member. Sports injuries, back and neck injuries, muscle & joint injuries, women’s health, pre & post natal programs. Workcover NSW, DVA, MAA, TAC Private health rebates available Holbrook Hospital, Bowler St, Holbrook FOR BOOKI*GS & E*QUIRIES Call Sarah on 0409 907 058 Call Luke Howard 0403 191 780 NEW Sales Service and Installation Qualified Technicians Quality Equipment Austel Licensed Wagga Digital TV now available. Servicing Holbrook Area Weekly TV Aerial Installation Digital Set Top Boxes Antennas, VCR & TV Tuning Plasma and LCD sales Panasonic 50” HD Plasma TV $999 Zane 0408 698 000 (Albury) H B PLUMBING Darren Hallsbree Vic Licence No: 103619 NSW Licence No: 2555686C ALL GENERAL PLUMBING Mini Excavator T & S BAGLEY BUILDERS SERVICE, QUALITY & TRADESMANSHIP NEW HOMES, EXTENSIONS, RENOVATIONS & LIGHT COMMERCIAL. LET US QUOTE ON YOUR PLAN OR OURS. Gas fitting, Drainage, Roofing, P: 02 6020 2070 Septic Tanks, Storm Water, M: 0419 34 8 209 Hot/Cold Water [email protected] 12 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 Ph: 02 6036 8114 Mob: 0429 638 527 Lic. No: 179460C Paul Day Plumber & Gasfitter 0428511727 0260363394 [email protected] FARM TREE MAINTENANCE Driveways cleared to 8 metres. Unwanted trees felled. Dead trees ringed for firewood. Plantation Maintenance 15 years experience in all aspects of forestry thinnings. Thinning and pruning service available. 4 wheel drive cherry picker for pruning to 8 metres. Phone me: I will be happy to come out and view your plantation with you and offer my thoughts. Fully insured. No fee—no obligation. John: 0428 211837 Meets every Sunday at 10am At the CTC Centre Bowler St, Holbrook You are welcome to attend this service…you will be blessed, encouraged and inspired as we fellowship together! Minister: Pastor Joe Spokes Bible study group Wednesdays at 7pm Youth group every Friday night… Contact Matt Bennetts for program details: 0408 296 203 PLUMBI*G PAUL POTOC*IK G.R. Mulloy Fencing ♦ Rural and Domestic ♦ Fabrication of stockyards and small sheds ♦ Trenches and post holes ♦ Free quotes available Contact Graham — 0427 095 761 Now digging post holes and trenches, still catering for all your fences ABN: 51 852 536 411 1 April 2015 • • • • • • • Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Roof & Guttering Hot Water Replacement Cold Water Renewals Maintenance Sewage Blockages Gas Installations Vic Lic: *o. 45354 *SW Lic: *o. 195486C Ph: 0447 150 165 Holbrook Happenings 13 COMMUNITY DIARY ANNOUNCEMENTS April 2015 Fri 3 Good Friday Sun 5 Easter Sunday Daylight Saving ends 2am Miniature Train runs Mon 6 Craft Group meet Tue 7 Holbrook Motorcycle Sports Club AGM —7pm @ Middle Pub Thu 9 Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair meeting 5pm @ RS Club Sat 11 Commander Holbrook Cup Races Sun 12 Miniature Train runs Holbrook Cricket Club Presentation Day & Wind-up—4pm @ RS Club Mon 13 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St RSL Sub-Branch 6pm Holiday Kid’s Club starts Fri 17 Holiday Kid’s Club last day Sun 19 RFS Volunteers’ Family Day @ Sporting Complex Miniature Train runs Show Society Deb Ball meeting 7pm Mon 20 Craft Group meet Little Billabong CWA—p.30am @ Little Billabong Hall Tennis Club AGM 7.30pm @ Clubhouse Ex-View Club ladies’ lunch—1pm @ RS Club Thu 23 Women’s Health Clinic @ Hospital Sat 25 ANZAC Day Sun 26 Miniature Train runs Wymah Family Fun Day & Fun Run Mon 27 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Show Society 7.30pm @ 7 Fleet St Tue 28 Holbrook Probus May 2015 Fri 1 Holbrook Hospital Auxiliary 11am Lankeys Creek Happy Hour Mon 4 Craft Group meet Staff Development Day—St Pat’s School Tue 5 Billabong High P&C Thu 7 Drum Muster @ Holbrook Sun 10 Miniature Train runs Mon 11 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Mon 18 Craft Group meet Little Billabong CWA 9.30am Thu 21 Women’s Health Clinic @ Hospital Sat 23 Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC Sun 24 Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC Holbrook Motorcycle Sports Club AGM Tuesday April 7th, 7pm Middle Pub (dining room), Holbrook Old and new members welcome HOUSE TO SHARE / ROOM TO RE*T Located in Holbrook Large Bedroom with own ensuite. Shared lounge, kitchen & laundry. Available immediately Phone 6036 2211 B/H FOR SALE Ford Focus 04 Registered NSW 08/15 144000kms $4500 ono Ph: 0407 261 117 RICK PLUNKETT Welding & Machinery Repairs. On-site Welding. Crane Truck & Bobcat Hire Ph: 0421 191 768 Holbrook Cricket Club Wind up and Presentation Day U/13’s, U/16’s (Premiers), Seniors 4.00pm Sunday 12th April at the RS Club All welcome Holbrook Community Markets AGM 9.30am at J&B’s Cafe. Wednesday 15th April All positions will be vacated and volunteers and committee most welcome. HANDYMAN IN HOLBROOK R&D Home Maintenance » No Job Too Small FOR SALE » Free Quote House painting (inside & out) / Rendering / Plastering & Repairs / Tiling (floor and wall) / Bathroom & Laundry Renos / Fences & Sheds Spray Painted. ABN 33 146 093 819 14 VT Commodore 2000 Olympic Edition Ser. II V6-380 eco-tech motor, NSW rego to mid May, Reliable in excellent condition. $1,850 Ring Rod 0418 675 193 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015 Phone 0418 167 548 FIREWOOD Clean dry blue gum from local farm forestry plantations Delivered, long lengths 3.5m bundles for you to cut your own. $85 m2. Call John on 0428 211837 for a quote. Six professional races, including the Elders Commander Holbrook Cup RMS/Greater Hume Shire courtesy bus from local hotels & motels • Race-Tech Super Screen—watch the Queen Elizabeth Stakes in style • Local & Metro bookmakers ring—Sky Channel & Tote • Children’s Activities • Quest Albury Fashions on the Field • Lodges Bus Services—providing transport from Albury/Wodonga. Book online: • • Wear your best red race day gear and have a great day out with your friends. 1 April 2015 Holbrook Happenings 15 16 Holbrook Happenings 1 April 2015
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