April 2015 Edition Holy Cross Catholic Church Monthly Newsletter Worship Schedule for Holy Week March 29th - Palm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm April 2nd Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00 pm April 3rd - Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion - 7:00 pm April 5th - Easter Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am *No 6 pm Mass Holy Cross Catholic Church 1420 East 16th St. West Fargo, ND 58078-3411 (701) 282-7217 April 4th- Holy Saturday The Easter Vigil - 9:00 pm NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID West Fargo, ND 58078 PERMIT No. 8 We ask you to remember the following in prayer... New Members Patrick Mack & Myranda Ingram Colton Shauna Tveit & Sean O’Brien Karyssa & Randolph Gibbs Brooklyn & Alexis Shannon & Patrick Kirby Spencer & Preston Connie & Tom Peters Kevin Zachman Derek Olson Sheila & Jacob Hermanson Hannah Mastel Nicholas Kranz Tiffany Steidl Baptisms Caden Christian, son of Heather & Shawn Heick Samuel Hurley, son of Elizabeth & Jonathan Dahl We'll meet on Thursday, April 9th following the 12:15 mass. We'll enjoy a potluck lunch, so ask that you bring a dish or treat to share. We welcome anyone who is interested in playing cards or games, or come join us just to socialize! Please call Carol Holub at 298-0854 or Clare Elless at 282-4356 if you have any questions. Chaplet of Divine Mercy Holy Cross Catholic Church in West Fargo will host a Divine Mercy Sunday Service on April 12th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Come and learn about the life of St Faustina and participate in the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Pictures and information will also be available regarding this special lady and why reciting the Chaplet on a regular basis is so important. Please plan to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Geri Harbeke at 2779681. Volunteer Dinner to be held this fall This year’s volunteer dinner, normally held in the spring, will be held this fall in our new facility! Watch future newsletters and bulletins for more information. Carson John, son of Brittany & Richard Nordick Knox Robert, son of Sara & Brian McKay Bennett Patrick, son of Charlie & Garth Sayers Oliver Paul, son of Kelly & Samuel Leadens Henry William, son of Meghan & Lee Teigen Jocelyn Paige, daughter of Lindsey & Brandon Harpestad Offices Closed Offices will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21st & 22nd while the staff attends a conference. If you need emergency assistance, please call Father Jasinski at 701.212.35156. Upcoming Faith Formation/Youth Ministry Dates: Wednesday, April 1 – Lenten Family Night - 5:30-6:15pm – supper (Youth passion play 6:30pm) No Faith Formation /Youth Ministry Classes for Grades 1-12 Sunday, April 5 – NO Faith Formation Classes for P/K (Happy Easter) Wednesday, April 8 - Faith Formation/Youth Ministry Classes for Grades 1-12 Sunday, April 12 – Faith Formation Classes for P/K Sunday, April 12 – All 2nd Graders sing at the 11:00AM Mass (be at the church at 10:30am) Wednesday, April 15 – Faith Formation/Youth Ministry Classes for Grades 1-12 Sunday, April 19 – Faith Formation Class for P/K Wednesday, April 22 –NO Faith Formation/Youth Ministry Classes for Grades 1-12 Sunday, April 26 – Last Day of Faith Formation Classes for P/K Wednesday, April 29 – Last Day of Faith Formation Classes for Grades 1-12 WANTED: Have you started your spring cleaning? This is a GREAT opportunity to get rid of those items in your home you no longer need! Our Youth Group is hosting a rummage sale on Friday, April 17 from 8:00am-5:00pm and Saturday, April 18 from 8:00am-1:00pm, to help support their mission. If you have any nearly new items like Coats, Baby, kids and teen Clothing, Furniture, dolls, Collectibles, Formal Dresses, Books, Hats, Antiques, Office furniture or Miscellaneous Items can be dropped off at the church April 19-22. All proceeds go to benefit the Youth Mission Trip. YOUTH RUMMAGE SALE Friday, April 17- & Saturday, April 18 The sale runs on Friday, April 17 from 8:00am5:00pm and Saturday, April 18 from 8:00am1:00pm. Congratulations to the Holy Cross children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Sunday, March 1st! May they always seek our Good Shepherd, Jesus, for His love and forgiveness. THANK YOU to the Holy Cross Community Servers and to the Holy Cross Men’s Group for purchasing Bibles for our 3rd Grade students for their Confirmation and 1st Communion. Please continue to support these two very special groups, as they give so much to the children of Holy Cross. God’s Blessings to them! Sunmart/ Family Fare Receipts The youth would like to thank you for taking your time and dropping off your Family Fare/ Sunmart receipts. We would like for you to continue bringing in your Family Fare/ Sunmart receipts. For every $150,000 receipt total, our youth receives $1,000. Congratulations to the Holy Cross children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation & First Eucharist Taelyn Alm Avery Amerman Jackson Amerman Carter Anderson Cailen Astrup Richard Bailly Isabella Bense Matthew Benson Aaron Birrenkott Elena Boehm Hailey Boehme Carly Bosch Miranda Bruno Mariah Clute Kaeson Dick Gregory Dimmer Elfried Dissou Adam Eckroth Kennedy Engler Emma Evans Akela Ewalt Austin Flieth Adam Foley Marissa Gapp Tyler Gierszewski Kaden Hoffman Giselle Hofland Leyton Hofland Tristan Jacobson Alexander Jelinek Kristian Knodel Sofia Layfield Charlie Leshovsky Austin Loe Josie Lougheed Myah Lund Phillip Masog Rylie McQuillan Hailey Metcalfe Olivia Miranda Ella Montplaisir Caleb Motl Cyntia Mponimpaye Samuel Nam Kayden Neisen Tayana Nelson Skylar Oster Kaia Paulus Mason Powers Katherine Ripplinger Jake Runcorn Ethan Sabata Micah Sander Kathryn Smith Victoria Soeby Hannah Stevermer Abigail Stiel Jack Stumpf Avery Suder Lara Sylskar Rebecca Timm Bennett Tollefson Joclyn Vetter Iva Walker Seth Wigestrand Isaiah Williams Race Wilson Destiny Henderson Karsen Brossart Theodore Malaterre Kelley Nguyen Kevin Nguyen Adalberto Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez Judson Walker KITCHEN SHOWER! Dishes will be ordered for our new church facility and each place setting will consist of: Corelle Livingware dinnerware in Winter Frost white: dinner plate, salad plate, bowl and cup Glasses Silverware Each place setting will be $20.00 Please use the enclosed envelope to make a donation. Please place in the collection basket or return it to the church office by May 1st. Committee members: Fr Jim, Phyllis Gludt, Judy Nikle & Brenda Aswege KC NEWS Want to get to know other men and their families at Holy Cross Church? Consider joining the Knights of Columbus! It’s a great way to meet other Catholic gentlemen and their families. Please call Mike at 5407181 or e-mail [email protected] for more information. The Knights of Columbus Council #9642 meets the 2nd Monday of every month at Holy Cross Church starting at 7:00 pm April KC of the Month: Tyler Vetter April KC Family of the Month: Keith & Julie Wilson; Hope, Hannah & Haley Check out our website: www.kofc9642.org for activities and more information! “Like” us on Facebook! Knights of Columbus Council #9642 The Holy Cross Council #9642 Knights of Columbus are selling calendar raffle tickets! The tickets are $10 each. We will be drawing one ticket for each day in June! 30 chances to win CASH! See any Knight to purchase a ticket! If you are a Knights and haven’t picked up your tickets to sell you can get them from Matt Klaman at 4337383 or Heather in the Church office. Thank you to all that donated to the Knights of Columbus Home on the Range Shamrock Fundraiser. $830 was raised with your generous donations for the Home on the Range! Save the Date! Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament Friday, August 7th Carrington, ND Contact Brian Heger at 281-1905 for more details! KC UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Monday, April 13th - 7:00 pm Monthly Meeting (Upper Room) Saturday, April 18th - 4:30 pm Burger/Hot Dog Grilling (Crossway Center) Sunday, April 19th - 1:00 pm April Showers Bingo (Crossway Center) Dear Parents of Confirmed Students, Holy Cross Catholic Church is recruiting new altar servers for all Masses. Any boy or girl completing the 3rd grade or higher, and has been confirmed in can be an altar server. WE NEED YOU! At this time, Holy Cross Catholic Church, a parish of approximately 1,400 families, has only 40 altar servers to cover all the Masses. Some young people may be nervous or anxious about being in front of people or maybe even heard stories about being yelled at while ministering. Fr. Meyer promises that at all times the servers will be encouraged, supported and loved for their willingness to do this ministry. Holy Cross altar servers also have the opportunity to earn gift cards through the server incentive program by serving at Mass. Now we are asking you, as their parents, to encourage your child to get involved at Church. We are very proud of our servers, and it would be wonderful to see more young people interested and active. Please fill out the attached form or sign up on your Time and Talent commitment form and return it to the church office, put it in the collection basket on Sunday or call Bianca in the church office (282-7217) to sign your child up for this ministry. You will be contacted and informed of the training sessions offered this spring. The Knights of Columbus will be assisting in preparation, training and service at the altar as we serve the Lord. CHILD’S NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________ GRADE IN SCHOOL: _________________________ MASS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO SERVE: 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM __________________________________________________________________________ Parent's Signature of Permission 6:00 PM Ministers of Liturgical Leadership Holy Thursday (April 2nd), Good Friday (April 3rd), Easter Vigil (April 4th), and Easter Sunday (April 5th) Please sign up in the entryway of the church! April Alter Linens: Rosemary Heise April Baptismal: Darcy Olson April Interior Plants: Tom Dooley April 11-12, 2015: Second Sunday of Easter Sacristan Altar Servers Greeters 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Sue Eggl Volunteer Needed Leilyn Honeyman Brian Fettes Ryan Orth Quinton Vonesh Catherine Ambrose Holdyn Honeyman Adam Clute Jacob Dosch Brianna Mohs Grace Hardmeyer Jacob Angus Brooklyn Faller Paige Peyerl Tatum Faller Nathan Peyerl Terry Angus Rosemarie Woodbury Barb Metcalf Brandon Allred Scott Olson Michelle Angus Chuck Woodbury Steven Metcalf Michael Allred Susan Olson Lenae Ambrose Rodger Sims Jackie Gapp Ushers EMHC Proclaimer Chris Gapp Nick Gludt Tom Ableidinger Mike Mohs Volunteer Needed Preston Gapp Volunteer Needed Tom Gentzkow Zach Mohs Volunteer Needed Kevin Muffenbier Joe Peyerl Terry Angus Chuck Woodbury Mary Dosch Jeanine Peyerl Richard Haugen Stuart Clute Rosemarie Woodbury Jeff Reznecheck Dar Stebner Leilyn Honeyman Nancy Elliott Joan Baltezore Jane Speich Mike Harris Roberta Krenz Lisa Roeske Gwen Allred Volunteer Needed Joan Vareberg Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Shannon O'Leary Joan Baltezore Lisa Roeske Tony Ambrose Joe Bailey Maria Clute Arlene Schneider Joan Vareberg Gwen Allred Leilyn Honeyman Ministers of Liturgical Leadership April 18-19, 2015: Third Sunday of Easter Sacristan Altar Servers 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Pam & Shane Hericks Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Makayla Janssen Noah Geffre Alfred Beamon Summer Miranda Mitchell Janssen Logan Heger Caleb Klalbunde Jordan Miranda Alexis Janssen Matt Scott Lukas Klabunde Megan Grove Greeters Barb Murray Jim Koenig Bernette Rempfer Michelle Beyer Paul Klabunde Keith Murray Kim Koenig Ron Rempfer Pat Beyer Susan Klalbunde Don Roehrich Tom Lindsay Nancy Roehrich Jane Lindsay Rose Marie Franek Ushers Harvey Heise Dan Sinner Dave Janssen Steven Scott Jean Schreiner Rosemary Heise Volunteer Needed Marv Johnk Brian Heger Paul Klabunde Bill Kensok EMHC Proclaimer Toot Gregor Justin Gehrke Keith Wilson Michelle Beyer Carolyn Carriere Al Hoffart Kim Koenig Jamie Steffes Brenda Schmitz Susan Klabunde Betty Hoffart Alana Fink Dan Van Winkle Larry Geffre Mary Ann Donnay Jeff Volk Charlie Sayers Mike Thorsteinson Janet Grove Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Mary Ann Donnay Barb Sinner Janet Grove Larry Geffre April Olson Mike Thorsteinson Alana Fink Julie Wilson Charlie Sayers Susan Klabunde April 25-26, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Easter Sacristan Altar Servers 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Sue Eggl Volunteer Needed Leilyn Honeyman Brian Fettes Ryan Orth Isaac Klava Ryleigh Skaurud Holdyn Honeyman Victoria Aal Isabel Klava Brittany Srnsky Grace Hardmeyer Tedi Dimmer Ben Kensok Brooke Srnsky Troy Mullenberg Greeters Jennifer Halda Renee Ringdahl Brenda Sagert Tracey Reichling Scott Olson Carol Holub Keith Ringdahl Allen Schlichting Wayne Reichling Susan Olson Keely Schlichting Pam Schneider Rodger Sims Diane Kelly Larry Kelly Ushers EMHC Proclaimer Paul Coppin Leonard Mattern John Klava Chad Belch Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Ken Kovarik Greg Nathan Volunteer Needed Mike Kovarik Robert Norton Carol Holub Linda Schroeder Brenda Sagert Darla Skaurud Richard Haugen LeRoy Holub Ken Zetocha Jody Bucholz Tom Oelrich Leilyn Honeyman Richard Elless Helen Franck Willie Gartner Jan Oelrich Lorri Klein Georgeann Gellner Cheryl Hoggarth Tom Klein Shannon Roers Jones Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Clare Elless Mary Kay Willits Shannon Roers Jones Mark Sahli Tom Klein Helen Franck Joanna Carroll Cheryl Hoggarth Leilyn Honeyman Mass Schedule Saturdays at 4:30 pm Rosary every Saturday at 4 pm & daily at 11:50 am Sundays at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10:30 am Mass at Edgewood Vista Wednesdays, 9:00 am Mass at the Co-op Saturdays, 4:00 PM Mass at Sheyenne Crossings **On weekdays when the offices are closed, daily Mass is at 10:00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday-Thursday at 11:45 am Saturdays at 3:30 pm Are you or someone you care about unable to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion? There are several communion distributors who will bring the Lord to you. The need could be temporary or ongoing. Call the church and let us know. We will contact you and determine when is a good time for us to visit with Communion. Eucharistic Adoration is every Monday from 9am to 8pm. If you are interested in becoming a scheduled adorer, one hour per week, call the parish office for more information. In Care of the sick Please call the parish office to notify us of illness in the family. The local hospitals do not call us anymore. Cross Talk Newsletter Editor Heather Heger To Submit News or Calendar Events [email protected] Cross Talk is published monthly by Holy Cross Catholic Church in West Fargo, ND. If you would like to submit an item for publication, please email Heather Heger or drop your news item off at the church office. New Members If you wish to become members of Holy Cross, please contact the parish office (282-7217). Simplicity Giving A funds transfer service to assist parishioners to reach their financial stewardship goals. Contact the office manager for more information. It must be in house by the 20th of the prior month. Volunteers Holy Cross Staff We are always looking for more people interested in volunteering for liturgical ministries. The more people we have, the less time they need to serve. If you are interested in sharing your time during the Mass, please call Heather at 282-7217. Rev. Jim Meyer, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Andrew Jasinski, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon David Haney [email protected] Deacon James Eggl [email protected] Penne Soucy, Business Manager [email protected] Brenda Mears, Dir. of Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry [email protected] Margaret Keller, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Bianca Wiederrich, Lit. & Choir Director [email protected] Heather Heger, Communications/Ministries [email protected] Patrick Thiel, Youth Choir Director [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] 1420 16th Street East West Fargo, ND, 58078-3411 Church : 701-282-7217; Fax: 701-282-2753 Website: www.holycrosswestfargo.com Mission Statement Holy Cross Catholic Church, founded in 1981, is a faith community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated to Christian Unity. As a people, we continue to strive for holiness, help individuals and families grow in faith and serve those in need. Converted by word and sacrament, we celebrate beautiful liturgies that involve active participation of all worshipers. We extend our renewed experience of God’s loving presence to our everyday encounters and surroundings, making them new. We continue to support and encourage our interfaith relationship with Lutheran Church of the Cross. Adopted May 24, 2001
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