April 2015 Holy Cross Lutheran Church Cross Talk By the grace of God and the call of the church Sarah Shanks Will be ordained and installed into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament In Christ’s one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church On Sunday, the twelfth day of April In the year of our Lord Two thousand and fifteen At Three o’clock in the afternoon Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church 605 US Highway 77A South Yoakum, Texas The Reverend J. W. Mielke, presiding. Your prayers and presence are requested. Meal in the Parish Hall Following the service Palm Sunday– March 29th 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Procession of Palms & Worship 5:30 p.m. Community Palm Sunday Worship At First Baptist Church Maundy Thursday Worship April 2nd 10:00 a.m. & 7:15 p.m. Worship/Communion Good Friday Worship April 3rd 1:00 p.m. Worship/Communion & 7:15 p.m. Tenebrae Service Easter-April 5th 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Worship Service & 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 2 Thought from Pastor On Easter Sunday we rejoice in the victory of God’s light overpowering the world’s darkness. That suffocating and cold darkness which we can experience in the cold months of the year; and the dreaded darkness of the night can make us uneasy but they can never over power the light of God’s goodness. Easter proclaims that not even death can keep the light from shining upon us. We know the light comes from God when the very first word was let there be light. John also saw this light in Je- sus writing that in Him was life and light. There is no need to worry about God taking a rest on the seventh; there is no power shortage when it comes to light and life in Jesus Christ. The Word is an everlasting word in Jesus, fulfills and keeps all promises; establishing a new covenant within His Blood. As Easter approaches we are to embrace the life and light that comes to us anew each day as we step into the morning light. May our Easter be a shining and bright day that Join us for fills our lives with life and light in Jesus Christ. The Youth Group will be serving Breakfast following the 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Service On April 5thJoin Us for Breakfast & Fellowship!!! EASTER EGG HUNT We are planning to have an Easter Egg Hunt on April 5th at 9:30 a.m. We have plenty of plastic eggs, but would appreciate candy donations to fill them. Please bring your candy donations to the church office on or before April 1st. Thank You! 3 Blood Drive April 19th From 8:00 am to 1:00 pm In the Church Parking Lot For more information or to Donate blood, Contact Connie Zimmerman at 293-3033 Mark Your Calendars!!! Vacation Bible School is planned for the week of June 8th-12th! Save the Dates Holy Cross Day Camp July 13th-17th! Watch for more information to follow in the May Newsletter! More info to follow!!! Remember to pray … Pray daily, pray without ceasing. Social Ministry Committee is in need! We are needing two people to make visits once a month to homebound parishioners to offer communion and fellowship. This is a rewarding ministry that only requires about 3 hours a month, but means so much to our homebound members. Please call Jody Maneth at 293-6685 for more information. 4 NEWSLETTER ITEMS DUE APRIL 20TH BULLETIN ITEMS DUE ON TUESDAY Youth News & Happenings Thanks to parents and youth who helped with the Lenten Meal on March 4th. On Sunday the 15th the youth picked up litter on church grounds just before it was cut on the follow Tuesday. The Youth are looking forward to Pastor Sarah coming to join in the youth group activities. Back into the kitchen, April 5th, Easter Morning breakfast. Easter breakfast will include all the fixin’s for a delicious breakfast tacos along with fresh fruit served with milk, juice and coffee. The meal will be served at 8:20 a.m. so plan to be at church at 6:00 a.m. to get everything ready! CALLING ALL YOUTH!! Any questions call pastor. Library Work –Check It Out!!! The church library is a new project for the LCW this year. Some cleaning has been done and some unuseable books given away. The shelves need to be labeled and a book check out system established. Visit the library and help us make it a source of knowledge, research or reading for pleasure. Consider giving a book in memory or to honor a loved one. New books this month: For children: Look & Find Bible-a search and find fun book from the New Testament. Day by Day Kids Bible-read the bible in 1 year, in just 7 minutes a day! For Adults: Jesus Calling by Sarah Younddevotions for every day of the Year! NEWS FROM LORD’S LITTLE ANGELS Spring has sprung! We are thankful for the sunshine, warmer weather, and extra outside time! Before you know it, we will be knocking on summer’s door. We are spending this time preparing for Easter. We are learning the Easter story and about how Jesus died on the cross to save us all from our own sin. We are also planning some Easter fun! Classes will be making Easter baskets and decorating eggs. All classes will have an Easter egg hunt on Thursday April 2nd. The children will explore flowers, grass, baby animals, and the wonderful spring weather. In week one, we will focus on baby animals, from little chicks to bunnies, kittens and puppies. Our bible focus is to continue our review of the Easter story. In week two, we will discuss turtles and how they live. Our bible focus is “Sharing the Good News”. In week three, we will discover the transformation of a tadpole to a jumping frog. Our bible focus is on how Paul followed Jesus. In week four, we discuss Earth Day and explore the Great Gardens. We will have fun with fruit and vegetables that grow in the garden. Our bible focus is “Doing What is Right”. 5 We would like to thank all of the Holy Cross members who participated in our raffle fundraiser and wish each of you very Happy Easter! Enjoy this wonderful weather God has given us. 6 7 CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTE SUMMARY An abbreviated form of the minutes is presented below. For a full copy of the minutes, contact the office Tawnya Claybrook opened the meeting with a short devotional and Valerie Coronado said a prayer. President Jody Maneth called the meeting to order. Those present were: Jody Maneth, Joy Janak, Valerie Coronado, Linda O’Neill, Linda Colman, Randy Zimmerman, Ralph Polzin, Tomi Soehnge, Michael Chumchal, James Pilchek, and Pastor Mielke. Jody Maneth read a thank you letter from the Institute of Lutheran Theology for the donation from Holy Cross made last year. Minutes of the February meeting were approved. Treasurer Linda O’Neill gave a report. Tomi Soehnge gave Council a report on LLA activities and upcoming events. Jody Maneth reminded everyone to support the LLA raffle. Pastor Mielke gave the Youth report as well as the Pastor’s report. He said that the Youth will be serving breakfast tacos, fruit cups, juice, milk and coffee for the Easter breakfast. That will be at 8:20 AM after the sunrise service at 7:30 AM. Confirmation camp will be June 14-19 and Day Camp will be July 13-17. Pastor said that all of our hospitalized members were now home and improving. Pastor also reminded all that the WOW conference is on April 11 and that there will be no Saturday evening service on that day but that on April 12 there will be an Ordination for Pastor Sarah Shanks at 3:00 PM with a catered meal to follow at 4:30 PM. He thanked all who helped with the clean -up days. He also asked for June 27 as a vacation date. For the Property Committee, Randy Zimmerman had received a bid for $600 to clean the AC ducts at Parsonage 2. A motion was made to accept the bid; seconded; motion passed. For Evangelism, Ralph Polzin shared the letter to be mailed out to church members. Ralph also discussed the proposed half page advertisement for the Victoria Advocate insert to be published on March 28. Ralph also reported that the next meeting is planned for March 17 at 6:45 PM. For Social Ministry, Jody Maneth reported that the committee is seeking 2 more members. For Music and Worship, Jody Maneth reported that she is slowly going through all the old music and that she needs help moving a piano from Parsonage 2 for repair. The piano in the choir loft needs to be moved to the Parish Hall. For Christian Education, Tawnya Claybrook reported that there will be a family meal on March 29 after the 10:30 service. On April 18th and 19th there will be promotion for Vacation Bible School at the 10:30 AM service. The next N2Y will be on April 19th. There will be a VBS planning meeting on April 26. On May 10th the youth will be singing at the 10:30 service. Under unfinished business, Stanley Steamer will be here on March 30-31 to clean the carpet and tile. James Faltesek will be waxing the floors in the Parish Hall, kitchen, and hall on March 13. A motion was made to pay him $200 for the job, seconded and motion carried. Jody Maneth gave the specifics for the bid for refurbishing the narthex bathrooms. It was decided to repair the leaks by a licensed plumber and then to do the refurbishing. Bid for repair from Midway Flooring was $1660 with materials from Soehnge $104.38. Jody Maneth said that Beverly Rudolph is seeking anyone who wishes to purchase books for the church library. Jody Maneth said that the name of the Little League team was the Angels, a minor league girls team and that opening ceremonies are March 21 at 12:00 PM. Under new business, Sandra Steinmann has printed the invitations for the Ordination for Pastor Shanks. Jody Maneth gave the bids for the catered meal for the Ordination. A motion was made that we accept the 8 bid from Mike Pozzi. The motion was seconded and it passed. Jody Maneth said that Ron Boehm has asked that all church architectural plans and blueprints be archived and stored in the vault. He has also suggested that a spreadsheet be kept enumerating all building repairs and their dates. Jody Maneth brought a report from the Investment Committee related to the Lutherfest funds. A motion to accept the recommendations from the Investment Committee was made, seconded; motion carried. There are 5 Holy Cross members graduating in May from Yoakum High School. Two of them intend to enter the military and three will receive scholarships from Holy Cross. A motion was made that the two entering the military be awarded scholarships should they attend college at a later date. Motion seconded; motion carried. Pastor Mielke asked that a committee for the 125th Anniversary year be formulated. The official church anniversary is January 27th. A motion to adjourn was made, seconded the motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Linda Colman, Secretary VBS in Need of HELP! VBS is needing your help! Vacation Bi- Keep your family safe. Working smoke alarms saves lives. For your free smoke alarm installation call the Red Cross 361-894-1232 or come by the Church office for Information. ble School will be June 8th-12th, and we are needing persons to help with the children’s activities and in the kitchen. There will be a planning meeting on April 26th, following the 10:30 a.m. worship service in the Parish Hall. If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office at 2933033 or Tawnya Claybrook at 1-830-2030229. Come help make the 2015 VBS a huge success for the children in our community! Meet the Holy Cross Angels Team!!! Holy Cross is a sponsor to the Angels Minor League Girls Softball team! If you get a chance to get out to the ball field-make sure you look for the Angels team! We are excited to have had the opportunity to sponsor a team this year and would love to show our support to these young ladies by watching a few of their games-check by the church office for their schedule. PRAYER CONCERNS Melton Hiller Barbara Kaiser Gayle Cowan Marie Harbers Tina Eggemeyer Norwin Schoenfeld Robert Almand John Langhoff Luella Havlik Florine Harwood Kay Biehunko Bob Putnam Sydney Kaiser Mikal Gasch Virginia Putnam Jennifer Buchhorn Oscar Kuestler Katherine Petering Steve Welhausen Don Kaiser Our Soldiers and their families 9 RECOGNITION GIVEN TO … 1 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 Sue Schneider Rose Bland Robert Almand Suzi Brewer Gary Colman Helen Seekamp Russell Muehlstein Boudy Norman Edwin Steinmann Aileen Boening Jonathan Stasa Carol Pugh Leon Heidaker Harley Brasher Gale Schneider Sophie Wood Terri Janca Alice Kloesel Kayla Walicek Kinley Knezek Lawrence Lewis Brandon Bland Paige Sapp Dennis Kaiser Peggy Sheridan Steven Chumchal Payten McCord 18 William Bergey Herschel Buck 19 Tomi Soehnge Brian Schneider Aaron Schomburg 20 Gabriel Varkey Westin Bruns 22 Eunice Schumann 24 Earl Cretors, Jr. Tristan Nordstrand 25 Darren Kloesel Christopher Colman Whitney Boone Bryce Bergey 26 Simone Leist 28 Joy Janak Jerry Brasher 29 Mason Buenger 1 Rose Bland Craig Seekamp 3 Ann Sapp Bryan Stuehrenberg Joshua Hiller 4 Iris Riske Jacklynn Thormahlen 5 Dorothy Moore John Rusling 6 Lanell Renken Sandra Steinmann John Pierce Raven Pierce Jarod Wenske 7 Emily June Kelley 8 Chase Hermes 9 Luella Dvorak Helen Seekamp 10 Jordan Goodrich Ashlynd Kyle Korey Kyle 11 Ralph Polzin Weston Bergey 12 Jasmine McCord 13 Cindy Gasch 16 Brandon Bland 19 Ruby Marburger Emily Rudolph 20 Georgie Clark Mary Orr Westin Bruns 21 Lorine Glass Bobby Bland 22 James Pohl David Walicek Natalie Hajek Cindy Dekowski Devan Dekowski 23 Jake Nolte 24 Billy Goodrich Caleb Cowan Wedding Anniversaries 2 9 11 16 19 21 Cindy & Allan Gasch Peggy & Michael Chumchal Tammy & Jerry Brasher Sandra & William Bergey Lorna & Robert Herman Marsha & Denis Wauson Shandila & Ehren Cretors 22 Barbara & Robert Kaiser Elda Mae & Vernon Petrich 23 Dianne & Larry Zaruba We are happy to welcome Carson Scott Sweeney in Baptism on March 1, 2015. Carson is the son of Ryan and Susan Sweeney. His sponsors are Chad Fritz, Jennifer Laqua, Marshall Schautschick, Randolph Schautschick, Stacy Goodson and Cheryl Psencik. 10 LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN MEETING SUMMARY The meeting was called to order by President Sylvia Bertram at 2pm in the Parish Hall. Devotion was given by Joy Janak on “Connecting to God”. Our guest speaker, Barbara Neville, was introduced by Linda McCabe. Barbara is the community representative for Crossroads American Red Cross. She discussed the many programs of the Red Cross. The business portion of the meeting was opened with the reciting of our statement of purpose. The minutes were read. Minutes were approved as corrected. Treasurer’s report was given by Jean Shindler: The Regular Account Balance was $2,943.24; Quilters was $5,589.21 and Bereavement was $200.00 for a total account balance of $8,732.45. Committee reports: Linda McCabe reported she had made a baby blanket for baptism of Carson Sweeney this Sunday. Colleen Heidaker thanked all who helped with the Lenten Meal; 90 were served. Beverly Rudolph has purchased two books for our library; one of them will be donated by Katherine Petering in memory of her mother; another is a children’s bible that could be given to children when they are learning to read. Beverly will work on a method of checking out books. Old business: There will be a WOW meeting planning meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 5:30pm. Jean Shindler reminded all to sign up for Easter lily purchase. New business: The ordination for Pastor Sarah Shanks will be Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 3pm followed by a catered dinner. Mabel Hickey is looking for table cloths both long and round. A motion to donate $100 to the American Red Cross, seconded; motion carried. Birthdays were recognized by Mary Pargmann; they were Pastor Mielke and Colleen Heidaker. Hostesses for today are Linda McCabe, Connie Zimmerman, HOLY CROSS LCW TO HOST WOW RETREAT The Holy Cross Lutheran Church Women are hosting the WOW Women’s Retreat on April 11th. The retreat begins at 8:30 a.m. and will end at 1:15 p.m. with a Closing Worship Service. The meal will be catered. If you would like to attend, please come by the church office to register. The LCW is paying the registration fee of $15, for all Holy Cross women that would like to attend. The theme for the retreat is “Our Body, His Temple”hope you can join us for the retreat!!! Mabel Hickey, and Beverly Rudolph. Hostesses for April are Lillian Mueller, Carolyn Frank, and Sue Schneider. Devotional will be given by Mary Pargmann. Motion to adjourn was made by Jean Shindler, seconded by Dorothy Mgebroff; motion carried. Meeting adjourned with reciting of the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jody Maneth, Secretary Upcoming Events Monthly Meeting April 9th, 2:00 p.m. Program: Stephanie Lerch with New Horizons Bible Study Tuesday, April 14th, 2:00 p.m. Quilting April 13th and 23rd, 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Ordination for Sarah Shanks Sunday, April 12th at 3:00 p.m. Holy Cross Lutheran Church Meal to follow In Parish Hall 11 OUR SHUT-INS & NURSING HOME RESIDENTS These shut-ins would gladly take phone calls or visits from our church family. Also, please remember them in your daily prayers. Home Shut-Ins Lorine Glass Alice Kloesel Hallettsville Nursing & Rehab Arno & Lee Pfuhl Allen Winkenwerder Julia Bernshausen Whispering Oaks, Cuero Linda Proschko Stevens in Hallettsville Florine Harwood Stevens Nursing Home Gayle Cowan Viola Hagens Adele Hahn Leona Picha Wilmon Steinmann Yoakum Nursing Annie Mae Barcak Sophie Wood Today’s Assisted Living Dorothy Kuempel Erna Rindorf CONTACT US: Holy Cross Lutheran Church 605 US Hwy 77A S PO Box 647 (Ph) 361-293-3033 (Fax) 361-293-5471 (Pastor home) 361-293-2719 (Pastor cell) 361-741-8640 www.holycrossyoakum.org [email protected] OFFICE HRS: Mon-Thur 8 am—4 pm Fri 8 am—12 pm Personalized CareShiner Rosa Lee Findeisen If you or a family member goes into the hospital, please alert church staff. You can also ask a nurse from the hospital to contact us. Return service requested P. O. Box 647 Yoakum, TX 77995 Holy Cross Lutheran Church
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