April 5, 2015 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church

Fr. John Madigan
The Bible says that Jesus has won a most significant victory; Satan and sin have been
defeated and we are now redeemed and free—or are we? We use words like Hosanna
and Alleluia which are supposed to be a shout of great joy and delight that would even
surpass the 12th Man response to the winning touchdown against Green Bay that we
were primed to repeat over New England...only to be unbearably disappointed.
There are commentaries and songs that say “we are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” Are we? And what the
heck does that mean? It means that we all believe that Jesus has died and risen and this makes all the difference in
our lives. Or has it? Or will it? As a priest preaching this message, I feel despondent that such a potentially lifechanging message appears to not be making the impact intended, either in my own life, in other lives, or in the world
at large.
God drew up a magnificent plan of Creation and he created wonderful people to put in his creation. Human Beings
were the high point of God’s creation with the promise of total fulfillment and joy. However, our ancestors blew it
and fell to the tempter, the Devil, whose success in tempting and causing the first fall wreaked havoc with the human
condition. The promised peace and contentment became the nightmare of shame and disgrace. The Devil has never
changed his tactics over thousands of years and yet is still amazingly successful. He has succeeded in getting us to
push God to the side, leaving us separated and divided. By the way, the Greek word for the Devil means “separated
and divided from one another.” Even in faith communities we become unloving, unforgiving, unyielding, angry and
frustrated with another. This is not what God intended and it’s what Jesus came to fix.
God loves us wondrously and his design for life is that his love offered to each one of us would flow through our
hearts, drenching them in love, and would flow out to everyone else around us. It doesn’t happen easily does it? We
have to take the time to let God’s love lodge and marinate in our hearts in prayer so that we know it ourselves and
that we then let it flow from us to others. Would we describe what flows out of us as the love of God? It gets stuck in
us; we don’t tend it with prayer and worship and it atrophies. It then comes out of us as the opposite to love, joy,
unity and peace.
Every year we do Lent to open up the pores again so that God’s love can resume its flow through us and have us
make a difference in the lives of each other. Once again, Lent is done, Easter is here, and we are gathered for worship
and prayer singing the Alleluia that says we believe Jesus has won the victory and that his love will now win control of
our lives and our world! Did it work this time?
Many of you know by now that I am moving on. Along with feeling the need for a break from ministry after 41 years
to do some travel, retreat and regroup, I feel that my voice is not carrying this message effectively to the larger
community of Holy Rosary and I need to give another voice the chance to proclaim this great message. When I finish
here on June 29, I will take time to reflect on the effect and impact of the message in my own life before I resume
proclaiming it again in another parish that I would be responsible for pastoring.
My farewell today is to those who are here to celebrate Easter: I have relished the opportunity to speak about God to
you and I regret that my conviction about this life-changing message was not enough to convince you to join in more
consistently. The world could truly benefit from the message of the Easter Resurrection finding a permanent home in
all of us; no more pain and sorrow; division and separation—just the unity of the Trinity.
This is the day the Lord has made; it’s the day for a new step into the God life. I believe in the power of Jesus’
Resurrection to change lives. May Jesus win the victory over the Devil in our world!
Fr John
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to [email protected]
Shoulder-To-Shoulder….Support Services of Holy Rosary Church
Shoulder-to-Shoulder is people helping people, a manifestation of Holy Rosary’s
mission to renew the community in union with Jesus Christ by evangelizing through
spirituality, service, and fellowship. Shoulder-to-Shoulder volunteers reach out to
the ill, grieving, immobile; those facing unexpected crisis or just struggling to get by.
Support includes assistance with household repairs, yard work and meals, shortterm financial assistance, prayer and spiritual support. While financial assistance is
available only to Holy Rosary parishioners, service support is being expanded to
include all West Seattle residents.
At the heart of Shoulder-to-Shoulder are faith-filled volunteers who bring a breadth
of skills and strengths. They are carpenters, mechanics, engineers, lawyers, nurses,
painters, cooks, moms, dads, kids, young adults, and retirees. They are people from
all walks of life, willing to share their time, talents and compassion. Each volunteer
S to S Volunteer cleaning gutters
gets involved in a way that makes sense for them – once per week or once per year.
Volunteers have fun, make new connections and find fulfillment in the act of
serving. To volunteer: sign up on the Holy Rosary website under “Parish Ministries” or send an email to
[email protected].
Most people find it difficult to ask for help, even when it’s desperately needed. Our approach is to not wait for people
to ask for help, but to reach out proactively. Therefore, it becomes everyone’s responsibility – the pastor, the parish
staff, and every parishioner – to help us identify people who may need help. To make this easy, if you know of
someone who might need some assistance, send us an email or call (206) 937-1488 ext. 301. The communication will
be treated as confidential. A Shoulder-to-Shoulder committee member will follow-up to figure out how Holy Rosary
can best be supportive.
Shoulder-to-Shoulder volunteers tackle projects intended to provide an individual with what they need most, when
they need it. This means we’ll consider taking on any project, and engage volunteers and partners to make that
possible. For example, if someone needs help finding work or writing a resume, we may be able to find expert
volunteers to help. We will work in concert with other ministries like St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Rosary’s homebound
ministries, and even professional partners such as the local automobile repair shop that is willing to donate their
Join Us
You are invited to attend Shoulder-to-Shoulder committee
meetings. Our meeting dates and times are listed on the Holy
Rosary website under Shoulder-to-Shoulder. We also invite all Holy
Rosary parishioners to become Shoulder-to-Shoulder volunteers.
Please sign up by emailing [email protected] or by
filling out the form on the Holy Rosary website under “Parish
Ministries” or call (206) 937-1488 ext. 301. If Shoulder-to-Shoulder
has helped you, consider volunteering to ‘pay it forward’ and help
Shoulder-to-Shoulder is here for you. Just ask!
“After” photo of completed yard work
visit us online at www.holyrosaryseattle.org
Young Adult Events
Meet other young adults from the Holy Rosary
community (and beyond) for some prayer and some fun!
Saturday, April 11, 5pm: Saturday Night Mass and
Divine Mercy Sunday—
April 12
In the year 2000 John Paul II
declared the first Sunday after
Easter as Divine Mercy
Sunday to celebrate the
canonization of Saint Maria
Faustina Kowalska and to
declare that the Church has
"the right and duty" to
"profess and proclaim God's
mercy," and "to call upon the mercy of God" for the
whole world. Come and celebrate God’s infinite Mercy
on April 12, 2:30pm at Holy Rosary. There will be
adoration of our Lord, music with the St. Louise Prayer
Group musician and singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Fr. John Madigan will preside. Questions, contact Sandy
Lea, Beloved of Christ Prayer Group, 206-763-3453.
Scripture Study
Our Wednesday morning scripture group is beginning a
new study: The Story of the Eucharist in Scripture. This
study emphasizes the importance of meals shared in
faithful fellowship as part of our covenant relationship
with God. Old Testament meals and promises provide
the foundation for gospel meals with Jesus, culminating
in the Last Supper as understood by Paul and in
Matthew, Mark, and Luke. ‘Breaking bread,' in Acts and
the Bread of Life discourse in John are carefully
examined. Six sessions including introduction. We will
start this new study Wednesday morning, April 15, and
meet from 8:30 to 10:30am. Contact JoAnn Tobin at
[email protected] or 937-1488, Ext. 203 to
Are You Curious about Walking With
Purpose, the national program that started at Holy
Rosary last fall and is already TRANSFORMING the lives
of so many women? Are you looking for a way to make
faith a greater part of your life, but struggle to fit prayer
into your hectic daily schedule? Walking with Purpose
reaches out to women who desire to grow their faith
using a Scripture-based program that is fresh, relevant
and focused on conversion of heart. (No, we are not an
exercise group!)
Our next study, Living in the Father's Love, begins this
summer. It is a brief but powerful course meant to revive
and refresh us as we discover just how much God loves
us! We will learn how the Gospels are deeply relevant to
our relationships, both with God and with those we love.
Join us on Friday mornings!
June 10th - July 31st
9:30 - 11:00am in the Parish Center
Childcare provided
The fee for the 8-week session is $40, which covers a
study guide, childcare, and hospitality. Women of all
ages are welcome! Registration due by May 1. For more
information, visit wwwholyrosaryseattle.org/wwp
Pastor Transition News
Mark your calendars for Fr. John’s retirement party:
Sunday, June 28 in Lanigan Gym! The parish Transition
Team is generating ideas for a parish gift for Fr. John. If
you have suggestions, please talk to one of our team
members after Mass. They are wearing green name tags
and will be at the doors of the church. As of this writing
(March 31), there is no news from the Archdiocese as to
who the next priest will be, although an announcement is
expected at, or sometime shortly after, Easter Sunday. If
you have questions about this time of transition, or
would like to be involved in farewell events for Fr. John
or welcome events for the new priest, please contact
Patrick Barredo in the Parish Office.
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to [email protected]
2015 CRS Rice Bowl: Easter Sunday
Voices for Life would like to
Hungering for Celebration! We prayed, fasted and gave
alms—and now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with
CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus
reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in
the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua,
Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and
all over the world! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice
Bowl, by turning in your Rice Bowl, using the envelopes
in the pews, or going online:
recognize Harrison Robel for standing
up for life. He is a sophomore at Chief
Sealth International High School. A
discussion about the death penalty
was held in one of his classes where
he spoke up against it. This
conversation turned to the issue of
abortion. He was courageous and
firm about his strong belief that all life
is sacred from conception to natural
death. When asked how he felt about
the discussion he said, “I felt happy that I was able to
bring up certain aspects about life that people had never
thought of before. I think I swayed a few minds.” It is
difficult to speak up when your opinion is not popular,
especially when you’re a teenager. Way to go Harrison!
Blessing of Easter Foods
The custom of blessing food for Easter arose from the
discipline of fasting throughout Lent and the special
Easter Fast during the Easter Triduum. Easter was the
first day when meat, eggs, and other foods could again
be eaten. According to custom, food may be blessed
before or after the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday or on
Easter Sunday morning for consumption at the first meal
of Easter, when fasting is ended and the Church is filled
with joy.
God of glory, the eyes of all turn to you as we celebrate
Christ’s victory over sin and death. Bless us and this
food of our first Easter meal. May we who gather at
the Lord’s table continue to celebrate the joy of his
Resurrection and be admitted finally to his heavenly
banquet. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Is God Calling You to be a Deacon?
Archbishop Sartain has announced that the Archdiocese
of Seattle will begin to form new Deacons to serve the
Archdiocese. He encourages those who are curious
about whether they might be called to the diaconate to
begin a process of prayer and discernment about how
they might best serve the Church. Deacon candidates
should demonstrate a natural gift for serving the people
of God. They should also be disposed to humility. The
Church counts on the deacon to be a living icon of Christ
the Servant within the Church who readily takes
direction from Bishop and Pastor while at the same time
promoting and sustaining the apostolic activities of the
laity. An information session on the diaconate will be
held at the archdiocesan Pentecost Day event on May 1.
To learn more about the diaconate, contact Patrick
Annual Catholic Appeal Matching Gifts
Thank you to those who have completed your 2014
Annual Catholic Appeal pledge! To date, we have fulfilled
our goal and received $19,443 in rebates to the parish. If
you would like to help maximize our rebate this year for
our parish project, please check if your employer has a
Matching Gift program. Once your gift has been paid in
full, you can apply for the match per your employer’s
instructions. The Annual Catholic Appeal, Archdiocese of
Seattle, is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501
(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID # 910778147. Call 206-382-4274 if you have any questions.
Mailing address: Annual Catholic Appeal, PO Box 14964,
Seattle 98114.
Kenya Mission Hospital Generator Update
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been telling you
about our efforts to help provide a generator for the
mission hospital in Amukura, Fr. Dunstan’s village in
eastern Kenya. Electrical power to the hospital goes out
on a regular basis. It’s easy to understand how much
that situation complicates their health care where they
are already struggling to do so much with so little! To
date we have more than $8,300 toward the $10,000
cost. Can you help? If so, mark your gift for the Kenya
generator project and drop it in the collection, send it to
the parish office, or go online to the parish website,
www.HolyRosarySeattle.org. Gifts of any size are very
much appreciated!
visit us online at www.holyrosaryseattle.org
Easter Sunday, April 5
The First Week of Easter, April 6-11
All morning Masses will begin at 8am.
Monday, April 6
Parish Office Closes
8:00 AM
Daily Mass | Church
After Mass
Monday AM Coffee & Donuts | RR
7:00 PM
Adult Scripture Study | Room 203
Tuesday, April 7
8:00 AM
Communion Service | Church
8:00 AM
St. Martin Sandwiches | Reception Room
6:30 PM
St. Vincent de Paul | Room 203
7:00 PM
Voices for Life Adoration | Chapel
7:30 PM
Traditional Choir Practice | Church
Wednesday, April 8
8:00 AM
Daily Mass | Church
8:30 AM
Adult Scripture Study | Reception Room
6:00 PM
Women's Spirituality Group | Rectory Basement
7:00 PM
Paul's Choir Practice | Church
7:00 PM
Adult Confirmation | School Library
7:30 PM
Walking With Purpose | Reception Room
Thursday, April 9
8:00 AM
Daily Mass | Church
9:00 AM
Soup Kitchen | Lanigan Kitchen
6:00 PM
Transition Team | Rectory Basement
7:00 PM
Al Anon | Room 203
7:00 PM
RCIA | Reception Room
7:30 PM
Pastoral Council | Rectory Basement
Friday, April 10
8:00 AM
Daily Mass | Church
9:30 AM
Walking with Purpose | Reception Room
5:30 PM
Shoulder-to-Shoulder | Room 203
7:00 PM
Up Next
April 11: Young Adults 5pm Mass & Bowling
April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday Event
April 25: HEART Auction
May 3:
May 10:
May 16:
May 24:
May 25:
Marriage Retreat
Solemn First Communion
Memorial Day
June 4: 8th Grade Graduation
June 9: Kindergarten Graduation
June 10: School New Parent Orientation
June 12: Last day of school
Friday Night Men's AA | Reception Room
Saturday, April 11
7:00 AM
Men's Group in Reception Room
8:00 AM
Communion Service | Church
11:00 AM
Charismatic Prayer Group | Chapel
3:30 PM
Confessions | Church
5:00 PM
Vigil Mass | Church
6:00 PM
Family Social Hour | School Hall
Mass Intentions for Next Week:
April 6:
Patricia Carol Sanchez, RIP
April 8:
Anacleto & Generosa Vicencio, RIP
April 9:
Jimmy Picinich, Jr., RIP
April 10: Ralph Rotante, Sr., RIP
April 11: Mary Lou Winge, RIP (5pm Vigil)
April 12: Candida Mafuz, RIP (8:30am Mass)
Holy Rosary Community (10:30am Mass)
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to [email protected]
PARISH DIRECTORY….dial 206-937-1488 and enter an extension
Becoming Catholic:
Contact Deyette Swegle at least two months in advance of your requested baptism date.
Contact Sherry Smith six months in advance of your requested wedding date.
Contact the Parish Office
Contact JoAnn Tobin
PASTOR: Fr. John Madigan ([email protected]), ext. 205
PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Patrick Barredo ([email protected]), ext. 204
ADMINISTRATION: Mary Simpson ([email protected]), ext. 213
ADULT FAITH FORMATION: JoAnn Tobin ([email protected]), ext. 203
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Jennifer Wong ([email protected]), ext. 214
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES ASSISTANT: Deyette Swegle ([email protected]), ext. 251
LITURGY & MUSIC COORDINATOR: Paul Dolejsi ([email protected]), (935-8353)
MARRIAGE & TRIBUNAL ADVOCACY: Sherry Smith ([email protected]), ext. 210
PARISH & SCHOOL BOOKKEEPER: Rufina Miller ([email protected]), ext. 211
ADMIN ASSISTANT & PRIVATE EVENTS: Melissa Tuthill ([email protected]), ext. 200
PLANT MANAGER: Scott Stoefen ([email protected]), ext. 215
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: George Hofbauer ([email protected]), ext. 218
TECHNOLOGY, BULLETIN & PARISH WEB SITE: Sherry Smith ([email protected]), ext. 210
8:30 CHOIR DIRECTOR: Bob Ingalls ([email protected])
visit us online at www.holyrosaryseattle.org