Talent Show 2015 Rules, Guidelines & Permission Slip The Talent Show will be held on Friday, May 15th, in Lanigan Gym. Preview of acts (Auditions) will be held during lunches on: Tuesday, May 5th and Wednesday, May 6th. Please bring your music to the audition! Dress Rehearsals are scheduled during lunches as follows: Act I: Mon. May 11th Act II: Tues. May 12th You need your costume and music for the dress rehearsal! TALENT SHOW RULES 1) Music with lyrics must be suitable for K – 8 audiences and approved by the Talent Show Committee. • Songs that include the following will not be allowed: o Derogatory remarks or reference to drug or alcohol use o Sexual remarks, implication or innuendo o Situations that are not age appropriate (i.e., relationship woes) • A paper copy of any music lyrics MUST be attached to this permission slip. Internet sites such as Lyrics.com may assist you in finding the lyrics to a song. o You may NOT change the original lyrics for your act or use a “clean” version of the song. 2) Lip-sync only acts are not permitted. If you are singing with a pre-recorded track, please make sure that it is “karaoke” in style. Please make sure there is no main vocal track on your music. There are several sources for karaoke style music (such as iTunes). 3) The school dress code applies to costumes! 4) Acts are limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, but some acts may need to be cut down due to time constraints. 5) Please participate in no more than ONE act other than the HRS Band or class performances. 6) If your talent show act included more than one person, each participant must turn in a completed permission slip and group members’ slips should be stapled together and submitted as one “unit.” Thank you! General Guidelines: If you have a… o Singing act/skit…………………3 minute/max. o Dancing/martial arts…………..3 minute/max. o Band performance……………..3 minute/max. o Jump rope/pogo/juggling……2 minute/max. o Piano/instrumental…………….2 minute/max. o Joke telling……………………...1 minute/ max. Permission Slips and Lyrics are due by Tuesday, April 28th! Directions for Completing the Form: o PLEASE TURN ALL PERMISSION SLIPS IN PERSON TO Mrs. Heuer or a leadership representative (who will be in the office between 8:15 and 8:25 A.M.) o Please write the name of your child on the line below and include the names of any other students who will perform with him/her. o If your talent show act includes more than one person, each participant must turn in a completed permission slip, and group members’ slips should be stapled together and submitted as one “unit.” Thank you! o Be sure to circle the type of act and include the music title, the artist, and a hard copy of lyrics. A parent/guardian sponsor’s signature is required. o Be sure to have read the Talent Show Rules on page one! Tip: Make sure that lyrics are included! A permission slip is needed for each participant. Please return in person by Tuesday, April 28th. Student Performer Class (i.e., 8A) Other Performers in the Act: Type of Act (circle one or more): Dance Class Instrumental Singing Skit Other _____________________________ Music Title: _________________________________ Artist: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Sponsor Signature: ______________________________ Phone/email: ____________________________
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