TRINITY Services at Holy Trinity Sundays: 11 a.m. Sung Mass 6 p.m. Evensong (except 1st Sunday of the month when there is a joint Evensong with Benediction at St Laurence, Long Eaton) Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Matins 9.30 a.m. Said Mass Thursdays: 7.00 p.m. Said Mass Any variation to this normal pattern, or occasional masses, will be advised in the newsletter. For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact Fr Peter Bolton (contact details below) or ring Holy Trinity Parish Office on 07570 597873. The Newsletter of Holy Trinity Church Ilkeston 29th March 2015 PASSION SUNDAY (Palm Sunday) The Church Hall The Church Hall is a facility that is available for the use of the local community. It is available on most days of the week, including Sunday afternoons. It is currently used by a wide range of local community groups such as the Brownies, the Royal British Legion and a craft group. It is also available for events such as concerts, exhibitions etc. We are keen to encourage greater use by the local community and if you would like information please contact Maureen West on 0115 932 0469. We operate a flexible policy as regards charging and this will be subject to individual agreement. Contacts at Holy Trinity Priest‐in‐Charge: Bishop Roger Jupp SSC Tel: 0115 973 5168, email [email protected] The Vicarage, Regent St, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 1JX Assistant Priest: Fr Peter Bolton CMP Tel: 0115 930 5874, email: [email protected] The Vicarage, 1 Cotmanhay Road, Ilkeston DE7 8HR Parish Office: Tel: 07570 597873 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Mrs Nicky Bailey: Mob: 07809 680034 Email: [email protected] Geoff Raby: Tel: 0115 932 9461, Mob: 07905 323116 Email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Maureen West: Tel: 0115 932 0469 Email: [email protected] Parish Treasurer: Mrs Margaret Breedon: 0115 944 0020; Mob: 07879 550745 th 5 Ilkeston Holy Trinity Brownies Brown Owl – Bev, Mob: 07747 142501 (All enquiries to Bev) Snowy Owl – Becca, Mob: 07854 027398 On this day the Church celebrates Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem to accomplish his paschal mission. Accordingly, the memorial of this event is included in our Mass with the blessing of palms and the procession. Mass Evensong Mark 11: 1‐10 (before procession) Isaiah 5: 1‐7 Philippians 2: 6‐11 Mark 12: 1‐12 Gospel: Mark 14:1‐ 15:47 Psalm 69: 1‐20 Hymns at Mass Hymns at Evensong See separate sheet 79, 507, 88, 96 (Green Hymn Book) This morning we gather in the Church hall for the blessing of palms and the procession NOTICES ‐ Please let Geoff Raby have any notices for inclusion in the newsletter: as soon as possible please and by 12 noon on Wednesday at the latest. Holy Week and Easter Services Please see separate sheet giving full details. Ecumenical Walk of Witness on Good Friday Please note that in addition to the services here at Holy Trinity there is the usual walk of witness in Ilkeston. This starts at 10 am with a United Act of Worship at the Baptist Church on Queens Street and ends at St Andrews Methodist Church on Bath Street. Coming up for Communion We hope that most members of the congregation are happy with the practice of taking communion whilst standing. It certainly seems to have worked well over the past couple of weeks. We have heard – and will listen to – those who are not altogether happy with this change and we would like to hear from any others who may have comments about the new arrangements. We would like to reiterate that those who wish to kneel should feel free to do so. Annual Meetings These were held in the Church Hall last Tuesday and Nicky Bailey and Geoff Raby were elected as Churchwardens for another year. There is now one new member of the PCC, Nigel Shelbourne, who was voted on unanimously, and he was warmly welcomed. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2016 Fr Roger and David Hudson have organised a tour and Pilgrimage to the Holy Land for May 2016. As part of the promotion, an evening has been arranged where the programme will be outlined with photographs of some of the places to be visited and details of the arrangements for the Pilgrimage. This will take place in the Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 8th April. It is hoped that this will not only appeal to those who may wish to go but also to others who are interested in the sites of the Holy Land. All are welcome. Friends of Holy Trinity Ilkeston The lottery was drawn last week and the winner was Ralph Raby winning a prize of £75. If anyone is interested in joining the lottery – it’s just £5 per month – then please ask me for further details and a membership form. Geoff Raby Today’s Readings: Mark 11:1‐10 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Isaiah 50:4‐7 [Not read this year] I offered no resistance. Philippians 2:6‐11 He humbled himself, but God raised him high. Mark 14:1 – 15:47 The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark. A Meditation: The one who knew himself to be Messiah, the chosen one of God, experienced abandonment by God: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Jesus had not lost his trust, if he had done so he would not have called on God. But bare trust was literally all that he had left. Every other consolation was gone. Yet that bare trust was enough; for Jesus knew the rest of the Psalm from which he was quoting. In the end, its apparent despair turns into hope: For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; And he has not hid his face from him, but heard, when he cried to him. There is no hurt, no degradation, no isolation into which the Father cannot reach. The disturbing message of Easter is that God does not prevent the world’s pains but enters instead into its very heart. Sr Margaret Atkins OSA Please Remember in your prayers: Beth Clarke; Gavin Bolton; Fausta Depadova and Betty Fisher who are named on our Prayer Board. Of your charity, please pray for the souls of Ian Abernathy and Ralph Victor Chadwick who have died recently, and of John Buchanan, Priest; Molly Brown; Marie Varema Mason; George Henley; Dennis Williams; Alan Thompson; James Lennon and Iris Shaw whose anniversary of death occurs this week. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of Margaret Gower‐Jones. Holy Week and Easter Services Palm Sunday 29th March 11 am Sung Mass with Procession 6 pm Evensong Holy Tuesday 31st March 9.30 am Mass Maundy Thursday 2nd April 7.30 pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper & Watch until Midnight Good Friday 3rd April 10 am United Act of Worship at Baptist Church on Queen’s Street followed by a Walk of Witness and concluding act of worship at St Andrew’s Methodist Church on Bath Street 3 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Easter Eve 4th April 8 pm Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter Easter Sunday 5th April 11 am Sung Mass 6 pm Joint service of Solemn Evensong & Benediction at St Laurence Long Eaton
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