' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Pl2-21865-8 AVISO DE ELECCION NOTICE OF ELECTION TO: THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, WHO RESIDE IN BEXAR COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 3 A: LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS RESIDENTES DEL DISTRITO NO. 3 DE LOS SERVICIOS DE EMERGENCIA DEL CONDADO DE BEXAR, TEXAS NOTICE IS GIVEN that pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code Section 775.0751, et seq., the Board of Emergency Services Commissioners of Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 3 adopted an Order on February 17, 2015, calling for an election to be held on May 9, 2015 from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m., at which election all eligible voters residing within the boundaries of Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 3 (excluding voters in areas where there is a local 2% sales and use tax including the Cibolo Canyons Special Improvement District) will be entitled to vote on a proposition to adopt a sales and use tax. NOTIFIQUESE por el presente que, conforme a lo dispuesto en e1 Capitulo 775.0751 y siguientes del C6digo de Salud y Seguridad de Texas, la Junta de Comisionados del Distrito No.3 de los Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Bexar adopt6 el dia 17 de febrero del 2015 una Orden convocando una elecci6n a llevarse a cabo el dia 9 de mayo del2015, de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00p.m., durante la cual todos los votantes elegibles que residan dentro de los limites del Distrito No. 3 de los Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Bexar (excluyendo a votantes en areas donde los impuestos locales sobre ventas y uso son del 2%, incluyendo el Distrito de Mejoras Especiales de Cibolo Canyons) tendran derecho a votar sobre una propuesta para adoptar un impuesto sobre ventas y uso. EARLY VOTING: Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at locations, dates and times listed below. VOTACION ANTICIPADA: La votaci6n anticipadamediante comparecencia en persona se llevara a cabo en todas las ubicaciones, fechas y horas sefialadas abajo. THE HOURS OF EARLY VOTING WILL BE: LAS HORAS PARA VOTACION ANTICIPADA SERAN: Mon., April27 thru Fri., May 1 ... 8:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m. Sat., May 2, 2015 ......................... 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Sun., May 3, 2015 ............................................ CLOSED Mon., May 4 thru Tues., May 5 ... 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Lunes, 27 de abril a viemes, 1°. de mayo .. 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. Sabado, 2 de mayo, 2015 ........................... 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Domingo., 3 de mayo, 2015 ....................................... CERRADO Lunes, 4 de mayo, a martes, 5 de mayo ..... 8:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m. April/ Abri/27, 2015- May I Mayo 5, 2015 SUN I DOM 3 CERRADO MON I LUN TUES/ MAR WED/ MIER THURS I JUE SATISAB 27 28 29 30 1 ***-** ***** ***** ***** ***** 6 7 4 5 ***** ***** Early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance at such polling places as may be designated by Bexar County, Texas and during the period for early voting as required or permitted by law and set forth by Bexar County, Texas. The Early Voting Clerk shall keep said early voting place open during such hours for early voting by personal appearance. 1812887. l/SPSA/00009/0099/041715 FRI/ VIER 8 9 Dfa de Ia Elecci6n La votaci6n anticipada se llevara a cabo en persona en las casillas electorales designadas por el Condado de Bexar, Texas, durante el periodo de votaci6n anticipada requerido o permitido por la ley y sefialado por el Condado de Bexar, Texas. El funcionario a cargo de la votaci6n anticipada mantendra abierta dicha casilla electoral durante tales horas para votar pot anticipado mediante comparecencia en persona. Docn 21865 Fees: $0 00 04/17/2015 1:31PM·n Pa es 8 Flled & Recorded in the Hrricial Publlc Records of BEXAR COUNTY GERARD C. RICKHOFF COUNTY CLERK Applications for early voting by mail shall be mailed to Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator, 203 W. Nueva, Suite 3.61, San Antonio, Texas 78207-4045 or by calling 210-335-VOTE (8683). Applications for ballot by mail must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. onApril30, 2015. Las solicitudes para votaci6n anticipada por correo debenm enviarse por correo postal a Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator, 203 W. Nueva, Suite 3.61, San Antonio, Texas 78207-4045 o por telefono al 210-335-VOTE (8683). Las solicitudes para boletas de votaci6n por correo deben'm recibirse a mas tardar a las 5:00p.m. el dia 30 de abril, 2015. Main Early Voting Location I Sitios Principales de Votacion Anticipada: BEXAR COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER .............................•............................................................... 300 Dolo rosa DEAFLINK available at these sites I DEAFUNK disponible en estos sitios (Basement, south end across from cafeteria) I (Sotano, costado sur,frente ala cafeteria) BROOKHOLLOW LffiRARY .........................•............................................................................ 530 Heimer Road CASTLE IDLLS CITY HALL (sECORNEROFCOUNCILCHAMBERS) I (ESQUIN.4SUROESTE»Eusc4M-iRAs»ELCoNsEJo) ....................... 209 Lemonwood Dr. CLAUDE BLACK CENTER ............................................................................................ 2805 East Commerce CODY LIBRARY ............................................................................................................... 11441 Vance Jackson COLLINS GARDEN LIBRARY ................................................................................................ 200 North Park COPERNICUS COMMUNITY CENTER ................................................................................ 5003 Lord Rd. EDISON HIGH SCHOOL .................................................................................................... 701 Santa Monica FAIR OAKS RANCH CITY HALL ................................................................................. 7286 Dietz Elkhorn GREAT NORTHWEST LIBRARY............................................................................................ 9050Wellwood HENRY A. GUERRA, JR. LffiRARY ......................................................................... 7978 W. Military Drive HOLLYWOOD PARK CITY HALL .......................................................................................2 Mecca Drive JOHN IGO LmRARY ................................................................................ 13330 Kyle Seale Parkway JOHNSTON LffiRARY ......................................................................................................... 6307 Sun Valley Drive JULIA YATES SEMMES LffiRARY @Comanche Lookout Park ............................ 15060 Judson Road KIRBY CITY HALL ...................................................................................................................... 112 Bauman LAS PALMAS LIBRARY ............................................................................................... 515 Castroville Road LEON VALLEY CONFERENCE CENTER ................................................................................. 6421 Evers Road LION'S FIELD ...........................................................................................................................2809 Broadway LOSOYA INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL ..................................................................... 1610 Martinez-Losoya MAURY MAVERICK, JR. LIBRARY ....................................................................................... 8700 Mystic Park MCCRELESS LIBRARY .............................................................................................. 1023 Ada Street MEMORIAL LIBRARY ...................................................................................................3222 Culebra 1812887.1/SPSA/00009/0099/041715 MISSION LIBRARY............................................................................................................. 3134 Roosevelt Ave NORTHSIDE ACTIVITY CENTER (CONFERENCE ROOM) (SALA DE CONFERENCIAS) ............................................................................................................... 7001 Culebra OLMOS PARK CITY HALL ...................................................................................... 120 El Prado W PARMAN LIBRARY@STONE OAK ......................................................................... 20735Wilderness Oak OFICINA SATELITE PRECINTO 1 ..............................................................................3505 Pleasanton Rd. SHAVANO PARK CITY HALL ((COUNCIL CHAMBERS) (CAMARAS DEL CONSEJO) ........................................................................................ 900 Saddletree Ct. SOMERSET CITY HALL............................................................................................... 7360 E. 6th, Somerset SOUTH PARK MALL (NEXT TO SEARS MALL ENTRANCE) (ENTRADA AL MALL JUNTO A SEARS) ......................................................................... 2310 S.W. Military TOBIN LIDRARY @OAKWELL ....................................................................................... 4134 Harry Wurzbach UNIVERSAL CITY -CITY HALL (FOYER) I (VESTfBULO) ............................. 2150 Universal City Blvd. UTSA - UNIVERSITY CENTER ..................................................................................................... 1 UTSA Circle WINDCRESTTAKAS PARK CIVIC C E N T E R - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 3 1 0 Jim Seal Dr. WONDERLAND OF THE AMERICAS @ CROSSROAD ....................................... 4522 Fredericksburg Rd. Subject to change I Sujeto a cambios For more infonnation contact the office of the Bexar County Elections Administrator, Jacquelyn F. Callanen, at (210) 335-VOTE (8683). Para mayor informacion, sirvase Hamar ala oficina de la Administradora de Elecciones del Condado de Bexar, Jacquelyn F. Callanen a1 (210) 335-VOTE (8683). LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: Qualified voters residing in Bexar County Emergency Services District No.3 may vote in the appropriate polling place designated for the election. Notice is hereby given that the polling places will be open for voting on Election Day from7:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m., Saturday, May 9, 2015. SITIOS DE CASILLAS ELECTORALES: Los votantes cualificados que residan en el Distrito No. 3 de los Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Bexar podran votar en la casilla electoral apropiada designada para la elecci6n. Por la presente se informa que las casillas electorales estaran abiertas para votar el Dia de la Elecci6n de las 7:00a.m. a las 7:00p.m. el sabado 9 de mayo del2015. The election precincts and the respective polling places are as follows: Los precintos electorales y las respectivas casillas electorales son los siguientes: 1812887.11SPSN00009/0099/041715 Precinct I Precinto No. Address: 3039,3043 M.H. Specht Elementary School 25815 Overlook Pkwy San Antonio, Texas 78260 3072 Bulverde Creek Elementary School 3839 Canyon Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78259 3005,3089,3148 Timberwood Park Elementary 26715 S. Glenrose San Antonio, TX 78260 3097 Leon Springs Elementary School 23881 IH lOW San Antonio, TX 78257 3183 Fox Run Elementary School 6111 Fox Creek San Antonio, TX 7824 7 3125 Tuscany Heights Elementary School 25001 Wilderness Oak San Antonio, TX 78260 3124, 3137,3144 Cibolo Green Elementary School 24315 Bulverde Green San Antonio, TX 78261 3164 Indian Springs Elementary School 25751 Wilderness Oaks San Antonio, TX 78261 This election is a general election of Bexar County Emergency Services District No.3. Esta elecci6n es una elecci6n general del Distrito No. 3 de los Servicios de Emergencia del Condado de Bexar. Issued this the 17th day of April2015. Emitido el dia 17 de abril del afio 2015. BEXAR COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 3 DISTRITO NO. 3 DE LOS SERVICIOS DE EMERGENCIA DEL CONDADO DE BEXAR. By:_u~~~=-~~------~--~ Brenda Steubing, Secretary I Secretari 1812887.1/SPSA/00009/0099/041715 BEXAR COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 3 RESOLUTION AND ORDER NO. 2015-001 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE BEXAR COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 3 CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD WITHIN THE DISTRICT ON MAY 9, 2015, TO SUBMIT A PROPOSITION TO ESTABLISH A SALES AND USE TAX OF 1.5% FOR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 775 OF THE TEXAS HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE; MAKING PROVISION FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE ELECTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 3 ("District») hereby finds that it is appropriate, advisable and in the best interest of the citizens of the District that an election be held for the purpose of submitting a proposition to establish a sales and use tax of 1.5% (percent) for purposes authorized by Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, Texas Health & Safety Code § 775.075l(c-l) and other applicable law provides that a district that would otherwise be precluded from adopting a sales and use tax under § 775.0751(c) may adopt a sales and use tax at an election held as provided by § 775.0752, ifthe Board: (1) Excludes from the election and the applicability of any proposed sales and use tax any territory in the district where the sales and use tax is then at two percent; and (2) Not later than the 30th day after the date on which the Board issues the election order, gives, for informational purposes, written or oral notice on the proposed imposition, increase, or abolition of the sales and use tax, including the reasons for the proposed change, to the commissioners court of each county in which the district is located; and WHEREAS, the Board, in calling for this election, excludes from the election and the applicability of any proposed sales and use tax any territory in the District where the sales and use tax is then at two percent, pursuant to applicable law, including, but not limited to, the ten'itory located within the Cibolo Canyons Special Improvement District; and WHEREAS, it is hereby officially found and determined that holding the hereinafter called election on the date set forth below is in the public interest; and the meeting at which this Resolution and Order is adopted was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMISSIONERS OF BEXAR COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO.3 THAT: Page 1 of4 Section 1. The recitals set forth in the preamble hereof are incorporated herein and shall have the same force and effect as if set forth in this Section. Section 2. The District shall hold an election on Saturday, May 9, 2015 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the polling locations and precincts common to the District and set forth and established by the Bexar County Commissioners Court with all applicable early and absentee voting places determined by the District in conjunction with its agreement with the Bexar County Elections Administrator, and as required by law or further notice. The location of the main early voting by personal appearance polling places shall be as agreed between the Bexar County Elections Administrator and the District, and those other locations as designated by the Bexar County Elections Administrator, pursuant to that certain agreement between the District and the Bexar County Elections Administrator:. The District's Early Voting Clerk shall be Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator, or her designees, whose official mailing address is 203 W. Nueva, Suite 3.61, San Antonio, Texas 78207. The District's Election Official is Raymond Wilkinson, President of the Board, whose official mailing address is P.O. Box 133, Bulverde, Texas 78163, or his designee. The Election Official is hereby empowered to execute any and all necessary documents and take any and all necessary actions to effect the election ordered herein. The Presiding Election Judges, the Alternate Election Judges, and other election officials shall be those as designated by the Bexar County Elections Administrator or the District, pursuant to that certain agreement between the District and the Bexar County Elections Administrator. Pursuant to Texas Election Code § 42.061, the District adopts the precincts of Section 3. Bexar County located within its territorial limits as its precincts for this election and pursuant to the agreement with the Bexar County Elections Administrator who will be conducting the election, unless otherwise further ordered by the District. Section 4. Early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance at such polling places as may be designated by Bexar County, Texas and during the period early voting as required or permitted by law and set forth by Bexar County, Texas. The Early Voting Clerk shall keep said early voting place open during such hours for early voting by personal appearance. Applications for early voting by mail shall be mailed to Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator, 203 W. Nueva, Suite 3.61, San Antonio, Texas 78207-4045. Section 5. All resident, qualified electors of the District shall be entitled to vote at said election excluding those electors resident within the Cibolo Canyons Special Improvement District. Section 6. Notice of said election shall be given by posting a substantial copy of this Resolution and Order on the bulletin board used for posting notices of the meetings of the District not less than 21 days prior to the date set for said election. An election notice also shall be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the District, the date of the first publication to be not earlier than the 30th day or later than the 14th day prior to the date said for election. Page 2 of4 Section 7. At the election, the following PROPOSITION shall be submitted in accordance with law and printed in English and Spanish to permit voting for or against the PROPOSITION: "The adoption of a local sales and use tax in Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 3 at the rate of 1.5% (percent) for the purposes authorized by Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code as now or hereafter amended, including but not limited to land, buildings, equipment, facilities, general expenditures, service provider contracts, payroll, and other related expenditures that shall be used for the purposes of frrefighting, fire suppression, emergency medical services, and the maintenance and operation expenses for any of the above described publicly owned projects or services." Section 8. The official ballots for the election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the aforesaid PROPOSITION to be expressed substantially as follows: PROPOSITION [ ] FOR The adoption of a local sales and use tax in Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 3 at the rate of 1.5% (percent) for the purposes authorized by Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code as now or hereafter amended, including but not limited to land, buildings, equipment, facilities, general expenditures, service provider contracts, payroll, and other related expenditures that shall be used for the purposes of firefighting, fire suppression, emergency medical services, and the maintenance and operation expenses for any of the above described publicly owned projects or services. [ ] AGAINST The appropriate officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed to Section 9. coordinate and oversee this election, and the Bexar County Elections Administrator, and its appropriate officers, are hereby appointed to assist the District in the coordination and oversight of this election pursuant to that certain Joint Election Agreement executed by and between the District and the Bexar County Elections Administrator. The District's President, Raymond Wilkinson is hereby authorized and empowered to take any actions and execute and deliver any documents necessary to carry out this election. Section 10. In all respects said election shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and the Texas, Health and Safety Code. In compliance with applicable law, and for the purposes of this election and the Section 11. applicability of the sales and use tax, if approved by the voters, the District excludes from the election and the applicability of any proposed sales and use tax any territory in the District where the sales and use tax is then at two percent, including, but not limited to, the territory located within the Cibolo Canyons Special Improvement District. Further the Board shall provide notice to the Commissioners Court of Bexar County, Texas as required by applicable law. Page 3 of4 Section 12. This Resolution and Order shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by the Board of Commissioners. RESOLVED AND ORDERED this 17th day of February 2015. By:!d~~ Brenda StellbifliSeCretar)l" Page 4 of4
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