CURRICULUM VITAE: Börje Nilsson Version: April 2015 Date of birth: 13 July 1949 Married 1976 with Gerd Nilsson One son born 1981 and one daughter born 1986 Academic history Fil kand. University of Gothenburg 1971 Fil mag. University of Gothenburg 1971 Ämneslärare. Teaching School. University of Gothenburg 1972 Fil Dr (PhD) in Theoretical Physics. University of Gothenburg 1980 Visiting Professor (adjungerad professor) in Engineering Acoustics at KTH 1988 Docent in Engineering Acoustics at KTH 1995 Professor in Mathematical Physics at Växjö University 2005 Experience 1973-74: Studies in Theoretical Physics. 1974-75: Training (Sandöskolan) for work in developing countries: Language, leadership, teaching. 1975-80: Research Assistant and Senior Lecturer at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden. PhD studies at the group of Applied Mathematical Physics. The objective of this group was to apply advanced mathematical methods to problems in industry and applied sciences. Primarily, wave propagation was addressed with applications in Electrodynamics, Structural Mechanics and Acoustics. Title of thesis: The Propagation of Sound in Cylindrical Ducts with Mean Flow and Bulk Reacting Lining. The thesis deals with calculation models for complicated systems of silencers with particular attention to motor car mufflers. 1980 - 1992: Working for ABB Fläkt Industri AB in acoustics and as R&D manager for industrial fans. 1988 - 92 working 80% as acoustic expert for the ABB Fläkt group. Much of the work was devoted to research related to development of fans and silencers. 1988 - 1995: Visiting professor (20%) in the group of Flow Acoustics at the Department of Vehicle Engineering (KTH). 1995 - : Docent at the group of Flow Acoustics at MWL, KTH. 1993 - 2004 Senior lecturer in Mathematical Physics at Växjö University. 2005 - . Professor in Mathematical Physics at Växjö University (Linnæus University from 2010). 1 External grants 2012-2013. Linnaeus-Palme programme IPK/2011:3781. Co-operation between Linnaeus University, Sweden, and Sebastian Kolowa University College, Tanzania. 2010-2012. VR-project 2009-4974. Fundamental wave modelling for signal estimation on lossy transmission lines. Participating researchers: Börje Nilsson, Sven Nordebo and Thomas Biro at Linnæus University; Anders Karlsson, Mats Gustafsson and Magnus Acke, at Lund University. Invitations Invited to lecture at the FLOW Summer School on Aeroacoustics in Low Mach Number Confined Flows, June 3-5, 20010: Stability and theoretical models I. Invited to give a PhD course at the Euroasian University in Kazakhstan 2007. Invited lecturer at the EDF – INRA - CEA School entitled “Acoustics with mean flow” to be held near Paris on 25-29 September 2000. This “summer school” is sponsored by the European Community”. Visiting professor, during July 1995, at Université du Maine, France. PhDs Co-supervisor for Stefan Gustafsson in Engineering Physics. Licentiate degree November 2012 in Engineering Physics. Thesis: Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and analysis for HVDC power cables. Co-supervisor for Therese Sjödén in Engineering Physics. PhD degree June 2012 in Engineering Physics. Thesis: Sensitivity analysis and material parameter estimation using electromagnetic modelling. Supervisor for Sara Rydström in Mathematics. Licentiate degree February 2010 in Mathematics. Thesis: Wave Regularization of Parameter Problems for Dynamic Beam Models. Supervisor for Anders Andersson in Mathematics. Thesis: Numerical conformal mapping for waveguides. Dissertation 25 September 2009. Supervisor for Raisa Khamitova in Mathematics. Thesis: Symmetries and conservation laws. Dissertation 3 March 2009. Co-supervisor for Therese Sjödén. Licentiate degree May 2008 in Engineering Physics. Thesis: Electromagnetic Modelling for the Estimation of Wood Parameters Co-supervisor for Yaroslav Volovich. Licentiate degree December 2006 in Mathematics/Applied mathematics. Thesis: Classical and Quantum Dynamics with Discrete Time. Supervisor for Anders Andersson. Licentiate degree April 2006 in Mathematics/Applied mathematics. Theme for the thesis: Numerical conformal mapping. 2 Supervisor for Thomas Biro. Dissertation in Theoretical Physics on September 1st 2004 at Växjö University. Title of thesis: Electromagnetic wave modelling on waveguide bends, power lines and space plasmas. Supervisor for Susann Boij. Dissertation in Technical Acoustics in April 2003 at the department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, KTH. Title of thesis: Acoustic scattering in ducts and influence of flow coupling. Supervisor for Susann Boij at MWL, KTH. Licentiate degree in Technical Acoustics September 10th 1999. Title of thesis: Mean flow effects on the acoustics of silencers. Supervisor for Ragnar Glav. Dissertation in Technical Acoustics in October 1994 at the Department of Technical Acoustics, KTH. Title of thesis: On Acoustic Modelling of Silencers. External Supervision Supervision during September 2013 for Bacha Reda, PhD student in physics from the University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria. Supervisor during May and June 2006 for Romain Augey, master student from ENSTA, Paris. Host and external supervisor during March to May 2002 for Christopher Powles, PhD student from the Mathematical department, Keele University, UK. Supervisor at Keele University is Dr. John Chapman. Host and external supervisor during May to August 2000 for Stuart Rogers and Craig Rowley, PhD students from the Mathematical department, Keele University, UK. Supervisor at Keele University is Dr. Jonathan Healey. Host and external supervisor during March to May 1999 for Steven Hocter from the Mathematical department, Keele University, UK. Steven Hocter´s dissertation in Mathematics took place in the autumn 1999. Supervisor at Keele University is Dr. John Chapman. Masters in mathematics/applied mathematics Naveed Ahmed and Waqas Ahmed 2010. Thesis: Local orthogonal mappings and operator formulation for varying cross-sectional ducts. Nadeem Ali 2009. Thesis: Time domain description of scattered acoustic pulses in a planar bifurcated duct. (At BTH) Magdalena Henrysson 2007. Thesis: Calculating zeros of analytic functions with MatLab Marcus Johansson och Björn Nordle 2007. Thesis: Analysis and mathematical modelling of industrial truck silencers. Anders Levin 2004. Thesis: Validation and verification of a third degree optimisation method. 3 Therese Sjödén 2003. Titel. Numerical conformal mappings to model wave transmission in curved waveguides. Master at Department of Physics and Measurement Technology, University of Linköping. Therese Gustafsson 2002. Titel: Bestämning av bundna moder i mikrovågskanal med krök. English title: Determination of trapped modes in a micro-wave-guide with a bend. Henrik Carlsson 2002. Thesis: Elimination of disturbances with a time-gate using Burg’s algorithm for extrapolation. Torbjörn Fransson & Per Nilsson 2001. Thesis: Non-destructive determination of interior properties of wood using waves. Catrin Carlsson 2001. Thesis: Beräkningsmetoder för kvalitetskontroll av GPS-data och studie av Bootstrap-utvärdering av flygprovdata Pirjo Kohlström 2000. Thesis: Metoder för identifiering av systemegenskaper hos linjära tidsinvarianta system. Ulrika Thörnqvist 1999. Thesis: Mathematical modelling of Curved Resonators for Acoustic Silencers. Mikael Blixt & Per Karlstrand 1999. Thesis: Integralekvationer av första slaget med tillämpning på signalidentifiering. Daniel Jonsson & Lars-Henric Jonsson.1999. Thesis: Analys och implementering av metoder för jämförelse av signaler. Mathias Johansson 1999. Thesis: The Hilbert Transform. Maria Josefsson 1998. Thesis: Mathematical models of pressure drop for porous media. Henrik Petersson 1997. Thesis: Infinite Systems of Linear Equations - Existence and Uniqeness. Fredrik Albertson 1997. Thesis: The Wiener-Hopf Technique and Scattering of Acoustic Waves in Ducts. Magnus Nordström 1995. Thesis: Acoustic Wave Propagation in a Duct Containing a Shear Flow and a Line Source. Michael Andersson & Sören Poulsen 1995. Thesis: Dual Parabolic Cylindrical Reflectors. Master in physics Göran Bäcklund 2010. Optimization of inlet box geometry for high pressure axial flow fans. Masters and Batchelors in Acoustics as part of Engineering Mechanics Jarosław Jędrzejak & Hamza Ben Saleem 2011. Estimate of cabin noise in an articulated hauler with new exhaust piping. Simon Chamoun & Armin Muftic 2010. Bullerreduktion av hytt på Volvodumprar – Undersökning, mätning och analys. Mattias Jonsson 2009. Batchelor thesis. Moss-sedumtakets bullerdämpande egenskaper. 4 Hugo Knutsson, Steve S. Johansson & Sven Runesson 2008. Batchelor thesis. Ljudreducering av värmepump. Martin Bergquist & Nermin Dzanic 2007. Batchelor thesis. Dämpning av fläktljud i diskmaskin. Almir Ovcina & Mikael Petersson 2005. Master thesis: Ljud- och vibrationsnivåer i en dumper – mätningar och analys. Anders Holm & Lars Uddstrand 2005. Batchelor thesis: Reduktion av motorljud I hytt. – Rottne skotare SOLID F9-6. Almir Ovcina & Mikael Petersson 2004. Batchelor thesis: Dämpning av toner med Helmholtzresonator. Opponent and PhD committee membership Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in applied mathematics at Linköping University in May 2014 for Lydie Mpinganzima. Thesis: Iterative methods for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation. Supervisor: Professor V. A. Kozlov. Opponent at licentiate presentation in Signals and systems at Chalmers in May 2014 for Johan Winge. Thesis: Microwave measurement systems for parameter estimation and classification. Supervisor: Docent Thomas Rylander. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Building Mechanics at Linnaeus University in March 2013 for Åsa Blomsvik. Thesis: Structural-acoustic vibrations in wooden assembles. Experimental modal analysis and finite element modelling. Supervisor: professor Torbjörn Ekevid. Opponent at licentiate presentation defence in mathematics at Linköping University in May 2012 for Lydie Mpinganzima. Supervisor: Professor V. A. Kozlov. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in applied signal analysis at Blekinge Institute of technology in January 2012 for Mikael Swartling. Thesis: Direction of Arrival Estimation and Localization of Multiple Speech Sources in Enclosed Environments. Supervisor: Doc. Nedelko Grbic. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mars 2011 at Chalmers Institute of Technology for Jonathan Westlund Thesis: On the modelling of ultrasonic testing using boundary integral equation methods. Supervisor: Prof. Anders Boström. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in computational science at Linköping University in March 2010 for Zohreh Ranjbar. Thesis: Numerical Solution of Ill-posed Cauchy Problems for Parabolic Equations. Supervisor: Prof. Lars Eldén. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in applied signal analysis at Blekinge Institute of technology in December 2009 for Henrik Åkesson. Thesis: Analysis of structural dynamic properties and active vibration control concerning machine tools and a turbine application. Supervisor: Prof. Lars Håkansson. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Applied electronics in June 2009 at Luleå Technical University for Yvonne Aitomäki. Thesis: Online Fibre Property Measurements. Supervisor: Prof. Jerker Delsing. 5 Deputy member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mathematics/Applied mathematics in November 2008 at Växjö University for Guillaume Adenier. Thesis: Local Realist Approach and Numerical Simulations of Nonclassical Experiments in Quantum mechanics. Supervisor: Prof. Andrei Khrennikov. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Applied Mechanics in September 2008 at Blekinge Institute of Technology for Kristian Haller Thesis: Acoustical Measurements of Material Nonlinearity and Nonequilibrium Recovery. Supervisor: Doc. Claes Hedberg. Deputy member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mathematics/Applied mathematics in September 2008 at Växjö University for Patrik Wahlberg . Thesis: On time-frequency analysis and pseudo-differential operators for vector valued functions. Supervisor: Doc. Joachim Toft. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in May 2008 at Chalmers Institute of Technology for Georgios Natsiopoulos Thesis: Time domain Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Scattering: Supervisor: Prof. Mendel Kleiner. Opponent at licentiate presentation defence in applied signal analysis at Blekinge Institute of Technology in January 2008 for Tatiana Smirnova. Thesis: Dynamic analysis and modeling of machine tool parts. Supervisor: Docent Lars Håkansson. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Wood Engineering in April 2007 at Luleå Technical University for Nils Lundgren Thesis: Microwave Sensors for Scanning of Sawn Timber: Supervisor: Prof. Olle Hagman. Deputy member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mathematics/Applied mathematics in November 2005 at Växjö University for Serge de Gosson de Varennes. Thesis: Multioriented symplectic geometry and the extension of path intersection indices. Supervisor: Prof. Andrei Khrennikov. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mechanics at Chalmers Institute of Technology in October 2005 for Tatiana Zaitseva. Thesis: Elastic wave scattering by a rough crack in an anisotropic solid. Supervisor: Prof. Anders Boström. Member of committee for licentiate thesis defence in Mathematics/Applied mathematics at Växjö University on May 18th 2004. Thesis: Polynomial p-adic Dynamics. Supervisor: Prof. A. Khrennikov. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in Mechanics at Royal Institute of Technology in June 2003 for Henrik Sandqvist. Thesis: Theoretical studies of acoustic waves with consideration of nonlinearity, dispersion, dissipation and diffraction. Supervisor: Prof. Bengt Enflo. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in applied signal analysis at Blekinge Institute of technology in June 2003 for Per Persson. Thesis: Annealing Based Optimization Methods for Signal Processing Applications. Supervisor: Prof. Ingvar Claesson. Opponent at licentiate presentation in Technical Acoustics at Royal Institute of Technology in September 2001 for Pierre-Luc Regaud. Thesis: Modelling of compact resonators. Supervisor: Dr. Ragnar Glav. 6 Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in technical acoustics at KTH in June 2001 for Fredrik Albertson. Thesis: Modelling of Exhaust systems. Supervisor: Dr. Hans Bodén. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in applied signal analysis at Blekinge Institute of technology in June 2001 for Nedelko Grbic. Thesis: Optimal and Adaptive Subband Beamforming. Supervisor: Prof. Ingvar Claesson. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in mathematics at LTH in December 1998 for Phil. Lic. Michael Hitrik. Thesis: Inverse scattering and distribution of resonances on the real line. Supervisor: Prof. Anders Melin. Faculty opponent in December 1997 at PhD thesis defence in acoustics at Université du Maine, Le Mans, France. Thesis: Propagation acoustique dans un cylindre semi-infini traité avec un matériau poreux homogène isotrope par Eléonore Lesquins. Supervisor: Dr. D. LaFarge. Member of committee for PhD thesis defence in mechanics at CTH in September 1996 for Phil. Lic. Johan Mattsson. Supervisor: Prof. Peter Olsson. Faculty opponent in January 1996 at PhD thesis defence in acoustics at the dept. of Engineering Acoustics, LTH, Lund University. Thesis: Scattering by Thin Strip-Like Elements and Applications in Room Acoustics by Djamel Ouis. Supervisor: Prof. Sven Lindblad. Opponent at licentiate presentation 1991 in acoustics at the dept. of Engineering Acoustics, LTH, Lund University. Thesis: Scattering by a Barrier on a Plane by Djamel Ouis. Supervisor: Prof. Sven Lindblad. Referee Referee for Journal of Sound and Vibration, Acta Acustica, Inverse problems in Science & Engineering, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, ASME – Journal of Fluids Engineering, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Signal processing, Communications in Computational Physics, Journal of Engineering Mathematics etc. Expert report Expert report for promotion to professor in Mathematics at Linköping University, 2014. External expert for Forskningsrådet i Norge. 2010. Expert report for promotion to professor in Theoretical Physics at Linköping University, 2009. Expert report for promotion to professor in Applied Mechanics at Blekinge Technical University, 2008. External expert for VR, 2005 and 2006. Assigned as expert for appointment of docent in signal analysis at Blekinge Technical University 2004. 7 Expert report for appointment of senior lecturer in signal analysis at Blekinge Technical University, September 2001. Patent V Tupov, P Nilsson & B Nilsson 1994. Ledskeneanordning i en axialfläkt. Swedish patent SE9102150-1. Organiser etc. of conferences Organizer of the Mini-symposium “Inverse problems in wave phenomena, in financial and actuarial applications", to be held in Antalya, Turkey, in May 26-31, 2014. Co-organizer of the forth International Conference/workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2013, April 23rd -24th at Linnaeus University. This is organized jointly with KTH. Organizer of the Mini-symposium “Inverse Wave Based Methods for Infrastructure Surveillance and Monitoring", to be held in Antalya, Turkey, in May 21-26, 2012. 2010- . Member of the international program committee for the International Conference Inverse problems: Modeling and Simulation. "Data Analysis" (with professor F. Zirilli).and invited speaker to the 5th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation", Turkey, May 24-29, 2010. Co-organizer of the Mini-symposium "Data Analysis" (with professor F. Zirilli).and invited speaker to the 5th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation", Turkey, May 24-29, 2010. Organizer of the third International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2008, June 9th – 13th 2008 at Växjö University. Organizer of the second International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2005, August 14th – 19th 2005 at Växjö University. Organizer of International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, November 3rd –8th, 2002 at Växjö University. Organizer of Workshop on Scattering Theory, November 18th – 19th, 1999 at Växjö University with 13 speakers from three universities. Assignments 2014- Vice chairman in the board for Stiftelsen Markussens studiefond 2011- Deputy member in the board for Linnéakademins forskningsstiftelse 2007- External expert for the PhD programme in Electromagnetic theory at the Euroasian University in Astana, Kazakhstan. 2005 – 2009 member of the board for SIDEUM Innovation AB 8 2005 – 2007 secretary for Kronobergs Akademi för Vetenskap och Näringsliv (KAVN). 2006 Elector for The Swedish Research council, Science and Engineering science. 2005 member of the board for Växjö Science Centre (Xperiment Huset AB) 2002 – 2005 member of the board for Stiftelsen Teknikcentrum Kronoberg 2002 – 2004 member of board for InternetCity May – August 2003 pro vice chancellor (prorektor), Växjö University 2002 – 2004 pro vice chancellor (vice rector), research, Växjö University 1999 –2001 faculty dean of Växjö University. 1997 - 1998 faculty dean of Växjö University College. 1997 - 1999 chairman of employment committee, technical faculty, Växjö University. 1997 – 1999 chairman of the Research committee, School of mathematics, statistics and computer science, Växjö University. 1994 - 1997 member of the board for Växjö University College. 1994 - 1997 chairman of “Grundutbildnings- och forskningsnämnden, sektionen för matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik” at Växjö University College. Recent invitations to seminars Mathematical modelling of acoustic waves interacting with unstable flows in waveguides. Center for functional analysis and applications, Mathematics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, June 18th 2010. Inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering for non-destructive testing of trees. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, April 10, 2008. Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation. Mathematical department, Blekinge Technical University, 9th October 2007. An efficient method for calculating sound scattered from impedance cylinders. MMWL seminar, KTH. 22nd February 2007. Stable operator methods for stationary waves in curved tubes. The mathematical Analysis seminar, Uppsala University, 2nd November 2006. Non-destructive testing of wood based on inverse wave scattering. IMFUFA, Roskilde, 4th May 2006. Reviewed journal papers 9 1. Ö. Yanaz Cinar, S. Boij, G. Cinar, and B. Nilsson, Sudden area expansion in ducts with flow - a comparison between 3D cylindrical and 2D rectangular modelling, submitted to Journal of Sound and vibration, 2015. 2. S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson, B. Nilsson and M. Sjöberg 2015. Wave propagation characteristics and model uncertainties for HVDC power cables. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 3. A. Andersson, B. Nilsson, T. Biro 2015. Fourier Methods for harmonic scalar waves in general waveguides. Accepted for publication in Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 2015. 4. S. Nordebo, G. Cinar, S. Gustafsson, and B. Nilsson 2015 Dispersion modeling and analysis for multilayered open coaxial waveguides. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 5. B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, and A. Khrennikov 2014. Estimation of initial one photon temporal modes on waveguides using the asymptotic radiation zone. Phys. Scr. T 163 (2014) 014023. 6. S. Nordebo, M. Gustafsson, B. Nilsson, and D. Sjöberg, Optimal realizations of passive structures, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation, 62 (9), 2014. 7. S. Gustafsson, T. Biro, G. Cinar, M. Gustafsson, A. Karlsson, B. Nilsson and A. Karlsson 2014 Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and measurements for HVDC cables. IEEE Trans. on power delivery, 29 (6) 2439-2447, 2014. 8. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo and I. Volovich 2014 Photon flux and distance from the source: consequences for quantum communication. Foundations of physics, (DOI) 10.1007/s10701-014-9786-0 9. T. Sjödén, S. Nordebo, and B. Nilsson 2014. On the Accuracy and Resolution in Inverse Imaging, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2014. 10. S. Nordebo, G. Cinar, S. Gustafsson, A. Ioannidis, B. Nilsson 2013 Asymptotic analysis of non-discrete radiating modes for open waveguide structures, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.1002/mma.2821, vol. 37, pp. 251-256, 2014. 11. S. Aksimsek, G. Cinar, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo 2013 TEM Wave Scattering by a Step Discontinuity on the outer wall of a Coaxial Waveguide. IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 61(8), pp. 2783-2791, 2013. 12. M. Stumpf, B. Nilsson 2013 Pulsed acoustic field radiation in a laterally bounded layered fluid, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, DOI: 10.1007/s10665-013-9658-1, 2013. 13. S. Nordebo, M. Gustafsson, B. Nilsson, T. Sjödén, F. Soldovieri 2013 Fisher information analysis in electrical impedance tomography. J. Geophys. Eng. 10(6) 064008 (2013). 14. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo 2013. Quantum rule for detection probability from Brownian motion in the space of classical fields. Theoretical and mathematical physics. 174. 298-306. 15. S. Nordebo, B. Nilsson, T. Biro, G. Cinar, M. Gustafsson, S. Gustafsson, A. Karlsson, M. Sjöberg 2013 Low-frequency dispersion characteristics of the multi-layered coaxial cable, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, DOI 10.1007/s10665-012-9616-3, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 169-184, 2013. 16. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, I. V. Volovich 2012 Quantization of propagating modes in optical fibres, Phys. Scr., 85, 2012. 065404. 10 17. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo 2012. On an experimental test of prequantum theory of classical random fields: an estimate from above of the coefficient of secondorder coherence. International Journal of Quantum Information. 18. J. Toft, A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo 2012 Decomposition of Gelfand-Shilov kernels into kernels of similar class, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 396 (1), pp. 315-322, 2012. 19. S. Nordebo, M. Gustafsson, A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, J. Toft 2012 Fisher information for inverse problems and trace class operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53, 123503-, 2012. 20. B. Nilsson, O. S. Rozanova, and V. M. Shelkovich 2011 Mass, momentum and energy conservation laws in zero-pressure gas dynamics and δ-shocks. II. Applicable Analysis, 90(5), pp 831-842. 21. B. Nilsson and V. M. Shelkovich 2011 Mass, momentum and energy conservation laws in zero-pressure gas dynamics and δ-shocks. Applicable Analysis, 90(11), pp 16771689. 22. S. Nordebo, R. Bayford, B. Bengtsson, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, P. Hashemzadeh, B. Nilsson, T. Rylander and T. Sjödén 2010. An adjoint field approach to Fisher information based sensitivity analysis in electrical impedance tomography. Inverse problems 26, 125008, 2010. 23. S. Nordebo, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, and B. Nilsson 2010. A Green's function approach to Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in microwave tomography. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 1741-5985, 18 (8), pp 1043-1063. 2010. 24. B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, and T. Sjödén 2009 Estimation of twist in uniaxial cylinders with inverse electromagnetic scattering. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57(10), pp3264-3273. 25. B. Nilsson, T. Sjödén, S. Nordebo and H. Säll 2007 Methods for under bark detection of the wood grain angle radial dependence. Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2007, 3-4, pp 118-129. 26. Sven Nordebo, Mats Gustafsson and Börje Nilsson 2007 Fisher information analysis for two-dimensional microwave tomography. Inverse Problems 23 (2007) 859-877. 27. B. Nilsson 2006 Determination of pitch in twisted cylinders by electromagnetic scattering. Wave Motion 43(3), pp 259-271. 28. S. Boij & B. Nilsson 2006 Scattering and absorption of sound at flow duct expansions. J. Sound. Vibration, 289(3), 577-594. 29. T. Biro & B. Nilsson 2005 Multiple scattering of microwaves from septum discontinuities in a circular bend. Wave Motion 42(2), pp 109-125. 30. S. Boij & B. Nilsson 2003 Reflection of sound at area expansions in a flow duct. J. Sound. Vibration, 260, 477-498. 31. B. Nilsson 2002. Acoustic transmission in curved ducts with varying cross-sections. Proc. R. Soc. A458, 1555-1574. 32. B. Nilsson 1998. Scattering of stable and unstable waves in a flow duct. Q. Jl Mech. appl. Math., 51(4), pp 599-63. 11 33. A. Boström & B. Nilsson 1983. Acoustics of an obstacle inside a reactive silencer. Journal of sound and vibration 87, 1983, pp 603-619. 34. B. Nilsson & O. Brander 1980. The propagation of sound in cylindrical ducts with mean flow and bulk reacting lining - I. Modes in an infinite duct. J. Inst. Maths. Applics 26, 1980, pp 269-298. 35. B. Nilsson & O. Brander 1980. The propagation of sound in cylindrical ducts with mean flow and bulk reacting lining - II. Bifurcated ducts. J. Inst. Maths. Applics 26, 1980, pp 381-410. 36. B. Nilsson & O. Brander 1981. The propagation of sound in cylindrical ducts with mean flow and bulk reacting lining - III. Step discontinuities. IMA J. Appl. Math 27, 1981, pp 105-131. 37. B. Nilsson & O. Brander 1981. The propagation of sound in cylindrical ducts with mean flow and bulk reacting lining - IV. Several interacting discontinuities. IMA J. Appl. Math 27, 1981, pp 263-289. Editor of conference proceedings 38. B. Nilsson, L. Fishman, A, Karlsson, and S. Nordebo 2009 (Eds.). Mathematical Modeling of Wave phenomena. 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, New York. 39. B. Nilsson and L. Fishman 2006 (Eds.). Mathematical Modeling of Wave phenomena. 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, New York. ISBN 0-7354-0325-2, ISSN 0094-243X 40. B. Nilsson and L. Fishman 2004 (Eds.). Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 7. Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2002. Växjö University Press. ISBN 91-7636-385-6, ISSN 1651-0267. Reviewed conference papers 41. A. Ioannidis, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo 2013. A mathematical framework for propagation in an open cavity. Proceeding of 2013 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) : International Conference Center HiroshimaHiroshima, Japan, May 20-24, 2013. 1043-1046. 42. S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson, A. Ioannidis, B. Nilsson, J. Toft 2013. On the generalized Jordan’s lemma with applications in waveguide theory. Proceeding of 2013 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) : International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, May 20-24, 2013. 1039-1042. 43. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson and S. Nordebo 2012 Classical signal model reproducing quantum probabilities for single and coincidence detections, J. Phys Conf. Ser. 361 012030. 44. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo and I, Volovich 2012. On the quantization of the electromagnetic field of a layered dielectric waveguide. In Conference QTRF612 Quantim theory: Reconsideration of foundations-6, volume 1508 of AIP Conference Proceedings, pp 285– 299, Melville, New York, 2012. American Inst. of Physics. 45. B. Nilsson, G. Cinar, S. Nordebo and Ö. Yanaz Cinar 2012. Asymptotic Methods for Long Distance Monitoring of Power Cables. 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, pp 206-207. 21-26 May, 2012. 46. S. Gustafsson, S. Nordebo and B. Nilsson 2012. An electromagnetic dispersion model for HVDC power cables. 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, pp 214-215. 21-26 May, 2012. 47. T. Sjödén, S. Nordebo and B. Nilsson 2012. Sensitivity analysis for inverse problems in electrical impedance tomography. 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, pp 220-221. 21-26 May, 2012. 48. S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson and B. Nilsson 2012. Fault localization for HVDC power cables. 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, pp 208-209. 21-26 May, 2012. 49. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson and S. Nordebo, Classical signal model reproducing quantum probabilities for single and coincidence detections. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 361, 2012, art N 012030. doi:10.1088/17426596/361/1/012030. 50. B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, A. Karlsson and G. Cinar, 2011. Simulation of electromagnetic pulses in waveguides at large distances. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA11), pp. 640-643. 51. S. Nordebo, B. Nilsson, T. Biro, G. Cinar, M. Gustafsson, S. Gustafsson, A. Karlsson and M. Sjöberg 2011. Wave modeling and fault localization for underwater power cables. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA11), pp. 698-701. 52. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo and I. V. Volovich, 2011. Distance dependence of entangled photons in waveguides. Conference FPP6-Foundations of Probability and Physics-6. Accepted for publication in the AIP Conference Proceedings. 53. S. Nordebo, R. Bayford, B. Bengtsson, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, P. Hashemzadeh, B. Nilsson, T. Rylander and T. Sjödén 2010 Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in electrical impedance tomography 2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 224 012057. 54. S. Nordebo, B. Bengtsson, M. Gustafsson, B. Nilsson, and T. Sjödén 2010. Fisher information analysis and gradient based optimization for electrical impedance tomography. 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May, 2010. 55. B. Nilsson and S. Rydström 2010. Regularized models to determine beam parameters from vibration data. 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May, 2010. 56. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson, and S. Nordebo 2010. Determination of wood parameters using electromagnetic measurements. 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, pp. 70-71, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May, 2010. 13 57. S. Nordebo, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, and B. Nilsson 2009. Fisher information analysis in microwave tomography. The Third International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP09), pp 217220, Aruba, Dec. 13-16, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5180-7. 58. S. Nordebo, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, and B. Nilsson 2009. Applications of the Fisher information integral operator for inverse problems. The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave propagation, Pau, France, pp. 302-303, 2009. 59. S. Nordebo, B. Nilsson, and Oscar Lindhe 2009 Estimation of Parameters of an Inhomogeneous Dielectric Layer, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 94-103. 60. S. Sautbekov and B. Nilsson 2009 Electromagnetic Scattering Theory for Gratings based on the Weiner-Hopf Method, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 110-117. 61. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson, and S. Nordebo 2009 Numerical Verification of a Microwave Impedance Model for a Twisted Wooden Cylinder, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 243-252. 62. A. Andersson and B. Nilsson 2009, Electro-Magnetic Scattering in Variously Shaped Waveguides with an Impedance Condition, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 36-45. 63. A. Peplow and B. Nilsson 2009 Acoustic Waves in Variable Sound Speed Profiles, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 140-148. 64. I. Asekritova, B. Nilsson, and Sara Rydström 2009 Diffractive Index Determination by Tikhonov Regularization on Forced String Vibration Data, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 224-232. 65. S. Rydström and B. Nilsson. 2009 An Acoustic Method for Finding Weak Parts in Wooden Logs, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 233-242. 66. T. Ishiwatari, A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, and I. V. Volovich 2009 Quantum Field theory and Distance Effects for Polarization Correlations in Waveguides, 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. AIP Conference Proceeding 1106, pp 276-285. 67. A. Andersson and B. Nilsson 2008 Acoustic Transmission in Ducts of Various Shapes with an Impedance Condition. AIP Conference proceedings 1048, pp 33-36. 14 68. B. Nilsson and A. Khrennikov 2007 Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation. Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations – 4, Växjö, Sweden, 11 – 16 June 2007. AIP Conference Proceeding 962, pp 302-306. 69. B. Nilsson 2006 3D Electromagnetic Modelling for Determination of Pitch in Twisted Cylinders. 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, pp 268-277. 70. T. Sjödén, S. Nordebo, and B. Nilsson 2006 Wood Grain Angle Estimation in Logs with Microwave Modeling, 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, pp 278-285. 71. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson and S. Nordebo 2005 Microwave modelling and measurements for early detection of spiral grain in wood. 14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood, Eberswalde, Germany, May 2th to 4th 2005, pp297306. 72. B. Nilsson 2005 Inverse electromagnetic scattering for spiral grain in trees. AIP Conference. Proceeding 750 FOUNDATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND PHYSICS-3.pp. 282-288. 73. B. Nilsson 2004. Mathematical modelling of waves in curved waveguides. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 7, pp 133-147. Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2002. B. Nilsson and L. Fishman (Eds.), Växjö University Press. 74. T. Biro and B. Nilsson 2004. A splitting method for scattering of microwaves from septum discontinuities. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 7, pp 49-63. Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2002. B. Nilsson and L. Fishman (Eds.), Växjö University Press. 75. B. Nilsson 2003. Instability waves and causality. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 5, pp 431-449. Proceedings of the conference “Foundations of probability and physics -2”, June 2002. Edited by A. Khrennikov, Växjö University Press. 76. T. Biro & B. Nilsson 2003. A wave splitting formulation for wave propagation of guided waves. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 5, pp 111-120. Proceedings of the conference “Foundations of probability and physics -2”, June 2002. Edited by A. Khrennikov, Växjö University Press. 77. B. Nilsson 2002. Bound states in quantum tubes. Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences. Volume 2, pp 271-282. Proceedings of the conference Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of foundations. June 2001. Edited by A. Khrennikov, Växjö University Press. 78. B. Nilsson 2001. Scattering in quantum tubes. Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis Volume XIII, pp 303-313. Proceedings of the Conference Foundations of Probability and Physics, Vaxjo, Sweden, 25 November - 1 December 2000. Edited by A Khrennikov, University of Vaxjo, Sweden. World Scientific Publishers. 15 Other publications in conference proceedings 79. S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson, A. Ioannidis, B. Nilsson 2012 System identification for wave guides with complicated structure and complex media, Modern Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology (M3ST), Kalamata, Greece, August 26-28, 2012. 80. S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson, B. Nilsson, Wave modeling for HVDC power cables", Radiovetenskaplig konferens RVK, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2012. 81. A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, and I. V. Volovich 2011. Decay of entangled photon correlations in hollow waveguides and fibres. International conference “Irreversibility problems in classical and quantum dynamical systems”, Moscow, December 8-10, 2011. 82. Ö. Yanaz Cinar, S. Boij, G. Cinar, and B. Nilsson 2010 Jet pipe reflections – influence of geometrical and flow exit conditions. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-9 2010. Paper AIAA-2010-4013. 83. S. Nordebo, R. Bayford, B. Bengtsson, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, P. Hashemzadeh, B. Nilsson, T. Rylander, T. Sjödén 2010. Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in electrical impedance tomography. International Conference on Electrical Bioimpedance, Florida, USA, 4-8 April, 2010. 84. B. Nilsson, R. Augey and A. Andersson 2009 Acoustic waves in a mean flow duct with varying boundary. 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Miami 11-13May 2009. Paper AIAA-2009-3407. 85. T. Biro, A. Karlsson, and B. Nilsson 2008, Substrate Integrated Waveguides, Proceedings of Radio Science and Communications & Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena RVK08/MMWP08, Växjö, Sweden, 2008, pp. 284-286. 86. A. Andersson and B. Nilsson 2008, Acoustic Transmission in Ducts of Various Shapes with an Impedance Condition, Proceedings of Radio Science and Communications & Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena RVK08/MMWP08, Växjö, Sweden, 2008, pp. 246-249. 87. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson, and S. Nordebo 2008 Sensitivity Analysis for the Estimation of Twist in Logs based on Microwave. Proceedings of Radio Science and Communications & Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena RVK08/MMWP08, Växjö, Sweden, 2008, pp. 188—191. 88. S. Boij, B. Nilsson 2008 Scattering properties of an orifice in a flow duct – simulations with a vortex sheet model. 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver 57 May 2008. Paper AIAA-2008-3056. 89. B. Nilsson and S. Boij, 2008 Acoustic Reflection for a Jet Pipe Revisited. 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver 5-7 May 2008. Paper AIAA-20083019. 90. B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo and T. Sjödén 2007 Inverse scattering for determination of twist in uniaxial cylinders. EMB 07 — Proceedings: Swedish National Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Eds A. Karlsson, G. Kristensson and D. Sjöberg. pp 177-184. 16 91. B. Nilsson and S. Boij 2007 Acoustic waves in ducts with thin shear layers. Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome 21-23 May 2007. Paper AIAA-2007-3409. 92. S. Boij and B. Nilsson 2007 Sound in flow ducts with sharp edges. Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome 21-23 May 2007. Paper AIAA2007-3410. 93. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson and S. Nordebo 2005 Microwave modelling and signal estimation for detection of wood properties. RVK 2005. 94. B. Nilsson & T. Biro 2002 Microwaves in waveguides with curvature and varying rectangular cross-section. Proceedings RVK02, Stockholm. pp 396-399. Stockholm. TRITA-S3-WS-0202, ISSN 1400-9137. Also preprint in Report 02015, Reports from MSI, Växjö University. 95. T. Biro & B. Nilsson 2002 Microwaves in a circularly bend waveguide of rectangular cross-section. Proceedings RVK02, Stockholm, pp 400-404. Stockholm. TRITA-S3WS-0202, ISSN 1400-9137. Also preprint in Report 02016, Reports from MSI, Växjö University. 96. B. Nilsson 2000. Scattering methods for flow duct acoustics. Support de cours “Acoustique dans les écoulement, 25-29 Septembre 2000, INRIA Rocquencourt, France. ISBN 2-7261-1172-6, pp 463-480. 97. B. Nilsson & S. Boij 1998. Mean flow baffle silencers and quasi stationary scattering. Proc INTER NOISE 98, Christchurch. Invited paper. 98. M. Nordström & B. Nilsson 1997 Acoustic and hydrodynamic modes in a flow duct with a linear shear layer and an absorbent. Proc. of the Third Intern. Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Newark, New Jersey, August 1997. 99. M. Nordström & B. Nilsson 1996. Acoustic wave propagation in a duct containing a shear flow and a line source. Proc INTER NOISE 96, Birmingham. 100. S. Boij & B. Nilsson 1996. Sound propagation in a periodically lined duct with a fluid flow. Proc ASA Spring 1996, Indianapolis. 101. M. Åbom & B. Nilsson 1995. Sound transmission at a sudden area expansion in a flow duct. Proc ICA, Trondheim. 102. N. Sormaz, A. Cummings & B. Nilsson 1992. Sound attenuation in finitelength splitter silencers. Proc Euro-Noise 92, London. 103. P. Nilsson & B. Nilsson 1990. The propagation of sound in road tunnels. Proc INTER NOISE 90, pp 351-364. 104. B. Nilsson 1990. The propagation of sound in flow ducts with discontinuities. Proc INTER NOISE 90, pp 559-562. 17 Theses and directly related publications by PhD students under supervision 105. S. Gustafsson 2012. Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and analysis for HVDC power cables. Licentiate thesis November 2012 in Engineering physics, Linnaeus University. Supervisor: S. Nordebo, co-supervisor: B. Nilsson. 106. T. Sjödén 2012. Sensitivity analysis and material parameter estimation using electromagnetic modeling. PhD thesis May 2012 in Engineering physics, Linnaeus University. Supervisor: S. Nordebo, co-supervisor: B. Nilsson. 107. S. Rydström 2010. Regularization of parameter problems for dynamic beam models. Licentiate thesis February 2010 in Mathematics, Linnæus University. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 108. A. Andersson 2010. Numerical Conformal Mappings for Waveguides. In Computational Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (Ed. Peter G. Chareton), Nova Publishers. 109. A. Andersson 2009. Modified Schwarz–Christoffel mappings using approximate curve factors. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 223 pp 1117-1127. 110. A. Andersson 2009. Numerical Conformal Mappings for Waveguides. PhD thesis September 2009 in Mathematics, Växjö University. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 111. R. Khamitova 2009 Symmetries and conservation laws. PhD thesis March 2009 in Mathematics, Växjö University. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 112. A. Andersson 2008 Schwarz-Christoffel Mappings for Nonpolygonal Regions. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing. 31(1), pp 94-111. 113. T. Sjödén 2008 Electromagnetic Modelling for the Estimation of Wood Parameters. Licentiate thesis May 2008 in Engineering physics. Co-supervisor: B. Nilsson. 114. A. Andersson 2008 A modified Schwarz-Christoffel mapping for regions with piecewise smooth boundary. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 213 no 1, March 2008, pp 56-70. 115. A. Andersson 2007. On the curvature of an inner curve in a SchwarzChristoffel mapping. In Further Progress in Analysis, Proceedings of the 6th International ISAAC Congress Ankara, Turkey 2007, pp. 281-290. 116. A. Andersson 2006. Numerical conformal mapping. Licentiate thesis April 2006 in Mathematics/Applied mathematics. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 117. A. Andersson 2006 Using a Zipper Algorithm to Find a Conformal Map for a Channel with Smooth Boundary. 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, pp 3-12. 118. O. Lindhe 2006 Scattering of an Electromagnetic Plane Wave from a Curved Cylindrical Conductor. 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave 18 Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, pp 81-86. 119. S. Rydström and O. Lindhe 2006 Efficient Calculations of Antenna Radiation Patterns Using the Fast Fourier Transform. 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 14 – 19 August 2005. AIP Conference Proceeding 834, pp 87-91. 120. T. Biro 2004 Electromagnetic Wave Modelling on Waveguide bends, Power Lines and Space Plasmas. PhD thesis. Växjö University. Acta Wexionensia, No. 41/2004 Theoretical Physics, Växjö University Press. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 121. S. Boij 2003 Acoustic scattering in ducts and influence of flow coupling. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology. TRITA-AVE 2003:01. Supervisor: B. Nilsson 122. R. Glav 2000 The transfer matrix for a dissipative silencer of arbitrary cross-section. J. Sound. Vibration, 236, 575-594. From the PhD thesis of R. Glav. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 123. S. Boij 1999 Flow effects on the Acoustics of Silencers, Licentiate thesis, KTH. Supervisor: B. Nilsson. 124. R. Glav 1994 On Acoustic Modelling of Silencers. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology. TRITA-FKT 1994:35. Supervisor: B. Nilsson Popular science and didactic publications 125.Vågad matematik mot strömavbrott och skeva brädor Öppen föreläsning den 8 april 2010 till 15 lärcentra i Småland, Öland och på Gotland. f 126.B. Nilsson 2008. Föreläsningen Vågat och skruvat på Bok- och biblioteksmässan i Göteborg 2008. 127.B. Nilsson 2002. Matematisk modellering som modell för forskningsanknytning av grundutbildningen. Den gode läraren och det goda lärosätet. Vänbok till Anders Tengstrand. Växjö University Press, Växjö University. 128.B. Nilsson 1997. Ekon från Pythagoras harmonier – Akustiken i matematiken. Smålandsposten 18 september 1997. 129.B. Nilsson 1989. Green’s functions and Fourier Methods in Acoustics. Lecture notes for PhD course, KTH. 130.B Nilsson 1988. Sound intensity measurements. Fläkt Review 72, pp 26-29, Stockholm. Talks presented at international conferences; conferences with only published abstracts 131.B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, S. Gustafsson, and A. Ioannidis 2012 Long distance localization in waveguides with complicated structure. Invited plenary talk. 14th 19 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET12, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 28-30 August, 2012. 132. B. Nilsson and S. Rydström 2010 Improved regularization of ill-posed problems with mathematical modelling. Conference “Inverse problems and Applications” IPA2010, May 3, 2010, Norrköping, Sweden. 133. T. Sjödén, S. Nordebo and B. Nilsson 2010 Fisher Information Sensitivity Analysis in Four-electrode Electrical Impedance Measurements. Conference “Inverse problems and Applications” IPA2010, May 3, 2010, Norrköping, Sweden. 134. T. Sjödén, B. Nilsson and S. Nordebo 2008 Microwave modelling and sensitivity analysis for estimating wood parameters. . Conference “Inverse problems and Applications” IPA2008, December 16, 2010, Norrköping, Sweden. 135. I. Asekritova, B. Nilsson, S. Rydström 2008 Determination of elastic properties using Tikhonov regularization on forced string vibration data. Second conference on Pseudodifferential operators and related topics. June 23-27, 2008, Växjö University. 136. T. Biro and B. Nilsson 2005 Modelling of electromagnetic waves in waveguide bends. 2 International on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, August 14-19, 2005, Växjö University. nd 137. B. Nilsson 2004 Mathematical models of waves in curved waveguides with corners. First Regional Conference on Mathematics in South-East Sweden, Kalmar. 3rd June 2004. 138. B. Nilsson 2004 Scattering operator theory for waves in tubes. Conference on pseudodifferential operators and related topics. June 22-25, 2004, Växjö. Università degli Studi di Torino and Växjö University Technical University reports 139. S. Nordebo, G. Cinar, S. Gustafsson, O. Lindhe, B. Nilsson, and M. Sjöberg 2010. Time-domain pulse reflection measurements and modeling of the Baltic Cable submarin HVDC link. URI: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-9802. 140. S. Nordebo, A. Fhager, M. Gustafsson, and B. Nilsson. 2009 Fisher information integral operator and spectral decomposition for inverse scattering problems. Lund University. CODEN:LUTEDX/(TEAT-7180)/1-21/(2009) 141. B. Nilsson 2006 Coupling conditions for acoustically thin shear layers revisited. Report 06125, Reports from MSI, Växjö University. 142. B. Nilsson 1999 Quantum Mechanical Scattering in Valley Potentials. "Quantum days in 7. Växjö", December 1999, Växjö University. Reports from MSI. Report 0099. 143. B Nilsson 1998. Stable and unstable waves in a flow duct. Part I: Green´s function. Växjö University - Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology. Report 10. 144. B Nilsson 1998. Stable and unstable waves in a flow duct. Part II: Scattering at sharp edges. Växjö University - Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology. Report 11. 20 145. M Nordström & B Nilsson 1996. Sound propagation in a flow duct with a linear shear layer. Report TRITA-FKT-9629. Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for Sound and Vibration Research, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 146. B. Nilsson 1996. Scattering from frequency selective surfaces in two dimensions. Växjö University. Reports from MASDA. Report 9618 147. S Boij & B Nilsson 1994. A semi-analytical model for dissipative baffle silencers. Report TRITA-FKT-9437. Department of Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 148. B Nilsson 1994. Scattering of sound at sharp edges in a flow duct. Report TRITA FKT-9424. Department of Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 149. B Nilsson 1994. Stable and unstable waves in a duct with a vortex sheet. Report TRITAFKT - 9423. Department of Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 150. M. Dalenbring & B Nilsson 1992. Absorptiva baffelljuddämpare. Report TRITA-TAK9210. Department of Technical Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Acknowledgments and references to personal communication, PhD students excluded 151. C. J. Nederveen 1998 Influence of a toroidal bend on wind instrument tuning. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104(3), pp1616-1626. Some 30 technical reports from ABB Fläkt AB during the period 1980 - 1993. 21
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