617-638-8124 Department of Otolaryngolog y Head and Neck Surger y Department Affiliates: The Boston V.A. Healthcare System, Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital Administrative Office: 617-638-7933 • www.bumc.bu.edu/orl Volume 01 • Issue 14 The Spring 2013 Conference: A New Learning Experience A ll physicians have the responsibility for managing difficult cases and confronting situations that make them apprehensive. It is fair to say that we, as otolaryngologists, have all been scared at some point in our professional careers. Whether that fear occurs when encountering an unexpected major complication or when faced with a difficult airway emergency, it is always comforting to share the experience with a colleague who then benefits from learning about the situation. During my fellowship, Dr. Ralph Metson would say, “You learn more from 1 complication than you do from 100 cases that go well.” Focusing on cases that were frightening to manage, the Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery at Boston University has developed a new educational course that provides exceptional learning opportunities. The Scary Cases Conference was conceived by Dr. Kenneth Grundfast several years ago as a fast-paced, case-based approach to learning with the hope that we would all learn from each other to improve patient care and safety. His vision was realized on Halloween 2011, with the first Scary Cases Conference held at the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) in Waltham, Massachusetts. In 2012, the Scary Cases Conference was again a success with increased turnout despite a last minute change of venue to the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary due to a hurricane-related power outage at the MMS. Well-respected and experienced academic and community-based otolaryngologists each presented one of their scariest cases to an audience of over 100 clinicians. As expected for these unique and difficult cases, each presentation was followed by lively discussion and commentary. In addition to the cases presented by our physician colleagues, we were fortunate to have special guest speakers who included Clyde Bergstressor, JD (2011); David Gould, JD (2011); and Fran Miller, JD (2012), all experts in medical malpractice law; Luke Sato, MD (2011), Chief Medical Officer of CRICO malpractice carrier; and George Annas, JD, MPH (2012), a world-renowned authority on medical ethics and health care policy. We brought our Scary Cases Conference on the road to the AAO-HNS 2012 Annual Meeting in Washing- Michael P. Platt, MD ton D.C. with a very Course-Co-Director, well received audienceScary Cases Conference. response interactive Assistant Professor mini-seminar. Ralph Metson, MD; Dennis Poe, MD; Daniel Lee, MD; Wendy Stern, MD; Reza Rahbar, MD; and Robert Dolan, MD, gave outstanding presentations that both scared the audience and taught them how to deal with unexpected and difficult problems. Following are some responses from meeting attendees: - “Always good to hear experts admit that they get worried too!” - “It was great! My heart was racing for them in their recall of the scary situations.” - “Fantastic learning experience. I hope this will be repeated.” - “It is nice to know that all of us are ‘mortal’.” - “Riveting! Best course/miniseminar all week.” - “Thanks for sharing your experiences to teach us!” Meeting attendees agreed overwhelmingly that the Scary Cases had provided an exceptionally valuable learning experience. With the new Massachusetts requirement for CMEs specific to risk management, the Scary Cases Conference fulfills these credits with a fun learning experience. All of us at Boston University are grateful to Dr. Grundfast for sharing his vision to make this annual conference a success. We hope to see you on November 1 for The Scary Cases Conference 2013. Executive Editor: Kenneth M. Grundfast • Editor & Writer: Nina E. Leech • Design: Educational Media Arthur Cohn, M.D. General otolaryngology Anand K. Devaiah, M.D. Ear and hearing disorders; Balance disorders; Anterior skull base/sinus disorders; Head and neck cancer Waleed H. Ezzat, M.D. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery; microvascular surgery; head and neck reconstructive surgery Richard Grentzenberg, M.D. General otolaryngology Gregory A. Grillone, M.D. Laryngology and voice; Head and neck cancer; Sinus surgery Kenneth M. Grundfast, M.D. Pediatric otolaryngology; Ear and hearing disorders; Balance disorders Scharukh Jalisi, M.D. Head and neck surgery; Microvascular-reconstructive surgery; Skull base surgery; Larynx and voice disorders Susan E. Langmore, Ph.D. Speech language pathology Jessica R. Levi, MD Ear, nose, and throat disorders of childhood; pediatric airway and voice disorders, pediatric sinusitis, pediatric neck masses Elizabeth Mahoney Davis, M.D. Allergic disease; Paranasal sinus disorders/nasal obstruction; Pediatric otolaryngology; General otolaryngology J. Pieter Noordzij, M.D. Laryngology; Care of the professional voice; Endocrine surgery Michael P. Platt, M.D. Sinus surgery; Allergy; Rhinology Jeffrey H. Spiegel, M.D. Facial plastic surgery; Reconstructive surgery; Head and neck surgery; Microvascular surgery; Anterior skull base surgery John R. Stram, M.D. General otolaryngology; Otolaryngic allergy Clarke Cox, Ph.D. Audiology Zhi Wang, M.D. Basic science & technology research Some highlights of Presentations It Was Not Your Fault! Charles Vaughan, MD In unstable systems such as medical care, even when excellent, “scary” events are normal and to be expected as are both good and bad outcomes. Although they are to be expected, they cannot be predicted; indeed, many are unknown prior to their appearance. A case in point is one of episodic vertigo (Meniere’s disease) treated by an attempt at hydrops decompression via opening the endolymphatic sack into the cerebro-spinal fluid. However, the intra-dural location of the sack is often not obvious. I had discovered previously that prior to its entry into the dura, the duct could be palpated easily and that following it would lead to the sack. This was demonstrated to the resident who was then asked to “try it.” On doing so, the resident mumbled, “Oops!” Because how to repair a transected duct was unknown and because its transection also might provide hydrops relief, the procedure was terminated. Over six months of follow-up, the patient reported no further attacks of vertigo. Wonderful! Great result! But what about guilt over allowing the transection? Should this have been anticipated? Avoided? Of course -- Guilty! But what about the happy, serendipitous discovery of a new therapy? Yes!!! A dumb accident does not deserve praise, but the discovery of penicillin resulted in a Nobel Prize. So why not seek some applause? The Swedish report on sham endolymphatic decompression solved this dilemma and further demonstrated that in unstable systems, such as medical care, Dr. Spiegel presents his theories on patient concerns that can make plastic surgery seem scary. even when excellent, “scary” events are normal and to be expected as are both good and bad outcomes. Although they are to be expected, they cannot be predicted; indeed, many are unknown prior to their appearance. As an afterthought, one other case warrants mentioning: debilitating Meniere’s disease in a farmer from Maine -- this time treated with a CNS vasodilator. On six-week follow- up, the farmer reported, “I bought the pills on my way home. When I got home and got out of my car, I tripped and spilled my pills all over the yard. The chickens ate ‘em... and died.” (My God! I’ve killed his chickens!) The patient stated, “Powerful medicine doc! Haven’t had a spell since.” Dr. Charles Vaughan demonstrates on Dr. Bruce Gordon how to do an emergency cricothyrotomy using a pocket knife. 2 A Night of Trauma David Rudolph, MD I will never forget my scariest night as a physician. I was on-call for the sleepy South Shore Hospital many years ago, when I had just fallen asleep and both the pager and phone went off simultaneously -- it was an ominous sign. A panicked internist covering the ED requested me to come in immediately to treat multiple gunshot wounds. Upon my arrival, there was not a single parking space as the ED was in chaos. There were numerous police officers, anxious visitors, nurses from around the hospital, and a variety of physicians who do not specialize in trauma who were called in to help. As the ambulances pulled in, I found myself alone in a bay with a 15-year-old girl who suffered multiple gunshot wounds to the mandible and neck that were actively bleeding. Without consent or family notice, I rushed her to the operating room where blood transfusion, nasal intubation, and control of the bleeding in her neck were performed. I called in my senior partner, Dr. John O’Brien, to help. Without any break, I moved back to the ED where the patient’s younger brother had just arrived with two gunshot wounds to the neck. There was massive swelling and oozing from the wounds that necessitated an emergent trip to the OR for control of bleeding. Once the wounds were stabilized, I immediately went back to the ED to see the third victim, a 13-year-old boy who was only concerned about his two other siblings. He had 3 gunshot wounds to the neck, one to the chest, but no heavy bleeding. His wounds were explored in the OR and no major injury was present. All of the victims whom we had seen survived this endless night. It was the most terrifying experience of my career, having to deal with emergent problems in numerous patients in one night without the usual support of a busy trauma center. The rush of emotions ranged from overwhelming adrenaline, to fear of who could have done this, to ultimate exhaustion in the morning. What I learned from this experience was that physicians are sometimes called upon to perform at a higher level without warning and in these times, our training and experience guides us to accomplish whatever is needed to help our patients. An Unusual Specimen John Stram, MD I was performing a mastoidectomy at the VA hospital on a 55-year-old man with a chronic draining ear that did not respond to medical therapies. The case was proceeding as expected with slow clearing of granulation and sclerotic bone from a poorly pneumatized mastoid bone. The PGY-4 resident was drilling with a rope-driven, Jordan Day drill which spun at 80 rpm using a re-usable cutting burr. As the antrum was being enlarged, the drill penetrated the tegmen and was buried in the temporal lobe. When the resident removed the drill, there was 2 cm of brain tissue on the burr. This was the first time that I had encountered this problem and I wasn’t sure how to address a brain injury, CSF leak, or tegmen repair. I called the neurosurgeon who arrived in the OR and promptly asked, “Why did you drill that hole?” We repaired the defect with gelfoam, a temporalis muscle flap, and packing in the mastoid. The patient was awakened with no neurological deficits and had an uneventful recovery after being observed in the hospital. This case was difficult because I was faced with a new, unexpected, and potentially dev- Dr. Gavin Setzen from Albany, New York, explains how to prevent airway fires during surgery. Scary Cases Course Co-Directors: Dr. Michael Platt and Dr. Kenneth Grundfast (with two meeting attendees!) astating complication during surgery that was caused by a resident. During the discussion at the conference, a prominent and respected neuro-otologist commented that this had happened to him on more than one occasion and it was always important to not scold or demoralize the resident because it can have a significant adverse effect on their career. What I learned from this case is that sharp instruments are safer than dull ones, call for help when you need it, and scary cases can have a good outcome. The Uninsured Patient Wendy Stern, MD A 62-year-old man presented with 6 months of nasal obstruction. He described a “balloon that comes out” of his nose that needed to be pushed back in. His history was significant for prior sinus surgery and on physical exam, obstructing polyps were found on both sides. While he needed sinus surgery, the patient was concerned about cost as he did not have health insurance. He negotiated a reasonable rate with the hospital and I performed the surgery without charging him. He had excellent post-operative results and in lieu of payment, he insisted that he do yard work at my house. He also didn’t want routine followup because he lacked insurance. The last time I saw him was when we were raking up leaves in my backyard. He was doing quite well. The patient returned 18 months later complaining of a plugged right ear and was found to have a unilateral serous middle ear effusion with no polyp or mass obstructing the eustachian tube orifice in the nasopharynx. The ear was aspirated and one week later, the patient noted new numbness and tingling around his ear. An MRI scan was ordered. He didn’t get the MRI scan or follow-up because of his lack of health insurance. He returned several months 3 later with more severe symptoms and finally agreed to get the MRI scan, which revealed a skull base tumor. Endoscopic biopsy diagnosed this mass to be lymphoma. The patient had a complete response to medical therapy. This case was scary. There was pressure on both the patient and me to reduce cost due to lack of insurance. I was uncertain as to whether microscopic pathology had been performed at the time of my first sinus surgery in an effort to reduce costs. Had I or the pathologist missed the tumor? It turned out that we had done pathology and had not missed it. It was also suggested that bartering for medical care is illegal. As I later learned, bartering for medical services is acceptable as long as it is appropriately documented and accounted for in the records and with the IRS. I learned that you can still be Ms. Nice Lady, but you need to know the law, follow the standard of care, and utilize hospital resources, when necessary, to provide care in circumstances like this case. Continued on Page 4 Dr. Bill Mason explains the intricacies of medical malpractice litigation. Brief Scary Cases Presentations Continued from page 3 Facial Nerve Injury Dennis Poe, MD I can recall a case that was particularly scary to me. An 11-year-old girl with chronic otitis media was found to have an aural polyp. Removal of the polyp under anesthesia revealed an attic cholesteatoma for which the patient underwent canal-wall-up mastoidectomy. Cholesteatoma and granulation tissue filled the middle ear and mastoid with only a remnant of an incus and malleus but no discernible stapes. As I entered the facial recess, bleeding adherent granulations were debulked from the promontory, round window niche, and epitympanum. There appeared to be free edges of inflamed fibrous strands overlying a dehiscent facial nerve, which was edematous and indistinguishable from the fibrous strands! The facial nerve monitor had been silent during the case. Stimulation was attempted with a probe and there was no response. Despite increasing the amplitude, changing the probe, checking impedances, and testing for muscle relaxants, there was no stimulation of the facial nerve. At this point, I was concerned that the nerve was injured. Intravenous corticosteroids were administered followed by canal-wall down approach and decompression of the facial nerve. A handheld probe was then used and the facial nerve stimulated successfully! The patient was awakened after completion of surgery and she had normal facial function in the recovery room. It turned out that there were a defective lot of facial nerve stimulation probes. I learned from this case that Dr. Mark Volk dons a surgeon’s cap to add reality to his re-enactment of a scary case World-renowned medical ethicist George Annas gives a lively presentation on the intersection of art, medicine, and law. granulations can be more destructive than cholesteatoma but don’t need to be removed in entirety as it will likely resolve following removal of the underlying cholesteatoma. I also learned that you cannot always rely on any technology because there will be instances when it isn’t available or doesn’t work as expected. Facial Nerve Injury Robert Dolan, MD A 56-year-old woman presented to her PCP with asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss. An MRI scan was ordered which revealed an incidental parotid mass. She was referred to an interventional radiologist for a core needle biopsy of a deep lobe parotid mass. The patient had immediate facial paralysis with the biopsy, for which the pathology was non-diagnostic. She was referred to a second surgeon for treatment and a parotidectomy was attempted. The facial nerve would not stimulate intra-operatively and the pathology of an incisional biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma. The patient was sent to me for definitive treatment. At this point, the patient was found to have an incidental finding with no symptoms. She had seen three specialists who performed procedures that resulted in complete facial paralysis and pain and she still 4 had a malignant tumor in her parotid. She was losing faith in the medical system and was not very happy about driving 230 miles to see me. A re-review of the pathology from the incisional biopsy demonstrated a pleomorphic adenoma. I performed a transcervical approach to excise the tumor and the facial nerve was found to be attenuated and splayed over the tumor. Post-operatively, she had a complete facial paralysis. A gold weight was placed in the upper eyelid, but as she regained facial function, it was able to be removed 6 months later. Her recovery was complicated by first-bite syndrome and significant pain that resolved over the next year. She regained near-complete facial function with no evidence for tumor on follow-up MRI scans. Ultimately, she was extremely pleased with her care and medical condition. This case demonstrates the service recovery paradox where a failure ultimately results in increased patient satisfaction. There were many lessons that I learned from this challenging case that outline how to achieve the service recovery paradox: encourage good communication, be available for your patients, provide compassionate care which trumps all, fully disclose risks of medical procedures, and do not practice outside your field of expertise. What is a Scary Case? — Did you believe that you did everything correctly and the outcome was unsatisfactory? — Did a patient have an unexpected serious condition that was difficult to diagnose? — Were there major complications? — Were you falsely accused of committing malpractice? — Did you encounter something unexpected or challenging during surgery? — Did you have a difficult ethical dilemma? — Was there a pitfall in the management of a patient? — Was there a perplexing case with elusive diagnosis? — Did a case result in litigation or claim of malpractice? — Were you required to treat a condition beyond your expertise? — Did you make a wrong diagnosis before arriving at the correct diagnosis? Do you have a Scary Case to present? Call or contact Dr. Michael Platt at 617-638-7933 or [email protected] Educational Grants — Acclarant (2012) — Medtronic Surgical — Techologies (2012) — Stryker (2011, 2012) — Synthes (2012) Exhibitors 2011 Professor Susan Langmore Receives Highest ASHA Honor S usan Langmore, PhD, CCC-SLP, nication disorders. Each year, the Annie Professor of Otolaryngology at the Bos- is given in her name to an individual who ton University School of Medicine (BUSM) demonstrates Mrs. Glenn’s spirit. and Director of Speech Language Pathol- In 1988, Dr. Langmore revolutionized ogy Services at Boston Medical Center the field of dysphagia management when (BMC), has been honored by the Ameri- she developed and validated the Fiberopcan Speech-Language-Hearing Association tic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (ASHA) with its highest honor, Honors (FEES) examination and protocol. Today, of the Association. At the 2012 ASHA FEES is used in both inpatient and outpatient Annual Convention in Atlanta, ASHA settings by speech language pathologists, President, Shelly Chabon, PhD, CCC-SLP, neurologists, and otolaryngologists worldpresented the award to Dr. Langmore for wide. In 1998, after leading a NIH-funded her “distinguished and clearly outstanding program grant, Dr. Langmore published a contributions to the field of speech, lan- landmark paper establishing the risk factors guage and hearing.” ASHA is the nation’s for aspiration pneumonia. Recently, she has leading professional, credentialing, and worked to determine the efficacy of dysphascientific organization for speech-language gia rehabilitation treatments in the head pathologists, audiologists, and speech/lan- and neck cancer population. With over guage/hearing scientists. Also attending 25 years of clinical experience, teaching, the meeting were former U.S. Congress- and research experience, she is a worldwoman Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords and renowned clinician/scientist who frequently her husband, Commander Mark Kelly; lectures nationally and internationally. former Senator John Glenn and his wife, Dr. Langmore is currently on the editorial Mrs. Annie Glenn. Congresswoman Gif- boards or serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for fords and Commander Kelly received the eleven peer-reviewed journals and has just ASHA Annie Glenn Award in recognition completed a four-year rotation on an NIH of “their hard work and steadfast dedication study section. Professionals from all parts of to Congresswoman Giffords’s recovery and the world travel to BMC to attend her FEES to each other.” (Congresswoman Giffords course which is given five times per year. developed aphasia as a result of injury to Professor Langmore joined the Department her head in a 2011 assassination attempt.) of Otolaryngology at BMC/BUSM and the The Annie Glenn Award, was presented faculty of the Boston University Sargent by Mrs. Glenn who is known nationwide College of Health and Rehabilitation Scifor her advocacy for those with commu- ences in June 2007. Background is a candid cellphone photograph taken at the 2012 ASHA Annual Meeting of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and Dr. Susan Langmore, also shown below. — ArthroCare — Entellus Medical — Gyrus ACMI — Hart Associates Inc — Hill Dermaceuticals Medtronic — Surgical Technologies — OmniGuide — Takeda Pharmaceuticals? Exhibitors 2012 — Grace Medical — OmniGuide — OTOSim, Inc. — Karl Storz — Tracey Medical Products — Medtronic Surgical Technologies Giffords image courtesy of- http://www.flickr.com/photos/billmorrow/5452203816/sizes/l/in/photostream/ 5 T Otolaryngology Unsung Heroes he outstanding physicians of the Department of Otolaryngology are well known, but the Department members who manage day-to-day clinical and administrative operations smoothly and with grace are often unseen. In each issue of The Scope, we recognize two unsung heroes who make important contributions to the success of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Dolores Rodriguez, Patient Access Representative I came to Boston from El Salvador in 2000 and I spoke no English at all. I got a job at Jera’s Juice in Coolidge Corner and everyday, I would write down different English words that I heard; and on the way home on the train, I would look the words up in an English language book and write them and say them until I knew them. In six months, I could speak English! I then moved to the Bank of America branch in Revere where I worked for three years as a cashier. I enjoyed this work very much as I liked helping the customers, especially the Spanish-speakers, but I wanted to do more. Using the same method I had used to learn English, I began to teach myself Portuguese so that I could communicate more helpfully with the Portuguese-speaking customers. They actually were so kind to help me learn. One of my customers worked at Boston Medical Center and suggested that my language skills might be of great value in working with the diverse population at BMC. I applied for a job and was hired in the Department of Otolaryngology. I have worked in the Department for four years and I am so happy to be working in a field that gives me the opportunity to grow personally and to help others. On November 27, 2012, I completed a 10-month course at Cambridge College for certification as a medical interpreter. I learned medical terminology and principles and protocols of being in the exam room with a patient and doctor. Considerations of privacy and confidentiality are, of course, basic but also understanding that an interpreter is a “bridge” and not a participant in the interaction is key. Patients’ cultural biases are not to be judged or corrected by an interpreter who is privileged to understand them. An interpreter must accurately convey what is communicated by the patient and physician in a completely neutral way. I love learning and want to do more. This Summer, I hope to enroll in a course to help me to improve my written English. I think I have a talent for languages and my goal is to use it to help as many people as I can. I am very happy being in a setting that enables me to assist people who may be experiencing stress and to be able, in some small way, to ease their anxiety. I believe we are in this world to help each other whenever possible. Dolores lives in Revere with her 7-year old daughter, Jissell, and her husband, Fermin. She and Jissel both sing in the choir at the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer in East Boston. Fran Serino, Team Coordinator I have been at Boston Medical Center for five years. I formerly worked part time for Children’s Hospital Boston at the Peabody Satellite while my husband, Rich, and I were raising our four daughters. His sudden death instilled a new drive in me to support my family. With that in mind, I began to nurture his small dental lab business and take on a new position as Practice Assistant at the Department of Otolaryngology. Within a short time, I became Team Coordinator and have enjoyed the fast pace and unpredictable routine that keeps me happily immersed in the daily activity of the clinic. I feel fortunate to be surrounded by a team of bright and hard-working physicians and staff. I am grateful for the personal growth I have achieved by working within a department with unparalleled levels of knowledge and humanity. Frani is busy settling into her new condo in Peabody and enjoys theater, entertainment, and spending time with her three grandchildren, family, and friends. Previous Presenters 2011 Don Annino Barry Benjamin James Burns Dan Deschler Anand Devaiah Robert Dolan Robert Frankenthaler Terry Garfinkle Stacey Gray Gregory Grillone Kenneth Grundfast Scharukh Jalisi Paul Konowitz William Mason Michael McKenna Ralph Metson Pieter Noordzij Dennis Poe Edward Reardon Elie Rebeiz 2012 David Roberson Douglas Ross Robert Sofferman Phil Song Jo Shapiro Wendy Stern John Stram Richard Wein 6 Tim Anderson Peter Catalano Cathy Chong Michael Cunningham Jaimie DeRosa Ramon Franco Bruce Gordon Gregory Grillone Chris Hartnick Daniel Lee Miriam O’Leary Rafael Ortega David Rudolph Jerry Schreibstein Andrew Scott Gavin Setzen Jeffrey Spiegel Charles Vaughan Mark Volk Bill Wood 2013 Otolaryngology Graduates Wayne Chung, MD When I first opened the letter on Match Day, I had mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was excited to have matched at such a well regarded program, but I was also nervous about leaving New York City and the simplicities of being a medical student for the hard life of a resident in Boston. I also had heard a lot about Red Sox nation, so I decided to tell everyone I was a Mets fan to deflect the animosity toward the Yankees. Despite all the angioedema, epistaxis, and facial trauma consults, the sleepless “home call” nights, and the complicated transfers from outside hospitals, I have thoroughly enjoyed these past few years and will be sad to leave them behind. Residency has been a time of professional as well as personal discovery. Residency has taught me humility, consistency, responsibility, and respect. Five years later, I am still not a Red Sox or a Patriots fan, but I have no doubt about my good fortune to have been matched at this program. The diversity of patient population and the educational experiences offered by the faculty make this a great program. I feel prepared and am excited to continue my endeavors in New York City. I first want to thank my family for their support and understanding. They were led to believe that since Boston is only 3 ½ hours away from New York City, that I would be able to go home more often than I actually did. They have forgiven me for missing important family events and holidays. I cannot repay them or make up for any time lost, and I know that I was not the only one suffering during those call nights. Thank you to all of the faculty at Boston Medical Center, Lahey Clinic, the Boston Veterans Administration Hospital, and Children’s Hospital Boston. It has truly been a privilege and an honor to work with all of you. I have learned so much at each institution and with each attending. I am thankful that you entrusted me to take care of your patients. I will take all your words of wisdom and advice with me, but don’t be surprised if you receive a phone call from New York asking you for a reminder. Alphi Elackattu, MD My history with the BMC Department of Otolaryngology started in the Summer of 2007, when I started as a research fellow after graduating from Northeastern Ohio Medical School. After a year of working with just about every physician in the Department, I was privileged to join the team for residency. I have been fortunate to be trained by some of the best physicians in our field who have a true zeal for teaching. Our exposure to the entire spectrum of training and practicing environments from BMC to Lahey Clinic to the VA hospital systems has given me well-rounded experience which will, I believe, in the end help me to be the best otolaryngologist that I can be and at the same time, provide exceptional care for my future patients. During my third year of residency, my wife, Anita who was at that time a pediatrician in Brockton, and I were blessed with a son, Benjamin, on March 11, 2011. Benji has definitely been a blessing and a challenge at times. Without the help of my and Anita’s mothers to help take care of him, it would have been much more difficult for the both of us to manage – given our careers. Anita’s support and enduring love have been the cornerstone of our relationship and our successes. After graduation, I will be joining the Presence Hospital System on the Northside of Chicago – minutes from where I grew up. I plan to use my well-rounded training to develop a true “general” otolaryngology practice. I will always have fond memories of my times in Boston and, most importantly, of all those who made the experience the incredible journey that it has been. Bharat Yarlagadda, MD; Wayne Chung, MD; Alphi Elackattu, MD 7 Bharat Yarlagadda, MD Thinking about graduating from residency makes me realize how quickly the past five years have gone by. My experience at Boston Medical Center has been filled with both challenges and success and has certainly been a meaningful experience. I have loved living in Boston which, as we all know, is one of the liveliest and most fun cities around. My post-residency plans include a one-year fellowship in Head and Neck Oncology and Microvascular Reconstruction at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. I am excited about this chance to enhance my training and focus on my clinical interests. Afterwards, I hope to join a faculty practice. My destination will be, of course, influenced by my wife’s career path as well. I am definitely looking forward to knowing where we will be headed! I wish to express my sincere gratitude to everyone I have worked with at Boston Medical Center, Lahey Clinic, the Veterans Administration Hospital, and Boston Children’s Hospital. This includes the entire faculty, staff, administrators, nurses, and especially my co-residents. Also, I want to thank my mother, father, and sister who have always supported me despite the hundreds of miles between us. Finally, I want to thank my beautiful and caring wife Sail - I cannot describe how lucky I am to have her by my side. Charles W. Vaughan, MD – A Department of Otolaryngology Treasure A ll of the presentations given at the 2012 Scary Cases Conference were fascinating and loaded with useful information. The presenters are to be commended for their willingness to share their frightening medical experiences and for their efforts to extract from their own experiences the lessons learned that were so valuable to colleagues, residents, and others who attended the Halloween day meeting. One of the most distinctive talks given was the one entitled, It was Not Your Fault!, presented by Dr. Charles W. Vaughan, who was the very first resident in the Boston University Otolaryngology Residency Program. In his unique presentation, Dr. Vaughan introduced esoteric concepts involving theories of random occurrences and challenges in attributing causality to events that occur. He showed a close-up photograph of three piles of sugar crystals and then, in successive photographs, showed what happened when additional sugar crystals were added to each pile. (Photo 1) Eventually, each of the three piles of crystals collapsed with the addition of more crystals, but each pile re-configured in a different way. (Photo 2) Dr. Vaughan then told the meeting attendees, who were enraptured by what he was saying, that each Dr. Vaughan teaching at the Boston University School of Medicine Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) Class in January 2013 surgical case is different and even though most cases go well, at times, just one thing done differently can result in an adverse outcome even though what was done may not have been inherently wrong. Photo 1 Photo 2 8 Dr. Vaughan gave an example of a surgical case that he had done during the years when he was still doing otologic surgery. He described the incident of an otolaryngology resident’s being shown how to palpate the endolymphatic sac while operating on a patient with Meniere’s Disease and accidentally puncturing the sac resulting in leak of endolymphatic fluid. The leak was an accident but what had occurred was tantamount to an endoloyphatic sac decompression. Unintended, but the result was relief of the patient’s symptoms of vertigo. Dr. Vaughan quoted Osler, “Variability is the law of life, as no two faces are the same, no two bodies are alike, and no two individuals react alike, and behave alike…” Furthering Osler’s thought, Dr. Vaughan described life as inherently unstable (chaotic) as demonstrated by the sugar crystals. Which crystal, when, and the nature of the deformity are completely random, unpredictable; the only certainty is that it will happen and although the result may be “scary,” it should be considered normal, a nofault event from which one can learn and even earn a Nobel Prize. Dr. Vaughan likely may be the faculty member at the Boston University School of Medicine with the longest continuous record of having been an active teacher. He joined Dr. Stuart Strong on the faculty in the Department of Otolaryngology immediately following completion of his residency in 1960, and he is still teaching medical students in the Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) course. He still teaches residents in the temporal bone dissection/drilling course and he occasionally attends conferences and didactic teaching sessions. Dr. Vaughan was an adept innovative laryngologist before laryngology was ever recognized as a sub-specialty in otolaryngology. Many modern-day laryngologists consider Dr. Vaughan to have been such a pioneer who is viewed as one of the revered forefathers of laryngology in the United States. In fact, Dr. Steven Zeitels, perhaps the most well-known and most respected laryngologist in the world, says of Dr. Vaughan, “I have greatly benefited from Dr. Vaughan’s unique approach to surgery as an art and craft. By adopting his intense respect for history, while espousing a philosophy of questioning the validity of conventional wisdom, I became better equipped to see beyond surgical dogma and thereby aspire to more creative surgical problem-solving.” In the years after retiring from active medical practice, Dr. Vaughan has had time to pursue some of his artistic interests. He is a creative and talented artist whose works include the group portrait (2008) of the faculty in the Department of Otolaryngology that has been hanging in the entrance Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Strong, 2004, (Acrylic on canvas) to the Department for the past five years and the portrait of himself and Dr. Strong that hangs in the Strong/Vaughan Otolaryngology Conference Room in FGH 4. Dr. Vaughan is also an expert videographer who has amassed a collection of video interviews with many of the greatest otolaryngologists of our time. Recently, when someone asked Dr. Vaughan why he continues to give lectures to students and attend resident teaching sessions, he replied with a broad grin, “Because it’s so much fun!” The Boston University Department of Otolaryngology’s first resident certainly has been a loyal graduate, an innovator, a superb teacher, a wonderful mentor, and the greatest role model – showing all of us how to have a successful career while at the same time enjoying life. The Department of Otolaryngology faculty, 2008, (Acrylic on canvas) 9 NIH Funds BMC Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Cancer and Boston University Department of Biomedical Engineering Collaboration for Better Surgery and Prognosis of Oral Cancer ($523,940) Development of Elastic Scattering Spectroscopy (ESS) to assess surgical margins for resection and diagnosis of oral cancer. Gregory Grillone, MD, Principle Investigator; Zhi Wang, MD, Investigator; Irvine Bigio, PhD., Investigator. T his is a 2-year clinical study of oral cancer which is one of the most common cancers seen in the head and neck. Surgical resection remains a primary modality for treatment but local and regional recurrence remains the most common problem after surgical resection, resulting in a 60-80% recurrence rate in the first three years. Inadequate tumor excision is a common cause for such local recurrence. This could be explained by the current inadequacy of methods for assessing surgical margins and by the presence of “satellite” malignant cells (“skip lesions”) in sites away from the primary cancerous lesion which occur as a result of the “field cancerization” phenomenon. Currently, surgeons often depend on their own judgment or visualization under white light to determine surgical margins. Confirmation of negative margins is often based on randomly selected samples for frozen section biopsies, leaving much of the surgical margin unexamined. Moreover, frozen section analysis can be time consuming, expensive, and have a high rate of false negatives. A new approach is highly desirable. Drs. Grillone and Wang bring otolaryngologic clinical experience and technological expertise, respectively, to the project. Optical technologies can be used to distinguish in situ benign from malignant mucosal lesions. ESS is a point spectroscopic measuring technique that can detect with great sensitivity sub-cellular morphological differences between benign and malignant tissue, such as changes in nuclear grade, nuclear to cytoplasm ratio, mitochondrial size and density. ESS provides the advantage of real-time, objective and quick assessment of tissue morphology. This study will examine the diagnostic potential of ESS patterns to differentiate benign from Zhi Wang, MD and Gregory Grillone, MD malignant tissue in grossly normal appearing mucosal margins in oral cancer. Dr. Bigio and his group in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University will design and fabricate the required instrumentation to obtain and record these patterns intra-operatively, develop analytical models and analyze clinical data provided by the clinicians. This collaboration will explore the feasibility of extending this optical technology for a new clinical application for oral cancer surgery and optimize the design of the systems and tools for clinical friendliness. The hope of the collaborators is that this new optical technique will greatly improve surgeons’ accuracy in determining and assessing surgical margins in excision of oral cancers compared to traditional approaches alone, thereby significantly reducing local recurrence rates. Irvine Bigio, PhD 10 Dr. Scharukh Jalisi, President of the Massachusetts Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (MSO) S charukh Jalisi, MD, Director, Division of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology and Skullbase Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Boston Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery at the Boston University School of Medicine, currently is President of the Massachusetts Society of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (MSO). The MSO is active on behalf of its 237 members in working with the legislature on issues that pertain to otolaryngologists as well as with the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) to help MSO members implement reporting and billing requirements of the State’s largest health insurers. This year’s significant legislative accomplishments include: Introduction of a bill in the Massachusetts State House: An Act to Provide Increased Access to Hearing Aids. This bill was introduced in the State Legislature with a goal to improve patient care by allowing patients to see fewer doctors and specialists, save time and treatment costs and copayments by allowing otolaryngologists to sell and/or dispense hearing aids to their patients. Support for a bill with MSO to provide Insurance Coverage for Hearing Aids for Children and Cleft Palate. This bill requires health insurers to provide coverage for hearing aids for children 21 years or younger and for children under the age of 18 for treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate. Working with the MMS this year, the MSO was able to relieve otolaryngologists of arduous Blue Cross Blue Shield audit requirements imposed by the BCBS designated vendor in favor of in-house audits. The MSO also engaged with Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare to review the Practice Variation Data on nasal endoscopy. Delineating to HPHC the limitations of their research methodology, the MSO offered to work with them via the Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery to define national standards of nasal endoscopy. The MSO is also endeavoring to work with HPHC on reduction of E/M payment by 50% on the same day as a procedure is performed. Dr. Jalisi, MSO President, Introduces the Speakers at the February 27th Meeting Dr. Hillel, (1974 Residency Program Graduate) Speaks at the February 27th MSO Meeting Vartan Mardirossian, MD 2013 Otolaryngology Fellow in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery V artan Mardirossian, MD, will be graduating in June 2013 as the fourth Fellow in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Mardirossian joined the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery in 2006 as a Research Fellow working with Drs. Grillone and Wang on the spectroscopy study with MIT. He then was accepted into the BMC residency training program in otolaryngology and graduated in June 2012. For the past year, Dr. Mardirossian has been working under the mentorship of Jeffrey H. Spiegel, MD, The healthcare reform landscape is rapidly changing with the advent of global payments and accountable-care organizations. For this purpose, the MSO organized a CME course on February 27 2013 entitled, ACOs: Survival Guide for the Otolaryngologist. The featured speakers were Dr. Barbara Spivak and Dr. Richard Hillel. The program also educated the audience of otolaryngologists about the new legislation, Chapter 224, recently passed in Massachusetts which includes policies around physician apology. The MSO continues to educate its membership on issues related to legislation, reimbursements, and changes in the healthcare landscape. Chief of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Vartan sums up the past year, “I thank my wife, Galina, for her continued support during this year. I have worked to refine my clinical and surgical skills and acquired important knowledge in the field of facial plastic surgery from a worldclass mentor.” After graduation, Vartan will be moving to the Palm Beach area of Florida, where he intends to establish his own facial plastic practice. He says, “I am looking forward to it!” 11 BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Scary Otolaryngology Cases The Conference Center at Waltham Woods Waltham, Massachusetts one day after. . . . Halloween November 1, 2013 Boston University School of Medicine Continuing Medical Education Kenneth M. Grundfast, M.D., F.A.C.S Michael P. Platt, M.D., F.A.A.O.A Chief, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Boston Medical Center Professor and Chairman of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Boston University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Boston University School of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ Do you have a to present? Call or contact Dr. Michael Platt at 617-638-7933 or [email protected] Boston University School of Medicine 820 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02118 Here Stamp Place
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