HOPE MORAVIAN CHURCH March 22, 2015 March 22, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT 10AM Our Mission: Worshiping Christ, Growing Disciples, Serving All Watchword for the Week: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 Prayer upon entering the Pew: Lord Jesus, as you came to earth searching for the lost, empower us, your followers, to lovingly search for the lost in our community. In your saving love, may many be found, made new in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen. . Welcome and Announcements Prayers of the Congregation Music for Praise and Adoration O Sacred Head Karg-Elert *The Right Hand of Fellowship—Signifies our desire for unity and peace in God’s Family *Liturgy LENT 2 p. 78—81 Children’s Chat Anthem: In Christ Alone Presentation of Tithes and Offerings: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded *Doxology Hymn Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer Sharing of Scripture: Message: *Sending Hymn: *Benediction Hayes Reger #817 Luke 15: 1-7 Search & Rescue! Called by Christ to Love Each Other #627 *Music for Praise and Service O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Johnson WELCOME GUESTS! We extend a special welcome to all guests who are worshiping with us today. Please complete a welcome card, located in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. Our goal is to be a nurturing and welcoming community of faith. During our Sunday worship service, we offer a nursery (birth to age 3) and “Children’s Church” for pre-school through 3rd grade children. “Children’s Church” begins following the Children’s Chat. Portable hearing devices and/or large print hymnals are available if you need them. Please ask an usher to assist you with them. For more information about Hope Moravian, please go to our web site: www.hopemoravianchurch.org. Lent Study Series-“Why We Believe the Bible” Session 5—Sunday, March 22 @ 6:00 PM What Does the Bible Claim for itself? "The CROSS of Hope" Donations Choose an item you would like to donate on the posters located in the Fellowship Hall. Take top layer with you and put your name on the bottom layer. Return your item to Pastor Andy's office by April 12th. Submit your receipt to a Trustee if you'd like to receive a tax credit for your purchase. Thank You! The CROSS TEAM Ministers All Who Serve Christ Pastor Andy Kilps Elder of the Day Ed Settle Nursery Susie Dodd Children’s Church Karen Kilps Organist/Choir Director John Ziegler Secretary ([email protected]) Anita Watkins Treasurer David Epperson Congregational Watchword for 2015 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord. Psalm 127:3 Search & Rescue! Luke 15:1-7 -Sermon Notes- Jesus ______________ everyone! Do we? There is no such thing as a sinner beyond the __________ of ______________. Many will not _________ to us. We need to ____ to them! Open the Bible each day - In step with Jesus you'll stay! Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Exodus 15 & Luke 18 Exodus 16 & Luke 19 Exodus 17 & Luke 20 Exodus 18 & Luke 21 Exodus 19 & Luke 22 Exodus 20 & Luke 23 Exodus 21 & Luke 24 Time of Prayer HOSPITALIZED/SURGERY THIS WEEK: NURSING HOME & SHUT-INS: MILLER’S MERRY MANOR—Sharon Seim, Harold Dailey, Doris Robinette AT HOME - Sally Scrogham (at her daughter, Rachael’s house), Martha McDonald, Archie Herron, Rachael Ross, Tom Dodd, and Mary Louise Hamilton Rachel De Poy’s address—652 Isaiah Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 Keep up-to-date on Sally’s progress at www.caringbridge.org. PRAYER CONCERNS: Ken Seim—Post-Surgery healing Sally Scrogham—Prayers to regain strength Susan Kloss—recovering from shoulder surgery Leah Konetzka (June Gilliland’s niece) - brain tumor John Fishel (Jo Ann Keller’s cousin) - Aortic valve replaced Jenna Poe’s (technology coordinator at FRHC) father—home with chemo Mary Louise Hamilton—cancer; discontinued chemotherapy Richard Keller—preparing for Dialysis Shirley Whitcher (Bill Runion’s mother) - therapy and rehab Becky Ault (Kenny & Abby Calender’s friend) - lung cancer John Tinkey—lymphedema Evan Huffman’s sister and baby at Riley hospital OUR CONFIRMANDS: Austin and Ashley Chambers, Will Trotter Abby Walls, Emily Harker, and Luke Harker. CONTINUING PRAYER NEEDS: Sharon Shrader, Merrill and Norma Clouse, Elsie Hege, Katie Burnett, Josh Burnett, Darlene Harker, Suzanne McClain, Eleanor Settle, Susan Kloss, Josh McClain, Brian Snyder, Kris Van Orden, Paul Keller, John Gilliland, Dave Calender, Dave Spangler, Tom Dodd, Glen Keller, Joey Ross, Zach Toross, Ron Hatton, Nate Riley, Pete Ingram, Dave Spiece, Ruth Ann Smith, Paula Compton, Jon Templeman, Jesse Lopez, Ed Fulkerson, Mike Tungett, Sean Williamson, and Jeri Smith. Please contact the office if anyone’s name should be added or removed from this list. You may email prayer concerns for the prayer chain to Dawn Wilson at: [email protected] Food Bank Needs Sugar, Flour, Oil, Ketchup, Dried packages of beans, Canned potatoes, Hygiene products News of the Church Alive! TODAY—ALL RALLY REGISTRATIONS DUE TO THE OFFICE!!!!!!! 11:00AM—Cody Wilson’s Potato Bar Fundraiser/MOC 6:00PM—Lenten Study & Discussion in the Sanctuary MONDAY, March 23 5:00PM – Meal Site 5:30PM—7:15PM—Boy Scouts/FH 6:30PM – 8:00PM – Cub Scouts/MOC and church TUESDAY, March 24 6:00—7:00PM—MOC/Zumba 7:00PM—Prayer Group 7:00PM—VBS Decorating Committee WEDNESDAY, March 25 6:00AM—Men’s Breakfast 6:00PM—8:00PM—MOC/reserved 7:30PM—Choir THURSDAY, March 26 6:00PM—AA/MH 6:00PM—MOC/Zumba Toning 6:30PM— “Christ in the Passover” Presentation FRIDAY, March 27 5:30PM—8:00PM—MOC/reserved SATURDAY, March 28 12PM—8PM—MOC reserved/Walters 1PM—6PM—FH reserved/private SUNDAY, March 29—PALM SUNDAY 9:00 AM – Sunday School 10:00 AM – Worship with Receiving New Members! 11:00 AM— SNAK~N~YAK SWAT lunch and laser tag 6:00PM—Lenten Study & Discussion in the Sanctuary SPRING RALLY: Spring Rally is coming!!! It is for youth in grade 6 through age 21. Dates of Rally are April 10—12 in Millersburg, OH. Registrations are available at the south entrance. Please return completed forms to the office TODAY at the latest. Easter flowers 2015 Please note—if you will be bringing Easter flowers for the sanctuary, you need to bring your flowers to the church by 7PM on FRIDAY, APRIL 3!!! Name of the person(s) in whose memory/honor the flowers are given: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Name of the donor_______________________________________________ If you would rather make a donation to one of our funds (Cemetery, Morning Star Preschool, Building Fund, Camp Scholarship Fund, etc.), please fill out the information below: Name of the person(s) in whose memory/honor the donation is given: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Name of the donor________________________________________________ Name of the fund for the donation___________________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS SHEET TO THE CHURCH OFFICE BY SUNDAY, MARCH 29!!! If you are making a donation, please attach your check to this sheet. Thanks! (Other forms are available at the north and south entrances.) Dynamic Eight hundred miles south of the North Pole, burrowed deep within a sandstone mountain on Spitsbergen Island, part of a remote Norwegian archipelago, the Svalvald Global Seed Vault just might be the planet’s final refuge of agricultural biodiversity. The ultimate backup plan, Svalvald houses duplicates of seed samples already preserved in more than 1,700 seed banks throughout the world. With room for as many as 4.5 million samples, the facility beneath the permafrost presently contains more than 770,000 separate varieties. In the event of natural or created disaster, Svalvald’s meticulously maintained collection would provide the miraculous seeds needed to regrow the world’s food supply. Not just the ones preserved under protocol and scrutiny, but every seed—from the speck of a radish to the small-fisted avocado—is a dynamic package of life, ready and waiting to bust out, burst open and grow. Some seeds will remain viable (on a cold, dark shelf in your garage) for a year or two, and some will hold their life force for decades, even centuries. Some varieties have proven to withstand dormancy for thousands of years! A seemingly lifeless grain of wheat that flourishes into a crop with the potential to nourish the world—this is the metaphor Jesus attaches to his death and resurrection, and the reason for it all. The impending events, he knows, will be devastating. Disastrous. But his story will not, of course, end there. What will come next for Jesus and for humanity will be every bit as extraordinary as a latent kernel sprouting its branching roots, its sheath, its blade, its seedhead. Salvation is as simple and as complex as a spring garden, a fall harvest, and the cycle that ties them permanently together. Chris Johnson, pastor, Fry’s Valley Moravian Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio Hope Moravian Church Established 1830 202 Main Street Hope, Indiana 47246 Office Phone: (812) 546-4641 [email protected]. Parsonage Phone: (812) 546-5051 Pastor Andy’s cell: (812) 447-9013 www.hopemoravianchurch.org Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015
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