Weekly Calendar January 25, 2015 Welcome

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Jan 25
Youth Sunday
January 25, 2015
It’s a delight to be worshipping with you today.
May you find at Spirit of Joy a rich sense of
fellowship, caring and worship. You are warmly invited to take part in any of our upcoming
activities. We’re glad you’re here!
If you are a First Time Visitor please take a Welcome
Bag! Bags in Narthex left of sanctuary exit.
Preschoolers and little ones are welcome to join
our nursery staff Monique Farb and her volunteers! Down the
hall, first door on the left.
Communion All who are hungry for the
presence of Christ are invited to the feast.
Come via center aisle. Return via side.
Dip Bread into Wine.
Grape Juice (as an alter native) is in the cup
nearest choir chairs.
Gluten Free Alternative on table near Pastor s.
Take wafer and cup. Hold them for the server to
bless. Partake at altar rail or in seat.
Children may r eceive communion (hold out
hands) or a blessing.
Prayer Staff or Stephen Minister s will be at
the altar during communion to pray with you.
Deeper Faith
Sunday School, 9:50 am All ages Pr eK - Adult. See map in Narthex near hallway doors.
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Effective Parenting in a Defective World Raising children is a challenge today. Learn how to
apply godly principles, practical lessons, and teach kids simple biblical truths they can hold on to.
8:30 & 11:00am WORSHIP
9:50am Sunday School
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
4:00pm First Decade Choir
Monday, Jan 26
9:45am Women’s LifeGroup
7:30pm Stephen Ministry
Tuesday, Jan 27
6:00pm UCM
Wednesday, Jan 28
Prayer Group
Family Dinner
Youth Group
Thursday, Jan 29
5:45pm Hand bells
6:00pm Praise Band(s)
8:00pm Worship Choir
Genesis: The Journey Continues--From Abram to Israel We've exper ienced Cr eation, Fall,
Flood & Dispersion. Now, we’re following the story of God's covenant with His chosen man,
Abram, & its effect upon his family & us today.
Friday, Jan 30
New Members' Class J oin us as we journey thr ough Pastor Ed's Thr ive study.
Saturday, Jan 31
New Class starting soon! Marriage: A Biblical Perspective - More details to come.
Wednesdays Together-Something for Everyone, Dinner starts 5pm, Activities 6-7:30pm
New Class w/ Pastor Ed! Basics of Theology, as told by The Lion King, Wed 6pm
Pastor Ed is convinced this is the best Christian movie. Come discover the true basics in a fun
way. Watch a few minutes of the movie, discover God’s story!
Confirmation Classes begin Feb 8 with Pastor Ed 10 sessions for 7-9 graders. Parent & Youth
info meetings either Sat, Jan 31 at 9am or Sat, Feb 7 at 3pm followed by a Youth Bible-buying trip.
Joyful Community
Needed: Donations for Awana Store, DUE: Feb 8 Leave in box in Nar thex. Ideas: small toys,
necklaces, $1 items. Kids "purchase" these from the store with reward bucks to give as gifts to
family & friends, or for themselves.
Annual Congregation Meeting Sunday, Feb 8 beginning with a luncheon at 12:30pm
Beginner Bells Thur sdays, 5:45-7pm Choir Room, please join us if you would like to learn how
to play hand bells. Prior instrument experience not necessary, being able to read some music is
helpful. All ages welcome, it’s a fun way to praise the Lord! Linda Wilber, 704-562-2648.
Reaching More
Food Pantry for our Members: Our shelves ar e low! Please donate: cooking oil & olive oil,
Skillet Dinners, variety of Uncle Ben’s & Zatarain’s rice, Suddenly Pasta Salad, cans of soup &
crackers, mayonnaise, cereals, spice packets for chili, gravy, etc. FREEZER: 1 lb meats & frozen
family meals
Amazon’s Charitable Program-AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of the pr ice of eligible pur chases
to the charitable organization of your choice. Spirit of Joy is a registered organization using the
link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-1715307
8:30am LifeGroup
7:00am LifeGroup
Sunday, Feb 1
8:30am WORSHIP
10:00am Celebration WORSHIP
11:15am Anniversary Lunch &
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
4:00pm First Decade Choir
Order for Worship
Call to Worship
Build Your Kingdom Here
Forever Reign
Confession, Forgiveness
Children’s Sermon
First Lesson J onah 3
Second Lesson Psalm 62
Gospel Mar k 1
Message Chr is Thiemann
Song of the Day
Offering Oceans
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Communion Songs
Our God
Lord, I Need You
Closing Hymn
White Flag
Serving in Worship
For Healing, Comfort, Hope
TODAY - 8:30am - Jan 25
Denise Broome (Messer), Norm Cleveland,
Sandra Cook, John DeBlasio, Pastor
Richard Graf, Carole Jacobs (Schroeder),
Kathryn Ladd, Tara Little, Carol McGowan
(Helms), Ruby Patterson (Gordon), Annette
Pierotti, Kathi Roberts, Ginnie Seitz
(Sharpe), Kenza Shoemaker, Steve Tower &
family, Gene & Fran White, Robert Wilber
Altar Guild: J odi Hindes
Comm. Asst.: Jim & Mar ilyn Peter son,
LeAnn Rice, Mary Louise Thomas
Acolyte: Thomas Whelan
Greeters: Eva Happel, Sophie Owens,
World: for Christian Martyrs; for our
nation and leaders; for our economy and
the unemployed; for Israel and peace in the
Middle East
Armed Forces: Abby Baumbarger,
Kristina Belcourt, Jesse Minick, Mark
Rhoades, Jeremy Sykora, Adam Thiemann,
Jay Thomas, Matthew Tierney, Matthew
Missionaries: Paul & Grace Closius,
Bruno & Becky Keller, Eric & Mary Lynn
Kindberg, Chet & Fran Matheson, Mike &
Rebecca Navratil, Kurt & Margaret Storck
Seminary Students: Conda Lashley
Stephen Ministers: and the people they
care for
Jodi Osborne, Christina Stollmack
Reader: Abby Happel, Desi Ware
Children’s Sermon: Eva Rose Cole,
Mary Grace Cole, Carole King
Ushers: Hunter Bovi, Michael Bovi,
Stewart Bovi, Kennedy Kaperonis,
Michele Bender, Dave Drehs, Lisa Kaperonis,
Mary Tymann
Captain: Cr aig Bender , 704-882-7806
Sound: Theresa Cogar
Projection: Har r ison Kaper onis
Prayer Assistant: Melissa Happel
TODAY - 11:00am - Jan 25
Altar Guild: Melissa Shar pe
Comm. Asst.: Mar tha Duncan, J ohn Hejka,
Melissa Sharpe, Barbara Sims
Acolyte: Taylor Tower
Greeters: Annabel Car lson, J ohn Dygowski,
David Graham, Emily Graham
Reader: Eva Happel, Linda Whitener
Children’s Sermon: Eva Rose Cole,
Mary Grace Cole, Carole King
Ushers: J oseph Bensch, Chr istian Shar pe,
Scotty Sharpe, Nick Tower, Doug Pierotti,
Chris Sharpe
General Fund
Avg. weekly need 2014: $10,717
Last week giving: $7,472
Avg. weekly giving 2013: $8,996
More info at: www.spiritofjoy.us
Birthdays: Jan 25 - Katia Keller,
Daniel Lindholm, Nathan Lindholm,
Susan Martin, Hannah Parnell, Kristin
Root; Jan 26 - Jodi Hindes; Jan 27 Kathi Roberts; Jan 28 - Brian Gaye,
Jenny Shulenberger, Thomas Whelan;
Jan 29 - Kara Done, Jake Miess, Karen
Moro; Jan 30 - Jerry Eichler, Curtis
Pawl, Kurt Storck; Jan 31 - Rick Moore,
Peter Rolfe, Jon Root, Grant Weiner
Captain: Doug Pier otti, 704-243-3267
Sound: Theresa Cogar
Projection: Mike Tower
Prayer Assistant: Kristen Sigmon
Tellers: Susan Weil, Linda Mull
Council Person of the Month
8:30am Kurt Beamesderfer, Jamison Pawl
11:00am Chris Thiemann
Contact Us
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
8600 Potter Rd., Weddington, NC 28104
704-821-8494, www.spiritofjoy.us
Pastor Ed Thomas, 704-218-6099,
[email protected]
Pastor Nate Wolcott, 818-383-6575,
[email protected]
Pastor Emeritus Fr an Matheson,
704-843-5712, [email protected]
Director of Faith & Counseling Kr isten Sigmon,
704-821-8494, [email protected]
Prayer requests remain in Bulletin for
Director of Music Rhonda Mauney,
2 weeks; please call the office to extend.
704-588-3710, [email protected]
Email Prayer Chain: Pat Ware,
Accompanist Ian Fair es,
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alternate Email: [email protected] Visitation & Volunteers Kar en Weiner ,