LOTS OF “LASTS” M AY 2 0 1 5 HOPE HIGHLIGHTS From pastor nieting While I am not expecting to end my working life as Elijah did, as my date of retirement nears there will be a number of “lasts” in the realm of full-time ministry. My “last wedding” here at Hope was 2 days after Christmas, when Tuyet and Michael Dean married. Soon there will be a “last chapel service.” (It’s hard to believe I started doing school chapels as a student teacher in 1968.) If you all remain alive and well, I will have had my last funeral here! There are some “lasts” in which I rather rejoice reaching….the last council meeting, for instance, or working with budgets. Some things I will miss: my last Wednesday morning Bible study. Change is a part of life, and retirement certainly brings change. However, paraphrasing from a retirement sermon I preached years ago for Rev. Carl Napier (father of Rev. Paul Napier of our Circuit), one can look at the word “retire” differently. I can “retire” an automobile by selling it, junking it or donating it, OR, I can “re-tire” it by taking the tired, worn and weary tires off and putting on brand new ones. Then the car, all other things being equal, can run for many more wonderful miles! That, God willing, is what I hope to do in the years ahead. After a season of rest, relaxation and plenty of fishing, I plan to make myself available to pastors who “need a break.” Generally I anticipate helping pastors who serve congregations where there is no one available to fill their pulpits in their absence. Perhaps they desire to go on a mission trip, an extended vacation or even a short sabbatical. It will be “have camper--will travel” for the Nietings. Where will we go? Only God knows right now, and really, as long as there are people who need to be served and pastors (and their often long-suffering families) who need a respite, Pam and I will do what we can to help. The most common question we’re both asked is “are you going to remain in the area?” The answer is yes. We love it here. We enjoy the climate and the proximity to the beach(es). And of course, we have family here. So we’ll keep calling Chesapeake home. The other question, where will we worship, is more difficult. In case you have forgotten, as pastors retire in the Southeastern District, we are required to worship elsewhere for “a season,” at least until the new pastor (Continued on page 2) MAY 2015 Issue 04-15 In this issue: Special points of interest: Leisure Lutherans 2 Preschool News 4 Youth Group News 5 LWML News 6 Council Request- p. 2 Treasurer’s Report– p. 3 Military Appreciation Day-p. 3 Vacation Bible School-p. 4 Summer Sunday School– p. 6 What is Oasis? 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries 9 Food Pantry Needs-p. 6 Southeastern District Convention-p.7 Hope Summer Camp-p. 8 May Calendar 10 VBS Registration Form– p. 11 REQUEST FROM COUNCIL By: Dawn Oswald Search your photos, videos, etc. for anything that includes Pastor Nieting. Make sure your name is on the back of the photo so it can be returned. You can also e-mail your photos (JPEG format) by May 24 to Shawn White at: [email protected]. We would like to include these special memories in a PowerPoint presentation for Pastor’s Retirement dinner in June. We also need volunteers to stay for clean-up after the dinner which is after late service on June 14. Please see Dawn Oswald for more info or to volunteer. LEISURE LUTHERANS By: Carroll Bains & Linda Chappell Monday, April 20, was a beautiful Virginia Beach Day and 24 Leisure Lutherans came together for a great Greek lunch and hearty fellowship at Athens Pizza! Pastor Nieting updated us on happenings at the church, and projects in process for our congregation. Our Treasurer for the past ten years, Paul Johnson, announced his plan to step down from his position at the end of June, so we are seeking a volunteer to assume that job. Any takers? Please contact Martha West at the church office (424-4848). Our next luncheon is May 18 at Waterman’s Restaurant (5th Street & Atlantic Ave., VB) at 11:30am. Please sign up in the narthex. June 22 will be our final luncheon for this season. We will meet at El Camino Real (near the intersection of Indian River and Kempsville Roads). Do you feel like a Senior, and want to gain a closer relationship with your age-related peers in the congregation, come join us. We have a good time together and gain tremendous mutual support through our fun, prayer, and fellowship. NOMINATION COMMITTEE By: Rex Bayman The following individuals will serve on Hope’s Nomination Committee: Pastor Cofer Rex Bayman Alison Hernandez Michael Leveskas Jennifer Rauch Anyone interested in any of Hope’s open (unfilled) Ministry Team Leads or have recommendations for them, please contact one of the Nomination Committee members. Thursday May 7, 2015 Hope Lutheran Sanctuary will be open for prayer during business hours. Come for a few minutes during your lunch break or before or after work. (Continued from page 1-From Pastor Nieting) becomes settled in office. For a while we will worship as the Spirit moves. Know this: Pam and I will grieve our leaving Hope! What about YOU and your relationship with Hope? I encourage every one of you to “take one step up” in your spiritual journey. If you worship once or twice a month, commit to three or four times. If you worship but don’t attend Bible class…step up to class! If you’re not volunteering on a ministry team, a musical group or a lawn-care team or however God has gifted you, make this the time. Be active! Hope is a GREAT congregation because God has brought to us people like YOU! Change, even as small a change as your pastor retiring, can be upsetting to a congregation; and the best way to deal with it is to become more involved, not less. Finally, pray. Pray for us. Pray for Pastor Cofer. Pray for the Council and the Staff. Pray for God’s guidance in the Call process. Pray for the ministries of Hope as God directs you. And always, no matter what, know that the grace of our Lord Jesus will be with you always. Pastor (and Pam) Nieting 2 By: Steve Wacker The Bible contains plenty of information about serving in the military. The first example of military service is found in the Old Testament (Genesis 14), when Abraham's nephew, Lot, was kidnapped by Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and his allies. Abraham rallied to Lot's aid by gathering 318 trained men of his household and defeating the Elamites. Here we see armed forces engaged in a noble task; rescuing and protecting the innocent. Later in history, the nation of Israel developed a standing army. The sense that God was the Divine Warrior and would protect His people regardless of their military strength may have been a reason why Israel was slow to develop an army. The development of a regular standing army in Israel came only after a strong, centralized political system had been developed by Saul, David, and Solomon. Saul was the first to form a permanent army (1 Samuel 13:2; 24:2; 26:2). David continued what Saul had begun. He increased the army, brought in hired troops from other regions who were loyal to him alone (2 Samuel 15:1922) and turned over the direct leadership of his armies to a commander-in-chief, Joab. Under David, Israel also became more aggressive in its offensive military policies, absorbing neighboring states like Ammon (2 Samuel 11:1; 1 Chronicles 20:1-3). David established a system of rotating troops with twelve groups of 24,000 men serving one month of the year (1 Chronicles 27). Although Solomon's reign was peaceful, he further expanded the army, adding chariots and horsemen (1 Kings 10:26). The standing army continued (though divided along with the kingdom after the death of Solomon) until 586 B.C., when Israel (Judah) ceased to exist as a political entity. In the New Testament, Jesus marveled when a Roman centurion (an officer in charge of one hundred soldiers) approached Him. The centurion’s response to Jesus indicated his clear understanding of authority, as well as his faith in Jesus (Matthew 8:5-13). Jesus did not denounce his career. Many centurions mentioned in the New Testament are praised as Christians, God-fearers, and men of good character (Matthew 8:5; 27:54; Mark 15:39-45; Luke 7:2; 23:47; Acts 10:1; 21:32; 28:16). The places and the titles may have changed, but our armed forces should be just as valued as the centurions of the Bible. The position of soldier was highly respected. For example, Paul describes Epaphroditus, a fellow Christian, as a “fellow soldier” (Philippians 2:25). The Bible also uses military terms to describe being strong in the Lord by putting on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20), including the tools of the soldier—helmet, shield, and sword. Yes, the Bible does address serving in the military, directly and indirectly. The Christian men and women who serve their country with character, dignity, and honor can rest assured that the civic duty they perform is condoned and respected by our sovereign God. Those who honorably serve in the military deserve our respect and gratitude. Hope Lutheran Church will honor the Armed Forces on Sunday, May 17. If you are serving or have served in the military please wear your uniform to church on that day. TREASURER’S REPORT (March of Fiscal Year 2014-2015) Actual $89,311.89 -84,060.03 $ 5,251.86 Total Income: Total Expense: Income Less Expense: By: Jim Hammond Year-to-Date $676,492.87 -646,969.00 $ 29,523.87 For a more complete Financial Report, please pick up a copy in the church office. 3 Get Ready For a BLAST at SonSpark Labs! VBS June 22-26 9:00-12:00 God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus! HOPE SCHOOL NOW ENROLLING 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR By: Carolyn Powell At our amazing SonSpark Labs, children will explore God’s life changing plan for them as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of us. There will be 5 sessions during the week: By: Carolyn Powell Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school has begun. School will still offer preschool, prekindergarten and kindergarten. There will be extended care hours, as well. Parents will be happy to hear that our Kindergarten prices were substantially lowered for the new school year, and other programs saw a small increase to no increase at all. That will help families with their budgeting. And remember, our kindergartners meet all day, from 8:30 until 2:30 Mondays – Fridays. Class sizes at Hope are quite small, averaging between 10 and 12 students per class with a teacher and assistant teacher. This means each student will receive a great deal of attention! So let us know if you would like to have a tour and a day in which you could observe in one of our beautiful classrooms. Hope School is just a great place to grow! Session 1 God’s Plan: 2 MAKE US! Session 2 God’s Plan: 2 BE WITH US! Session 3 God’s Plan: 4 US 2 KNOW HIM! Session 4 God’s Plan: 2 SAVE US! Session 5 God’s Plan: 2 LOVE US 4 - EVER! At SonSpark Labs, all of our friends will enjoy great Skits and Music by Captive Free!! Kids will be invited to visit each day in the following centers: Great Bible Stories, Yummy Snacks, Fun Games, Awesome Crafts, and this year , we are featuring our COOL Science Lab. Our VBS is designed for children who will be at least 4 years of age or will have finished 5th grade by June 30. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to be guides and assistants! Registration begins after Easter Sunday. Call the church office @ 424-4848 or the school office @ 424-4894 to find out more info. Registration Form is included in this newsletter. We will also send a form home with all the children from our Sunday School and Day School, too! BREAKING NEWS! Red Cross BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, May 20 1 to 6pm See you in the science lab!! Sign-up sheet on bulletin board in the narthex! 4 YOUTH GROUP NEWS By: Linda Muth On Saturday, May 2, BODY and TRUTH will go roller skating at Haygood Roller Skating Center (1036 Ferry Plantation Rd., VB) for the Current FM Positive Skate Night. Skating is from 8 to 10:30pm. We will meet at the skate center at 7:45pm. Cost is $6, which includes pizza, but bring money if you want a drink. Invite a friend. As the pollen begins to descend you know the time has come for…TRUTH car washes! Saturday, May 9, from 9am to 1pm will be the first one of the season. So bring your car to get the winter grime and pollen removed inside and out. Proceeds will help support our Sr Youth going to the National Youth Gathering in the summer of 2016. TRUTH members should be here by 8:30am to help set up. May is a very exciting time for our Confirmation III students. They have been learning much in their three years of Confirmation classes and now it is time for them to publicly affirm their faith. On Wednesday, May 20, there will be a Night of Witness practice from 6:30 to 8pm. It is very important that all Confirmation III students attend. The Night of Witness service will be Saturday, May 23, starting at 4:30pm. The congregation is encouraged to attend. Confirmation III students should be at church no later than 4pm in order to get a class picture. Confirmation II students need to be there by 4:15pm to prepare for the passing of the light portion of the service. After the service there will be a picnic for the Confirmation III students, their families, and guests. Our tradition here at Hope is for the Confirmation II and I class parents to help with this picnic. If you are interested in helping with the picnic, please contact Linda Muth. The Rite of Confirmation will be held during the 11am service on May 24. Please keep these youth in your prayers that they will continue to grow in their faith. Mark your calendars now for the TRUTH camping trip to James City State Park on July 24-26. More details as the date gets closer. Activities at a Glance May 2 Roller skating (BODY & TRUTH) May 9 Car Wash (TRUTH and Conf. III) May 20 Night of Witness rehearsal (Conf. III) May 23 Night of Witness (Conf. II and III) May 24 Rite of Confirmation (Conf. III) July 24-26 Camping trip (TRUTH) May 10 5 Lutheran Women's Missionary League By: Britta Rinehard There will be one more meeting before the summer break. We resume in September. All ladies, 18 years and older, are invited to join us on Saturday, May 16, at 11:30am at Braise (3333 Virginia Beach Blvd., Suite17, Virginia Beach). RSVP by May 10. Sign-up sheet is on the LWML bulletin board in the narthex. Thank you very much Tonilee (outgoing president) and Beverly (outgoing treasurer) for volunteering as officers and sharing your gifts and services. We also appreciate the support of the congregation. Your support and contributions with the prayers shawls, the Mite Sundays and our fundraisers have made numerous mission projects possible. Upcoming Events: May 10: Mite Sunday May 16: Last meeting before the summer break. We meet at 11:30am at Braise Restaurant, Virginia Beach June 25-28: Des Moines, Iowa Convention. Theme: "Bountiful! Sow Nourish Reap". For more information please check out the LWML website: http://www.lwml.org/convention SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE May 31-August 30 9:45-10:45am By: Carolyn Powell Director of Children’s Ministries Our Summer Sunday School schedule for the kids will be very relaxed. We will meet in the Kids Kingdom from 9:45 – 10:45am. Please dress your child in play clothes, as each week we will enjoy a Bible story, followed by outside time on the playground! Occasionally, we will enjoy a craft activity! Children, ages 4 years– those who have completed 4th grade are invited to join this summer group. Children, ages 2 and 3 years, meet in the nursery. Kids who have completed 5th grade move up to join the Youth Group, as they get ready to start Confirmation I classes in the fall. Summer classes will meet every week from May 31-August 30 for children, youth and adults. Whenever there is an exception, you will be notified in advance. Steve and I will take the responsibility of providing a fun Sunday morning experience for the kids during the summer months. We believe the regular teaching staff needs time to be in Bible studies with the other adults from our congregation. However, we could use a break now and again to be free from responsibility as well, so I will have a sign-up sheet available each week. In order to keep the summer running smoothly, adult volunteers will be needed, so I am asking parents to consider taking a turn this year. It is so easy and very rewarding! Your child will love having you as the teacher for the day! 6 We could use your help with food donations and volunteers! There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex if you’re interested in volunteering for Social Ministry. The Pantry always needs the following items: Cereal, Can Fruit, Pasta & Pasta Sauce, Bisquick & Syrup and Main Course Boxed Items & Can meats. All donations are graciously welcomed and can be dropped off in the big yellow wagon in the narthex! Our May Pantry Open dates are Wednesdays, May 13 & 27, from 6 to 7:30pm; and Saturdays, May 9 & 23, from 10 to 11:30am. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS! WE COULD NOT OPERATE WITHOUT YOU!!! Next Social Ministry Meeting is Tuesday, May 12, at 6:30pm. Come to discover ways you can help. WEDNESDAY OASIS 6:30pm Did you miss church Sunday? Come on Wednesday for Worship & Bible Study! Oasis continues each week this summer. By: Pastor Nieting On Thursday, May 14, our vice president, Rex Bayman, and I will attend the Convention of the Southeastern District meeting in Greensboro, NC. Each of our 208 congregations and 45 other missions will be represented as we work to meet the spiritual needs of the 30 million people who live within our five state region. Updates will be available on the district website, www.se.lcms.org. A variety of resolutions will be addressed, ranging from on-going support of our district missions in Peru to recommending standardized training and licensing of lay deacons. One rather timely overture requests guidance to pastors when we are requested to perform same-sex marriages!* Finally, a new Circuit Visitor (the new term for Circuit Counselor) will be ratified for Circuit 12: Rev. Hank Hollar of Resurrection, Newport News, will take my place as I have voluntarily resigned this office in preparation for retirement. *On a related note to the issue of same-sex marriage, the President of LCMS is one of three dozen or so signatories of an open letter to ALL people in Positions of Public Service in America in defense of Marriage and the Right of Religious Freedom. Available at www.lcms.org, I will quote one short portion for you here: The redefinition of legal marriage to include any other type of relationship has serious consequences, especially for religious freedom. It changes every law involving marital status, requiring that other such relationships be treated as if they were the same as the marital relationship of a man and a woman. No person or community, including religious organizations and individuals of faith, should be forced to accept this redefinition. (Emphasis mine) Government should protect the rights of those with differing views of marriage to express their beliefs and convictions without fear of intimidation, marginalization, or unwanted charges that their values imply hostility, animosity or hatred of others. While we as “conservative Christians” watch in dismay as our culture moves farther and farther away from Biblically taught and held values, we are good to remember St. Paul’s words to Timothy: “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3) What is OASIS Midweek Worship? By: Rollie Soderholm An oasis is found in the midst of a dry, dull, dreary, dead and desert land. In a barren land, it is a place where water is found. It is a place of green grass and fruitful trees. It is a fertile area, a place of life. To the desert traveler the oasis is a place of welcome RELIEF. It is a marvelous thing to come upon an oasis. It is there that one finds REFRESHMENT and REVIVAL and RENEWAL and REJUVENATION and REST and RELIEF. We live in a world that is very barren. It is very dry and dead (lacking God’s life). There is a great need for an oasis. Spiritually, an oasis is wherever God is. It is a place where one can find the GRACE, GOODNESS, GLORY and GREATNESS of God. It is the place where one can find FELLOWSHIP and FRIENDSHIP with God. Won’t you join us for a quiet time of Worship followed by a Bible study each Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:30 led by Pastor Nieting or Pastor Cofer. If you can’t worship on Sunday or need a mid-week lift in your Spiritual life, give this a try. 7 8 ANNIVERSARIES 2 6 8 9 12 MAY BIRTHDAYS 2 Beth Durnwald Howard Spence 3 Kyle Strait 4 Mike Davis Sarah White 6 Loni Ashley Daniel Taft 8 Timothy Heath Alexander Jakimjuk Dana Reynolds Bev Young 9 Amy Riccio Sharon Small 10 Michael Montgomery 11 Aidan Connor 12 Carolyn Strait Martha West Eileen Wiltshire 13 Lynn Amann Wolfgang Bosse 14 Jameson Roscoe 17 Rod Friedmann Alison Hernandez Emily Winter 18 Jacob Davis Wayne Erber Brent Holbeck Nancy O’Neal 20 Michel Dean Kris Holien 21 Rahel Teklegiorgis 22 Ruth Berry Jennifer Madigan 23 Kimberly Brock 24 Ava Young 26 Darrin Barry 27 Alexandra Plemmons 28 Linda Muth 30 Miranda Blaser 13 16 21 26 Pat & Connie Plemmons William & Jennifer Schmidt Michael & Courtney Obland Todd & Jennifer Stevens David & Sherry Crissman Nathaniel & Shawn Jesgarz Wolfgang & Barbara Bosse Arnie & Margo Birkett Robert & Martha West Spencer & Dawn Werner Articles for the June issue of Highlights are due Sunday, May 17. E-mail articles to: [email protected] or leave in the church office. Sunday, June 14 One service at 10:30am Retirement Luncheon for Pastor Nieting Volunteers needed for after-lunch clean-up. Contact Dawn Oswald ([email protected]) 9 10 9:30am Staff Devotions & Meeting 11:30am Leisure Lutherans Luncheon (Waterman’s) 8:15am Worship Service 9:45 Summer Sunday School 11am Blended Praise Service 31 The Holy Trinity 4:30-6:30pm Arabic Class 9:30am Staff Devotions & Meeting 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 6-7:30pm Food Pantry 6:30 Oasis Worship/Bible Study 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 10am-Noon Arabic Class 10:30am Luther Manor Church & School Offices closed 9am Dress Rehearsal for School Program 28 Hope School 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 10am-Noon Arabic Class 21 Hope School 7pm Adult Bell Choir 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 10am-Noon Arabic Class 14 Hope School 6-8pm French Class 7pm Adult Bell Choir 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal Hope School 11am School Closing Program & Graduation (Last day of school is June 5) 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 29 Hope School 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 22 Hope School 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 15 10:30-11:30am French Class 10am-Noon Arabic Class (Sanctuary open) 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 8 Hope School 10:30-11:30am French Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 1 Hope School FRIDAY National Day of Prayer 7 Hope School THURSDAY 9am Dress Rehearsal for School Program 27 Hope School 8:15am Worship Service (No Sunday School Class) 11am Confirmation Service 26 Hope School 25 Memorial Day 24 Day of Pentecost (No Oasis) 6:30pm Confirmation Rehearsal 1 –6pm Red Cross Blood Drive 10am Bible Study 20 Hope School 6-7:30pm Food Pantry 6:30 Oasis Worship/Bible Study 7:30pm Adult Choir 10am Bible Study 9am MOPS Meeting 13 Hope School 7:30pm Adult Choir 6:30 Oasis Worship/Bible Study 10am Bible Study 6 Hope School WEDNESDAY 7:30pm Adult Choir 4:30-6:30pm Arabic Class 19 Hope School 6:30pm Council Meeting 6:30pm Social Ministry Meeting 4:30-6:30pm Arabic Class 12 Hope School 4:30-6:30pm Arabic Class 9:30am Staff Devotions & Meeting 5 Hope School TUESDAY 18 Hope School 11 Hope School 5-6:30pm French Class 4 Hope School MONDAY Articles for June issue of Highlights are due today! Sunday of Easter Military Appreciation Day THE STORY: What Have We Learned? 8:15 Worship Service-HC 9:45 LAST Sunday School 11am Blended Praise Service 17 7 th Mother’s Day MITE SUNDAY THE STORY: Chap 31 8:15am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School 11 Blended Praise Service-HC 10 6th Sunday of Easter THE STORY: Chap 30 8:15 Worship Service-HC 9:45am Sunday School 11am Blended Praise Service 3 5th Sunday of Easter SUNDAY MAY 2015 8am Knights of Hope 10am-Noon Arabic Class 30 4:30pm Night of Witness 10-11:30am Food Pantry Open 10am-Noon Arabic Class 23 11:30am LWML Luncheon Meeting (Braise Restaurant) 10am-Noon Arabic Class 16 10-11:30am Food Pantry Open 10am-Noon Arabic Class 9am-1pm Car Wash 9 7:45pm BODY & TRUTH Roller Skating (Haygood Skate Center) 10am-Noon Arabic Class 2 SATURDAY 11 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH-Missouri Synod 5350 Providence Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 HOPE HIGHLIGHTS NEWSLETTER May 2015 No. 04-15 Published Monthly Hope Lutheran Church We’re on the web! Hopevabeach.org 12
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