CD+DVD DELUXE LIMITED EDITION T H A N K S Once you read through the credits on this project you will see that there are many, many amazing people who have worked beautifully to put this recording together. I actually had resigned myself to maybe never doing a live project again, knowing that to date I have been privileged to work with some of the finest people ever to write and record songs of praise... and maybe that season was over. But after some long conversations with God and then with friends in our world, and a lengthy D and M (deep and meaningful) with Israel H, Mark and I decided we would record live one more time. We have so much gratitude toward Pastor Chris and Tammy Hodges, Karol Hobbs and the team at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham who hosted our live recording in the middle of one of their massive conference weekends, and after many lattes, hours of rehearsals and laughter, prayer and prep... we were ready. Thank you to Michael W Smith who traveled in to add his voice and strength to ours, to Kari Jobe who is just simply lush, to the Aussie team who travel with me and do a lot of life with me as we continue to commit song to its finest purpose. To my ever supportive, loving and genius hubby Mark who flew in just for the recording to be in the midst of the story, to our incredible family... our girls, our son in law and 2 grand babies... I do not have enough adequate words to describe my love for you. But THANKS a trill for the honour. To our HOPE UC church family for having a generous spirit to release Mark and I and support us always in prayer and love as together we bring the HOPE OF JESUS to the CENTRAL Coast...Thank you so much to Galley Molina, Israel (SUPER HUMAN) Houghton and Danny McGuffey. Your belief, support and talent have made possible what was only a dream. Thank you. To my new friends at Integrity Music and Sony Music Entertainment; Ryan Dunham, Jay King, Steve Nicolle, Craig Dunnagan, Tyler Pittman and the amazing Integrity/Sony team! Every person involved has been crucial, every minute, every thought, every piece of creative energy. Thank you for sowing as you have. I am ever grateful. And thank you always.. first and foremost, front and centre, saving the best till last... JESUS. I need Him revealed more and more in my life every day, to live as the bible says I can. To be all God has intended me to be... May I ever be found in worship, exalting Christ, alive in Him... Much love... Darlene Zschech ‘Then Jesus came outside, wearing the victor’s crown of thorns ...’ John 19:5 GOD IS HERE Open our eyes Lord We want to see You Open our hearts Lord We want to know You Open our ears Lord We need to hear You Jesus be revealed Jesus be revealed God is here God is here God is here He is able We draw near To see Jesus face to face God is here God is here God is here He is faithful We draw near to see Jesus Oh Jesus be revealed Open the gates Lord Reveal Your glory Open the nations Establish Your Kingdom Open the nations Pour out Your Spirit Jesus be revealed Jesus be revealed Holy We cry holy Hallelujah God is here Jesus You are holy All the glory is forever Yours Oh oh oh Israel Houghton, Darlene Zschech, Phil Wickham © 2013 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI, Integrity Worship Music/ASCAP, EWI, Inc./APRA (all adm by Integrity Music via at, Phil Wickham Music/Seems Like Music/BMI (adm by Simpleville Publishing LLC) There’s no one There’s no one There’s no one like You Jesus BEST FOR ME Israel Houghton, Meleasa Houghton © 2013 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI (all adm by Integrity Music via at Jesus You’re alive You are alive You are the Risen One Jesus You’re alive You are the life and resurrection Oh oh oh And I live to worship I live to worship You I give my all to You I give my all to You You gave Your best for me And I live to testify I live because You died I give my all to You I give my all to You You gave Your best for me There’s no one like You Jesus There’s no one like You Jesus Jesus You’re the only One I want You’re all I’m living for ALL THAT WE ARE You took up Your cross Gave it all for us So that we might know grace You gave up Your crown An act so profound We’ll never be the same We will never be the same All that we are for Your glory All that we are for Your Name Jesus All that we are for Your glory We praise You We praise You The fight is now over War has been won The power of Your Name Jesus The Christ Has made us alive We’ll never be the same We will never be the same What a sacrifice That You laid down Your life To save a sinners heart Like mine I surrender all All to You my God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to Your Name Andrew Hood , Israel Houghton © 2013 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI (all adm by Integrity Music via at, Integrity Worship Music/ASCAP IN JESUS’ NAME God is fighting for us God is on our side He has overcome Yes He has overcome We will not be shaken We will not be moved Jesus You are here Carrying our burdens Covering our shame He has overcome Yes He has overcome We will not shaken We will not be moved Jesus You are here I will live I will not die The resurrection power of Christ Alive in me and I am free In Jesus’ Name I will live I will not die I will declare and lift you high Christ revealed And I am healed In Jesus’ Name God is fighting for us Pushing back the darkness Lighting up the Kingdom That cannot be shaken In the Name of Jesus Enemy’s defeated And we will shout it out Shout it out Darlene Zschech, Israel Houghton © 2013 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI, Integrity Worship Music/ASCAP, EWI, Inc./APRA (all adm by Integrity Music via at YOUR PRESENCE IS HEAVEN Who is like You Lord in all the earth? Matchless love and beauty endless worth Nothing in this world can satisfy ‘Cause Jesus You’re the cup That won’t run dry Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Treasure of my heart and of my soul In my weakness You are merciful Redeemer of my past and present wrongs Holder of my future days to come So we’re singing oh Jesus Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me Oh Jesus Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me All my days on earth I will await The moment that I see You face to face Nothing in this world can satisfy ‘Cause Jesus You’re the cup That won’t run dry Oh Jesus You’re the cup That won’t run dry Israel Houghton, Micah Massey © 2011 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI (both adm by Integrity Music via, Regenerate Music Co./ASCAP VICTOR’S CROWN You are always fighting for us Heaven’s angels all around My delight is found in knowing That You wear the Victor’s crown You’re my help and my defender You’re my Saviour and my friend By Your grace I live and breathe To worship You At the mention of Your greatness In Your Name I will bow down In Your presence fear is silent For You wear the Victor’s crown Let Your glory fill this temple Let Your power overflow By Your grace I live and breathe To worship You Hallelujah You have overcome You have overcome Hallelujah Jesus You have overcome the world You are ever interceding As the lost become the found You can never be defeated For You wear the Victor’s crown You are Jesus the Messiah You’re the Hope of all the world By Your grace I live and breathe To worship You Every high thing must come down Every stronghold shall be broken You wear the Victor’s crown You overcome You overcome At the cross the work was finished You were buried in the ground But the grave could not contain You For You wear the Victor’s crown Darlene Zschech, Israel Houghton, Kari Jobe © 2013 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI, Integrity Worship Music/ASCAP, EWI, Inc./APRA (all adm by Integrity Music via at, Worship Together Music/ BMI (adm at YOURS FOREVER (YOU TOOK THE NAILS) Featuring Kari Jobe My life is in Your hands My times are in Your hands Though nations shake And thunders roll I will trust in You completely I yearn for more of You Your grace alive in me My life is nailed to hands that bled In this love my soul is free You took my place You took the fall You took the nails That I may live forever Live forever You rose again You made a way You broke the chains And now I’m Yours forever Yours forever I worship You forever more In joy and suffering Until the day I see Your face My whole life to You my offering Jesus Jesus Death could not hold You Freedom abounds Oh Jesus Jesus I sing of Your mercy The power of the cross Darlene Zschech © 2011 Wondrous Worship/ASCAP (adm by Music Services) MAGNIFICENT Who compares to You? Who set the stars in their place? You who calmed the raging seas That came crashing over me Who compares to You? You who bring the morning light The hope of all the earth Is rest assured in Your great love You are magnificent Eternally wonderful glorious Jesus No one ever will compare To You Jesus Where the evening fades You call forth songs of joy As the morning wakes We Your children give You praise Ray Badham © 2001 Hillsong Publishing/APRA (adm in the US & Canada by MY JESUS I LOVE THEE (I Love You Jesus) My Jesus I love Thee I know Thou art mine For Thee all the follies of sin I resign My gracious Redeemer my Saviour art Thou If ever I loved Thee my Jesus ’tis now I love Thee because Thou has first loved me And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow If ever I loved Thee my Jesus ’tis now I’ll love Thee in life I will love Thee in death And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow If ever I loved Thee my Jesus ’tis now I love You Jesus I’ll always love You Now and forever I belong to You In mansions of glory and endless delight I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow If ever I loved Thee my Jesus ’tis now Darlene Zschech, Michael W Smith, William Featherstone, Adoniram Gordan This arr & new words and music © 2013 Integrity Worship Music/ ASCAP, EWI, Inc/APRA (all adm by Integrity Music via, Deer Valley Music d/b/a This Is Your Time Music/ASCAP (adm by The Loving Company) YOUR NAME / CRY OF THE BROKEN As morning dawns and evening fades You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth To touch Your heart And glorify Your Name Your Name Is a strong and mighty tower Your Name Is a shelter like no other Your Name Let the nations sing it louder ‘Cause nothing has the power to save But Your Name Jesus in Your Name we pray Come and fill our hearts today Lord give us strength to live for You And glorify Your Name You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken YOUR NAME Paul Baloche, Glenn Packiam © 2006 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/Vertical Worship Songs/ASCAP (adm by Integrity Music via CRY OF THE BROKEN Darlene Zschech © 2010 Wondrous Worship/ASCAP (adm by Music Services) I AM YOURS Featuring Michael W Smith God of grace God of love God of mercy All glorious In Your presence I remain Your love filling me again I am Yours I am Yours This love that knows no end Your love has set me free To You I give my all I am Yours God of hope God of life God forever be lifted high Jesus Christ revealed in me My whole life an offering I am Yours I am Yours Blessing and honor Glory and power Be unto Him Be unto Him Darlene Zschech, Michael W Smith, Andy Macken © 2013 Integrity Worship Music/ASCAP, EWI, Inc./ APRA (all adm by Integrity Music via, Deer Valley Music d/b/a This Is Your Time Music/ASCAP (adm by The Loving Company), Andy Macken God of peace God of strength God of wonders My defense I will worship at Your throne Your sacrifice has made me whole I am Yours I am Yours JESUS AT THE CENTER Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away my sin Lord Jesus crucified for me Nothing else matters Nothing in this world will do Jesus You’re the center Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be it’s always been You Jesus Jesus c r e d i t s Everything revolves around You Jesus You The center of it all Jesus be the center of my life Jesus be the center of my life From beginning to the end It will always be it’s always been You Jesus Jesus From my heart to the heavens Jesus be the center It’s all about You Yes it’s all about You Jesus be the center of Your church Jesus be the center of Your church Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess You Jesus Jesus Israel Houghton, Adam Ranney, Micah Massey © 2011 Integrity’s Praise! Music/Sound of the New Breed/BMI (both adm at EMICMGPublishing. com), Free Chapel Publishing/ASCAP, Regenerate Music/ASCAP Producer: Israel Houghton Executive Producers: Galley Molina, Darlene Zschech , Israel Houghton, C. Ryan Dunham A&R/Artist Development: Jay King Church of the Highlands: Brian Worster, Patrick Hentz Stage Manager / Logistics: Stephen Varughese Visual Worship Leader: Stephen Proctor Video Engineer: Nathaniel Damron with Damron Production Services Stage Design: Matt Moreland & Armando Fullwood Production Consultant: Daniel D. McGuffey Production Manager: Armando Fullwood Production Coordination: Tori Fullwood Financial Director: Ken Johnson Post Music Production Coordinator: Craig Gower Assistant Music Producer: William Garcia Post Production Engineers: Ben Whincop, Mark Townsend & Andy Sorenson Mixing: Henry Seeley at Deluxé Audio, Nashville TN Mastering: Ken Love at Mastermix LIGHTING Lighting:Matt Moreland & Josh Beard Lighting Techs: Roy Johnston & Rich Quinn VIDEO Video Director: Micah Bickham Director of Photography: Ryan Booth Assistant Director and Documentary Camera Op: Matt Minor DIT & Documentary Camera Op: Jordy Wax Documentary Camera Op: Chip Burns Documentary Camera Op: John David Wright Documentary Camera Op: Blair Hanns Documentary Camera Op: Joel Handcock DVD Authoring: Matt Browning for Ikonik Media Documentary Camera Op: Josh Godsey Steadi-Cam OP: Travis Hays Cam OP: and Photography: Eric Forsythe Cam OP: Mike Siffon Cam OP: Brian Irwin Cam OP: Greg McKinney Cam OP: Mike Cam OP: grip: Trip BAND: Rolf Wam Fjell - Drums Javier Solis - Percussion Ben Whincop - Bass David Holmes - Electric Guitar Joel Camey - Electric Guitar Thom William - Acoustic Guitar and Vocals BJ Putnam - Acoustic Guitar and Vocals Andrew Ironside - Harp, Irish Tin Whistle, Flute Craig Gower - Auxiliary Keyboards, sequencing William Garcia - piano, Keys, sequencing Intro Video Music: William Garcia Audio Engineers: Jim Monk - FOH Nelda Samy - Monitors Danny Duncan – Multitrack 4B MEDIA My Jesus I Love Thee: Media Director: Deborah Ezzy Producer Assistant : Claire Randall Cam Op: Peggy Yabevula, Jason Fittler & Adam McLeod Editors: Jason Fitler & Peggy Yabevula OPENING VIDEO Director: Emile Frederick Media Coordination: Editor: Emile Frederick VOCALS: Darlene Zschech Israel Houghton Michael W. Smith (Piano and Vocal) Kari Jobe (Your’s Forever) Barry Southgate Jeremiah Woods Miriam Webster Dee Uluirewa BJ Putnam Alabama School of Fine Arts Strings: Caitlin Edwards, violin Michael Brown, violin Abby Rankin, violin Shaniah Harmon, violin KaLeah McDaniel, viola Adrienne Sherrod, viola Sarah Nail, violoncello Erin Patterson, violoncello Opening Overture Orchestrated by William Garcia Orchestrated and Conducted by Dr. Henry Panion, III Victor’s Crown Orchestrated by Craig Gower Still Photography: Sam Noerr Special Thanks to the Alabama School of Fine Arts Kim Scott, Chair of the Department of Music Michael W. Smith appears courtesy of The MWS Group Kari Jobe appears courtesy of Sparrow Records Integrity Music Creative Director: Thom Hoyman Production Manager: Dave Taylor Digital LP Project Manager: Chad Powell Post Production Manager: Scott Sanchez 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. God Is Here Best For Me A l l T h a t We A r e In Jesus’ Name Yo u r P r e s e n c e I s H e a v e n Vi c t o r ’ s C r o w n Yo u r s F o r e v e r ( f eat uring K ari Jobe) Magnificent M y J e s u s I L o v e T h e e (I Love You Jesus) Yo u r N a m e / C r y O f T h e B r o k e n I A m Yo u r s ( f e at uring Michael W . Sm ith) Jesus At The Center DVD EXTRAS: Revealing Jesus: The Album Story Revealing Jesus: Opener BONUS SONG “ S h o u t To T h e L o r d / A g n u s D e i ” Producer: Israel Houghton Executive Producers: Galley Molina, Darlene Zschech, Israel Houghton, and C. Ryan Dunham A&R/Artist Development: Jay King π&© 2013 RGM New Breed // Integrity Music (part of the David C Cook family) 4050 Lee Vance View, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, USA // 26-28 Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6NT, UK. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. International rights secured. Printed in the U.S.A. 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