Health and Fitness - Syllabus 2014-2015

HHH Middle School Health & Fitness
KSD Vision & Mission Statement
Kennewick School District’s Health & Fitness Staff are committed to the intentional delivery of a K-12
articulated curriculum. The curriculum emphasizes health and fitness academic content, fitness related
activities, progressive motor skill development, and the promotion of a healthy active lifestyle.
If you are injured during class participation,
the injury needs to be reported to the
supervising teacher immediately.
A doctor’s note can excuse a student from
participation. We encourage parents to
request a modified participation note from
the doctor, as there are often safe activities
your child can participate in while injured.
Ex – With a broken hand a student can
safely ride an exercise bike or walk.
With a parent note students will still be
asked to dress down and perform modified
activities if the injury/illness permits.
Health (Quizzes, Tests, & Projects)
Daily Grading – Each day student have the
opportunity to earn 5 points. Points are
earned based on active participation, effort,
and following expectations.
Excused Absences – If you are absent from
class you will miss your opportunity to earn
your daily points. To earn your points you
will need to complete a PE make-up form,
and have a parent sign and verify the
completion of the activity. Make-up forms
must be completed and turned into your
teacher within one week of the absence.
Locker room Expectations
No glass containers or spray bottles of any
kind ex; perfume, body sprays, hair spray…
No cameras or cell phones. These will be
taken and given to the office.
Please do not stand on the benches.
Please do not share your combo with
anyone, if your lock goes missing you will be
assessed a $7 fine to replace the lock.
Please do not put any stickers on lockers.
Backpacks are not allowed.
Appropriate behavior is expected.
Turn in any found items to a teacher.
Clothing Policy
All clothing will be clearly marked with first
and last name.
PE t-shirts($5) & shorts($10) are to be
purchased in the office.
Proper athletic shoes for your safety.
Sweats or sweatshirts are recommended for
cold weather.
Take PE clothes home at the end of the week
to be washed.
Separate clothing is recommended for after
school sports.
Loaner clothing will be available &
mandatory if you forget your clothes.
However, we will deduct points off your
daily grade and discipline will be as follows;
1st Offense – Warning
2nd Offense – Call home
3rd Offense – After school detention