Minutes of the Horsted Keynes Parish Council meeting held on

HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Minutes of the Horsted Keynes Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 14th April 2015 at 7.00 p.m. in the small
Village Hall.
Cllr. J Brimfield (Chairman), Cllr. S. Bedwell, Cllr. R Clarke, Cllr. D Colville, Cllr. W Dye, Cllr. M Fritz,
Cllr. T Griffiths, Cllr. C Hersey and Cllr. J Luckhurst.
Mrs B O’Garra (Clerk)
Six members of the public present
The Chairman invited the members of the public to address the Council.
Mr Andrew Ronaldson advised that having sent a letter commenting on the Neighbourhood Plan process
approximately six weeks ago which had been forwarded to the NP Steering Group, he had yet to receive a
Clerk explained that delay had resulted from a number of similar questions being asked by more than one person.
The NP Steering Group had therefore prioritised production of the Q&A document (available on the website or a
paper copy in the PC office) and upon completion of that document, were responding to individual letters.
A copy of Mr Ronaldson’s letter was passed to Cllr. Colville (NP Steering Group member) who expressed surprise
that a response to Mr Ronaldson remained outstanding and will investigate.
Apologies for absence
Cllr. K Lawton
To receive Declarations of Interests from Councillors in respect of any matter on the agenda.
Cllr. C A C Hersey's declaration of interest:
I wish to advise that with regard to any comment (s) I may make on any planning application on tonight's
agenda, I reserve the right to alter my views on any application and submission should it come before
Planning Committee A or the District Planning Committee, following reading the Planning Officer's report,
considering any verbal update the Planning Officer may provide and taking into account the views
expressed by other members or members of the public at that meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting held on 10th March 2015 to be agreed and signed as a true record.
Agreed and signed.
Matters arising from the previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda.
Receive reports from the County Councillor and District Councillor
Cllr. Mrs Field (County Councillor) – nothing to report
Cllr. Brimfield asked about progress in recruiting a School Crossing Patrol person for Horsted Keynes.
Cllr. Mrs Field reported that the vacancy has been agreed and advertised and she will make enquiries
regarding the number of applicants and will report to the Clerk.
Cllr. Hersey (District Councillor) – nothing to report.
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Receive, consider and reply to communications received:
4.6.1. To note all items of correspondence received and recorded for information.
To receive, consider and reply to all items of correspondence requiring action.
See Appendix 1 for details.
Receive Committee / Working Party / Project Reports
4.7.1. Written report on Planning Applications received and MSDC decisions.
Councillor Clarke reported – see minutes of Planning Committee meeting 14/04/15 for details.
Verbal report from Toilets, Green & Recreation Ground Committee.
Cllr. Luckhurst reported as follows:
 Village Green has received first cut of the year and looks good.
 Cllr. Griffiths reported that the old goal posts are available at Jeffreys Farm if needed to
carry out repairs to junior goal posts on the Recreation ground. Clerk to include on next
TGR agenda for discussion.
 Football Club will need to be reminded to remove goal posts from the Recreation Ground
prior to the May Fayre.
 Salt bin received for MSDC car park – only one ordered but two delivered. (See item
4.11.3 for further discussions).
 Toilet seat has been replaced in the Gents public toilet.
Verbal report from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.
Cllrs Colville and Fritz reported as follows:
 Awaiting formal confirmation that grand funding application has been accepted (informally
aware that it has).
 £3,885 applied for to fund the remainder of the project.
 Numerous NPSG internal discussions taking place re population growth data, impact on
housing numbers etc. but with no outcome at present. There are no “Quick wins” on these
subjects and discussions are ongoing.
 A meeting has been arranged with Mark Bristow at MSDC on 21/04/15 to discuss the
above issues and seek guidance.
To receive verbal update on Fingerpost project.
Cllr. Brimfield reported as follows:
 Two visits have been made this year to the Contractor.
 Posts have been installed but are still to have arms fitted.
 Cllr. Brimfield will continue to monitor progress.
 Clerk to note recommendation to new Council that contractor is not used for further
fingerpost work.
Neighbourhood Plan
4.8.1. To consider the NP Steering Group proposal that MSDC projected population increase data for
the Mid Sussex District as a whole is used to determine the potential increase in the Parish
population for NP purposes.
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
(Councillors are asked to review the methodology / data recommended by the NP Steering Group and to
either endorse its use to calculate the potential population increase for the Parish for the period 2014 to 2031
or to recommend an alternative. Councillors should note that any methodology / data agreed for this purpose
may form the basis of any future calculation of housing numbers for the NP)
Item 4.8.1 deferred at the request of the NP Steering Group as notified prior to the meeting.
To consider the addition of NP process information (as attached) to expand and clarify
the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group formal terms of reference previously adopted by the full
Parish Council (minute item 9.10 / PC meeting September 2011).
(Councillors are reminded that the NPSG terms of reference previously adopted by the Parish Council are:
Liaison with MSDC on the District Plan
Production of a Neighbourhood Plan
Liaison with relevant bodies re the Affordable Housing needs of the Parish.
Additionally, Council confirmed its support of the process being adopted by the NP Steering Group at its
meeting on 10/02/15 (minute item 2.9.2))
Agreed unanimously that the NP process (see Appendix 2 for details) should be read in
conjunction with original Terms of Reference quoted above and adopted by the Council in
September 2011. Clerk to publish on the Website for information.
To note and confirm additional Neighbourhood Plan funding application.
Noted and application by NPSG on behalf of the Parish Council confirmed unanimously.
4.9.1. To authorise schedule of payments and note receipts and year to date expenditure.
Unanimously agreed and noted respectively.
4.9.2. To consider creation of a Special Reserve of £500 for the previously proposed Village Event to
be held in 2015. (Fund to be transferred from General fund – previously allocated under 2014/15
Cllr. Luckhurst reported that the event has been cancelled for 2015 therefore no Special
Reserve required.
Clerk / RFO to account accordingly.
4.10. Highways
4.10.1. To confirm minutes of the Highways Committee meeting held on 26 th April 2014.
Agreed and signed by Cllr. Fritz – Chairman of the Highways Committee.
4.11. Toilets, Greens & Recreation Ground
4.11.1. To consider placement of tables on the Village Green outside the Green Man Public House.
Agreement allows for three tables and one wooden notice board to be allowed on Village Green.
Proposed by Cllr. Brimfield / Seconded by Cllr. Griffiths.
Agreed unanimously subject to receipt of a copy of the licensee’s liability insurance for Parish
Council records.
Signed agreement handed to the Clerk by Cllr. Brimfield. Insurance to be chased by the Clerk.
4.11.2. To note outcome of works carried out on the Ash tree on the Village Green (by Hillcrest)
Cllr. Brimfield reported as follows:
 Work has been completed and is satisfactory.
 Householders are pleased and their contribution towards the cost of work is awaited.
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
4.11.3. To consider purchase and placement of additional salt bins to store surplus salt
Clerk advised that MSDC has approved siting of one bin in the car park and three WSCC
licences exist for sites where stolen bins were previously located. (Birchgrove Road / Station
Road / Boxes Lane)
Following discussion, agreed unanimously to retain the second bin delivered in error (see item
4.7.2 above – Clerk to liaise with supplier) and to site one in MSDC car park and one at WSCC
licenced site in Boxes Lane.
Cllrs. Brimfield, Luckhurst and Griffiths to arrange relocation and filling of both bins.
4.12. General
4.12.1. To note receipt of Freedom of Information request regarding Church Lane and additional hours
accrued by Clerk in order to produce response.
Clerk reported and the additional 11.5 hours required to produce an appropriate response was
4.12.2. To note names / numbers of people who have submitted Election nomination papers to MSDC.
Names reported (see Appendix 3 for details)
13 nominations received for 11 seats will result in election on 07th May 2015.
All noted.
4.13. Reports
4.13.1. To receive and consider reports from Councillors.
Cllr. Griffiths reported due to parking on tarmac area near the Green Man Inn which is part of the
Village Green, access to the pub can sometimes could be difficult for pedestrians.
Clerk to include on next TGR agenda for discussion.
4.14. Date of next meeting
New Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, 19th May 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Appendix 1 – Correspondence for Action (Item 4.6.2)
1. Councillors to consider:
Renewal of GACC membership
£10.00 for one year – all information & newsletters provided by email.
Agreed unanimously
2. Councillors to note:
The following documents have been recently uploaded to the NALC and SALC Websites
L01-01 Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity (England) – Updated March 2015
The briefing has been updated to remind councils about the application of the code of recommended practice
on local authority publicity during purdah and to highlight the Local Government Association’s new guide to
publicity during purdah.
F02-15 – Councillors’ Travel Allowances
This briefing Councillors’ Travel Allowances contains updated information on the taxation of Travel Allowances
PC02-15 – Local Government Ombudsman Consultation
This consultation on extending the Ombudsman to larger town and parish councils has a closing date of 18
June 2015
All noted
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Appendix 2 – Neighbourhood Plan Process (Item 4.8.2)
Conduct data collection through household surveys to gather evidence about housing and infrastructure needs.
Draft a Vision Statement describing what residents want their community to look like at the end of the planning
period, 2031.
Draft a Statement of Objectives to flesh out the vision.
Draft Policies to support the objectives, including housing policies.
Identify an Objective Assessment of (Housing) Need (OAN) for the community – for its own purposes the local
authority must establish an OAN for its district and allocate individual OANs to the communities in its area.
Develop site sustainability criteria consistent with local and national policy as a means of evaluating any sites that
will be put forward.
Make a call for land by placing notices in local media outlets publicising the requirement for land and the call
period’s expiry date.
Apply the sustainability criteria to any sites put forward in response to the land call to identify those which on
balance may be judged sustainable.
Assess the upper and lower limits of new build capacity resulting from the sustainability assessment and identify
infrastructure issues.
Develop policies for each sustainable site to fulfil the plan objectives and overall housing policies (e.g. on housing
Draft key statement and reports required by planning policies and guidelines such as the Sustainability Appraisal
Scoping Report.
Assemble documentary evidence supporting the policies drafted for the plan.
Draft the Neighbourhood Plan document itself (a process that may overlap most of the above stages).
Conduct Community engagement and consultation (ongoing process through the above stages).
Conduct a minimum 6-week period of formal consultation that anyone can respond to, and amend the Plan as
necessary to take account of comments received.
Submit the NP to the local authority (MSDC) for a second minimum 6-week period of consultation to which anyone
can respond.
There then follows an independent examination of the plan. This examination will ensure that the NP fulfils legal and
policy requirements and meets three key conditions, namely that (a) it has regard to national planning policy, (b) it is in
general conformity with strategic policies in the development plan for the local area, and (c) it is compatible with EU
obligations and human rights requirements. Amendments may then be required by the inspector before the NP can be
MSDC will then arrange the final referendum for adoption of the Plan.
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council
HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Appendix 3 – Parish Councillor Nominations (Item 4.12.2)
Lawrence ALLAN
Broadhurst Cottage, Broadhurst Manor Road, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7BG
The Malt House, Cinder Hill Lane, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7BD
Southways, The Green, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7AP
Billy DYE
41 Challoners, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DU
Dens Barn Farm, Stonecross Lane, Lindfield, RH16 2QU
Downlands View, Cheeleys, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7AU
Michael KIRK
Neifin, Sugar Lane, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7EH
Martin LEWER
23 Hamsland, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DS
39 Challoners, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DU
Keith O’Regan
49 Hamsland, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DS
Jeffreys Farmhouse, Sugar Lane, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7EH
Twittens, Lewes Road, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DY
High Timbers House, Lewes Road, Horsted Keynes, RH17 7DP
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………….
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HK Parish Council