THE C CHORD A chord is sounded when more than two stdngs are played at the Same time. To play your first chord, C, use your 1st finger to press the 2nd shing at the 1st fret. T don iplay--] xxr.o^o pla) "upen Music has a steady beat, like the ticking of a clock. Count aloud as you strum. strum strum strum strum stmm strum ./ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ 1234 ARE YoU strum ,/ ,/ l2t1 STRUMMING? strum 4 o-.""- C ,/ Are ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ,/ you strum-ming? Are you ,/ ,/ ,/ ./ ./ ,/ Iama gui-tar-ist. I ama ,/ ,/ strum-ming? Yes, I ,/ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ gui-tar-ist. Watch me jam. RI]CORPORATION TEACHER MELODY: C am. Yes, Watch I me am. jam. THE G7 CHOBD Use your 1st finger to press the 1st strirlg ai the 1st lret. xxxoo Bar lines divide music into measures. T-- A double bar line means the end. T--Measure---_.---- Mcasure ./ t---=-..- Bo. t,,'r". ./ ,/ ,/ Double bar line / or'*"- c0c0NUT Words and Music by Hany Nilsson G7 ./ Put ./ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ thelime in thccoco-nul, drink'cmbolh ,/ ,/ Doc- tor. ,/ TEACHEB MELODY: G't 4-a !. ,/ is there ./ ./ nothin[ I ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ./ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ up. Putthe lime in rhrco.'o nut.drink enl both up. ,/ ./ ,/ can take? ./ ,/ ,/ Doc- tor, ,/ ./ to ./ ,/ ,/ relieve thisbelly ache? CHANGING CHORDS Practice strummint the C chord, and then move to G7. G'7 C ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ 4 beats ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ././ of silence ,/ ,/ / / / /ll ,/ ./ ./ G7 C ./ ,/ ./ 2 beats ./ ./ ,/ ./ ./ ./ of silence ./ G7 C ./ ./ ./ ,/ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ./ We all live in a ,/ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ./ ,/ yellow submarine, yellow submarine, ./ all live in a yellow ,/ ./ ,/ submarine, o ,/ C ,/ ,/ ./ N1 ./ ,/ r/ /,/ll yellow submarine. 1966sony'ATvMtr\ir Ptrbh+;s Ll-C lnbmron,'l coDynjlhr se.urod ) ,/ ye)low submanne, ConinghrR.k*ed Ri hNAdni,l^rcndby sotry/ATv (r=i ./ C Copyighl TEACHER MELODY: ./ yellow submarine G1 C ./ Words and Music by John Lennon and Paul Mccartney C G1 C ./ / /,t,/ll .//././ O-'-"- YELL0W SUBMABINE ,/ wci. N$hlirre, TN 17:01 THE H0KEY o-,*- P()KEY Words and Music by Charles P Macak, Tafft Baker and Larry LaPrise C ll' You put your right foot you put your m, right out. You put your G'7 dght do foot m, the Hokev Pokey and you shake it and you tum all yourself about. arcund. C That's what ir's a - all /11 bout. Repeat sign (Play again ftom the beginning) Additional Lyrics Left foot Right arm Left arm Whole self copynsh o 1950 soiy/ATv Mtrsi. pubtishins LLc copydAhrRef,$ed aR'Eh'.Ad.''./cnv..'(plbti.htrgLrrBM,i.squarctre.r.\ah!,tkr\,/.n, Inrmd'onJt.opln8hr \ecuro atr p,phr. TEACHER MELOOY: fl.J ) Rehtu THE E MINOR CHORD Use your 2nd finger to press the 4th string at the 2nd fret. X o o o X GET UP STAND UP or'*.- Words and Music by Bob Marley and Peter Tosh Em lJ:t,t,t t ,/ ,/ ,a ,/ ./ ,/ ./ Getup, standup. l,z ,t ,/,/,// Get up. StanLl stand up. TEACHER MELODY: up for .a ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ your fight z ,t ,/ ./ ./ ,/ z ,t z l:)l Don t give up the fight. BIGBY ELEAN()R o.'""- C t ,/ l):t,t,z Ah,all look ar Words and Music by John Lennon and Paul Mccartney Em ,/ ./ ,/ the lonely ,/ ,/ ,/ z lt ,/ ./ ,/ people! Em ,/ ,/ ./ ./ ./ ,/ ,/ ,/ i,/ ,/ ./ ,/ Rigby, rice church l. Eleanor picks up the in the where a ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ,/ weddinghas been Em ./ livesin ./ a ,/ ./ dream. ,/ ,/ Waits at the window. C ./ ,/ wearing Em ,/ ./ who is it for? C ,/ ./ ,/ ,/ the face that she kee ps in a jar ,/ by the ,/ ,/ ./ z lz ,/ ,/ All lonely people, .//,/ door. ./ the ./ where Em ,/ ,/ ,/ do they all C ,/ ./ ,/ come from? ,/ ,/ ,/ All the lonely ./ ./ 1,, ./ ,/ / Em do they all coplrilhr 6 1966 SonJ/ATV Mui. ,, .1'3J,f "x;,' lnlro C publishmp 1T, ,,. , " y rin,b.,!n.t.ot!,+h. TEACHER MELODY: ll be - long? . ,, LLc ./ ,/ peopl e, ,/ ,/ ,/ where THE NOTE E play chords. If you remember, a chord is sounded when more than two strings are played to8ether. Now let's play some single notes. So far, you have learned to To play the note E, pluck the 1st string open using a downward motion of the thumb or pick. x x x x X o # oE i Play open (don't finger) Music is written on a staff of five lines and four spaces. Each line and space of a staff has a letter name. A clef appears at the beginning of every staff. Guitar music is wdtten using the treble clef. Lines Treble Spaces -..._ Clet\ The open 1st string is the note E in the top space of the staff. Play each E note slowly and evenly, using a downward motion of the thumb or pick. MALAGUEfrA O-""*- TEACHER ACCOMPANIMENT: IHE NOTE F Use your 1st finger to press the 1st string at the 1st fret. XXXXX A time signature appears at the beginning of a piece of music. It tells how many beats are in each measure and what kind of note gets one beat. In X ("four-four") time, there are four beats in each measure and the qua{eI note gets one beat. A solid note with a stem (f) is called a quarter note. TW() N0TEIUNE Count: o-'"*. 1 Time Signature TEACHEN ACCOl'IPANIMENT: HAMMER HEAD TEACHER ACCOMPANIMENT: Or'*"- THE NOTE G Use your 3rd finger to press the 1st string at the 3rd Iret. xxxxx F dc A half note (f) hsts two beats. It is twice as long as a quarter note (f). *l =r | SECREI AGENT Counl: 1 - 2 Ot@ TEACHEB ACCOMPANIMENT: GEE WHIZ Count: 1 Op@ 3- TEACHER ACCOMPANIMENT: THE NOTE B Now let's move to the 2nd stdng. To play the note B, pluck the 2nd string open. XXXXOX i Play open A whole note (o) lasts four beats. It is as long as four quarter notes or two half notes. [*r*r*r=' C00L BLUES Oh,,,*-,, Count: 1 2- 3- TEACHEB ACCOMPANIMENT: Moderale Shuff le (r=i'l) THE NOTE C Use your 1st finger to press the 2nd string at the 1st fret. XXXXX F c Rests are sounds of silence. The [)0UBLE TR0UBLE TEACHER ACCO!'PANIMENT: C qua er note rest oE**-'' (l) means to be silent for one beat. THE NOTE D Use your 3rd finger to prcss the 2nd st ng at tle 3rd fret. xxxxx The half note rest (-) means to be silent for two beats. 2 R0CK CLIMBING TEACHER ACCOMPANIMENT: @*=- NOIE REVIEW \bu hale learned six notes now: three on the 1st st ng and three on the 2nd string. @ The notes in the following exercises move from stdng to string. As you are playing one note, look ahead to the next and get your fingers in position. oDE T0 J()Y @*"-" Beethoven Some songs begin with pickup notes. Count the missing beats out loud before you start playing. 3-4 r) R0CK & B0Lt (r2) - PART ll IHE HEy ,. Teacher plays r,z c soNG) I 4 t-2 3 @*'" Words and Music by Mike Leander and Gary Glitter chord symbols Copyrishr@ 1972 UNMRSAL/MCAMUSICLtD. Copyngh Rene*ed d Asisn.d ro CROssmwN SONCS AMERTCA. LLc hd SONCS oF UNrvERsar_ rN. All RiShr lor cRoss'rowN soN6s AMERTCA, LLc conrDled d A,lminineEd by KoBALT MUsIc puBlrsHrNc AMERTCA rNc. A[ Rlghrs 4 Re*ien THE G CHORD Lse lour 3rd finger to press the lst string at the 3rd fret. xxooo strum Strum marks are sometimes written on the staff to help you keep track of where the strums are within the measure. ABC @*"-, Words and Music by Alphonso Mizell, Frederick Perren, Deke Richards and Beny Gody o 1970 (R.nsed I99B) JoBETE MUSIC CO., lNC. All tu3i6 conroll.d od adminisrrcd by EMI APRIL MUsIc rNc AllnighbR..c^.d li r.odio ',1 Cop| sl r s.rrd THE D CHOHD For the D chord, you will need to press three notes at the same time. xxo LAND 0FATH0USAND DANCES na,na,na,na, @*.- na,na,na,na, o r96r. All Rjshr na, na, na, Words and Music by Chris Kenner na, na, na, naJla,na,na. 1970(Rene$ed 1991) EMr LONCITUDE MUSra copynshr secmd u$d by pemision Rckied tnrtrlrional CHORD TO CHORD You can now play five different chords. Let,s practice changing between two chords at a time. Go slow at first it's okay to pause between chords if you need to in the beginning. D :; G7 ll /,r,t,r ./ r/ r/./11 C ff;.ll: ,t,t,t t Em ,l G G . ,, ll. . ,z ,l ,z:l THIS LAND IS Y()UB This land is your LAND land. @,.... this Iand is Words and Music bv Woodv Guthrie my D TRO- oCotlighr 1916 (Reie*ed). 1953 (Renered). I All TEACHER MELODY: nE Rish(Rc{ l9T0lRemqed) and ndioi,' I Copy d8ht .dlndtrditrgPtrbk Se! 1972 (Renesed) urd Ltrtlloq vusic,lic.. Nc! Yor( NY Y()U ARE MY SUNSHINE O"".,"", Words and Music by Jimmie Davis You are my su, - shine my on-ly shine. =_ _- you make me C hap - PY . .-... _ when skies are gIay. You'll nev - er - C G dear, '... _ ._- I love you. _- shine a- ( plrirh TEACHER MELODY: way. tunitrcLl 1 FtrhLR( Please don't - G take ..=_ r I hare Played four downstrums Ior each measure Now let's strum twice for every beat, Lrr eight times for each measure. Alternate between downstrums and upstrums. S.r aar. r ou down up down uP down uP down up Tn' the new down-up strum with songs you learned earlier, and then try "Hound Dog." HOUND [)oG oIT'[,,-" Words and Music by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller G You ain't nothin' but a dog- hound Well, time. the you ain't nev- er caught C L ;,,,ir, TEACHER MELODYi G R- ..." ,d. vtr\ir Publnhins c.i'ri I'trsr&onrl cop!d!li s..ufd All Rish( R.\c!\ed time. i_ ln. a rab - bit and you BH0WN EYED GIRL ol]-"*"" This famous song by van Morrison uses four chords. you can strum with a, downstrokes or use the new down-up pattern. Words and Music by Van Morrison lntro Verse G Hcy. \,here did we Hot Days when the ratns came, skipping and a - jumping. laughing and r-running. hey. hey, D In down in the hollow the misry morning lbg wirh piayin'a new game, heart's a-thumping, and D you, my brown eyed girl. G You, my brown eyed D girl. Do you remember when we used to sins: Chorus G G la la Ia la Ia la la la la la la la la la la te da. CG Sha la Ia Ia cop];ghi AllRi h(forthcus i o la la re da. te da. I967 UNIVERSAI. TIUsIc PUBLISHING I}i.IaRNATIoNAL LTD lcai&I.c",,,",,,",,,,.,,r",,,':flrr'i"Ji--** -'"'' -""''",r '"LlT*:;'soNCs oF PoLYcRA\r INTERNATIoNAL' I\c ^" TEACHER MELODY: l.-+. GC \ _ UDG , rr F-- Verse C THENOTESG&A j :\ leamed how io play the note G on the 1st string. Another note G can be played by pJuck::: :re 3rd string open. To play the note A, press the 3rd string at the 2nd fret. ': - XXXOXX ETU[)E or'*"*, Teacher plays chord "rrOo'j_ AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE Oh.,''-. olr*,,-= L0VE ME TEN[)EB Words and Music by Elvis Prcsley and Vera Matson Teacher plays chord symbols CI go. G7 life Am C7 and love F Fm you C fill. all der, A7 dar C D7 - lin' I G7 love you, and I C al ways Copyishr o l956rRene*ed 1934 Elvi\Prcney Mmic (BMI) woddwide Rishrr for Ervn Pnney Mu'c AdminsEftd by chcn Riler Munc Inrmd' copyrishr secmed wi1l. co THBEE.FOUR TIME Some music has three beats per measure instead of four. The symbol for three-four time is: Three beats per measure; quarter note (.] ) gets one beat. BIRTHDAY SONG O.,',,*-" Teacher plays chord symbols--+ C G F C C G C THE A CHORD Use r our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers to press the 4th,3rd, and 2nd strin8s at the 2nd fret. Arch :rqers your so the 1st string rings open. x o o Words and Music by SylvesterAllen, Harold R. Brown, Morris Dickerson, Jery Goldstein, Leroy Jordan, Lee Oskaf Charles W. Miller and Howard Scott Low RIDER o..**Verse Alt know the Low Low Low Rid drives Low a litlle Rider slower is a lirtle Rid Rid lnterlude copj_nght AIIR]gh| TEACHEB MELODY: CONIdIUd ANdAdM]NNtrcd IlY o l9r5 fARoUTMUslC.lNc UNIVERSAI-. POLYCRAM INIIJRNATIONAL PUBLISHING,INC. UtdbY P nnlon stJBFlN'u.s.A. @*""- Strum along with this famous Beach Boys song. Words and Music hv Chuck Beny whole rest If ev'-ry-bod-y had an ocean, ihen everybody'd be like Cal-i - for huarachi surf sandals - in' Ven-lur - You'd see 'em wearin' their bag- a Australia\ A bushy, bushy blonde U-S.A. You'llcatch'em surfin' at Santa County Narabine. and down Dohenv surfin Copynsh o everybody's U.S.A. 1953, I 961 (RsnEved) by Arc Mu sic Corponrion ( BMD and Is5t.c IneflarioialCopynghrse.ud A[RighGRaened MELODY: Cruz M Bic lnc (BMr) gone \.-: rtrl knorr enouSh about the guitar to play either the notes or the chords for this final song! I'M A BELIEVER ol'*.",' Words and Music by Neil Diamond lntro Verse t) G G ty fair Pre-Chorus C G C Thaas the o G way it seemed. r966(ReneN.d 1995) STONEBRTDCE MUSrCtr d rORAY rlrUSrC G C Dis ap - - poin( D ment Chorus G Then liev - C Now Im a her be er! G G C of G I saw G doubt in my C C G mind. C G I'm be - liev erl I couldn't
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