HOUSE OF PRAYER LUTHERAN CHURCH “Grow in Faith, Make Disciples, Serve in Love” M AY 2 0 1 5 VOLUME XVIII, ISSUE V MESSAGE FROM PASTOR PETE On April 25th, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. Thousands of people were killed. Thousands more were injured. Every time a tragedy like this takes place we’re reminded of other similar tragedies - hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, tsunamis... As the days have passed since the earthquake, there have been countless stories of devastation. There have also been stories of miracles taking place - people being discovered alive under piles of rubble! There are many ways we can help when disaster strikes. We can give money to Disaster Response organizations (see the back page of this newsletter for information about giving to Lutheran Disaster Response). We can travel to disaster sites and assist in rescue/cleanup efforts. We can send quilts and personal care kits. We can pray. A beautiful prayer was written just hours after the Nepal earthquake by a hymnwriter named Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. We used her hymn as a prayer on the Sunday following the earthquake. Below are the words to her Hymn Prayer (sung to the tune “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”). Let us pray. O God, we hear of suffering of people in Nepal, For mountains trembled, valleys shook and rocks began to fall. From city streets, the cries of grief rise up to hills above; In all the sorrow, pain and death, where are you, God of love? A woman sifts through rubble, a man has lost his home, A hungry, orphaned toddler sobs, for she is now alone. Where are you, Lord, when thousands die - the rich, the poorest poor? Were you the very first to cry for all that is no more? O God, you love your children; you hear each lifted prayer! May all who suffer in that land know you are present there. In moments of compassion shown, in simple acts of grace, May those in pain find healing balm, and know your love's embrace. Where are you in the anguish? Lord, may we hear anew That anywhere your world cries out, you're there - and suffering, too. And may we see, in others' pain, the cross we're called to bear; Send out your church in Jesus' name to pray, to serve, to share. Tune: Frederick Charles Maker, 1881. Text:© 2015 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. w w w. h o u s e o f p r a y e r h o u s t o n . o r g SOUTHEAST CLUSTER SPRING EVENT - May 2 SOUTHEAST CLUSTER SPRING EVENT Saturday, May 2nd at 9:30am New Life Lutheran Church - 3521 Orange Street, Pearland TX Registration fee: $2.00 (includes breakfast) “Win, Place or Show: Derby Day/Run for the Roses” Guest Speaker: Christa Kaiser (Master Gardener & Rose Expert) All women are invited to the Southeast Cluster of the Women of the ELCA’s Spring Event. Guest speaker, Christa Kaiser will give a presentation on roses. To get in the spirit of the event, all are invited to wear or bring your best derby hat to be judged for prizes. Your hat can be store bought or hand decorated. Lunch will also be served. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to: Barbara Brown - [email protected], 281-798-2318 or Cheryl Robinson - 713/471-4128. SUNDAY SCHOOL & ADULT EDUCATION - May 3, 10, 17 Sunday School and Adult Education is offered between worship services (from approximately 9:30 until 10:30am) on Sunday mornings. Sunday school youth gather in the sanctuary for an opening session, and then students are divided into age groups for the remainder of the Sunday school hour. Adult Education meets upstairs in the Fellowship Room (#210). Each week a different topic is covered. On May 3rd, there will be a guest speaker - Abbie Laird, from Communities in Schools. She will tell us about how we can help homeless children and youth with financial challenges in our area. On May 10th, we’ll discuss the book “Unwelcome.” On May 17th, we’ll have a New Member meeting. Current members are encouraged to attend to help welcome future members. Sunday, May 17th is the last day of Sunday School for the school year. There will be an end of year celebration including a bouncy house, crafts and snacks. Join us for this bouncy, fun, yummy time! THANK YOU to all the people who served as leaders and shepherds this year! Our kids have grown and learned from each of you! If you are still interested in helping, a couple more teachers are needed for May 3rd and 10th. Check the schedule in the narthex. Contact Elaine - [email protected] if you have any questions. SERMONS ON OUR WEBSITE If you ever miss worship on a Sunday, or if you ever want to review what was preached on a Sunday morning, House of Prayer’s sermons are now available online. Log onto our website - and click the tab “SERMONS” at the top of the page. Not every sermon gets recorded, but most do. Check it out and share the link with your friends! 2 YOUTH AUCTION & DINNER - May 3rd at 5:30pm ALMOST Please join us for this year’s Sci-fi-Themed Youth Auction and Dinner! There will be great food like Obi Wan Kabobs, Bean me up Scotties, Sharknado Potatoes, and Chew Broccoli Salad. All House of Prayer Youth heading to the National Youth Gathering in July will auction off items and/or services to help pay for their upcoming trip. Along with the great food and the youth auction, there will also be silent auction items, trivia, fellowship and entertainment! If you would like to dress up as your favorite Sci-Fi or Fantasy character, may the (almost) fourth be with you! THANK YOU for supporting the youth of our congregation! HELP NEEDED: SET UP/CLEAN UP - Junior high and High school help will be needed throughout Sunday, May 3rd to get ready for the Youth Auction at 5:30pm. Help will be need after the 10:45am worship service- setting up tables, chairs and decorations in the sanctuary. Help will be needed again at 4:30pm before the auction to set out the food and do last minute preparations. FOOD PREP/GRILLING - Help is needed to cut up meat and veggies in order to grill the “Obi Wan Kabobs.” Please contact Elaine if you can help in any way: [email protected] or 713-591-8581. OPPORTUNITIES LADIES BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON - Thursday, May 7th at 11:30am An invitation goes out to all ladies of House of Prayer and their friends to join us for our May Luncheon on Thursday, May 7th at 11:30am at Angelo’s Pizza & Pasta Restaurant, 400 W. Bay Area Blvd in Webster. To make reservations please call Bonnie Peterson at 281-488-2185 by Tuesday, May 5th. Thanks to our April ladies for their donation of $165.00 given to the Youth for their National trip to Detroit in July. Again this month our donation will go to the Youth for their July Trip. Make checks out to House of Prayer and write “Youth” on the check Memo at the May Luncheon. MENS LUNCHEON - Thursday, May 7th at 11:30am On Thursday, May 7th, the men will meet for lunch at Chili’s Grill & Bar at 11:30am. The restaurant address is 1150 W Nasa Road 1, Webster, TX 77598. If you are not on the calling list, please call Larry Myers, 281-326-1840 to be added. 3 READING READINESS - Mondays & Wednesdays at 9:45am Each Monday and Wednesday at 9:45am, Diane Busch, with the help of several other church members, leads an interactive reading program at House of Prayer. After the program, kids are given snacks and parents are given a small packet to work on with their child. For more information contact Diane Busch at 281-286-1184. *No Reading Readiness on May 4 or 6 because of carpet installation. *May 20th will be the last day of Reading Readiness until the fall. “INSIDE SCOOP” BIBLE STUDY - Thursdays at 10:00am Join us in the Fellowship Room upstairs at House of Prayer on Thursdays at 10am for fellowship, prayer and Bible Study. This is your chance to get the “Inside Scoop” on what Pastor Pete might be preaching about on Sunday morning. Bring your Bible and bring a friend! Come get the “Inside Scoop!” May 21st will be the last day of “Inside Scoop” until the fall. CARD MAKING CLASS - Friday, May 8th at 10:00am There will be a Card Making Class from 10am - 12pm in room #207 at House of Prayer on Friday, May 8th. This is a fun time to visit with friends while creating cards. You do not need to be creative! Nancy Chambers designs the cards and puts together a kit especially for you. The cost of your kit is $15. Because of the need for preparing your kit in advance you must RSVP by 8pm on Wednesday, May 6th. Email Nancy Chambers at [email protected] or call/text at 713-4461493. You will make 3 cards with envelopes to take home with you. A 4th card will be made and donated to the House of Prayer's Prayer Ministry. BRING: small sharp scissors and a snail adhesive, also known as a tape runner (can be found in the scrap booking section of our local craft stores). A note about the adhesive make sure you get the whole gadget the first time you buy it. Make sure the packaging DOES NOT say "refill" unless that is what you need. CONFIRMATION BANQUET - Saturday, May 9th at 6:00pm There will be a banquet on Saturday, May 9th at 6pm celebrating House of Prayer’s five youth who will be confirming their faith this month. This banquet is for the 5 soon-to-be Confirmed youth and their families. All other confirmation age youth will be needed to help set up, serve and clean up. 6th and 7th graders need to come dressed nicely at 5:30pm and expect to leave around 8:15pm. After the banquet, there will be a brief rehearsal in the sanctuary in preparation for Confirmation Sunday - May 10th. 4 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY - May 10th Join us for worship on Sunday, May 10th as Alana Larson, Emery Gallia Jr, Thomas Jensen, Liam Horne and Daniel Nagle affirm their baptisms and confirm their faith. After the 10:45am worship service we’ll have cake and fellowship to celebrate with our newly confirmed youth! 8:30 - Traditional Worship Service 10:45 - Confirmation Worship Service CAMPFIRE WORSHIP - May 10th at 6:00pm Join us around the campfire for an interactive and inspiring worship service. If the weather is nice, we’ll worship around a campfire outside. If it’s raining, we’ll worship inside. Next month’s Campfire Worship service will be on Sunday, June 21st - with our Day Camp Staff and campers! QUILTING OPPORTUNITIES IN MAY Come make quilts for Lutheran World Relief charities. Our Quilting Groups meet in the Conference Room at Church - #203. Our Quilting Dates in May are: Wednesday, May 13 - 9:00am until noon Wednesday, May 27 - 9:00am until noon Thursday, May 28 - 3:00pm until 7:00pm We have plenty of batting for the year thanks to the Thrivent Action Team and the funds that Thrivent gave us to buy supplies. However, we need backing for the quilts. There is a box in the narthex to put single bed flat sheets to be used as quilt backing. Walmart has these for $4.97. Thank you to everyone who made 2014-2015 quilting a success! We shipped 69 quilts to Lutheran World Relief the Monday after Easter. Many thanks to Dave McCullough for delivering these to the ingathering location. Thanks to Pastor Pete and Jane and Richard Markle for putting the quilts out for all to admire for display and blessing. Thanks to everyone who helped box the quilts for shipment - Louise and Bob Duppstadt, Dug and Deloris Dugdale, Amanda and Benjamin Hinojosa, Kimberlee Jadwick, Stanley and Elizabeth Curtice, Nina Zoch, and Ruth Cox. Most of all, thanks to the quilters who put in many hours of work and to Jan Wright for hemming them to complete each one. Where did the quilts we shipped in 2014 go? According to the tracking codes, our quilts went to the Philippines in August, 2014 and to Tanzania in September, 2014. 5 NEW MEMBER MEETINGS - May 17, 31 Are you interested in becoming an official member at House of Prayer? There will be two different opportunities to attend a New Member meeting in May. Attend Part 1 and 2 on either May 17th or May 31st. Or mix n’ match… attend Part 1 on one Sunday and Part 2 on the other Sunday. May 17th 9:30 to 10:30am - Part 1: Get to know the Church 10:45am - Worship 12pm to 1:15pm - Part 2: Lutheran Theology May 31st 8:45am to 9:45am - Part 1: Get to know the Church 10:00am - Worship 11:15am to 12:30pm - Part 2: Lutheran Theology No need to RSVP, but feel free to contact Pastor Pete if you have any questions - [email protected] or 832-906-0583. BOOK CLUB - Tuesday, May 19th at 7:30pm The House of Prayer Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month in Room #205 at 7:30pm. This month’s meeting is May 19th. This month’s book is: Women of the Bible - Pick your own book or borrow one from me (Beverly Curtice). We will discuss the different ways women of the Bible are portrayed. These books could be on one women or about several. There will be questions to get our discussions started. Look at the church library to see if there are any books there that interest you. FOURTH FRIDAY LUNCH - May 22nd at 11:30am The next meeting will be Friday, May 22nd at 11:30am at House of Prayer. We will hear from Pastor Pete about the upcoming Youth Trip to Detroit. There is no cost to attend, but a free-will offering is collected. Please sign up in the narthex if you can bring food for this lunch. FOURTH FRIDAY LUNCH MISSION: To inform the public of opportunities to provide assistance and financial aid to organizations run by volunteers without big overhead. WE RAISED ENOUGH TO BUILD A WATER WELL! It costs $5,000 to build a water well in rural Africa through “Water to Thrive.” Throughout Lent we raised funds with the goal of building a well. Last month… we topped $5,000! Thank you for your generous gifts to this life-giving ministry! 6 SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE BEGINS - May 24 On Sunday, May 24th our summer worship schedule will begin ONE worship service at 10:00am. Our summer worship schedule will continue through September 13th. On September 20th, we’ll return to our 2 worship services on a Sunday schedule. FESTIVAL SUNDAYS IN MAY MAY 10: ASCENSION SUNDAY - May 10th is Mother’s Day and Confirmation Sunday… It’s also Ascension Sunday! Join us for an “uplifting” celebration on May 10th as we hear how Jesus ascended into heaven and is now seated at God’s right hand. MAY 24: PENTECOST SUNDAY - Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter. The traditional color of Pentecost is RED. All are encouraged to WEAR RED ON May 24th! May 31: HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY - Come worship our one God who is revealed in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY - Tuesday, May 26th at 7:30pm Transforming Life and Faith is this year’s Bible Study from Gather Magazine. We meet the fourth Tuesday of the month in room #205 to explore the ideas in these studies . The May Bible Study is “The Church - Transforming and Reforming”. This is the final session of this Bible study series and will extend the transformation theme to the life of the whole church. Passages from Acts and Paul’s letters will help us to understand ways the church can grow - and can be the body of Christ truly transforming and reforming. The theme verse is Acts 15:1317: After they finished speaking, James replied, “My brothers, listen to me. Simeon has related how God first looked favorably on the Gentiles, to take from among them a people for his name. This agrees with the words of the prophets, as it is written, “After this I will return, and I will rebuild the dwelling of David, which has fallen; from its ruins I will rebuild it, and I will set it up, so that all other peoples may seek the Lord - even all the Gentiles over whom my name has been called…” 7 “The Jewish and Gentile Christians became the church when they learned to join together as one body by transforming themselves for the sake of the gospel. Their example can inspire today's church. “ DAY CAMP AND BIBLE PRESCHOOL 2015 IS COMING JUNE 22-26 Mark your calendars for June 22-26. Day Camp is for children who have completed Kindergarten thru 5th Grade and The theme for this year’s Day Camp is “Act, Love, Walk.” Cost is $20/child, maximum of $50/ family. Each day we will study our role as disciples of Jesus. Our activities revolve around Bible stories including Samuel’s call, Jesus heals a paralytic, the parable of the good soil, the road to Emmaus, and the blind man’s story. Bible Preschool is for 3, 4, and 5 year olds and will be held from 9:00am until 12:00 Noon. Bible Preschool will be led by House of Prayer teachers. Look for registration forms in the Narthex and on the church website. Please return completed registration forms to the church office. Registration opens to the community on May 1st. Day Camp and Bible Preschool depend on many volunteers and donations. The Lutherhill staff work very hard to lead the children each day. They need the support of our church members in many different ways. Host Families - We need one or two families to provide a place to sleep and a light breakfast for 5 college/high school age Lutherhill staff. They will be with you from Sunday June 21st after lunch through Friday morning, the 26th. All other meals will be provided. Adult Volunteers - We are required to have one volunteer, 14 years of age or older, for every 10 campers. Help is also needed to prepare and serve snacks. Bible Preschool Assistants - We need adult and /or youth assistants for the preschool class. Teen Volunteers - The Lutherhill staff as well as the Bible Preschool teachers need teens to assist with crafts, games, music, clean-up, and camper supervision. Snacks –We need monetary donations to provide snacks for the campers for the five days of camp. We also hope to have enough funds for pizza and ice cream on Friday. Meals for Camp Staff - We need monetary or gift card donations to purchase food for lunches, Monday through Thursday. We need dinner hosts for the Lutherhill staff each evening, Sunday through Thursday. In past years, we’ve had 4 hosts who invited the counselors to their homes or out to dinner and one donation of a restaurant gift card; so the staff can have a night out on their own. Nurse for a Day - We hope to have a volunteer for each day with medical training to be available in case of an emergency. Sign-up sheets for volunteers and donations will be in the Narthex on the Day Camp poster. If you wish to donate money for Day Camp and Bible Preschool, please label your check or envelope “Day Camp.” Place your donation in the offering plate or drop it off in the church office. Please contact Geri Spratlin (281-488-1675) or Marianne Schmidt ([email protected]) or 281-682-5409) with questions. *Plan to Meet & Greet the Camp Staff at Campfire Worship on June 21 at 6pm! 8 NEWS FROM LUTHERHILL Lutherhill is our Synod’s Summer Camp and Year-Round Retreat Center near La Grange. Many kids from House of Prayer will attend camp at Lutherhill this summer. Our Day Camp at House of Prayer is led each year by Lutherhill Camp Staff. House of Prayer, along with many other churches in the Synod helps to support Lutherhill through prayer and financial gifts. 14TH ANNUAL LUTHERHILL GOLF TOURNAMENT - Friday, May 8th Register online by May 1st at or call 888-266-4613. Tournament Info: Friday, May 8th. 1pm Shotgun start. Cypress Lakes Golf Club. Cost = $140 per player. Bring your usual foursome, rouse a group from church, or come solo to support Lutherhill while enjoying a round of gold. All proceeds benefit the year-round camping ministry of Lutherhill. SERVICE DAY - Saturday, May 16th Please consider coming out to your favorite spot in Fayette County to help Lutherhill get ready for summer. Friends of all ages are invited to a camp service day on Saturday, May 16th. You can complete projects of organizing linens, cleaning up worship site, pressure wash the pool, mulch near the chapel, and much more. If you would like to arrive Friday night, please contact the office for more information: 979-249-3232. Although Lutherhill can provide the projects and majority of materials needed, if you are able, please bring chainsaws, weed eaters, work gloves and pressure washers. Thank you! OPEN CAMP DAY - Saturday, May 30th at 10:00am Celebrate Summer with Lutherhill! Come on out to Lutherhill to celebrate the start of another wonderful summer! On Saturday, May 30th, you will have the opportunity to catch up with old friends as well as meet this year’s summer staff. This day will include a camp style worship, hamburger lunch and all of Lutherhill’s favorite activities. The whole family is invited to enjoy the pool, archery, high ropes course, arts & crafts, GaGa ball and More! Please RSVP to Lutherhill by calling 979-249-3232 or emailing [email protected]. NEW RETREAT CENTER COMING TO GALVESTON ISLAND Renovation is underway at the Zion Retreat Center on Galveston Island. Excitement (and dust) are in the air! Over the summer this former church will be transformed into 9 comfortable sleeping rooms with private baths, a commercial grade kitchen, a versatile dining area and a spacious multi-purpose room. We anticipate that the Zion Retreat Center will be open for guests in the Fall of 2015! NEW CARPETING TO BE INSTALLED THIS MONTH Our worship space at House of Prayer is under construction once again. Thanks to your generous gifts to the “Lift High the Cross” Project, our communion rails are being stained to match the organ/pulpit/altar. Over the week of May 4th new carpeting will be installed on the main floor. The next week, the carpeting on the stage/chancel area will be installed. Possible future projects: New tile in narthex, expansion of Fellowship Room upstairs, stained glass relocation. 9 COLLECTING ITEMS FOR PERSONAL CARE KITS Items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits are being collected in the narthex for the upcoming W/ELCA’s Annual Convention of the TX-LA Gulf Coast Synod. Please keep in mind the following when gathering the items for the Kits: Please give new items only, except where otherwise noted Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or our congregation’s name Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage. Include the following items which comprise each Personal Care Kit: One light weight bath-size towel (between 20”x40” and 52”x27”,) dark color recommended Two or three bath-size bars of soap equaling up to 8-9 oz., any brand, in original wrapping One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging (toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap) One sturdy comb, removed from packaging One metal nail clippers (attached file optional,) removed from packaging SCRIP FUNDRAI$ING Scrip Fundraising is a simple, pain-free way to raise thousands of dollars for our youth’s trip to the National Youth Gathering. So far $1,200 has been raised! Here’s how it works: You order “Scrip” shopping cards through the church. You pay face-value for the shopping cards ($25 = $25, etc.) House of Prayer in turn, purchases these shopping cards at a discounted rate from the merchants. The profit from the discount goes towards the youth’s trip to Detroit. Use these shopping cards for your regular shopping or give them away as gifts. EASY WAYS TO EARN $ FOR YOUR FAVORITE CHARITY Raise funds for House of Prayer while you surf the web! Go to Type in House of Prayer Lutheran Church as your charity of choice. You will then see a list of all House of Prayer Lutheran Churches. Click on the one that says House of Prayer Lutheran Church (Houston, TX). Then, simply use goodsearch like you would use Google or Yahoo. Every search you do on goodsearch you earn a penny for House of Prayer. Make sure that every time you search on goodsearch that you are logged in. Goodshop works with goodsearch to raise funds for charities while people shop. There are hundreds of merchants who give a percentage of your purchase back to your charity of choice. Once logged in at simply click on the goodshop logo, and you will be guided to your shopping site of choice. When you shop via goodshop, a percentage of your purchase will automatically be given to House of Prayer! House of Prayer has already raised over $400 10 through goodsearch & goodshop! P R AY E R C H A I N If you have a prayer request, you can share it with House of Prayer’s Prayer Chain in several ways: 1) contact House of Prayer’s Prayer Chain Coordinator, Nina Zoch by e-mail: [email protected] (Shirley Kingsley and Janice Shaffner will also assist) 2) contact House of Prayer’s secretary, Eli Lopez at the church office: [email protected] or 281-488-4439 3) contact Pastor Pete at [email protected] or 832-906-0583 4) write your prayer request on the last page of your bulletin on Sunday morning and put it in the offering plate (these are forwarded to the Prayer Chain email group) From March 13th to April 18th 2015, the Prayer Chain was asked to pray for these loved ones: Chisman family, Samuelson family, northern Iraq, Sean Malone, family of Simon Moore (deceased); Jennifer Cargill, Sugi and Shoba Wenger; family of Liz's co-worker; Brian Mikulski; family of Paul Cole; Beverly Curtice; Alice Beal (deceased) and family of Barbara Powe; Stacey Mills; Shirley Kingsley; Judy Hannigan; Betty Perero; Maegan Mikkelsen; Zane; pastors and bishops and Pastor Warmanen and family; Aunt Sylvia, Ashley, and Joe; Marti Willoughby; Betsy Schutter; Joey Louvola. Please help us keep our prayer chain current. Contact Nina Zoch ([email protected]) or the church office with updates or additions. Thank you! If you or a family member are going into the hospital please notify the Hospital Visitor Coordinator Shirley Kingsley. You can send messages to the church office: [email protected]. B I R T H D AY S , A N N I V E R S A R I E S , W E D D I N G BIRTHDAYS: Kathy Coe (May 1), Anna Wright (May 2), Liz Lentz, Samantha Norlin (May 4), Michelle Kallesen, Estelle Lewis (May 7), Nik Adam, Debbi Jackson (May 8), Noah Chicoria (May 9), Amanda Hinojosa, Greg Rumph (May 11), Shea Jackson (May 12), Tisha Pantaleo (May 13), Avery Scarborough (May 18), Elizabeth Estrada, Oron Schmidt (May 19) Barbara Nagle (May 21), Stanley Curtice, Allen Lehman (May 22), Trisa Resheske (May 24), Jim Shaffner (May 27), Colton Cromer (May 31) ANNIVERSARIES: Paul & June Bruder (May 3), Tom & Diane Rizzo (May 17), Bob & Louise Duppstadt (May 18), Christian Spindler & Sibylle Gruner (May 26), Steve & Mary Norlin (May 27), Emery & Kim Gallia (May 30) WEDDING: James and Tisha McParland who were married last month - April 26th! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! -The Samuelson family and Chisman family thank everyone for their prayers and support, and for the wonderful funeral meals that were served in March -Thank you to all our musicians & volunteers who assisted with Holy Week & Easter -Thank you all youth & adults who made the Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt a success -Thank you to our choir and musicians for a beautiful Easter Cantata -Thank you Peggy, Ruth, Kathy & Pastor Pete for serving as Synod Assembly delegates -Thank you Richard for filling in as secretary while Eli was on vacation -Thank you EVERYONE for all that you do at House of Prayer and in our community! 11 CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - April 20, 2015 ATTENDEES: Beverly Curtice, Vic Johnston, Pastor Pete, Gene Wallin, John Meyer, and Shirley Kingsley The Opening Prayer was led by Pastor Pete. The meeting was called to order by President Victor Johnston. Minutes from previous meeting were approved. Pastor Pete’s Report: Holy week was very well received and well attended. Easter Cantata was very well done. Weekly attendance is up by 23 compared to a year ago at this time. I Received an e-mail from the Bishop congratulating HoP along with 7 other churches in our synod for growing in average attendance by double digits last year! As my pastoral responsibilities change due to church growth and staffing changes, I’m going to stop offering monthly campfire worship services. There will still be campfire worship services occasionally, just not every month. 5 students will be confirmed in May! “Reading Readiness” has expanded to Mondays & Wednesdays! Discussing the book “Unwelcome” in Adult Education. Raised $5000 for water wells during Lent! 70 Quilts were made for Lutheran World Relief! “God's Work Our Hands” Sunday is September 13. There were 2 funerals in March. Thanks to all who helped with these funerals and meals. There is a wedding next month. The communion rail is scheduled to be stained to match the organ. The sound boxes are scheduled to be moved to better locations. Carpeting is scheduled to be installed the week of May 4. HoP “Ashes to Go” was a “spotlight ministry” at Synod Assembly! Discussed with synod staff about the upcoming need for another staff person after Elaine steps down. Youth auction is May 3! Treasurer’s Report - Dennis: We are under budget on expenses and giving is strong. Very positive. Property and Service Report - Gene: Ron has been working on outside lighting; continues to pursue steeple lighting. Working on water problems in the preschool during heavy rains. Ongoing problems with toilets in preschool. Planning to build shelves in front closet and upstairs storage room. Planning to work on ventilation fans in restrooms. He continues to work on manual for various systems in the church. Created a communion flow illustration to allow for smoother flow. Faith - Beverly: Easter breakfast was very well attended. WELCA cluster meeting in May. Confirmation is May 10 with a reception. Last day of Sunday School and Adult Education is May 17. Canoe trip scheduled in May. Confirmation Camp is June 14-19. Day Camp vacation Bible school is June 21-26. A service day and Astros game is scheduled in July. Christmas in July. National Youth Gathering is July 15-19. Twin flat sheets are needed for quilting in May and June. LWR needs school kits in July and August. Youth director position discussed. Graduation reception discussed. Discipleship - Shirley: It was decided to put an ad for HoP in the “Welcome Neighbors” magazine. Need to contact builders in the new 'Reserve at Clear Lake City” building development for possible advertisement. Several of us as well as Pastor Pete continue to greet and welcome new people as we see them at church and try to answer questions they may have. Vice President’s Report: Continue to work on spread sheet. Reviewing insurance with insurance rep. New Business: Approved moving to one service for the summer. Discussed youth director/part-time pastor. Discussed carpeting/future improvements. Discussed Council Person on Duty. Discussed staff concerns The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer and adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled for May 12, 2015 Respectfully submitted by Shirley Kingsley, Council Secretary 12 M AY W O R S H I P T E A M S THANK YOU FOR SERVING AS A WORSHIP LEADER AT HOUSE OF PRAYER! If you’re unable to serve on any of the dates listed, please contact the church office - [email protected] for a list of all the other people who have volunteered to serve in your same area of service. You can contact those people to sub or switch with you. Also, if at the last minute you can’t serve, please contact Pastor Pete via email - [email protected], send him a text or call him on his cell: 832-906-0583 so he can have worship leaders in place for Sunday worship. At this time of year, many people have busier schedules - graduations, travel, etc. This is one of the reasons we move to one worship service on a Sunday morning from May 24 - September 13. Please look at the Worship Teams and notice all the “Volunteer Needed” slots. If you’re able to help in any of those areas, please contact the church office. Thanks! May 3 ACOLYTE ALTAR GUILD BREADBAKER COFFEE HOST COMMUNION ASSISTANT GREETER HOSPITAL VISITOR NURSERY ATTENDANT READER SCRIP SELLERS TELLERS USHERS May 10 - Ascension Sunday ACOLYTE ALTAR GUILD BREADBAKER COFFEE HOST COMMUNION ASSISTANT GREETER HOSPITAL VISITOR NURSERY ATTENDANT READER SCRIP SELLERS TELLERS USHERS 8:30am w/Choir Trent Clark Diane Busch 10:45am Julianna Rumph Deloris Dugdale Bret McCleary Ginny Blasczyk Becky McCleary Bill & Jan Wright Rebecca Johnston Volunteer Needed Thomas Jensen, Carolyn Myers Bonnie Peterson Sarah Mikkelsen Kathy Lueders Kathy Coe Catherine Rumph Volunteer Needed Becky McCleary and Doug Mathera Glenn Chisman, Kathy Coe Victor & Rebecca Johnston 8:30am Noah Chicoria Louise Duppstadt 10:45am w/Choir Volunteer Needed Peggy Mann Volunteer Needed Joyce Miller Volunteer Needed Geri Spratlin Sonia Swanson Joyce Miller, Volunteer Needed Diane Meyer, Sonia Swanson Paul Bruder Volunteer Needed Johanna Mathera Wendy Chicoria Sue Noggle Volunteer Needed Becky McCleary and Doug Mathera Mike Gibson, Judy Willett Beverly & Stan Curtice 13 May 17 ACOLYTE ALTAR GUILD BREADBAKER COFFEE HOST COMMUNION ASSISTANT GREETER HOSPITAL VISITOR NURSERY ATTENDANT READER SCRIP SELLERS TELLERS USHERS 8:30am Wim Harris-Ryden Jane Markle 10:45am w/Choir Daniel Nagle Carolyn & Larry Myers Jean Price John & Dallas Meyer Shawn Nelson Dallas Meyer Mike Nagle Siri Harris-Ryden, Kathy Schmitt JoNell Lamothe, Joan Shack Kurt & Sonia Swanson Volunteer Needed Shawn Nelson David Ryden Thomas Nagle Volunteer Needed Becky McCleary and Doug Mathera Jane Markle, Zamira Harris-Ryden Bonnie Peterson, Elaine Snowden May 24 - Pentecost Sunday ACOLYTE ALTAR GUILD BREADBAKER COFFEE HOST COMMUNION ASSISTANTS GREETERS HOSPITAL VISITOR NURSERY ATTENDANT READER SCRIP SELLERS SOUND CONTROLLER TELLERS USHERS 10:00am w/ Praise Team Volunteer Needed Diane Rizzo Paula Mason Mary and Samantha Norlin Thomas Jensen, Sheryl Shipman, Jen Warmanen, Beth Weidler Deloris Dugdale, Paula Mason Janice Shaffner Kathy Lueders Tom Rizzo Volunteer Needed Norlins, Asher Warmanen Becky McCleary and Doug Mathera Dianne & Ron Hilkemeier May 31- Trinity Sunday ACOLYTE ALTAR GUILD BREADBAKER COFFEE HOST COMMUNION ASSISTANTS GREETERS HOSPITAL VISITOR NURSERY ATTENDANT READER SCRIP SELLERS TELLERS USHERS 10:00am Trent Clark Kathy Schmitt Shirley Kingsley Shirley Kingsley Glenn Chisman, Sue Noggle, Larry & Geri Spratlin Nancy Chambers, JoNell Lamothe Joyce Miller Peggy Mann Asher Warmanen Volunteer Needed Becky McCleary and Doug Mathera Bonnie Peterson, Ken Tillinger 14 ”Grow in Faith, Make Disciples, Serve in Love” 14045 Space Center Blvd. Houston, TX 77062 281-488-4439 (Church Office) 832-906-0583 (Pastor Pete’s cell) 8:30am and 10:45am Worship Summer Schedule of One Service at 10:00am begins May 24 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2015 “May the (Almost) Fourth Be With You” Live long and come to the Sci-fi themed YOUTH AUCTION On Sunday, May 3rd! 3 WEDNESDAY 2 1:00pm - Piano Guild Culture Center 5 6 7 8 9 Carpet Installation Carpet Installation Carpet Installation 10:00am - “Inside 10:00am - Card Scoop” Bible Study Making Class 7:00pm - Praise 5:30pm - Daisy Troop 7:30pm - Choir 11:30am Ladies Lutherhill Golf School & Adult Ed Team rehearsal rehearsal 6pm - Brownie Troop Lunch Tournament 10:45am - Worship 8:00pm RSVP 6:30pm - TOPS 11:30am - Men’s Deadline for Card 11:45am Youth 7:00pm - OA/HOW Making Class Auction Set Up 5:30pm - Youth Auction Ascension, Mother’s Day, Confirmation 8:30am - Worship 9:30am - Sunday School & Adult Ed 10:45am - Worship 6:00pm - Campfire Cluster Meeting @ New Life 10:30am - OA 1pm - Piano Guild 4 10 9:30am W/ELCA Noon - Chinese 8:30am - Worship 9:30am - Sunday SATURDAY 10:30am - OA Noon - Chinese Culture Center 6pm - Confirmation Banquet Lunch 7:00pm - BSD Roundtable 11 12 9:45am - Reading 6:30pm - TOPS 9:00am - Quilting Group 7:000pm - OA/HOW 9:45am - Reading 7:00pm - Church Readiness 6:00pm - Bay Pointe Community Assoc. 7:00pm - Praise Team rehearsal 13 Council Meeting 14 15 16 Readiness Carpet Installation Carpet Installation Lutherhill Day of Service RSVP for Card 10:00am - Card 10:30am - OA Making Class Making Class 10:00am - “Inside Noon - Chinese rehearsal 1:00pm - Meals on 7:30pm - Pack 956 7:30pm - Choir Scoop” Bible Study Culture Center Wheels Board 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8:30am - Worship 9:30am - Sunday 9:45am - Reading 5:30pm - Daisy 9:45am - Reading 10:00am - “Inside 11:30am - Fourth 10:30am - OA Noon - Chinese school 9:30am - New Readiness 7:00pm - Praise Team rehearsal Member Meeting 10:45am - Worship 12pm - New Member Troop 6:00pm - Brownie Troop 6:30pm - TOPS 7:000pm - OA/HOW 7:30pm - Book Club Readiness 7:30pm - Choir rehearsal Scoop” Bible Study Friday Lunch at House of Prayer Culture Center Wedding Meeting 24 Pentecost Sunday 9:30am - Coffee and Fellowship 10:00am - Worship 25 26 Office Closed 27 28 6:30pm - TOPS 9:00am - Quilting Group 7:000pm - OA/HOW 7:30pm - Choir 7:30pm - Women’s Bible Study 29 3:00pm - Quilting Group 7:00pm - Pack 956 rehearsal 30 Open Camp Day @ Lutherhill 10:30am - OA Noon - Chinese Culture Center 31 Trinity Sunday 8:45am - New Member Meeting 10:00am - Worship 11:15am - New Member Meeting NEXT MONTH! Mark your calendars for June 22-26. Day Camp is for children who have completed Kindergarten thru 5th Grade. The theme for this year’s Day Camp is “Act, Love, Walk.” Cost is $20/child, maximum of $50/ family. 15 Pete Warmanen - Pastor [email protected] 832-906-0583 (cell) Elida Lopez - Secretary [email protected] 281-488-4439 14045 SPACE CENTER BLVD. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77062 281-488-4439 Elaine Simonds - Youth & Family Director [email protected] 713-591-8581 (cell) Ginny Blasczyk - Organist Howard Holt - Choir Director Steve Norlin & Nik Adam - Praise Team Leaders Victor Johnston - Council President [email protected] 281-486-5827 LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, Lutheran Disaster Response stays to provide ongoing assistance to those in need. Nepal Area Earthquake: Devastating images and stories are coming out of Nepal following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 25. Sections of Kathmandu, the nation’s capital, and surrounding areas lie in rubble. More than 3,500 people have lost their lives, and the number continues to rise as officials make their way through rural communities. Buildings and houses have been leveled; roads are destroyed. The need for food, water, medical care, blankets and shelter is great. Our gifts are needed now. Every gift designated to the “Nepal Area Earthquake” through Lutheran Disaster Response will be used entirely - 100 percent - to help those impacted by the quake rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Make checks payable to Lutheran Disaster Response and give through our church, or send your check directly to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA Gifts Processing Center, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009 and write “Nepal Area Earthquake” or “Where Needed Most” on your check’s memo line. Give on-line at - 16
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