20150404 3WG Band Communication 2

Happy Easter all!
Welcome to the 3WG Band Newsletter number 2! It has been a very busy time since we last
sent an email out!
Update on Musicians Course
We are currently working with our HQ to arrange a Musician’s Course. I am hoping for the
July school holidays, but naturally this is dependent on a number of factors. Once we have
the activity confirmed and loaded in C1, you will be the first to know!
We have been blown away at the response we have had!! Since the last newsletter our
numbers have grown a lot! And from a large number of Squadrons across the Wing!
Currently, our interested instruments are:
Flute x 4
Oboe x 1
Clarinet x 4
Bassoon x 1
Alto Sax x 3
Tenor Sax x 2
Trumpet x 4
Trombone x 3
Baritone x 2
Bass Guitar x 2
Percussion x 5
This is an incredible response! However we still have a number of vacancies on Bass
Clarinet, Baritone Sax, French Horn, Trombone and Tuba. If you know of any cadets who
play these and are interested in the band, please let me know, or pass on my details to
Music Folders
Thanks to the kind donation by the NSW AIRTC association, we have been able to start
building our music folders. We aim to have at least 15 charts to work on during our first
Musicians Course.
Promotion Courses
As you know, the July school holidays are also when 3WG will be holding JNCO / SNCO /
CWOFF promotion courses. Can each cadet please reply to me and advise me if they are
also nominating for promotion courses during this time. The same for any flying courses etc.
This will not discount you from the band, but simply give us an idea on who might be
attending the July Musician’s Course.
Next steps
Stay tuned for further information. We will endeavour to send out information regularly
regarding the 3WG Band.
If you have any questions, thoughts, ideas or suggestions, please feel free to contact
FLGOFF(AAFC) Simon on 0408 486 859 or [email protected]
Kind Regards,
Ben Simon
3WG Band
312 SQN
0408 486 859
[email protected]