Holy Redeemer Parish Cluster Sacred Heart - Holy Family – Our Lady Help of Christians Wallaceburg & Port Lambton, Ontario Sunday, April 26th, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter Holy Redeemer Parish Cluster Office 647 Murray St., Wallaceburg, ON N8A 1W1 Tel. 519-627-2013 Fax. 1-866-515-6757 www.hrpcluster.com [email protected] Office Hours Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Weekend Mass Schedule Sacred Heart Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Holy Family Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Our Lady Help of Christians Sunday, 10:30 a.m., & 12:30 p.m. (LifeTeen) Church Locations Sacred Heart 464 John St. Port Lambton, ON N0P 2B0 Holy Family 647 Murray St. Wallaceburg, ON N8A 1W1 Our Lady Help of Christians 422 Elgin Street, Wallaceburg, ON N8A 3C1 Confessions Our Lady Help of Christians Saturday, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. (Or by request by calling 519-627-2013 ext. 222 or 245 to make an appointment) Pastor - Father Chris Gillespie Associate Pastor – Father Raju Allumpurath, M.S.T. ([email protected]) Deacon - Cyril Cogghe Pastoral Minister – Virginia Eade Coordinators of Youth Ministry – Dorothy deBakker & Christina DeVito .THE GOOD SHEPHERD - This Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Today we listen to the words of the Lord as he refers to himself as the “good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.” It is sometimes so difficult for us to grasp the reality that anyone would lay down his or her own life for the sake of someone else. This is especially true in a society that places high value on power and personal advancement, often at the cost of “trampling” on other people in order to climb the ladder. Today’s scriptures point to the one we are called to emulate—the one who lays down his life for his sheep. Today’s scriptures challenge us to discover ways to bring life to those around us—to build up rather than to tear down. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SYMBOLON DVD SERIES: THE CATHOLIC FAITH EXPLAINED Each video in this series offers a vibrant, and engaging presentation that helps us to understand our faith on a deeper level. Presented by some of the most trusted Catholic teachers in the world, this unique video and discussion experience will guide you through the breadth and richness of our Catholic faith and show you how it is so very relevant in today’s culture. This series will be presented at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish centre beginning at 7:30p.m. on the following dates: Thursday, May 7th: Who is Jesus? Thursday, May 14th: The Paschal Mystery Thursday, May 21st: The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace Thursday, May 28th: Why Do I need a Church? Thursday, June 4th: Mary and the Saints Tuesday, June 9th: The Last Things Please contact Virginia Eade at HRPC office ext. 227 for more information ST. PETER’S SEMINARY APPEAL — St. Peter’s Seminary was founded in 1912 and has provided education and formation for our servant-leaders: priests, permanent deacons, lay ministers, Catholic educators, and others. TODAY is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and St. Peter's Seminary is making an urgent an appeal for your support. Please open your heart to its messages and give as generously as you can. Whether or not you can give financially, please join us in praying for vocations and especially for our priests and deacons. If you are able to make a financial gift, envelopes are included in your offertory envelopes or you can place envelope in the offertory basket marked with your name and St. Peter’s Seminary. Your financial gifts and prayers will help ensure the future of St. Peter's Seminary and the Church she serves. Baptisms - Contact Virginia Eade at 519-627-2013 ext. 227 Marriages - Please contact our clergy at 519-627-2013 at least one year prior to making any arrangements. Sunday Friends - Sept. through June; 8:30 a.m. at Holy Family, 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady Help of Christians and 9:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart (Scheduled Dates Inside) MASS INTENTIONS FOR APRIL 28th - May 1st TUESDAY: April 28th Sacred Heart - 7:00 p.m. Frank Houle, Annie & D.F. - Warren & Pauline Houle James Dunlop - Ron & Mary Catherine Aarssen Cindy Lauwereys - George & Gail Moran James Johnston - K of C 10873 Pasquale & Elvira Serafini - The Clancy Family Leona & Remi VanDamme - The Family WEDNESDAY: April 29th Our Lady Help of Christians - 7:00 p.m. Holy Hour 6:00 p.m. Rosary at 6:30 p.m. Benediction at 6:50 p.m. Martin VanAsseldonk (9th Ann.) - Family Bruce Dramnitzke - Becky & Family Kris VanBastelaar - Larry & Kathi Janssens Art & Gerry Deschamps – Carmen & Tony Myers Theresa Doyle - Tony & Carmen Myers Bonnie Everaert - Tony & Carmen Myers THURSDAY: April 30th Our Lady of Good Counsel CWL Mass – 5:30 pm Joseph Gittens - The Family John VanDamme - K of C Assembly 2600 Judy DeKort - Phil DeKort Bill Siebert - Julienne Holmes Intentions of Rick Bernard - Mom & Gerry Living & Deceased Members of OLHC CWL FRIDAY: May 1st Holy Family - 9:15 a.m. Annie Vink - Bill Vink & Family Walter D’Hollander - Josie & Family Tom Cogghe - Cogghe Family Helen & Marshall VanDamme - Their Family Joseph Patrick Dunlop - The Moynihan Family Jerome Caron - HRPC Knox Presbyterian Church 161st Anniversary Community Musical Celebration will be held this Saturday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. and will feature many local choirs including OLHC Contemporary Choir. Refreshments will be served. Free will offerings will go to Salvation Army and St. Vincent De Paul and will be matched by the Wallaceburg Rotary Club. SUNDAY FRIENDS are in need of volunteers in all 3 of our parishes. Training and all of the materials needed will be provided and volunteers will serve on a rotating schedule. Please consider this important ministry which will is helping to build up our future church! Contact Cathy at HRPC office ext. 221 for more information. OLHC PARISH LIBRARY is looking for a copy of the book entitled "Early Fathers of the Church." If you have this book would you kindly drop it off at the parish office or give us a call. Thank you! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS R.O.C Retreat is May 1-3: Please keep all the candidates, disciples and leaders in your prayers next weekend, May 1-3 as we travel to SVDP Camp for our Confirmation Retreat. If you would like to donate any peanut free baked goods it would be greatly appreciated. Baking can be dropped off at the parish centre on Friday, May 1 during the day. Please note that the Retreat ends with Lifeteen Mass at 12:30pm on Sunday. SPARK (grade 4 & 5) this Wednesday, April 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the HF Annex. Since 1969, over 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada, and in 2015, another 100,000 babies will be put to death, at taxpayer expense, while society turns a blind eye. Each year at the “National March For Life” in Ottawa, tens of thousands gather to demand protection for children before and after birth. By your presence, you can show lawmakers that the abortion issue is not settled. A bus load from Wallaceburg will participate (56 seats) adults-$70 high school students-$50. Will YOU join us? Or consider sponsoring someone to join us May 14? For more details call Mike deBakker 519-627-3283 or Adam Childs 519-626-9532. "RESTORE, RENEW, REJOICE" HOLY FAMILY ROOF FUNDRAISING UPDATE Shortly before Christmas, we (Roof Fund Committee) informed you that our total fundraising efforts to date stood at $167,861.72. Since then, with the CWL donating $8,000.00, (total sum of their fundraising efforts), memorial donations and other various donations the final amount still owing is $76,053.28. FUNDRAISER!!! This Wednesday, April 29th, Holy Family Church will be hosting a Quarter Auction at the CBD Club beginning at 7:00pm. Volunteers are needed to help! The evening goes very quickly, with the auction ending at approximately 9:30pm. We are also in need of door prizes and items to be auctioned off. Many vendors will be there, and all items donated is pure profit for us. Entrance ticket (and your paddle) is $5.00 per person. Items will be auctioned off at cost of between 1 quarter to 4 quarters, according to their value. Tickets will be on sale after Masses beginning this weekend at the front entrance as well as in the parish office. Volunteer sign up sheets also available. Donations of prizes can be dropped off at the office. Those attending are guaranteed a fun evening. Please support this venture any way that you can! Offertory for April 19th Sacred Heart $1606.50 Holy Family $2524.00 Our Lady Help of Christians $4055.52 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE NEWS CWL RIGHT TO LIFE BABY SHOWER will be held during the month of May. A playpen will be set up in the main entrance of all 3 churches. Right to Life is in need of many supplies that go into the “Layettes’ such as crib sheets, towels, girls & boys sleepers 6-9 & 9-12 months, new born & size one diapers, nail clippers, baby oil, thermometers, baby powder, baby soap, wipes, change pads & Q-tips. Please help support this worthwhile cause. OLHC CWL: Annual Spring Banquet will be this Thursday, April 30th. Mass 5:30 p.m. at OLHC, followed by dinner at K of C Hall. Doors open at 6 p.m. dinner at 6:30. John & Sandra Van Raay will make a short presentation on their trip for Canadian Food for Children. The work the Wallaceburg Bag Ladies group completes is donated to this worth while cause. As Canadian Tire $$$ are used to purchase tools etc, we are asking that you bring your Canadian Tire $$$ to the banquet to donate to them. Tickets are $15 ea. For tickets please call Carolyn Nogueira, 519-627-6817 or Diane Buckingham, 519-627-6879 or at the Parish Office. All ladies, members and nonmembers are welcome to attend. HF CWL: Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 6th beginning with the rosary at 6:30 p.m. in the HF annex. SH CWL: Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 5th , 7:00 p.m. in the SH Parish Hall. St. John’s CWL: Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 5th, 7:30 p.m. at Riverview Restaurant. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL RIGHT TO LIFE “ROSE SUNDAY” will be held on the weekend of May 9th & 10th. Lapels roses will be given out following all Masses as a reminder of the need for the respect for all life from conception to natural death. All donations are greatly appreciated! RIGHT TO LIFE KENT Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser will be running again this year. The bottles will be handed out at all three churches on the weekend of May 9th/10th (Mother’s Day) and must be returned the weekend of June 20th/21st (Father’s Day). Please fill the baby bottle with change, bills or cheques (made payable to Right to Life Kent). All proceeds will be kept local. Thank you for supporting mothers and their babies. Your support will SAVE and CHANGE lives. FREE COMMUNITY MEAL on Friday, May 8th at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Centre at 5 p.m. Gather for a great meal and social time. Open to the whole community. Please join us. PORTUGUESE CENACLE: The next Cenacle will be held at OLHC this Monday, April 27th at 8:00 a.m. Please call Deodete for information 226-798-3811. Readings for May 2nd & 3rd Fifth Sunday of Easter 1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31 Psalm: 22 2nd Reading: 1 Jn 3:18-24 Gospel Reading: Jn 15:1-8 SUNDAY FRIENDS SCHEDULE: Holy Family 8:30 a.m. Mass, weekly Our Lady Help of Christians 10:30 a.m. Mass, May 10th, May 24th and May 31st Sacred Heart May 10th, May 17th and May 31st NEW LIFE IN OUR PARISH We welcome the following children who were baptized during the month of April and are the newest members of our parish cluster: Gavin Allaer, Zaiden Fournier, Preslie Hensel, Luke Lucier, Serenity Marin, Easton Mitchell, Stella Schepens and Anthony Stacey. May God continue to bless them and their families and guide them by the light of His grace. Defending the Faith Conference - Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio: Our Catholic faith continues to be under attack and many of us feel unequipped to defend our faith. Participants of this conference will walk away with the tools needed to help defend the Church. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity for training, fellowship, empowering and fun! This year’s conference will be held from July 24th-26th and our parish cluster is blessed to have the opportunity to travel as a group by bus. Registration Costs: $293 USF, Transportation Costs: $80-$85 (CAN)/person. Contact Virginia Eade for more info or to register at 519-627-2013 ex 227. St. John and Sacred Heart Cemetery Boards ask that all winter floral arrangements and decorations please be removed by this Thursday, April 30th. Fr. Ben’s Fall 2014 Parish Mission CD’s: There are still copies in the parish office. If you have not picked yours up yet please do so. Thank you! Church Chuckle The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large tray of apples. A nun lettered a note and posted it on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching." Moving along the lunch line, at the other end was a large tray of chocolate chip cookies. A girl wrote a note, which she put next to the tray of cookies, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."
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