- St. Dominic’s Father Paddy Cannon Newsletter: [email protected] Violet Lane, Croydon, CR0 4HN ~ 020 8686 1634 [email protected] ~ www.stdominic.org.uk Church Newsletter THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS (Daily: Morning Prayer 8.55 am) (The Church is open during daylight hours) CONFESSIONS: SATURDAY 9.45 am – 10.15 am 5.15 pm – 5.45 pm 16th NOVEMBER 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR – PRISONERS’ WEEK PSALTER WEEK 1 15th November SATURDAY (St. Albert the Great, Bishop) 16th November SUNDAY (St. Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop) FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS @ 9.00 am 6.00 pm VIGIL Newton D’Costa R.I.P. (Lister & Joyce D’Costa) 9.00 am 11.00 am 5.00 pm Philip Tully R.I.P. (Gail Tully-Fernando) Sandra Gillian Victoire R.I.P. (Josh Victoire) Pro Populo 17th November MONDAY 9.15 am (St. Hilda) 18th November TUESDAY 9.15 am (Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter & Paul, Apostles) 19th November WEDNESDAY 7.00 pm (St. Domneva, Abbess) 20th November THURSDAY 9.15 am 21st November FRIDAY 7.00 pm (The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Deceased Relatives & Friends (Ann Rietchel) 22nd November SATURDAY (St. Cecilia) Welfare of Bridie Bailey (Josephine, Phil & Liz Cullen) Prayer for Souls in Purgatory (Marialac Boua) 9.15 am 6.00 pm VIGIL 23rd November SUNDAY 9.00 am (Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe) (First Holy Communion Lesson 9.30 am) 11.00 am 5.00 pm Paul Diesan R.I.P. (Josephine Farren) Holy Souls Welfare of Patricia Hellman (Frank Sandar) Molly Frost R.I.P. (Michael Knight) Daisy Gwendoline Beardall R.I.P. (Leonie Beardall) Bill Holman R.I.P. (1st Anniversary) (Carson Family) Debbie Middlecoat Birthday Blessings (Olga Middlecoat) Pro Populo SICK: Debbie Middlecoat, Catherine Lloyd, Reg Legro, Maria Ma Thamby, Bill Cumber, Conny Morrissey, Tamara Coelho, Florencs Withers, Caroline Bridge, Doreen Clarke, Sofia Jones, Mary Kelly, Brenda Sweeney, Sally Haddad, Kathleen Morley, Michael Knight, Stella Hamilton, Tom Brophy, Helen Roache, Brian Manning, Joan Collins, Jim McNulty. ANNIVERSARIES: Terence McCarthy, Catherine Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Tipper, Mary Cheesman, Derek Ockendon, Arthur Hastings, Andre Verstraete, Monica Tegarty, Frederick Ward, Alexander Szilacyi, Grace Coldham, Edith Hastings, Mary Lear, John Kelly, Eileen Ford, Catherine Boyce, Linda Crane, Patricia Tate, Maurice “Fred” Smith, James Leahy, Tony Cowdrey, Susan Williams. May they all Rest in Peace. COLLECTION TOTAL LAST WEEK: £889.64 – 2nd: £121.89 Thank you for your generosity NEXT SUNDAY: 2nd COLLECTION FOR THE CATHOLIC YOUTH SERVICES JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP MEET EVERY 2nd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH IN THE PARISH ROOM @ 7.00 PM. All Welcome to come along! FILIPINO COMMUNITY MASS: This is held every second Sunday of the month @ 2.00 pm. There will be light snacks and drinks available after the Mass in the Narthex. ALICE HOGGAN R.I.P. Sadly Alice died last Saturday week very peacefully. Her Sister, Elizabeth, would like to thank all her friends at St. Dominic’s for doing so much for her whilst she was in our parish. May she Rest in Peace. PRIEST REFERENCE FOR SCHOOL APPLICATIONS 2015: If you are looking for a reference for a school application for Year 7 or Reception please make an appointment to see me, please do not drop forms into the office as I would like to see you in person. Many thanks. Fr. Paddy. NOVEMBER IS ALL SOULS’ MONTH: We will remember our deceased loved ones in a special way. Please write their name on cards provided and place them in the basket. They will be remembered at the 11.00 am Masses during the month of November. SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBER @ 10.00 am: We will have our annual parish Mass to remember in a special way all who have been buried from our parish in the past year. Their relatives and friends will receive a personal invitation to this Mass. Indeed, all parishioners who have lost a loved one at any time, whether or not they have been buried from our parish church, are invited to this Mass. This is a special November moment when we gather as a parish community to remember our loved ones, who have died, to pray for them and to pray for each other. MISSIO (APF) BOXES: These will be collected TODAY. With thanks. Pat & Ray Pearce. CHILDREN’S LITURGY GROUP – LITTLE DOMINICANS: With generous and kind support from a number of our parishioners, the group has started back up this term in earnest. We welcome all children of Primary school age from Reception Class up to preparation for First Holy Communion (usually year 3). We will be using booklets to keep the children's work in so they can build up the topics as we go through the liturgical year. These can then be shared with the children's families and used as an aide-memoire for First Holy Communion preparation when full. Please encourage children of lower primary (reception to Year 2) to join in each Sunday. If you have an older child who has not yet received First Holy Communion and you would like some support for age appropriate liturgy materials, please email or call Yanei on [email protected] / 07958 385 411. We look forward to welcoming new and returning families, thank you. JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP: The Alzheimer's Society receives old, broken or unwanted jewellery to be re- sold, recycled or melted for scrap using the money generated to fund research. Do you have such items? Please scour drawers, tins and boxes for them, seal in an envelope marked Alz. Jewels and post through Fr. Paddy's door in the Presbytery. Thank you. FAIRTRADE: Please purchase Fairtrade when providing refreshments at any St. Dominic's function. We will now be applying for our Fairtrade certification. Thank you. Justice and Peace group. ST. DOMINIC’S CREATIVITY GROUP: Due to increased interest, the Creativity Group will now be meeting on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays at the same time 10.00 am – 12.00 pm. If you would like more information please contact Freda on: [email protected] BAZAAR: St. Dominic’s Creativity Group will be displaying some of their creative works of art and crafts, which include beaded gifts and much more. Also homemade cakes and biscuits will be on sale after the 9.00 am and 11.00 am Masses TODAY in the Narthex in aid of Church funds. Thank you. Freda Simoes. PARISH EVENT - SENIOR CITIZEN’S PARTY 2015: Next year the Senior Citizen’s Party will be on Saturday 16th May @ Regina Coeli Primary School, Pampisford Road, South Croydon. We can get into the hall at 2.00 pm so the party will start at 3.30 pm and finish at approximately 6.00 pm. There will be a meeting in the New Year to discuss further. Please put this date in your diary. Many thanks. Elaine Carson. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION: Christmas Celebration 2014. Start your Christmas season in style at the magnificent Guildhall in London. Sing your heart out to familiar Christmas carols, led by the worldrenowned Bach Choir and the Legion’s own Central Band. On Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th December @ 7.00 pm, tickets are available from £40. Please call 3207 2272 for more information or visit their website: www.britishlegion.org.uk INSPIRED BY ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI? You are invited to the Fraternity monthly meeting of the Secular Franciscan Order on Sunday 23rd November from 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm in St. Mary’s Small Hall, Wellesley Road, Croydon. Everybody’s welcome – just come! (Entrance down ramp at side of Church). FRIENDS OF THE HOLY LAND: Are asking for our support as Christmas approaches. This is for their Emergency Family Support Appeal to help individual named families both in the Bethlehem District and in the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. Every penny donated will be sent to the families. See poster at the back of church for more information or visit their website www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk
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