WALK IN INTERVIEW WALK IN INTERVIEW Labour Commissioner, Haryana. 30 Bays Building, 1st floor, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh 160017 Tek: +91-172-2701273 The Labour Department, Haryana intents to fill two posts of System Analysts on contractual basis initially for one year and extendable as per requirement, for implementation of the IT Plan to design, develop and implement the online solutions of the department’s public interface activities through the external vendor. The details of qualifications, experience, selection criteria, application form and remunerations may be downloaded from the Department web-site http://hrylabour.gov.in. The eligible candidates may apply only through E-mail in the application form at [email protected] under the subject matter application for System Analyst on or before 22.05.2015. The top 10 candidates based upon credentials in documents shall be called for walk in interview through E-mail before the committee so constituted along with the original documents on dated 24.05.2015 at 11.00 AM onwards in the O/o Labour Commissioner, Haryana, 1st floor, 30 Bays Building, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh. LABOUR COMMISSIONER, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH Qualification, Experience, Remuneration and Selection criteria. 1. Qualification of System Analyst is the qualification for Programmer/Data Analyst/Networking Engineer with Min. 5 years Experience Qualification for Programmer/Data Analyst/Networking Engineer i) B.E./B.Tech/M.Tech (Comp. Sc./IT/Electronics & Comm.) in 1st Division or M.Sc. (Comp. Sc./IT) in 1st Divn. or MCA in 1st Divn. or ‘B’/‘C’ Level course from DOE in 1st Divn. or M.Sc (Phy/Math/Statistics) in 1st Divn. & PGDCA in 1st Divn. and ii) Project Work of Software Development in a reputed company on .NET or Java/J2EE/WebSphere/PHP, MySQL and Linux/VB and MS Access/SQL Server/Oracle. or i) 2. 3. 4. B.E/B.Tech./M.Tech. in Comp. Sc./IT/Electronics & Comm. with 1st Division or MCA with 1st Division or ‘B’/‘C’ Level course from DOE with 1st Division/”A” Grade. ii) Certification MCSE/CCNA/DCNE/Linux/Solaris iii) Working Experience of handling networking project troubleshooting and resolving operation issues of LAN/WAN/Internet/Intranet, all types of hardware, system software from a reputed company. Experience i) with Min. 5 years experience as Programmer/Data Analyst/Networking Engineer Remuneration Remuneration for System Analyst is Rs. 27,000/- P.M. w.e.f. 01.01.2013 Selection criteria The applicants shall be short listed for interview by giving 60 percentage weightage to the marks obtained in basis qualification i.e. B.E/B.T/M.T./M.Sc. etc. and 40 marks awarded for project work/work experience. The top 10 candidates shall be called for walk in interview. The 20 marks are fixed for interview. Thus, the final marks shall be awarded out of 120. Application Form for System Analyst 1. Name of the Applicant 2. Father Name:3. Address with E-mail and mobile No. 4. Gender 5. Date of Birth: 6. Education Qualification Sr. Qualification No. University/College Year of passing Marks obtained with percentage 7. Project work and Working Experience-A Sr. Project Name Detail of the No. with details of the Project organization Role and responsibility Duration of the project 8. Experience as Programmer/Data Analyst/Networking Engineer Sr. Designation No. Organization Duration of the Role and working Starting responsibility and ending date Note: - The photo of the Candidate may be enclosed in the mail with the application.
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