(1) – Senior Level Posts

Health Service Executive - Approval to Hire Form A (1) – Senior Level Posts (revised March 2015)
This form is to be competed in all cases where the post to be filled is at a Senior Level, Grade VIII and higher. The filling of such posts initially should be
by redeployment of existing qualified staff at relevant grades. A form has to be completed for each individual post. In exceptional circumstances
approval may be sought from the National Director of HR for a new filling/open recruitment. The form is to be forwarded to the Head of Operations and
Performance Management (or equivalent) in the relevant Division for onward transmission to the Workforce Planning, Analysis & Informatics Unit and
for approval by the National Director of HR. Please complete form in Block Capitals/Tick or complete appropriate boxes/* delete as appropriate.
Details of Senior Post where sanction is sought to fill
Acute Hospitals // Primary Care // Social Care // Health & Wellbeing // Corporate // Health
Business Services // National Ambulance Service *
Hospital Group
Title of Post
Job Description –
see copy attached
List main responsibilities:
Contract Type
Non Permanent–Fixed Term
Others – explain:
Grade Code
Salary Scale: __________ to
Specified Purpose
Position Number
__________ New Service Development: Yes/No*
(where appropriate)
Replacement Post: Yes/No*
Primary Notification issued/required: Yes/No* If issued please provide Reference Number: PN /
/ 200 .
Suppression of another post required: Yes/No* For further information, see below
Financial Implications: Neutral/Cost increasing* Within allocated pay envelope Yes/No*
Planned commencement Date: __________. Interim arrangements: ______________________________________
Current Direct Employment Ceiling: __________
Last reported Census Figure: __________ Date ___________
Additional Information to support application to fill Senior level vacancy
Why has vacancy
Organisation Chart
(show where post is in
the organisation
Also show comparison
with levels of senior
management in
organisation as at end
of 2012.
Impact of nonfilling
Approval sought
New fill
Details of post(s)
to be suppressed
for a new filling
Location: _____________ Cost Centre: ____________ Grade Code:
Position Number
WTE Value:
Date Last Filled:
______ Name of person last/currently in post: ____________________________
I request approval to fill the senior level post as outlined above. I confirm a detailed examination of the post
was carried out to consider scope for suppression and/or alternative and more flexible cross-cover arrangements
and that this was not possible. It is not possible to fill the post by redeployment/reassignment/ reorganisation of
work. I confirm and certify that the cost of the filling of the post is within the current pay envelope allocation. I
further confirm that the proposed salary scale and remuneration arrangements are in line with HSE HR Circular
16/2014 – Compliance with Public Health Sector Pay Policy.
Signed: ________________________________ Title: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Print name (
Requesting CEO Voluntary Hospital/Agency
I recommend the application.
Signed: ________________________________ Title: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Print name (
Head of Operations, (or equivalent) ____________________ Division.
Request to the National Director of Human Resources, HSE, seeking approval to fill senior level post;
National Director of Human Resources,
Health Service Executive,
Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8.
Please find application to fill vacancy at senior level post in accordance with the policy position outlined by the
Secretary General of the Department, in the letter of the 20 th December 2006 to the CEO Health Service Executive and in
accordance with the current employment control framework. Approval is requested for filling due to the exceptional
circumstances as set out above.
Signed: _______________________________ Date: __________________
National Director
Please forward to Workforce Planning, Analysis and Informatics Unit, National HR Directorate, Health Service
Executive, Oak House, Millennium Park, Naas, Co Kildare for quality assurance/processing to Office of the National
Director of Human Resources
Approved to be forwarded to the National Director of HR
Signed: _________________ Date:
_______ WFPA&I Log No: _________
Endorsed/not endorsed*
Signed: _______________________________. Date: _______________
National Director of Human Resources
Signed: ______________________________
Deputy Director General
Signed: ________________________________
Chief Financial Officer
If not endorsed, please state reasons and further directions now required:
Only when fully completed, can this approval to recruit be sent to NRS/PAS/Other Recruitment, to commence
recruitment process, and must be accompanied by all other necessary supporting documentation.