HOLY TRINITY ARMENIAN CHURCH OF GREATER BOSTON Pastor, Father Vasken A. Kouzouian 145 Brattle Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 • 617.354.0632 • www.htaac.org SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 NEW SUNDAY Celebrant/Preacher: The Pastor Morning Service: 9:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Readings of the Day: Acts 5:34-6:7. Jas. 3:1-12. Jn. 1:1-17. WELCOME We welcome those who are visiting our church. The Pastor and the Parish Council would like to invite you to make the Holy Trinity Church your spiritual home. You are cordially invited to take part in the Service and activities of our church. If you would like to be placed on our mailing list, please sign our Guest Book located in the Vestibule. BIBLE READING Today’s Bible reading is from the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John, chapter 20, vs. 19-31 [page 683], and will be read by Ann Danielson. FEAST DAYS • Today is New Sunday. • Next Sunday, April 19, is Sunday of the World Church (Green Sunday). From Today’s Reading John 1:1-17 These renowned and eloquent verses review God’s selfrevelation. Just as human beings reveal who they are through words and actions, so God revealed Himself, first through Creation (vv. 2-5), then His Old Testament covenants and the prophets and finally through the Incarnation of the Word, Jesus Christ, the ultimate revelation of God’s presence, glory and enduring love. Reflection: Christ is the “Word made flesh.”(v.14) Based on John’s prologue, describe Him. Acts 5:34-6:7 There are two important events recounted here. In the first, the teacher of the law Gamaliel exhorts the apostles’ antagonists to let them continue Jesus’ work, since if their purpose is Godly they will prevail over any force against them anyway. The second details the first “ordination” as men are called and consecrated to assist the apostles in caring for the poor. St. Stephen was foremost among them and is considered the first ‘deacon’ of the Church. Reflection: Why do you think it’s important to be full of “the Spirit and wisdom” (v. 3) in order to do God’s work? James 3:1-12 The apostle James explains the potential of speech (the tongue) to cause great damage and the importance of talking in Godly ways. Reflection: To what three things does James compare the tongue? (a bit, a rudder, a spark) How do these images help us understand what our words can do? Today is New Sunday New Sunday (Nor Giragi) is the first Sunday after Easter. It emphasizes the resurrection of Christ, a miracle that changed everything in the world. The Sabbath, or holy day, was originally on Saturday, the end of the sevenday week and the day on which God rested after creation. But in the early church, the Holy Spirit led the Christians to celebrate the day of the resurrection as the Sabbath so that the new day for resting in God became Sunday. The Gospel reading for New Sunday (John 1:1-17) summarizes the mission of Christ: He existed from the beginning as God and participated in the creation. He became human to bring us the light, to guide us out of our spiritual darkness. Those who believe in Him can become children of God; from Him come grace and truth. Department of Christian Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern) PARTICIPATION IN THE DIVINE LITURGY Please use the Divine Liturgy books that are found in the pew racks. These books contain the Armenian text as well as the English transliteration and translation in the second section. For your convenience, the applicable page number in the burgundy Divine Liturgy book is located above both the right and left doors by the Altar leading to the Vestry and Baptistry. When the light shows green, the congregation stands; when the light shows red, the congregation kneels; and when green and red lights are off, you may be seated. If assistance is needed, please ask a member of the Parish Council. Parishioners are also encouraged to sing with the Choir, whose real purpose is to lead the congregation in singing the hymns. Also join in the recitation of the Creed which is found on pages 18 and 19 of the second section. VOGHCHOOYN - KISS OF PEACE During the Divine Liturgy, when the Parish Council members pass the Kiss of Peace in church, the response from the receiver should be “Orhnyal eh haidnootyunn Krisdosee” (Blessed is the revelation of Christ). When you give the Voghchooyn, please say “Krisdos e mech mer haydnetsav” (Christ is revealed amongst us). - Nuvert & Setrag Daniels, Kachig, Zaven & Arsen Daniels: From CONFESSION AND HOLY COMMUNION Those faithful who feel spiritually prepared to receive our Lord in the sacrament of Holy Communion are asked to bring their pew books with them to the General Confession and, together with the deacon, are asked to read the confession aloud. The essence to this sacrament lies with the individual(s) offering his or her own confession through the priest to God. In addition to reading the text of the confession, each participant must recall his or her own sins, truly seek God’s forgiveness, and make a commitment to the Lord to strive not to sin anymore. The English confession may be found on page 48 in the burgundy Divine Liturgy book and on page x in the blue Divine Liturgy book found in the pew racks. We urge our parishioners to come forward for confession and Holy Communion through the center aisle. - Sarkis Martirosyan: requested by Emma Martirosyan for brother; PRAYERS FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED Your prayers are requested for the recently deceased souls of Elizabeth Soultanian and Sonia (Kusayan) Keusey. PRAYER REQUEST Your prayers are requested for the good health of all those who suffer from illness in their own private way. ALTAR FLOWERS AND CANDLES Today’s Altar flowers and candles are donated for the glory of God and the edification of our Altar from the Trust Fund established by Arsen and Zaven Daniels in memory of Nuvert, Setrag, Kachig, Zaven & Arsen Daniels. the Trust Fund established by Arsen and Zaven Daniels Arsen & Susanna Martirosyan and Armen Martirosyan for uncle - Mardiros T. & Elmas Nahigian, Albert M. & Miriam Nahigian, Alan M. Nahigian, Agnes N. Nahigian, Carney Nahigian, Gertrude Nahigian, and Alice Sahagen: From the Trust Fund established by Gertrude Nahigian and Alice Sahagen - Grace & Ozzie Nanian: requested by Karen and William Martin, Denise and Harry Boghigian, Jeffrey, Nina and Amelia Martin, Scott and Josephine Martin, and Brett and Todd Boghigian for parents, grandparents & great-grandparents - Victoria & Setrack Talanian, Stella Talanian, and Helen Talanian Kaloostian: requested by Karen & William Martin and Family and Denise & Harry Boghigian and Family for grandparents and aunts - Charles G. Sahagian, Sarkis & Araxie Sahagian, Virginia Sahagian, and Sukeaus & John Sahagian: From the Trust Fund established by Charles G. Sahagian - Colombe Agavni Samuelian, Sahag, Anna, Samuel, Malcolm, Madeline & Parantzig Samuelian: From the Trust Fund established by Colombe Agavni Samuelian - Harry, Esther, Harry Jr., Shirley & Shirley Rita Tatarian and Tatarian Kertasdan: From the Harry & Esther Tatarian Family Memorial Fund REQUIEM SERVICE - Major Robert Zaven Zartarian and Levon, Louise Aznev & Virginia Louise Zartarian: From the Major Robert Zaven Zartarian We have all been asked to pray during the Divine Liturgy for the souls of: and Rose M. Chacran Zartarian Trust Fund - Bedros & Takouhi Arabian, Haigouhie Garoyan, and Roxy Arabian: From the Trust Fund established by Roxy Arabian - Dikranouhie & Edward Arpiarian and Diramayr Haigo Dagley: requested by Armine Sarges for parents and aunt - Stephen & Nevart Pauline Azarian: TODAY’S CALENDAR SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS/PARISH COUNCIL FORUM; 10:45 a.m. until 12 noon in Johnson Hall. YOUTH CHOIR; Sanctuary, 12-12:30 p.m. From the Trust Fund established by Major Robert Zaven Zartarian - Sarkis Boyajian and Mary & Oscar Shervanian: requested by Roy & Christina Walters for brother and sister & brother-in-law FELLOWSHIP HOUR You are all welcome to join us in the Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall following church services for Fellowship Hour, hosted today by the Armenian School. ACYOA JUNIORS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND SPORTS PRACTICE; 12:15-3:00 p.m. APRIL 26 BUS SIGN UP FOR NEW YORK CITY For those who would like to go to New York City on Sunday, April 26, for the “100 Years We Remember - Armenian Genocide Commemoration,” there will be a sign-up table at Fellowship Hour following church services. Cost is $30 for adults and $15 for children and students; light lunch and refreshments will be provided. Check payable to Knights of Vartan. There will also be a sign-up sheet for bus transportation to the State House, April 24, from our church, courtesy of the Knights of Vartan and the Massachusetts Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee. NO CHURCH SERVICES (BADARAK) ON APRIL 26 Per a directive from the Diocese, churches throughout New England will be closed on Sunday, April 26, to enable all clergy and parishioners to attend the Genocide Centennial Commemoration events in New York City. While there is no Divine Liturgy, Armenian or Sunday School classes on this Sunday, the church will be open for prayer from 10-11 a.m. TRINITY MEN’S UNION DINNER/MEETING TOMORROW The monthly dinner/meeting of the TMU will be held on Monday, April 13, beginning at 6 p.m. Guest speaker will be Avedis (Avo) Boyamian, a recognized expert in Middle Eastern affairs. Open to all; donation for the losh kebab amd kheyma dinner is $14 per person. Please RSVP by April 12. Email [email protected] or call David Dorian, 617.501.4300. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Our Diocese will be granting scholarships to qualified Armenian American students attending accredited 4-year undergraduate university programs for the academic year 2015-2016. Preference will be given to those who are active in the life of the Armenian churches of the Eastern Diocese. Application and reference forms must be submitted electronically no later than May 5, 2015. Must be accompanied by a recommendation from the parish priest. Scholarship program open to U.S. citizens only. Go to http://www.armenianchurch-ed.net/programming/scholarships/. __________________________________________________________ 2ND PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO JERUSALEM, JULY 5-15 Fr. Vasken invites you to join him in walking through the pages of the Gospel as he leads our parish's 2nd pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Copies of the flyer and itinerary are available in the Vestibule. Non-refundable deposit of $300 per person is now due, made out to Holy Trinity Armenian Church. Balance due April 25. This is a must-see journey for every Christian, especially Armenian Christians. NEW ENGLAND REMEMBERS COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE FRIDAY, APRIL 24 FOR PARISHIONERS FROM ALL THE MASSACHUSETTS ARMENIAN CHURCHES A BADARAK FOR THE CENTENNIAL COMMEMORATION OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE WILL BE HELD IN OUR SANCTUARY BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M. Please plan on attending as we honor the memory of the one and a half million Armenians who were killed and the countless others who were driven out of their ancestral homeland in Turkey during the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Following, all are welcome to attend: • • • • A Commemoration at the Massachusetts State House from 1:15 - 1:45 p.m. Two buses will leave our church at 12 noon for the State House. There will be a sign-up sheet at Fellowship Hour following church services.. At 2:00 p.m., there will be a Procession from the State House to Armenian Heritage Park. Buses will be available for elderly and others to AHP. All others will walk in the Procession. From 2:30-3:00 p.m., there will be short program at the Park. Bus will depart for our church at 3:15 p.m. A Vigil will be held in the Park at 7:30 p.m., that evening. Two buses will depart ACEC to AHP at 6:45 p.m., and at 10 p.m., will return to ACEC. In addition to buses listed above, there will be buses leaving St. James and ACEC at 9:30 a.m., for our church for Badarak. Buses will also be available from St. James and St. Stephen's for the State House departing at 12 noon, and from AHP at 3:15 p.m., back to their respective churches. All buses are courtesy of the Knights of Vartan and the Massachusetts Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee. All are also welcome to attend a Memorial Service on Thursday, April 23, 7:30 p.m., at Trinity Church in Copley Square, Boston. Presented by the Massachusetts Council of Churches in cooperation with the Armenian Clergy of Massachusetts. For more commemoration programs in the New England area, please go to www. NERemembers1915.org. Important Notice for those planning to attend the Ecumenical Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, May 7 Waiting List Only - Due to limited seating capacity and the great demand for tickets, all requests are currently being logged in the order received and will be accommodated based on availability. Admittance to the prayer service is free of charge. However, for reasons of security, all attendees must register for the service in advance. Parishioners of the Eastern Diocese wishing to attend this Ecumenical Prayer Service must obtain tickets through the National Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee by submitting the following information via email to [email protected]. Name of each attendee, address, telephone and email. Please note that a ticket MUST be issued for each person attending the prayer service. Tickets are NOT transferable. Tickets will NOT be available at the door. STEWARDSHIP 2015 “Celebrating the Gospel of Christ” This year, we are focusing on Celebrating the Gospel of Christ through Worship, Education, Service, Fellowship, and Witness as we reinforce our encouragement and support of Fr. Vasken’s ministry on the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Order of Priesthood. We ask that you become a part of Stewardship 2015 as we journey together in Christian fellowship and as an Armenian Church Family. Check Out Our New Parish Website We are excited to announce the launch of our new parish website, www.htaac.org, with up-to-date information of current events, photos and articles of past events, copies of Der Vasken’s sermons, Sunday Bulletins, copies of the Dajar, and much, much more. For Your Information . . . We have available personal receivers for the hearing impaired that will enhance your hearing ability during the Badarak and sermon. For assistance, please see a Parish Council member in the Vestibule. • A Reminder - to access our handicap church entrance, follow the Dorian walkway from either the parking lot or to the right of the main doors of the church. • If you know of someone ill or in need of a visit from our Pastor, please contact the church office, 617.354.0632 or by email, [email protected]. • There are copies of The Little Go lde n Bib le Sto ry b o o k , W he n I Go to Churc h, and Bible story picture books available in the Vestibule for the youngest members of our congregation to quietly enjoy during church services. We kindly ask that you return them to the Vestibule at the conclusion of church services. • Save the Date : - Sunday, April 12, 2pm - "Near East Relief and Its Legacy: A Century of Service to Armenians and to Humanity," at the National Heritage Museum, presented by NAASR and the Near East Foundation; His Excellency Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations, will participate; free and open to the public - Saturday, April 18 - Saintly Women's Day, hosted by the Women's Guild of Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church, Providence; beginning with 10am registration; 11am Divine Liturgy followed by lunch and program; for reservations, contact the Holy Trinity Church office, 617.354.0632; $35 donation; send reservation and payment (payable to Holy Trinity Armenian Church) to Seta A. Buchter at the church by Monday, April 13. - Sunday, April 26 - 100 Years We Remember - Armenian Genocide 19152015; Times Square, New York City; Plan to Be There; bus sign up at Fellowship Hour - The AGBU is offering the following internship program: Musical Armenia Program (MAP), deadline, May 15; Perspective applicants can find detailed information about the program including an online application at http://agbuperformingarts.org/?p=136 • CALENDAR Sun, Apr 12 Mon, Apr 13 Wed, Apr 15 Sun, Apr 19 Fri, Apr 24 Tues, Apr 28 Sat, May 2 Sat, May 16 Tues, May 19 Jul 5-15 Sunday School Parents and Parish Council Forum; Johnson Hall; 10:45am-12pm Youth Choir; Sanctuary; 12-12:30pm ACYOA Juniors General Membership Meeting and Sports Practice; 12:15-3pm Trinity Men’s Union Dinner/Meeting; guest speaker, Avedis (Avo) Boyamian, recognized expert in Middle Eastern affairs; open to all; Johnson Hall; 6pm; RSVP today to [email protected] or call David Dorian, 617.501.4300 Parish Council Transitional Meeting; Johnson Hall; 6pm Genocide Centennial Concert, “Lest We Forget;” Erevan Choral Society, Sanctuary; 2:30pm Badarak for Centennial Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide; 10am; our Sanctuary; for all MA Armenian churches Women of Holy Trinity; an evening of community outreach and fellowship; see flyer in this Sunday Bulletin; 7-9pm Trivia Night hosted by the Holy Trinity ACYOA Seniors for all ages; Charles & Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall; 7-9pm Salsa Kef Night hosted by Holy Trinity ACYOA Seniors; an evening of Live Salsa Music and Armenian Music for all ages. Featuring Black Sea Salsa and Greg Krikorian and the All-Stars; doors open at 7; Salsa Dance Demonstration & Lesson; dance begins 7:30pm; $35, and Under 21/students with current college ID, $25; call church office or visit www.holytrinitysalsakef.eventbrite.com Women of Holy Trinity Book Club Gathering; “The Gardens of Silihdar: A Memoir” by Zabel Yessayan; co-editor Judith Saryan will lead the evening’s discussion; 7-9pm 2nd Parish Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Save the Date Aug 10-14, 17-21 Trinity Kids’ Place; 2 Sessions; details to follow Also, follow us at www.htaac.org; www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityArmenianChurch; and Twitter: @FrVasken
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