Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26 2015 HOLY T RINITY Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ 9150 Pflumm / Lenexa, Kansas 66215 Website: / email: [email protected] We are a Catholic family who loves, grows and lives in faith through Jesus Christ 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Liturgy Liturgical Formation Encountering Christ in the words of the Mass—After greeting the altar, the priest and deacon go to their chairs. All make the sign of the Cross, a gesture and prayer that wraps them in the salvific power of the Crucifixion and the care of the Trinity. The priest-celebrant greets the people, using one of three ritual formulas. These greetings signify Christ’s presence to the gathered community, and with the people’s response (“And with your spirit”) the “mystery of the Church gathered together is made manifest” (GIRM, 50). We recall here that the Old Testament gathering at Mt. Sinai prefigures the Church. At this first divine assembly, 1) God calls his people together 2) to hear his word; 3) the people give their assent to what they have heard, and they 4) seal their bond or covenant with a sacrifice. Called the “ecclesia” in the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament), this gathering of God’s chosen is identified by its first step, the necessary “calling out” of the people: without the call, there can be no ecclesia. The same is true for the liturgy of the Church, for the entire ecclesia depends upon the Lord’ call spoken through the voice of his priests. The people’s response to each of these greetings is the same: “And with your spirit” (Et cum spiritu tuo). Like the greetings that are expressed in St. Paul’s letters, the substance of this traditional response also is found there. Saint Paul concludes his Letter to the Galatians with “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen” (6:18), and his Second Letter to Timothy similarly, “The Lord be with your spirit, Grace be with all of you” (4:22). The fact that these salutations appear at the end of his letters leads some liturgists to see a parallel between the greeting and response at the Mass’ beginning and the same greeting and response in its Concluding Rites. Past Homilies Online "Had trouble hearing or missed part of the homily on Sunday? Go to for past Sunday and weekday homilies." Congratulations Baptism: * Kendall Ann O’Donnell, daughter of Brett and Emily (Stroud) O’Donnell Marriage: * Alex Keith and Lauren West April 18, 2015 Rest in Peace Edward Mayfield, father of John and Tom Mayfield Welcome to Our New Parishioners Bill Matzeder Jeff Ramstad Weekly Faith Sharing We recommend that parish households set aside a specific time each week to pray, read the scriptures for the liturgy you celebrated this weekend, reflect and discuss the Scriptures using the question we offer as a starting point. Gospel ~ John 10:11–18 Question ~ Whom are you shepherding in your life right now, and who shepherds you? Readings for the Week of April 26 Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 -- 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 -- 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Readings can be found at 3 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Mass Intentions THIS WEEKEND APRIL 25 & 26 SATURDAY 4:00PM—Jill Arnold by Bob & Rosemary Sanders SUNDAY 7:30AM—People of the Parish 9:30AM—Cecil & Margaret Ann Koechner by The Family 11:30AM—Sp. Int: Jan Smith by Hadley 5:00PM—Luella Doherty by Daniel & Christy Towel MONDAY APRIL 27 6:45AM—Dan Conn by Mark & Spica Wassmer Family 8:15AM—Jill Arnold by Helen Gabbert TUESDAY APRIL 28 6:45AM—Kathleen Eide by Patty Dockhan 8:15AM—Sp. Int: Charles Goering by Jan Smith WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 6:45AM—Dr. Carole Shelton-Bacon by Curt & Jeanne Wichman 8:15AM—Birthday of Queen Isabella THURSDAY APRIL 30 6:45AM—Phil Achey by Mark & Spica Wassmer Family 8:15AM—Ed Gast by John & Karen Znidarsic FRIDAY MAY 1 6:45AM—James Doherty by Marty & Betty Rogowski 8:15AM—Lucille Bauer by Jim & Shirley Gampper SATURDAY MAY 2 8:00AM—Mark Smith by Kurt Eide & Family 4:00PM—Mark Dodd by Deacon Stuart & Marsha Holland SUNDAY MAY 3 7:30AM—Bill Griffin by Mike & Sandy Cannon 9:30AM—Margaret McDonough by Kathy Stark 11:30AM—People of the Parish 5:00PM—John Kirksey by Mark & Spica Wassmer Family MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00 pm Mass in Spanish: 6:00 pm in the Stone Chapel Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm Weekdays: 6:45 am & 8:15 am Saturday Morning: 8:00 am Holy Days: As Announced RECONCILIATION: Wednesday: 6:00 pm Saturday: 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm, or anytime by appointment Please pray for those who need our prayers…... for the homeless, the jobless, the addicted, the imprisoned, or the physically or emotionally ill and the sick, including: Edie Gast, Aidan Loney, Anna Schlagel, Mike Dunn, Crystal Maguire, Shirley Bolsenga, Anne Fields, Kate Klusman, Kevin Jennings, Kathleen Mosher, Lois Dasenbrock, Alan Engel, Marilyn Suellentrop, Frank Stallbories, Jeanne Mense, Hoi Ha, Carol Stamm, Don Brawley, Judy Ambler, Dorothy Bohr, Dan Menke, Anna Italiano, Caroline Sigona, Betty McAulay & others we may have missed For privacy reasons, the individual or an immediate family member must contact us for their name to be added to the Prayer List. “Rejoice in the Lord always” Perpetual Adoration Special needs are: Sunday ~ Noon Monday ~ 2:00 am Wednesday ~ 2:00 am Thursday ~ 2:00 am & 2:00 pm Saturday ~ 10:00 am, 7:00 pm & 8:00 pm *Additional adorers needed for these hours. Additional participants are welcome at all hours. To be an adorer, call: Eileen Daly Kathy Sexton 913-492-4211 913-888-1230 Pray the Rosary Every weekday at 6:15 AM in the Church. ∗ Every weekday at 7:40AM in the Adoration Chapel. ∗ Every Wednesday at 2:30PM—Mothers Rosary Prayer Group, all are invited to join in prayer in the Adoration Chapel. * Every Saturday after the 8:00AM Mass in the Church. ∗ Every Sunday at 3:00PM—Divine Mercy Hour prayer group, please join them in silent prayer in the Adoration Chapel 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Parish News Upcoming Server Education & Training New servers are required to complete a 2-hour session before they can be added to the schedule. Parents are invited. Parents of new servers should plan to stay for at least the first 15 minutes. WHEN: Saturday - May 2nd & May 16th TIME: 9:00 - 11:00 am WHERE: Church (gather in the Gast Social Room) WHO: -Any current server who did not attend a session last fall (for a refresher and updated instructions from Fr. Mike). -Any student 6th grade and higher -Any student entering the 6th grade in the fall of 2015 -Any high school student -Any adult wishing to join the server corps (service at the request of the pastor) Be prepared by reviewing the Server Guide before you arrive and please be on time. Refer to the parish website ( involved/Worship/Altar Servers) for a copy of the documents: The Server Guide and the Order of the Mass. For more information, contact Wendell Willis at [email protected] Parish News Donald F. “Cuz” and Jane T. Klein Scholarship Endowment This scholarship endowment honors the Klein’s by giving away scholarships to individuals who embody their love of community, family and church. The scholarships will be given to high school seniors from Holy Trinity Parish in Lenexa. A one-time scholarship award made in accordance with the CFNEK distribution policy will be sent in the recipient(s) name to the college of choice upon proof of enrollment. Applications will be available through the Holy Trinity Parish office. Applications are to be filled out and returned to the parish office by May 30, 2015. The recipient(s) will be notified by telephone, announced in the bulletin and recognized at the annual Klein golf tournament. The name of the recipient(s) and college of enrollment must be provided to CFNEK prior to issuance of the award. 2014 Don and Jane Klein Scholarship recipients and their parents. Haley Humphry - Dave & Roxanne Humphry Catherine Spale - Randy & Martha Spale Maureen Graham - Tom & Ann Graham Molly Klein - Dan & Anne Klein Yo u t h S u m m e r T r i p Only 8 spots left—register now!! Join over 250 students from other parishes around the country for a week at Life Teen camp in Tiger, GA. Whitewater rafting, high ropes, obstacle courses & some of the best evening experiences of the faith and life stuff. Check out the ‘Camp Promo’ video on our website. This is the big trip! click here to register— Save the Date!! & your stuff for our huge youth ministry garage sale collections begin late spring/early summer Rockadilly Rummage JULY 30-AUG. 1ST 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Parish News BAKE SALE! Please satisfy your sweet tooth and support the 3 teams from Holy Trinity 5th Grade Destination Imagination Global Finals Trip to Knoxville Tennessee by shopping at their bake sale after each mass on May 2nd and 3rd. Thank you! 5th Grade Destination Imagination Teams Memorial Day Mass Schedule Masses on Memorial Day, May 25 will be 6:45am and 8:15am in the Stone Chapel. Mass Location Change Starting Tuesday, May 26th and running through the Saturday, August 15, weekday Masses and Saturday morning Mass will be held in the Stone Chapel. Come and See: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Evening Wednesday, April 29, 7 PM Atrium Space, upper level Fr. Quigley Center Have your children been attending CATECHESIS of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd GOOD SHEPHERD sessions through the HTEEC or school and you want to see for yourself what it's all about? Are you wanting to enroll your children in CGS and would like to know what they'll be doing in the atrium? Or, are you considering becoming a catechist or atrium volunteer and need to know how to get started? Come to our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Come and See event Wednesday, April 29 at 7PM. Holy Trinity catechists and CGS director Diane Olsen will be demonstrating some of the presentations given in the atrium, giving tours, and answering questions. We are blessed to have this beautiful program at Holy Trinity, come and see how you can take advantage of it and help it to continue to grow! Questions and RSVPs can be addressed to D'Arcy Haeusser, [email protected]. How to Register or update your contact information: Stop by the Registration and Information Desk in the Lobby after all Masses (except Sunday evening) or in the Parish Office during the week. For more information, call the Parish Office @ 888-2770 Come join the American Heritage Girls! Calling all girls entering grades K-12 in the 2015-16 school year! American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The Christcentered organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences to its members. AHG has a multi-level structure, which means that girls from all levels comprise ONE Troop and meet together as a single troop on the same day, but badge work and certain activities are done within age appropriate groups (units). This troop is open to all girls in the parish home school, public school, and HTS students - as well as girls in the surrounding area are all invited to join Troop KS0138! We will have open registration at our Troop Meeting on May 5th from 6-7:30pm at HTEEC's Large Playroom in the Fr. Quigley Center. Please come to catch a glimpse of a real troop meeting, learn more about AHG events and activities, or to register your daughter with our Troop for the 2015-16 school year! Registering now will allow your daughter to attend Camp Americana this summer - AHG's Catholic overnight camp at Prairie Star Ranch!!! For more information, contact Amanda Connealy [email protected] or (913)424-8874. American Heritage Girls are Walking for Life! Holy Trinity's American Heritage Girls will be participating in the 11th Annual Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center Walk for Life that will be held the day before Mother's Day on Saturday, May 9th. All families are welcome to join us in the family-friendly walk (less than 2 miles) that raises awareness of pro-life services in our community. The walk begins at the Foxhill Medical Building located at 4601 W. 109th St. and check-in begins at 8:30am. Strollers and dogs are welcome. Please join our team (AHG KS0138, Lenexa) by registering online or support our team by making a donation on behalf of one of our team walkers at Contact Jennifer Whalen at [email protected] for more information. Gift Shop Volunteers Needed We are in need of additional volunteers. Do you have a half-hour to spare before and after Mass? Every volunteer receives a 25% discount on gifts, religious items and most books. Please consider this great service to the parish. We are getting into the Sacramental and Wedding Season, so we will be busy and therefore in need of additional staff. You’ll find it fun and educational! Please join us. We’d love to have your help. Call Trudy Boynton for further information. (913-441-4361 – home) 6 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Stewardship of Time,Talent and Treasure Stewardship of Treasure Spotlight on Fiscal Year ending 06/30/15 Time & Talent Opportunities Offertory Collection Career Transition Ministry (C.T.M.) Annual Amount Budgeted $2,931,443 Week ending April 19 $34,723 Year-to-Date Collections $2,357,506 Registered families 2,689 Families making contributions 1,728 64% of Registered families Families with 2015 pledges 1116 Families using electronic funds transfer (EFT) 527 Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign Total Pledged (3 year commitment) Week ending April 19 Collections-to-date 77% of Goal Parish Building Debt $1,934,859 $3,062 $1,480,722 $4,863,680 What we do: Provide resources, networking forum and support to aid in the job search. Meetings normally held twice monthly in the South Café Room in the Fr. Quigley Center (2nd Floor) on the 2nd Wednesday mornings from Noon to 2:00 pm and 4th Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm or by appointment for one-on-one meetings. Please call to confirm, since dates and times my vary. Volunteer Opportunities: Set-up/clean-up, meeting facilitators and job search expertise. Time Commitment:: Varies. Training: One 1-hour interview and training session. KNIGHT LINE CORNER April 26 Attention First and Second Degree Knights A Major degree will be held at Sacred Heart Church in Tonganoxie (30 minutes from Holy Trinity). Be there by 12:30 P.M. Contact the Grand Knight, Donald Bronec 785 331-6363 And, contact John Johnson so we can arrange to be in attendance with you! Contact: Judy Ambler, 816-225-8610, [email protected] at Holy Trinity, we strive to use God’s gifts with wisdom! May 3 – Pancake breakfast 8:30 – 11:00 A.M. - School Cafeteria Out of respect for all that Fathers Edward and Vince do for the parish, we are hosting a fund raiser for seminarian (Joel Haug) of the Apostles of the Interior Life. Hour of Adoration is Thursday 3 A.M. Contact Mike Huerter to sign up [email protected] Practical Catholic men 18 years of age or older If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving your parish and growing your faith, the Knights of Columbus is for you. Contact us about joining and learn more. YOU ARE INVITED E-Mail [email protected] Grand Knight John Johnson Phone 816-935-7793 a Holy Trinity Threaders would like to THANK ALL who participated in the recent collegiate afghan raffle. Once again, the raffle was a great success and a wonderful donation of $1,000.00 from the event shall benefit the Holy Trinity School endowment fund. Each afghan included matching pillowcase and hat. The winners of the drawing are: KU-Lucy Herrera, MU-Kellee Hercules, KState-Chrissy Fowler, Benedictine-Judy Martin 7 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Weekly Calendar Pray for all Men and Women Serving in our Armed Forces and their families We especially pray for those in active areas of conflict: Lt. Col. Luke J. Meyers Maj. Andrew J. Meyers Col. Ronald Tucker, Jr. Spc. Elizabeth Mense Herzig Brigadier General David K. MacEwen Please send the names of those serving our country to: [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 913-888-2770. Thank you Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2015 Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration June 14, 2015, 2:30 pm, Cathedral of St. Peter To receive your invitation from Archbishop Naumann, please call the parish office (888-2770) and give us your name, address, phone number and date of your wedding. Church Is Locked in the Evenings Monday-Thursday 10:00 pm Friday 8:00 pm Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 pm If you need access to the Church beyond these times, please notify the Parish Office @ 888-2770. Monday - April 27 1:00pm Trinity Threaders - Parish Office Basement 3:30pm Destination Imagination - Quigley 7:00pm Boy Scouts - FQC Café Tuesday - April 28 9:15am 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Bible Study - Church Liturgical Gathering Room Legion of Mary - Church Liturgical Gathering Room American Heritage Girls - EEC Playroom Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel Folk Group - Church Wednesday - April 29 10:00am Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel 6:00pm Confessions - Church Thursday - April 30 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Women’s Bible Study - Quigley Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel Home School - Quigley Trinity Threaders - Gast Social Room Chorale - Church Bible Study - Gast Social Room Friday - May 1 9:00am St. Anne’s Society - Gast Social Room & Quigley Cafe 10:00am Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel 7:00pm Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel Saturday - May 2 6:45am 8:00am 8:45am 9:15am 2:45pm 4:00pm 6:00pm School of Faith - Gast Social Room Mass - Church Rosary / Devotions following morning Mass - Church Server Ministry - Church Confessions - Church Mass - Church Hispanic Mass - Stone Chapel Sunday - May 3 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 6:15pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Gast Social Room Korean Catholic Community - Stone Chapel Baptisms - Church High School Youth Ministry - FQC Listen Assist Improvements! Parish Office Information Bulletin Article Deadline: 10:00 am on Monday Send bulletin request to: [email protected] Please schedule all campus meetings through the Parish Office (888-2770), We've made improvements to our Listen Assist system to help those that have difficulty hearing during mass. If you'd like to try one out, please let one of our ushers or church ministers know. If you need further help, please contact Jeremy at 913-895-0646. 8 Holy Trinity Catholic Church AROUND TOWN Enrolling Families in Family Financial Transformation Program Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas in partnership with CommunityAmerica Credit Union Foundation is now enrolling for the Family Financial Transformation Program. The program is designed to help families break the cycle of debt by teaching fundamentals for financial freedom. Participants in need of a boost to achieve self-sufficiency can benefit from comprehensive financial counseling, financial education courses taught by Community America professionals, basic financial education targeted at children age 8 and older, and financial incentives to personal savings accounts and educational savings accounts for children. Catholic Charities can provide additional information or help with questions about eligibility. If you live in Johnson County, contact Logan Park at [email protected] or at 913.782.4077. If you live in Wyandotte County, contact Isaac Uzcanga at [email protected] or at 913.621.3445. Creighton University Spirituality Program Invites you to... A SILENT, 8 DAY, DIRECTED RETREAT-Where you can contemplate, reflect and rest in the presence of God. Thursday, May 28th to Saturday June 6th, 2015 at the Creighton University Retreat Center, Griswold, Iowa. Directors will be Christian Spirituality graduate faculty and graduate students trained in the contemplative evocative approach of spiritual direction. Space is limited. Final date to register is May 1st, 2015 $550 includes rooms,meals and daily spiritual direction. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your registration. For more info, contact Colleen Hastings at (402) 280- 2423 "Silence is God's first language" Advice and Aid Walk for Life May 9th, 2015, 8:30am at the Foxhill Medical Building – 4601 W 109th St Overland Park, KS. Register at: Use ‘Holy Trinity Church’ as your team name. 9750 West 87th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 TurnStyles’ Jewelry Sale – April 27th TurnStyles in Overland Park is having a Jewelry Sale on Monday, April 27th, from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Hundreds of sterling silver and vintage pieces will be available; previous one-day events generated $3500 in sales. Please consider donating jewelry you no longer wear to be included in this sale event. All TurnStyles proceeds go to support your neighbors in need through Catholic Charities’ programs. Catholic Challenge Sports Dig out those bats and gloves ladies and gentlemen….it’s softball season! Registration for Catholic Challenge Sports Softball league is now open. Games are on Friday evenings at 140th and Holmes starting May 8th. Grab a friend and sign up today! Catholic Challenge Sports is a community of men and women in their 20’s and 30’s with a mission of faith, fellowship, and service. For more information or to register, visit our Facebook page or website at Gourd Prayer Bowl Workshop May 23 Saturday, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Gourd art is an earth-friendly art, working with the forms the natural world gives us. Commune with your Creator as you create your own prayer bowl out of one of nature’s gifts, a simple gourd. You will learn to use the various tools and techniques used in gourd art. This workshop will be conducted by Sister Melissa Letts, OSB, spiritual director, facilitator for Retreat in Daily Life and a gourd artist. For more information or to register, call 913-360-6151 or visit Sophia Spirituality Center’s website at PARISH OFFICE: Office Hours: Monday-Thursday Friday Fax: 913-888-4403 Emergency Contact for after hours Priest Fr. Michael Koller, Pastor Fr. Gerard Alba, Associate Pastor Fr. Vince Huber, AVI, Associate Pastor Fr. Edward Ahn, AVI, Associate Pastor Deacon Stuart Holland Deacon Dana Nearmyer Shawn Malone, Business Manager Jeremy Heinen, Development Officer Tina Kuhnhoff, Administrative Assistant Stan Nill, Parish Life Coordinator Chloe Stodt, Music Director Joe Stumpff, Accountant 888-2770 8:00 am-5:00 pm 8:00am-4:00pm 888-6574 888-2770 888-2770 888-2770 888-2770 895-0606 461-6468 895-0602 895-0646 895-0603 895-0605 895-0682 895-0681 Leadership Councils Pastoral Council Chair - Jerry Immethun - 438-9577 Finance Council Chair - Mike Walsh - 339-9125 Marriage Preparation - [email protected] Marsha Holland Hispanic Ministry 895-0608 895-0684 Holy Trinity School Office Hours: Monday-Friday Fax: 913-438-2572 888-3250 7:30 am-3:30 pm Martha Concannon, Principal Katie Hamilton, Secretary 895-0610 895-0612 Holy Trinity Children’s Center 492-7380 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am-6:00 pm Mary Kay Scanlon, Director 895-0663 Youth Ministry - Kris Walters 895-0604 Mac Neal 895-0678 Meredith Hiller 895-0609 Christian Formation Kathleen Willis, Assistant Director Diane Olsen, CGS Coordinator Jeanne Wichman, CGS Coordinator Parish Boundaries 492-6068 895-0607 895-0662 895-0659
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