Shasta College Main Campus CIS 83 - First Class Handout Spring 2015 Course Number: CIS 83 Course Title: Web Design Using Dreamweaver Advisory: A grade of C or higher in CIS 70 or basic knowledge of word processing and windows Division: Business, Agriculture, Industry, Technology, and Safety Total Hours/term 27 lecture/27 lab Credit: 2 Units Instructor: Layne McLean Days/Times: TH 6:00-8:50pm Instructor Phone: 530-945-3309 Office Hours: TH 7:30-8:50pm Instructor Email: [email protected] No Food or Drink is allowed in the classroom – water only in sealable bottles. Course Information Web Design Using Dreamweaver CIS 83 Thursdays 6:00-8:50pm Room 2217 Layne McLean - Instructor Room 2217 Monday 7:30-8:50pm Instructor E-mail: [email protected] Class Website: Catalog Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to Web site development using Adobe Dreamweaver. It will also introduce the students to Flash, Shockwave, CSS and Dynamic Web pages. Note Students who take this course should be familiar with computer file storage and creation, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. This is an introductory course. Previous web design experience or knowledge is not required. Shasta College…A Great Place to Start! Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Plan and design a Web Site; 2. Add text to the Web Site and format it using CSS Styles; 3. Add graphics and tables to the Web Site; 4. Create a Navigation Bar; 5. Create dynamic Web Pages; 6. Add a timeline animation; 8. Create meta tags, library items, templates and forms Course Textbook Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Illustrated, 1st Edition, Sherry Bishop North Arkansas College in Harrison, Arkansas ISBN-10: 1133526020 ISBN-13: 9781133526025 312 Pages (Publish Date 9.8.2010) Readings or other resources such as videos, CD ROM, etc. (titles, required or optional, where to locate the resources will be provided) Electronic Resources (web sites, list serves, newsgroups, etc provided in class) Lecture, group discussions Grades will be based on class participation, classwork, unit assessments and final exam, and the final project. Participation & Classwork Unit Assessments & Final Exam Web Site Project TOTAL 20% 60% 20% 100% NOTES ON Unit Assessments and Final Exam: ALL TESTS WILL BE TAKEN IN THE CLASSROOM, DURING THE REGULAR CLASS PERIOD. Contract your instructor as soon as possible if you must miss a test. A make-up test may be given if you contact your instructor by the day after the test. Points may be deducted for late tests. By Department policy, anyone who fails to take the final exam will fail the course regardless of test average. A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 0-59 Shasta College…A Great Place to Start! Course Content Introducing Adobe Dreamweaver o The Internet And The World Wide Web o Exploring The Dreamweaver Environment Planning And Designing A Successful Web Site o Creating A Plan For A New Web Site o Creating Information Architecture o Designing A Web Site o Creating A New Site Adding Text And Formatting Text With Css Styles o Text Formatting, Hyperlinks And Html Tags o Understanding Cascading Style Sheets o Examining Code And Editing Css Styles Organizing Page Content And Layout o Understanding Graphics And Compression o Adding, Formatting And Editing Graphics o Creating, Modifying And Resizing Tables Adding Shared Site Elements o Creating a Navigation Bar o Using Frames Creating Dynamic Pages o Inserting and Modifying Layers o Adding Behaviors Creating Animations o Understanding Animation o Adding a Timeline Adding Rich Media To A Web Site o Understanding and Adding Flash Movies and Text to Web Pages o Understanding and Adding Macromedia Shockwave o Understanding and Adding Video Creating Reusable Assets And Forms o Adding and Editing Keywords, Meta Tags and Library Items o Understanding and Adding Templates and Forms Classroom Policies Attendance/Lateness Success in the course is dependent upon attendance; attending a class means arriving on time, coming back to class promptly from breaks, and staying for the entire class period. Any missed class sessions may naturally affect your performance. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. A student who fails to attend the first meeting of a course without notifying the instructor may be dropped from the class. In addition, an instructor may drop a student after the no record drop deadline (approximately 25% of the term) and before the “W” drop deadline (approximately 75% of the term) for excessive absences. Nevertheless, it is always the student’s responsibility to officially drop or withdraw from the class. Students who fail to file the necessary forms, even though they stop attending class, will be assigned a course grade. Shasta College…A Great Place to Start! Class participation Participation in class involves demonstrating an interest in the reading material and sharing insights with others in class discussions. All reading is to be completed by the due date on the syllabus. As a courtesy to your fellow students and instructor, please turn off all pagers and cellular phones for the duration of class. If you respond to a pager or a cellular phone in class, you will be asked to leave the class for the remainder of the meeting; furthermore, you will not receive attendance credit for the day. Guests and children: Only authorized persons are allowed in the classrooms. College liability coverage does not extend to guests or children and thus they are not allowed in the classroom. If a student needs assistance with childcare during class time, please contact the EOPS office. EOPS may be able to help with long-term day care; however, it does not provide day-care service on a drop-in basis. Missed exams or assignments Students will prepare for reading and writing assignment before class and will be required to participate actively in class discussion. Papers and homework must be handed in at the beginning of class on the day assigned. Late work will lose one letter grade if turned in after the due day, and I will give an automatic “F” after two class meetings. Unless approved in advance by the instructor (or with substantiated documentation), missed exams will given an automatic “F.” Drop/Withdrawal Policy This course is subject to the policy of “instructor-initiated drop” for excessive absences. Nevertheless, if the student decides to stop attending, it is always the student’s responsibility to officially drop or withdraw from the class. Otherwise, the ‘instructor initiated drop’ will result in an “F” for the course. Wait List policy On a waiting list, you are eligible for a place in class if you come to every class and if you turn in the work while you are there Being on a waiting list does not mean you are guaranteed a place in class. It simply means you are welcome to wait for an opening in the class if you desire. If no one drops out of the section you’re attending, no students can add. As a result, you should be aware of the last day to add and have a back-up class chosen if you need another class. This plan is especially important for financial aid recipients, who must carry a full load to receive their financial aid. Being on a waiting list does not count as a class toward your full load. Academic Honesty (refer to “Students Rights and Responsibilities in the Shasta College Catalog). According to the Shasta College Student Handbook and the Shasta College Catalog, there are a number of unauthorized behaviors that violate the campus academic honesty policy. Each student should become familiar with the policy. Shasta College…A Great Place to Start! Failure to acknowledge the work of other scholars constitutes an egregious breach of ethics and is a violation of civil law. You must, in all cases, do your own work, acknowledge sources, and document them appropriately. Any incidents of plagiarism will result in an “F” for the course. Also, the sanctions imposed by the College Catalog will be applied. If you have any questions about plagiarism, please do not hesitate to contact me. In other words, cheating of any sort will not be tolerated and will result in an “F” for the assignment, quiz, or exam. Student Conduct and Discipline In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct (Board Policy 5410) and the Student Handbook, students are expected to obey all California State laws and all Federal laws that pertain to behavior on a college campus. Shasta College’s jurisdiction and discipline shall be limited to conduct that occurs on Shasta College premises or that is related to school activities. Any student found to have committed misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Board Policy, Section 5420. The following statement regarding the accommodation of disability: If you feel that you will need academic accommodations in this class due to limits imposed by a disability then contact the Disability Resource Center (225-3973) to make the necessary arrangements. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation that verifies the disability and the type of limitations that may result. The Disability Resource Center has been delegated the authority to, 1) evaluate that documentation and determine if it is sufficient to justify accommodations, 2) determine which accommodations are appropriate, 3) facilitate the provision of approved accommodations. Shasta College…A Great Place to Start! Tentative Course Sequence - Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Date January 22 January 29 February 5 February 12 February 19 February 26 March 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 May 7 May 14 May 21 Activity Syllabus - Class overview and expectations – Review Past Websites created for class – questions/concerns Cover Unit A (getting started) – Supplemental Activity: “How Web Servers Work” – Skills Review for Unit A Unit A Test – Cover Unit B (creating a web site) – Supplemental Activity: Visibone Color Lab – Skills Review for Unit B Unit B Test – Cover Unit C (developing a web page) – Supplemental Activity TBA – Skills Review for Unit C Finish Covering Unit C – Supplemental Activity TBA Unit C Test – Begin Unit D (working with text and cascading style sheets) – Supplemental Activity TBA Finish Unit D – Appendix 1 (publishing a website) Unit D Test – Cover Unit E (using and managing images) – Supplemental Activity: Images for Websites - Upload “blooms” website to the SC server (graded) Unit E Test – Begin Unit F (creating links and menu bars) – Supplemental Activity TBA Finish Unit F – Supplemental Activity TBA Unit F Test– Begin Unit G (using css for page layout) – Website Project Rubrics Distributed NO CLASS (Spring Break Week - Holiday) Finish Unit G – Supplemental Activity: Dynamic Drive Begin Unit H (positioning content with html tables) – Supplemental Activity: Flash Slide Show Maker NO FORMAL CLASS (Unit G Test available on-line out of class) Finish Unit H – Supplemental Activity TBA Unit H Test – Cover Unit I and J (YouTube Videos) Last Day of Class – Website Projects Due – FINAL EXAM Last Day to withdraw with a ‘W’ on your transcript is April 24, 2015. It is the students’ responsibility to drop the class. Shasta College…A Great Place to Start!
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