There will be a class near you - Book today at www.theperformance

The Performance Net is a professional education company using Performing Arts as the
vehicle for building success and confidence in children from 4 years old to young adults.
This is how our Pnet Tutors weave their magic in our classes...
Learn the names of all students early and set a positive learning environment
Ensure to tell students the Learning Objective of each lesson
Catch students doing things right and praise them
Build on a student's strengths and then extend
Show enthusiasm about progress
Create opportunities to allow students to shine Reinforce social skills that will be of value to them throughout life
Treat children in a Firm, Fair and Friendly manner - and be consistant
“Creativity is intelligence at play” – Albert Einstein. One of the first casualties as we grow is the dulling of the imagination. Yet creativity is
highly valued in adulthood. The ability to think laterally is highly regarded - thinking 'out of
the circle' can solve a sticky problem, break a deadlock in negotiations, find a blue ocean of
opportunity. Just as regular exercise strengthens muscle, so too stimulation of the brain
helps to think more effectively. Inspired people are stimulated to act. Inspiration gets us off
the couch, makes us want to enquire and create. We get satisfaction and joy from achieving
that which we were inspired to do. More importantly the process, the journey, should be fun.
We all learn quicker when having fun. A child's spirit is hard-wired to be inspired. Let our kids
Dance for the love of Dance. Leverage confidence and nurture developing personalities in
the safety of an environment where friends laugh with them not at them. Performing Arts
classes at the The dovetail in with what is valued at school providing a
more holistic education giving that decisive edge for success - empower children early.
There will be a class near you - Book today at